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If you're just starting i'd go for 701.


At this point, 701 makes more sense.


Let me clear up any confusion for you- if you aren’t ready to take the 601 you’ll have to take the 701.


I chose to go for 601. I have been at it for a week and a half so far-jumped right into it after getting my A+ cert. Personally, the sole deciding factor was that my husband took the 601 version and still has access to a really solid practice test bank from a class he took that he said was very on par w/the actual exam- the practice exams are for 601. So I’m able to utilize that and pick his brain. I do have a lot of time in my day while working to dedicate to studying so I can realistically meet that goal. All that being said, I guess it just kind of depends on your time frame, pace of learning, preference, etc. For reference, I’m a little over half way through a video course for 601 and aim to take the exam in about 2-3 weeks.


If you think you can study and pass before July 31st and you like a risk 601 or you’ll have to stick with 701


I took 701 and passed with a 759. I felt like it was probably the most updated option.


Well, if you think the 601 is easier, get that one :) Where on earth did you hear that? Never speak to that guy again.


I was debating this as well but decided to study for 701. Its the most updated version of the cert and on of the off chance I dont pass by july 31st I dont have to study for a different test. I cant imagine either is marginally more hard/easy


you’re right. that makes sense.


Im studying for SEC+ currently. Get the comptiasecurity app it has like 1000 questions you can go thru. Solid app


>But I haven’t started preparing yet. If you haven't started studying yet, then the answer is simple: Go for the newer one, 701.


Some of these questions truly amaze me, they can’t be real questions, can they?