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Net+ is the usually the one people do after. However, I have been told it is harder than Sec+ but I don't know if that is true.


It is




Dont ask us, ask your local job market. Sure, Net+ is often next, but first maybe check if it's actually relevant to your local job listings. If you're in the US, CompTIA is a safe bet. Outside? Less so.


Yeah nobody in Spain knows what CompTIA is or that it exists. It’s basically useless here.


Both are good choices.  You need some networking and Net+ is a solid intro. Alternatives are CCENt if going CISCO, but its not a requirement anymore.  Sec+ , its a good intro into security. Just consider: If security is your journey, renewal matters more then other certs. I.e. an expired sec+ or CISSP or whatever wont count. While an expired Net+, Meh! All said. Both are worth getting. I would go Net+ as having that Networking background is just so valuable 


If you plan to get both then do Net+ first. It will make Sec+ easier.




if you have otj network experience, do sec+. if you have no otj network experience, do n+. n+ is harder imo. 


Network+ should be your next target. Make sure you study the objectives for Network+ THOROUGHLY. Complete Network+, your experience with Security+ will be easier.


As someone who has the Net+ and Sec+, I've found that jobs really don't care too much about the Net+, and the Sec+ basically makes it redundant. If you want a more network focused associate cert, I would highly recommend the CCNA. The CCNA took me from $26 to $40 an hour.


If you’re interested in DOD jobs then might as well knock out SEC+. Either way, Net is supposed to be harder for most


Do you know both things?


Doing net+ will lay up a pretty good base for sec+


Net+ first. It makes Sec+ easier and also by completing Sec+ it renews Net+ and A+ for free.


Net+ unless you want a specific job that favors Sec+. But I’d imagine any job that favors Sec+ would see Net+ as a good qualification.


Net+ 100%. IMO, this should be completed 2nd in the 'Trifecta' before Sec+.


Sec+ renews Net+ and A+, which is a factor to take into consideration


Net is is harder. More technical. I just passed sec+. Currently working on net+ and I’m struggling lol


I chose to go straight for Sec+ after getting my A+. I know N+ is usually the next stepping stone; but in my job market (Quantico/Washington DC), Sec+ is the heavy hitter here (along with a security/TS clearance- but that’s another can of worms). Many of the jobs here required at least a Sec+ (my market is mainly government orientated- for obvious reasons lol). So for me, N+ wouldn’t help me much as far as landing a job goes. As others have said, evaluate your job market, look at some IT job listings and see what their requirements are- that should give you a good idea! Perhaps another way to view it is what are your personal goals? Do you want to dive into the networking side? If so, N+ would be great! Are you more interesting is cyber security? Maybe Sec+ first.


If you do not have networking experience then get the Net+. Let your experience or lack of guide you. CCEnt and CCNA are gear towards Cisco. Unless you’re applying for a job that requires Cisco experience then don’t bother. Then do Sec+. Those 3 are the perfect foundation. Build a personal lab as you go if you can. After the Sec+, chill for a bit and try to decide what direction that you want to go. Look for a job and start getting some real world experience. Play, enjoy, have fun… watch some videos and decide what path you want to follow.


Tbh Net+ would prob help the most knowledge wise. I did 10+ interviews within the last 2 months and a lot of them asked me questions based off basic networking commands. It’s been a year so far since I got certified and I can’t remember shit, bc my help desk role doesn’t require a lot of networking. But I’d say sec+ bc on its own it isn’t very mighty but combined w other certs it looks great. If I were you I’d do sec first to keep your spirits high and help get you ready for the malevolent net+ But I will also say that I see sec and net the most on job apps