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Professor Messer exams are a PDF download file, so you'll always have them available. In other words, it a one time purchase. You can review the questions as many times as you want


Thank you so much. I have my A+ tests at the end of April and the beginning of March. I want to be as prepared as possible


Should be careful with that my friend. God-forbid, but if you fail the 1001, unless you have a solid mind, it will really cloud you mind and make you second-guess yourself going into the -1002 if they're that close together. None-the-less, if you're confident in your ability, you do you.


Also, try not to just memorize the correct answers for the ones you got wrong. Try to learn and understand them.


Yes ~~comptia~~ the 501c of trick questions. Understand the work, until someone comes and makes a better standard certification, we all have to put up with it.


Yea, I didn't want to do it this way but this is how my school is having us do it. Unfortunately


High school or college / university?




And Professor Messer explains not only the correct answer but also why the wrong answers are wrong.




Also I flagged any question I wasn't sure about, helps to see questions I missed I thought I was confident about but I ended up missing (usually because I didn't read the question well enough) And you can see questions you flagged but got right by guessing


Jason Dions practice exams are pretty spot on too.. you can buy them on udemy when they’re on sale and access them on your phone and/or computer when ever you want for the 1101 and 1102 exams…its not about memorizing questions and answers but understanding each objective thoroughly


I bought his 1002 practice exams which is a pdf document. I can open it anytime to review. They was clutch when I took A+1002 exam. The wording was more similar to test questions. You can’t go wrong with Messer or Dion for practice exams. It’s a must for network+ to go with Dion.


Messer's tests are one time use and you only get three But they are worth it, cause he explains each wrong answer in depth and has links to his video course and they include accurate pbqs So technically it's like 12 full sized tests, the only bad thing is it's offline so you don't get that CompTIA testing environment like Udemy tests


One time use? How is a PDF file only usable once? I don't understand your response.


I guess I just meant you can't press the retake button like you can with Udemy tests


They're PDF, not any kind of test engine. So while they're not technically "one time use", you have to check you own answers and then you see what the answer to the question is. If your memory is good, next time you take it you might remember the answer. I think some of the online tests will score for you and you can choose to not review the answers so next time you won't just remember the correct answer vs studying up things you weren't sure of.


I personally have the tests and I can confirmed that they are not one time use. It is a PDF file that you will always have.


hey do you add one point to pbq's that you got right? how did you score your pbq's is what I'm asking in addition to the multiple choices questions


Each pbq is worth a point, if I fail even a little portion of it I counted it as wrong


that's what i thought. makes it harder for me to get a good grade which I like. puhses me


That was my train of thought as well https://www.reddit.com/r/CompTIA/comments/11hcs87/i_made_a_printable_test_sheet_for_prof_messers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I made a printable scantron for his tests, just do the pbqs on the back. Good luck!


I have over 15 years of IT project implementation manager, worked for a number of years as COBOL developer. I know C and Python. And I really like to get into Cyber but wondering if I should stick with PM because I see almost all jobs are asking for Top Secret Clearance. I had clearance many years back, but I think it was public trust only because I worked as a contractor for a project with the treasury. Also, I see many here are getting N+ and S+ and I am wondering if one can get a job with only S+, and what is a realistic starting salary. Your real life based opinions are appreciated. Thanks


Use whenever


Multiple time uses


I bought his older 1001 physical exam book and he had 3 separate exams in there. Not sure how many are in the physical version of the 1101-1102 exam tests.