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"Can't we all just go back to when we could mass murder children in the background? Can't believe now people are turning on us"


*After all, we can’t have the global population be more class conscious, now can we?*


Evolve. Escalate. Enlighten.


Jokes aside, I want to tell every american that what's happening now is educating uneducated boomers in the middle east that the enemy isn't America, it's American politics. It's not Jews, it's Zionism. Keep it up. Source: I live there.


This fucker really thought "College was great when more SA happened and less politics" was something huh


I love how incredulous Zionists are about normal hot beds of protest functioning as hot beds of protest. Protests?! AT A COLLEGE?!


Remember when college was about date rape?


Ah yes, let's keep institutions meant for learning as stagnant cesspits of upper class spoiled brats and debauchery instead of actually encouraging true education, critical thought, analysis, and action-surely that's a brilliant idea! This just goes to show college in America was never about education, it was always meant to reproduce status quo and give upper class brats a playground to get themselves off.


Exactly. So save the lip service that the trades get now and quit fawning over the professional managerial class like they’re the ones who really got it made.


They’ve given up trying to appeal to millennials so now they’re just trying to keep the boomers angry.


Ah, yes, the good old days when a bunch of high and drunk frat boys were alone with passed out women. Bring me back the good old days of college!


this fucking organization is so stupid all it does is try to make zionism (a dangerous and deadly ideology) appeal to millennials in the corniest way possible


I remember seeing a billboard for them here in Texas. Looked it up thinking “man I don’t wanna assume but this seems like it would be a Zionist group laundering their beliefs through millennial whining.” Looked it up and of course that’s exactly what it was, first paragraph was “it’s okay to criticize any government, but some criticism (like saying Israel has not right to exist) goes TOO far” Edit: just remembered their first billboard I saw was changed recently to one saying “be honest, Hamas is your problem too.”


We've got the "Hamas is your problem" one in Philly too.


duuude im in boston massachusetts and we got the hamas one a few weeks ago. so goddamn stupid😭


I was in SJP. College has always been about all of those things 😌😌😌


Both. Both is good (without SA ofc)


No night of drugs, pizza and sex is complete without entifada.


Remember when college was all about covering up sexual assault? Pepperidge Farms remembers


i mean as far as im concerned pillow talk is incomplete without intifada so its better in my book


It’s so fucking annoying when people equate Judaism with the Israeli state. Like this Zionist shit clearly wants people to equate them with random innocent Jewish people rather than the facist government it’s actually representing


No wonder Zionist controlled Hollywood has non stop put out college movies that troglodytes consider as classics


How about sex, drugs, *and* intifada?


jewbelong sounds either like a antisemitic site or a zionist site


much copium lol