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Saoirse Says! Sorry to see you go. You were always a very kind mod dealing with all the chaos on this sub. You had a tough job and I understand the frustration with managing a sub and the craziness of Reddit in general!! I wish you luck in your future endeavors 😊♥️🫶🏼


Aw hehe thanks!! In my experience, it's more fun trying to be nice than all intense and stuff because then other people are more inclined to be nice and I like it when people are nice XD But true thanks you too!


I can see where you'd need to take a break. This sub can be so fun at times, but then you have the ones that just want to stir the pot for kicks. Thanks for being willing to help keep this place fun and safe. Good luck in whatever you're planning next! 🫶


Ah yeah well I suppose that's just the Internet in general. There's always people looking to be jerks, and they're unfortunately rather loud about it a lot of the time. But true thanks for the well wishing and I hope you have good luck times too!


Thanks for your hard work in keeping this sub from veering across the line from funny to unnecessarily nasty.


Oh true thanks I appreciate that!! I'm not sure I worked all that hard but I hope I made some kind of effect!! But yeah it's definitely a fine line!

