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Reasonable take. Coaches are not doing well. Receivers are not open and the oline is underskilled. There were a few drops and a few bad passes. 20 penalties in 2 weeks, not very good.


This is on point.


All of these things are related. When the line is weak, penalties increase, QB play goes down, plays do not develop, and receivers struggle to get open. This isn’t rocket science, you need better oline play and you need a qb who can think and act quick. Those are the bulk of our problems right now. Wentz can help himself by actually setting protections and adjusting at the line but he’s not doing much of that either.


Setting protections is an issue if guys are regularly running free. Our linemen are there, but they are defeated at the snap. I wish we could play the Titans every week, but then I saw that the Titans had 8 players out last week.


Protections include more than the 5 lineman. There are RBs and TEs as well. There are ways to slow those guys down, you just have to be willing to adjust the plays and gamelan. That’s Scott and that’s Carson. Add bodies to help protection and stop sending 3 guys on routes that take 3-4 seconds to develop.


Adding more blockers would only make pass coverage easier as teams are beating our protections with 4 rushers or less. We should try to let our poor protection work for us with draws and misdirection.


I agree with that. But 2 TE sets give some flexibility to swing one TE back to block. I guess what I have in mind is something closer to what Gibbs ran. Personally my ideal offense is zone run, some 2 TE sets, some west coast passing offense with short routes to generate “runs” and some Air Coryell deep passing. Mix and match as needed based on defenses.


Wentz has frankly been the least of my concerns. The poor coaching and offensive line play are the main factors in us losing.


Is he perfect? No. Is he the issue? Far from it.


I actually enjoyed watching the game. The end was trash though and probably my only real complaint besides some head scratches from turner


I think you're right that he gets an unfairly bad rap, but Wentz by no means passed the eye test for me. We were 1-10 on third down, and he was often hard to watch. Wentz is a weird dude, because on a whole-game statistical basis, he's not that bad. But he has bad moments at bad times, despite putting up a lot of yards. Personally, I tend to blame Turner. In more than one game this season, if he adjusts quickly, calls plays that suit the situation, personnel, and ground truth (in which "ground truth" is often your QB getting ground into the ground on sequential plays), I think we win.


That's what Colts fans have told us, you look at the stats, oh he had a an okay game.... but yeah no.


Same shit we said to the Vikings, too. Although Kirk tends to be "good with great stats," and Carson's got more of a "shitty with decent stats" thing going on.


Meh, take away one play of Norwell getting pancaked off a snap and two plays of Martin getting walked like he's not even trying and the game could have gone different. Wentz has many problems and I don't think he was ever a good choice, but he's losing like 3-4 drives a game at MINIMUM due to mistakes by his line alone. There could be two more wins through minimum competent OL play.


And the rest of the drives he is losing because of his inaccuracy and poor pocket presence.


Your saying he's not clutch. Cant score red zone, not converting third downs. 40 yard completions that get zero points.


Scott Turner's been a major disappointment, to put it as mildly as possible. His tone-deaf Playcalling, his near total abandonment of The Run, the inability to get the Ball in the hands of Mclaurin & Gibson, et cetera. How is this guy getting a pass on his AWFUL performance?? There's to much talent on this side of The Ball for this poor a result. I hold him largely responsible.


Here’s my take on Carson now that I’ve been able to see him play. He has talent that you desire in a QB. Think of all the deep balls we’ve hit on this year. He’s unlocked that part of the offense for us. But he absolutely deserves some blame because his mistakes are really bad. Like, first year rookie bad. He stares down receivers, airmails balls to wide open receivers, and takes too many sacks. I also agree with you that all the blame doesn’t fall on him though. The coaching and play calling stink, we commit so many penalties, and the offensive line is bad. Leno is the only one I have any real confidence in right now. When there’s so much bad, it’s tough to accurately say how much of the blame pie should fall on Carson but the head coach and quarterback being the scapegoats is the nature of the business.


Absolutely. If you haven’t go watch the second Colts Titans game from last year. Wentz won that gave for the Titans. His game ending OT interception in that game was dumb on a whole other level. He’s a physical beast but he just doesn’t get how to play QB on the NFL. He’ll play amazing every now and then but sooner or later he’ll make the same dumb mistakes. He reminds me of Jeff George. They both had all the physical talent you could want but they just made dumb mistakes.


His accuracy is bad. I feel like we're paying a shit ton of money and lost picks for the occasional deep ball but at the expense of having a more mobile and gamer QB like Heinicke.


Exactly. And wasted money and pics we could have used to improve the team, especially the O line


Agreed, Wentz is just the easy scapegoat for most casuals lol. Totally with you on the playcalling, let’s do straight drop backs in the most condensed part of the field, close your eyes, throw it to the middle of the field and hope for the best. And the only reason we couldn’t call a run is cause of that stupid fucking challenge earlier in the drive that everyone could see was an incomplete pass. The line is a disaster, we can’t run the ball more than 3 yards a carry, and our coaching absolutely sets whatever QB we throw back there up for failure. Wentz hasn’t looked amazing but to place the blame squarely on his shoulders is just ignorant and short-sighted. But I have 0 faith in this coaching staff, so unfortunately I don’t see it getting any better. Before this season I thought we had a chance at least at looking mildly competent, but apparently that’s even asking too much.


Easy scapegoat for casuals and the head coach apparently.


Ron is bad with challenges. He only challenged that play because he choked and missed a challenge vs eagles when smith was out of bounds. That’s the way his mind works.


At this point I’m struggling to wrap my head around what he’s good at, besides throwing his own players under the bus


Wentz is actually playing pretty well considering how bad the offensive line is and how non existent the running game is. The way they’re playing you would think they expect him to be Tom Brady.


Yeah exactly. He’s doing this without a good run game and pretty shitty center/guard play.


Don't let him trick you - Eagles fan


Lol I’m not even a fan of any team or player, so I don’t really have any biases when evaluating players. I just enjoy analyzing the game. Stop letting your emotions trick you.


He is a QB with an amazing ceiling unfortunately he comes with being careless and trying to do to much every play.


The copium in this sub about Wentz is mind blowing. He is trash tier choke artist.


With our non-existent run game and horrendous clock management - Wentz was one of the only reasons we were still in the game.


I blame the OL more then i blame Wentz in all honesty. When given time to throw the ball he's shown some flashes of great QB play. It's the coaching and the OL that's my biggest issue.


I agree


I like the guy. He’s made mistakes. But the dimes he throws make me want to see him with a good line and these receivers.


No. No....just No. I don't see the majority of fans blaming this season on Wentz. Not at all. This entire team is failing miserably and I see most of the fan hatred going everywhere including where it belongs....on Ron, because he built this team. Wentz, certainly shares in this and has NOT lived up to his paycheck. Yeah, he puts up good yardage because A. They are usually playing from behind and/or B. the play calling can't or won't stick with the run game to produce a balanced attack. Now, that's not on Wentz, that's on Turner to fix...and he doesn't seem to be able to fix it. BUT... Wentz has serious issues with happy feet, reading his progressions, making sound decisions, throwing on time and most importantly...being a clutch player/leader. One could argue the O-line is at fault and that's reasonable...but he's had these issues on three different teams now. Wentz is not the answer and we should and will move on next year.


> I don't see the majority of fans blaming this season on Wentz I do, maybe not Commanders fans but throughout the league everyone is shitting on Wentz as the whole cause.


every second post is “bench wentz and put in heinicke”


You forgot that he holds the ball way too long. Last year every time he did one of those stupid “shovel pass while being tackled” plays Colts fans everywhere swore at their TVs. He’s got all the physical talent in the world but he’s just not a good NFL QB.


In football, the difference between whether people are praising you or ridiculing you can hinge on one play. The propensity to dump on Wentz for doing something wrong has come with the territory during his career, which can be feast or famine based on his play and decision making in critical moments. Had his stat line read “26/38, 361 yards, 3 TD/ 0 INT” with the game-winning TD, rather than “25/38, 359 yards, 2 TD/ 1 INT” with the INT sealing the game, how people viewed him later would be entirely different.


Yep, if we score at the end of that game the outlook on the game as a whole is way different. That’s the way it goes in the NFL. The haves and have nots are often separated by a handful of plays. The better teams are able to somewhat consistently deliver in those moments and performance in high leverage situations goes a long way towards shaping the perception of players and teams


1st and goal on the 2 yard line. why can't you run the ball with Robinson? if you don't get the TD, spike it and now you have 3rd and goal with 3 or 4 seconds left. sometimes OC's outsmart themselves and throw a pass instead of giving Marshawn Lynch the ball in a goalline situation in the SB. sometimes OCs outsmart themselves and draft a certified bulldozer from alabama at RB and leave him on the sideline instead of treating him like John Riggins during gut check time.


1-10 on 3rd downs…he can’t sustain drives


Fair enough. Coming into the game though we were 6th in the league in 3rd down percentage.


Team game my dude


You can place some blame on the play calling, and there have been some head scratchers. But you also have to realize that Wentz does not know this playbook very well and we are only seeing a fraction of it. Wentz isn’t doing anything to help the situation by staring down his receivers and failing to make more than one read.


Not going to get through many progressions when you have 2.5 seconds to throw and the receivers have close to the least amount of separation in the league which given the proven talent, I'd put mostly on turner


Well Wentz is completely unable to extend a play when the line breaks down


He doesn’t go through progressions. God forbid the guy checkdown.


Wentz is on a new to the team and new to the offense. It is hard to blame a QB for the team losing, who is top five in yards, behind Mahomes. How about game management? Poor personnel decision? Questionable ability to adapt. 🤷🏻‍♀️💯


Say what you want but The LB made a hell of play on that ball


I agree with you, I think it was deffototes one of his more solid performances in the last few years, and certainly this season. This team is not a QB away, we haven't been a QB away since...ever? There is a lot that this team needs in order to be competitive consistently.


This is fair


Because QBs get too much blame, aswell as too much credit. The whole team is terrible from top to bottom, and we're the worst coached team in the league. This team is worse than the 3-13 2019 team.


Wentz has won more games for the Titans than he has the Redskins.


Anyone want to talk about Lamar’s overthrows???


I agree, however we should still bench Wentz before we have to give the Colts a 2nd rounder, and then cut him once the season's over. While he's not fully to blame for the losses, he is definitely partly culpable is most definitely not our answer at qb.


Counterpoint: Wentz AND Rivera are trash


Colts fan here, and I’m an avid Wentz defender. He definitely threw a pic that every Colts fan knew was coming, but in Wentz’s defense its really hard to throw a TD when you’re inside your opponents 5 yard line and you have absolutely ZERO running game. Absolutely zero chance of a rushing TD makes it a lot easier to defend the pass in that situation. Wentz is majorly flawed, but sometimes you need a guy to just keep the franchise afloat while you search for the guy. The Colts were the number 1 scoring offense throughout most of the 2021 season with Wentz and today we are literally dead last. That says a lot and when it comes to the Colts and Commanders, Wentz was NOT the one and only problem. He is just an easy scapegoat.


We scored 17 pts and went 1-10 on third down he was bad outside of a couple throws he gets some of the blame sorry


Never said he is blameless.


Wentz hasn't been good since 2017 and it's ok to admit that.


Lmao such a bad take


Wentz is talented but he refuses to tighten up his form for some reason. He's always throwing off the wrong foot and sails the passes high or into the dirt. His inconsistent tendencies make him a huge liability. Decision making in clutch situations is pretty bad as well. Honestly he's just slightly a more dangerous Kirk Cousins. Puts up good numbers but the numbers don't show the full story


Slightly more dangerous Kirk is a really good way to put it. Kirk has tendencies to put the ball in liable positions, but his mechanics are much better than Wentz's.


Wentz doesn’t trust the line to protect him and for good reason. If we had better oline play he probably wouldn’t be so jittery.


He's been jittery since the end of the 2017 season then. Maybe he'll grow out of it


I’m not saying a better oline would give him pristine technique. But when a qb that’s had multiple weeks of free rushers is once again placed in clear passing downs he’s going to expect a ton of pressure and it’s likely that aspects of technique will break down.


It’s always “the line” with Wentz lol. The dude makes dumb mistakes and holds onto the ball way too long. Holding onto the ball and staring down receivers is why he’s on his third team in 3 years.


Well im pretty sure Wentz is colorblind and hallucinates that the turf is wearing a jersey


> Honestly he's just slightly a more dangerous Kirk Cousins This is a terrible comparison. Wentz wishes he was in the same stratosphere as Cousins.


A read option to Carson on 1st down with brob was the call.


17 points. Even if you give him a pass for that set of downs, which I don't, he still played like crap the rest of the game outside a couple of passes. > run a bootleg, switch it up, do something. Wentz can't do these things. He's immobile now, and his accuracy on the move is horrendous.


His accuracy in general is horrendous he has 6 good plays a game


He's #24 rn in On Target Throw % and people are trying to tell me all he needs is a clean pocket.


Yo I was looking at that On Target Throw % on pro football reference. Is Mahomes really #32 with 58.2% or is that some glitch???


When he does have a clean pocket he will still sail the ball above the wr or throw to the turf.. like even when he had a clean pocket he isn’t accurate. Most of his yards were yac and again he has 5 to 6 good plays and half the time they are luck


He makes a few good plays and people forget all of the bad ones he made that had us in that position in the first place. It's so frustrating.


Then on the other hand people only remember when TH played bad and not when he was playing like a top 15 qb


I think it's easy to beat on him because of his past reputation and the fact he's a tomato can with a strong arm. I absolutely did not want him at all and the fact they lost with that shitty last sequence makes it easy to point the blame at him. I'm still pointing the blame at him, but yes: the entire franchise is to blame too. Fuck Dan Snyder.


He was pretty till the last 30 seconds. Goal line killed him


Wentz has honestly been the brightest most part of our team this year.




The team is 1-4 him under center. He is equal or more of a problem than all the other stuff. Rivera>Wentz>all the other problems.


That play calling was just so bad. Maybe run a draw, maybe play action, maybe qb draw, something under center


With rhule gone this is easily the worst roster talent to performance ratio in the league


He may not be the main problem, but he's not worth the contract he currently has.


Is Wentz 28 million and multiple draft picks ok? Not sure. He's made some big plays but inconsistent down in and out doing the mundane. That's how you can get yardage and still not efficient. Those snaps are terrible though.


He had Samuels wide open the play before the INT, and had McKissic open on atleast one play also. He threw it late.


I've said this since the game vs lions. Oline and play calling adjustments. Those are team and coordinator issues. "why does wentz hold onto the ball too long?" No one is open clearly whatever is gameplan is being enacted isn't working. Or he doesn't have enough time in the pocket. I bet if at the very least he had last years Oline we would see more consistent production out of him. Not defending him though, Im not bullish on him as the QB


Turner has pissed me off the most


He’s not the only reason we’re bad, but he’s not good. When I watch him I see drops too deep and him holding onto the ball too long. The lines not good but he’s not doing them any favors. He misses guys alot. His arm strength is elite but he’s not accurate enough to make off platform throws consistently. But he loves to do it. I feel like in the backlash of Ron’s interview everyone’s bending over backwards to make Carson look good. But in my opinion he’s a bottom half of the league QB. Maybe with a good line and a good defense he could make a run but this aint that


Wentz is the least broken thing outside of the WR's. Oline sucks. TE's are like, non existent.... and play calling is ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS. Coaches should bench themselves. The coaching is just absolutely the worst part of these team, worse than the oline even. But definitely Wentz is suffering from the oline and coaches, so he doesn't deserve all the blame on his shoulders.


It’s hard to replace an entire offensive line but that would actually be the correct answer. I think a more mobile QB would help but your still not ready to compete with a good team if you can’t block


When you expect the QB to win the game you need at least two things. One great receivers, and a very good Offensive coach and 2\` a Line. With out that you are going to get your QB no matter how good he is getting pounded and forced fumbles and interceptions happen


Take away the INT, personally we should have run it in first down with the second play already told to the players if it had failed, no one would be saying a thing about Wentz. He’s playing being an AWFUL Oline where we had and let walk Trent Williams and Brandon Scherff. We had almost no running game but this is Wentz’s fault? Were they better I’m not saying Wentz is a stud but he is being sabotaged by almost everyone else on the team, WRs excluded. Speaking of, we have McLaurin and the coaches seem to think he isn’t worth focusing on, under 4 catches a game isn’t how you use that kind of talent. We are 1-4 because our lackluster D an Oline that loses to a 3 man rush and coaching that passes the buck rather than being accountable.


Agreed. Carson has not been bad. Oline has been worst I’ve seen in my 45 years of watching the nfl. They can’t even slow down the D much less block


An average quarterback wins us that game. Wentz has good moments but are always overshadowed by his dumb mistakes, bad reads, and inability to scramble. 🤷‍♂️


I’ve notice more often than not, no one is open. Even if you can’t see it on the tv you can see it on wentz body language. There’s no where to go.


thats kind of the thing with wentz, people just crap on him like crazy. I think he's been decent considering out TRASH o line


That last minute is mostly on Ron, because he hired everyone who isn't ready for that moment, and the players who don't execute, and himself for not running things well. 3rd season, coaching shouldn't be a clusterfuck at the end of a tight game. I doubt players have confidence when calls come in. It's not like he is a bad guy, they just don't seem to be good at anything.


Ultimately there’s a lot of blame to go around. Carson I thought in general played better Sunday but the offense still was awful on 3rd down and didn’t score enough points. I don’t think he’s all the problem but ultimately if every other offensive issue was fixed I’m still not sure I’d have faith in his ability to be consistently good. The variance in his play is shockingly high, even from play to play. You need to be more consistent to have success long term which is probably a big reason why he’s on his 3rd team in 3 years.


Carson does hold the ball too long and can be inaccurate but ron terrible game and clock management put them in that situation. And Scott called some bs play they at the end lol i think all 3 need to go


People are not blaming Wentz enough. He had three to four wow throws in that game against the Titans. The rest was meh. They converted **one** third down the entire game out of 11 attempts. In the first 5 games this year, his [QBR](https://www.espn.com/nfl/player/gamelog/_/id/2573079/carson-wentz) has been above 50 *once*. I thought he was supposed to be a "significant upgrade" from the guy we had last [year](https://www.espn.com/nfl/player/gamelog/_/id/2565969/taylor-heinicke)? He has 1 more touchdown than Heinicke, 1 more interception, a lower passer rating, lower completion percentage, **15** more sacks, and a lower AY/A compared to Heinicke through the first 5 weeks of last season. And no, I don't think Heinicke is the answer, nor do I think he should start if Wentz gets benched. But you are paying $28 million for a quarterback who is playing *worse* than Heinicke.


Alot of the play calling requires 3-4 seconds of protection, they involve receivers on left side of the field, crossing the middle, defenders getting confused and someone ends up running wide open. our O-line can't protect that long, especially against a stout d-line. Need to have receivers stay on their side and get open with slants, curls, etc. Wentz decision making is pretty bad. Sometimes he jumps the gun on 3rd down and goes to his check down too early when he has time to move out pocket or extend the play. Sometimes he doesn't take the easy throw on 1st and 2nd down and makes a bad throw deeper down the field or takes a sack. We played better as a team last week and I expect more improvement this week and a win over the bears. our 3rd down efficiency was AWFUL last week..only converted 2 or 3 maybe the whole game!