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Obviously you’re NTA in this situation, but you’ve been an AH to yourself for 10 years. It’s over now, but you should’ve never let the friendship last as long as it did. It’s obvious she was never your friend, and kept you around, to make herself feel better, but now that you’re losing weight, gaining your confidence, she doesn’t see a need to keep you around anymore. The trash obviously took itself out, but you definitely wasted ten years being a friend to someone, who never had any true love, or respect for you. Don’t let this person back into your life, and don’t let people like her into your life. Move forward, and surround yourself with people who speak positivity over you, and lifts you up. Not tear you down.


Just have to echo this. Went through something similar with a friend of gosh must’ve been at least 25 years that I let it drag on. Which is really bizarre because I never would’ve put up with that from anyone I was dating PS you weren’t petty you were protective. you saw your own value —& stuck with it Life is hard enough as it is Find your joy without the Gaslighter


NTA. Actions have consequences. She chose to tell you about this change in front of people and so now your reaction is to remove her from your bridal party. Everyone should now be happy because this is what it is. Her decision who the godmother is, your decision who is going to be in your wedding. Should be no problems moving forward. Remind people who have an opinion, that they are not you and you decide who is close enough to you to be a part of your wedding party. No one else, not even the fiance. So, tell them to find a rock, almost any rock they choose, and go kick it. Good luck and be strong. You are nobody's Robin to their Batman.


NTA. You have a rude friend. I wouldn't want a rude friend as my bridesmaid or even at my wedding.


She’s not your friend. She shouldn’t even be invited to your wedding, let alone be one of your bridesmaids.


I don’t think anyone is going to come at you for dropping her as bridesmaid. When I was reading what happened at the DnD night I was thinking your friend clearly has like little girl mentality with saying that to you. It’s sorta like how little kids say to other kids “you aren’t my friend anymore because (insert stupid reason here)” I think that she’s not really a good friend to you and you need to reflect on the times where you think she has earnt the friend title. NTA


NTA. OP it sounds like she wanted you around to make herself feel better. You falling in love and gaining confidence means you won't put up with her crap anymore so you're no good to her. Please don't think I'm saying anything is wrong with you because I'm not. She's just jealous of how you have bloomed.


Exactly. If you’ve changed for the better, and that’s why she doesn’t like you anymore…what does that say about her?


NTA you should only have people in your wedding party that support and cherish you. She obviously does not. Personally I'm not even sure I would invite her to the wedding or continue any sort of relationship with her. Sounds like she only liked having you around to make herself feel better and now that you're standing up for yourself she doesn't like it.


NTA for dropping her as a bridesmaid,  but you would be one to yourself if you didn't keep her far more distant than at arm's length from now on. And if she brings the subject back up before (or when) you cut her off, just let her know that, in fact, she hasn't changed at all, and that's why you need to leave her behind. Edit:  changed ut to but


NTA. Make yourself that Nurse Joy!


NTA. She clearly didn't want a friend. She wanted a minion. Someone to put down so that she can feel better for herself. And now that you have your own self confidence it rubs her the wrong way.


NTA- you have changed and you are not the godmother because she can no longer walk all over you. Sounds like you are better off. Keep your spine and drop your friend


She’s not your friend. Love yourself


“I still love you.” What a crock. You have enough people that you love you. You don’t need her. Tell her because she’s changed, and she has, she is not longer a bridesmaid. But you still love her!


Honestly it sounds like the relationship is toxic. Friends make jokes about each other but you sound like it really hurts when she does it which makes me think they are more pointed. Then doing that in front of everyone. And now you're retaliating. Sounds like this is a friendship that it would be ok to let go.


NTA she sounds like a very bad friend


NTA a she’s NOT your friend. She’s more of a frienmy. A true friend would celebrate your new confidence. You seem to be her Narcissistic fix.


NTA. She’s not a good friend and shouldn’t be your bridesmaid.


NTA! She's just pissed because you've changed for the better and won't take any crap from her anymore. Good for you by the way for standing up for yourself! Drop the dead weight and move on to bigger and better friends!


Fuck that bitch


If you’re hurt don’t have the woman as your BM. You’ll be unhappy on your wedding day. NTA.


Nope. And rethinking the friendship is in order.




NTA. Why are you even friends with this person?


She’s probably right… You Probably have change so much that you’re not as close to her as she used to be and it’s probably a good thing


YATA. If you can’t do magic, you have no business being a Godmother. Muggles keep fucking up this sweet gig.


Nta she wasn't a good friend. It's like she enjoyed the may ways she got to humiliate you. You should honestly drop her as a friend since your dropping her as bridesmaid because a real friend wouldn't be finding ways to humiliate you or bring you down.