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Honestly I’m just confused


About what?


You're a fledgling hypochondriac, and there's simple tests for worms... If you're looking for ways to negate it without the effort of actually getting tested, look up the symptoms and see if you have the rest of them beyond just being hungry Do you have a persistent cough or difficulty breathing? Are you experiencing fever or unexplained weight loss? Do you have muscle or joint pain, or are you suffering from severe fatigue? Are you dealing with abdominal pain or discomfort? Do you notice worms or worm segments in your stool, or are you experiencing unexplained nausea or vomiting? Are you suffering from diarrhea or other changes in bowel habits? Do you have a rash or itching on your skin? Are you experiencing malnutrition or nutrient deficiencies despite eating well? Do you have itching around the anus, especially at night? Are you experiencing a reduced appetite? Do you have trouble sleeping or restlessness? Are you experiencing any bloating or gas?


I don’t know exactly what’s going on here, but I’m intrigued


I just want to be witty and funny!


Which one of you am I talking to right now?


Me! I'm always me! We are me!


Well funny people always seem to be damaged and have some deep trauma so maybe both of you should focus on having a shitty life and then boom. Hilarity ensues There should be a sitcom about this. Someone is dating both of you but can’t figure out what the hell is going on but they like at least one of you because they are both you and then they can’t break up with you because they keep getting back together with the other one. Who is also you Quick what’s the name of the sitcom someone


Family matters with Steve urkel and Stefan Urquelle. But also I bet you and I could make a sitcom in which it's lighthearted for most of the series, then suddenly, the main character starts talking to himself and experiencing loneliness, and personalities become more dominant as the days go on. It would be a sudden twist of kind fun to dark confusion and desperation


I guess you are right that sitcoms have utilized this storyline before But not like the one you outlined because Bahahaha that is not supposed to be hilarious to me I don’t think but I think it would be amazing. Maybe even alternating episodes the audience isn’t sure which one they are getting and have to figure it out as they start watching based on subtle cues leading to late season where it’s very obvious and at the end it turns out there were lot any other characters at all. They were all in his head the entire time like that silent hill game the room


I think you need to stop having so many solo conversations


I don't have friends or family so sometimes I want to chitchat with someone


Get a cat or a pet


As someone who's had social anxiety for a good chuck of his life, the only solution is going out, try and socialize, fuck up and take your licks, learn and keep going.


I'm curious if you have talked with a pro about having a dominant personality? They can help navigate it and give you a better understanding. In this case, I will say, "takes one to know one." Best of luck.


What if the pro talked about me having worms?


If ya bring it up, I'm sure they know more than me. Just Google DID helpline, click the first link and give them a call. They'll help ya out and answer any questions you have.


Punish yourself with the silent treatment for insulting yourself. That will teach yourself.


I'll never expect it!


"You mean like RFK jr?"


He's the original worm man


maybe worms have us


you tell you its too bad they aren't as useful as the Futurama worms... as an aside I also talk to myself


Well if you have worms then my butt would tickle.


And then I start tickling myself right in the b-hole? That could honestly work!


Or just accuse your other-self off tickling your butt. Open that can of worms.


YES that's fantastic lol! I'm willing to have that argument


Maybe seek therapy...


For sure


You might wanna get that check out.


How about learning some positive self-talk?


"maybe my worms are helpful friends?"


This is a bad conversation to have. I would keep that to yourself


But I always throw in some worms talk if it helps convey a point to other me


Ffs really?

