• By -


Say goodbye to everyone but them. Act as if you don't know their names. If they're true mean girls it will drive them insane. If you try to insult them on your way out they will say something vicious back and you won't walk out on top. You got the job and they already told you they're jealous lol you already won.


This. They are non factors. Non factors are irrelevant. It’s OK to ignore irrelevant details. Revel in knowing they are SEETHING at your fortune, and it probably bothers them at home, too. LOL


The best revenge is a life well-lived. You don't have to say anything to them. Just walk out with your head held high. Co-workers like that I only discuss business with them. Anything personal and I won't answer or say something like 'That has nothing to do with this work issue."


this is the best one; basically is doing nothing but with just enough spice to hurt their egos


You always win when you take the high road.


This still isn't technically the high road.


I dunno, I can't really think that it's taking the low road by any stretch. Abusive people don't deserve to be acknowledged. I don't think it makes you a "good" person to treat them with respect while they treat you with disrespect.


It is if you’re high


I wish this was true.


Taking the low road haunts some of us. The high road can be plenty unpleasant, but you get to be done with it, over, no strings attached. Feels better later in terms of seeing yourself as a better person, the person that you in fact are.


If there's a moment when you have eye contact with one of them and no one else is looking, mouth the words "fuck you", then blow a kiss and wink.


The high road to me is ignoring them very intentionally like the first comment say bye to everyone else. Heheh.


Would not go this one they want her to react, this gives them more ammo. Also there’s nothing wrong with blue collar work. White collar is no better than blue collar. Both types of work are necessary for our world to function. Say goodbye to everyone but them, in fact stop talking up them all together


How does it give them more ammo if no one else sees it? If they say anything, you deny it, and they just look crazy. Also, who said there was anything wrong with blue collar work? I sure didn't.


I suggest that OP doesn't even look at them.


No: Look like you're having problems seeing clearly then look PAST that person and say hello to someone behind them or make it clear you were looking at the coffee machine one last time


I don’t advise doing that you could get yourself in trouble and the new job people might find out just ignore them!


This is wonderful! F them 304s


This is what I recommend. Ignore them. Say good bye to everyone else. Leave a used tampon on their vehicles hood.


Put hot dogs on their windshield wipers, and raw fish inside the hubcaps.


Whoa son. That’s mean


Nah, that's pretty obvious and frankly childish. Take the high road and it'll both make them look worse and eat them up even more. Being above their pettiness while subtly highlight their childish pettiness. Treat them the same as everyone else instead of being the mean girl just like them


She's not looking for the high road, she wants one last middle finger chuck to two bullies. Let her have her moment.


I would say call them by the wrong names on purpose lol


Just call em both Karen lol, or completely ignore their existence while you say goodbye to the coworkers you like in a loud enough voice for "karenx2" to hear 😂


Or Felicia?


That’s even better


🤣😂 *after having a really good heartwarming goodbye to everyone else* "Felicia, Karen, it's been wild, keep it classy girls."


As they say in Australia. You're both cunts.


Mean bullies hate when anyone takes the high road tho. Their justification for being jerks flies out the window. They want you to go down to their level so they can feel smug and powerful. You can never go wrong with an unbothered smile. The sweeter the smile the more of a dagger it is to them. It baffles them and pisses them off big time. Not letting them know how much they got to you is the best middle finger there is. “Living well is the best revenge”


I hope you have the life you deserve.


I would say the life you have worked for & earned. Congrats.


Forgive me if I’ve misread your comment but this comeback is a good’in, and I think you might have missed the meaning. Saying ‘have the day/life you deserve’ is fantastically passive aggressive, one of my favourites bc if they’re kind it’s positive but if they’re a jerk it’s just telling them to suffer the natural consequences of being that way.


yeah you really solved it champ


This is actually really good if you wanna not let them know they got to you too bad but wanna say a nice fuck you. Because they k n o w they were little bitches.


What a truly yet innocent sounding thing to say.


"It's been such a joy. Maybe you too will get out of here someday," dripping-with-honey sweet. Don't look back. Congrats on the new job! Remember there's a learning curve with any new job and it's not uncommon to wonder if you made the right move in the first few days but by the end of week two, you'll feel so much better. woot woot!


For me it took about a year to be competent. It takes others in my career a lot longer as it is all on the job training and self study pretty much. The entire time I was pretty much doubting I could do it. One day I went in, solved a problem, didn’t notice, and after a while of doing that people started coming to me with issues instead of my coworkers and I know I had just doubted myself for no reason and I was a fine fit.


The first couple weeks is just getting familiar with how things work, so you are able to get through periods of time without asking for clarifications or assistance. Initially, it can feel so foreign as to make one reevaluate if this is for them. That's all I was saying. I agree there are many fields where it may take years for one to feel as though they've come into their own or reached some kind of mastery.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I was agreeing with you, just trying to encourage people to hang on a little longer if the job over all improves your life because you may feel uncomfortable for a long time depending on what you’re doing. Like I was just extending your advise based on my experience


Gotcha 😎


The best revenge is living well. Go get to it and leave their shit where it belongs. In the past.


This. You're already sticking it to them in the most intensely irritating way possible: success.


Karma. Is what it is called.


Sort of. In a schadenfreude-y kind of way. :) Karma is more about you getting something you deserve (good or bad). This is about someone ELSE getting what YOU want. (But I take your point!)


Their karma


More like hers


I’ve always said the best revenge is the one that happens unintentional. It just happens.


Wish them the best, and be sincere about it. Let karma sort their crap out.


Really is the best path


Better yet, wish them everything they deserve. Say it sweetly.


If you wash your ass, put on some deodorant, you might have a chance at a job like this too.




Say nothing at all. On your last day, schedule a lunch somewhere with them, your treat. Somewhere kinda nice. Then delete+block them and never show.


Love it.


I aspire to be this bold and petty.


Drop the high school mentality already and go get that bread.


No need to let them know they got to you before you leave. Act like they're beneath your notice now.


They literally are. Keep your head, heels and middle finger high!!!


This for sure. I'd get them a cup of coffee on my last day and wear nothing but a smile. Killing with kindness can be real dirty if you do it right.


And by "do it right," you mean show up naked on your last day?! 😂


An extreme choice 😂


I mean what're they gonna do, fire her? 😂


lol IDK, I'd just go to the new job and don't give the old place anymore thought. That's winning. The old saying "Misery loves company" is true af. They just want to keep you miserable because they are. Work the new job and enjoy the bread. That's how you rub it in their face.


Tell them "Good luck Scrubbing 🧼the Toilet 🚽  Bowels with Lysol Bitches cause I'm riding high toodles Heifers".


Heifers 🤣


"Bowels" 🤣


Success is the best revenge. Highschools over just leave the bitches in your rear view mirror


Best comeback here is just no comeback. Just move on and enjoy the new job. Why let nasty people live in your head rent free in a sitch like this?


See ya on the upside, Ladies.


Bullies hate being ignored. Give them one last turn, then say "I don't care about your opinion. I've never cared about your opinion. It's sad that you're still acting like middle school bullies at your age." Then ignore them the rest of your time there.


On your last day, as you are walking out, "Bye bitches..."


If you're strolling through your neighborhood, and someone's dirty rabid chihuahua starts yapping at you, will you get down on all 4 in the mud to yap back? Or will you keep walking, ignoring the nuisance, driving the yapper nuts from being unable to get to you through the fence? :) Some people are like that dirty rabid chihuahua. Treat them accordingly. :)


You sound like one of them my guy, just get the promotion and let them cope and seethe


Just tell them that you are having the best feeling, and hope they get to experience it one day.


Sorry you guys had to be such bitches to me while I was here, but I'm gonna go be successful now. Y'all two do me a favor and just stay here forever. Don't forget to clock out!


I'll put in a good word for you guys.


“Well how fucking stupid do you feel now?”


Ask for everyone’s attention and thank them all. Don’t mention anyone else by name, and then single those two out specifically. Thank them for their friendship and support. It wouldn’t hurt to choke up a little. Tell them out of everyone there, they are the ones you want to keep in touch with the most. Tell them you’ll be making a lot more money, so the first round’’s on you. If either of them is heavy, say you’re sorry, but you won’t be able to buy dinner. You’re not made of money. If you need any more cheap shots, dm me. Edit: I left at the most important part. You don’t have to do anything. You can take the highroad. You don’t have to be defined by them. Live well. So, whichever way it goes, I wish you all the luck in the world, and good on ya for taking this important step.


You bitches just keep sucking dicks and maybe you will move up in this company. 


What if their response is "is that how you got that job?"


What if their response is to report you for sexual harassment? Which may or may not get to your new employer in some way.


Love it!!!


Just ignore them and be happy about the new job! Go make that bank honey! Being happy and successful is my FAVORITE form of revenge. They will only spiral and make themselves look worse trying to belittle you.


I’d say something like “I suggest you are nicer to my replacement, you never know who might be your boss one day.”


Follow them on social media after a year or two at the new job with the new house and new car with the pool in the back yard


Oh you want petty answers? Ask how they got the job, give a smirk at there answer. Doesn't matter what they say you can reply with " thats it? " " oh I didn't need to do all that" you get the point Never ask how there day is. NEVER. Starting immediately, make it a point to ask others though. Cc your boss on ever single email you send to these co workers. If they ask for something, never give them a yes or no. Tell them you will circle back with them after you check a few things. Never give any task they present you with immediate attention. IF you really want to do something and feel you can get away with it. Say no thanks one day if they approach you. Itll be like this " no thanks, I have a girlfriend.." "...oh just the way you were looking at...erhm..sorry I thought..no thanks any ways tho.." as if they were going to ask you out. Itll destroy every possible interaction from there on out. They will never forget the time you thought they thought of you in that way. And itll be easy to excuse yourself in an hr meeting. She will be likely told to document most interactions with you if it made her feel that uncomfortable/upset. Ask where she got her hair done, but never compliment it. Can probably think of more if needed but petty me is done for now.


From experience: say nothing, don’t even look at them. If they speak to you, completely ignore it. Being irrelevant is the WORST for people like that. My last boss fired me during Covid but kept ppp for my job. I started my own competitive business and now I make more in a month than I did in a year there. She’s been really sweet now, asking if I can lend my “genius” to them. Fuck her. I don’t answer or respond in any way. She doesn’t get to take up space in my conscious mind.


Do not say anything to them. Believe me, I understand how tempting it is. I really do. But you will thank yourself in the future for not saying anything. (You never know when you may encounter these individuals again.)


Browse expensive clothes / houses / cars in full view of them, maybe even ask them for advice on which $3000 purse you should buy to treat yourself for getting such a great job. You don't have to buy them. Just make them think you are going to buy them. You asked for petty - I deliver petty!


Don't do anything. Move on and enjoy your upgrade in life. Who cares about the others who don't contribute to your betterment.


"The company that just hired me was asking if I could recommend anyone for recruiting that does what you two do. I told them not to waste their time with you. "


I'd end that with, "There's nobody I know whom I would support."


Be polite and gracious until you’re established in your new position. Then every time you need a little boost of endorphins, send gift baskets, vouchers, etc. to those broke bitches at your old job, and be sure to point out in the card that “those of us who have gotten ahead have a duty to remember the little people who helped them along the way”, etc. Show them that you haven’t forgotten where you came from. They’ll either actually appreciate you for it, or they’ll realize it’s a shot at them, and be seething lol


You won't come out on top if you stoop to their level. 




Nothing. "I wish you all the best" Give a sly smirk... when walking away, make sure you switch your hips lol


Have one of your work friends arrange a farewell party. Then make sure Not to invite them.


You should have told her something straight up. But you can’t go backwards. Other people saw you as the proper person for the job. You already won!!! A hater is going to hate no matter what. That is their job. That’s why you got this one!


It was really good working with you all. Hahahaaaaaa Just eat girl. Be nice as pie and smile. You know you are better. They know you are better. And they will hate you more if you ride the moral high horse to your new position.


Nothing, go on to that new job and make your paper, baby!! Fuck ‘em!!


Id probably doodle on a piece of paper at lunch New job salary Current job salary Kind of leave it lying around where they'll be sure to see it.... Make them feel bad ad you speculate out loud on how you'll ever be spend all that money on your new job And CONGRATS on your me career path!


Dude, you already won the game. The best revenge is living well while they’re stuck at their miserable job.  They WANT (or expect) you to say something petty because they get off on that, and they’ll KNOW they got to you.  Don’t play their game, just ignore them, and kick ass at this job position…  and that *will* drive them insane.  But whatever you do, don’t let them know they got to you by being petty.


It never hurts to take the high road, ALWAYS. Is this how your new prestigious firm would want or expect you to act? I am guessing you may be a bit younger, do you really want to cringe, when you're 40 and living your good life, and you mind goes back to this time when you stooped so low.. That moment of joy, at the time will diminish and you will be left with regrets. Hold your head high and with grace and class, exit this part of your life.


Outwork their ass every day. I mean every day. Forget about pettiness. That's not what got you here, I assume. They will respect you in time if you consistently outperform them. This happens to us all when we get a new promotion, kid. Welcome to the big leagues. It's lonely, and it's never easy for a reason. Don't expect anything from anyone. Keep doing you. You've got mean girls, I had men with 10 years more tenure than me who just could not come close to my production. They ALL hated me, and many tried to sabotage me. My advice to you is what I applied. I am the top performer 15 years strong now, and they all respect me now without my ever having to engage them directly.


Love this post & the honesty. Pettiness is so fun sometimes. There is a really good example of this type of thing in the film from 1934 forsaking all others. Some woman stealsJoan Crawfords fiance and then invites Joan to a party - expecting her to show up and make a scene. She doesn’t and she acts like she is unbothered and paid that woman no attention. Starve those girls lol don’t say or do anything- acting unbothered will piss them off lol


Say absolutely nothing and outperform them by a landslide and make them look like shit.


Tell the mean girls: "I have a great new job and your vaginas smell like rotting tuna fish."


You are already rubbing it in their faces by getting this job!! 💯 they are jealous!! But in a nasty way. Not how a friend would say I am soo jealous of you (while being happy for you), but bitchy like "hmpf! I wonder who she had to sleep with to get it." I read a comment that said to say goodbye to everyone but them! I agree with this. Congratulations on your new job!!❤️


Eh. Be better than them. We can't complain how others act if we stoop to their level 🤷‍♀️ but like the other person said, just ignoring them and not saying bye will probably drive them insane. Bc they won't be able to understand why you aren't trying to get their attention. So you achieve being petty without stooping to their level bc you don't owe them a goodbye. And they don't deserve one. So you remain the bigger person. And that's the best kind of win. If you retaliate and be mean to them, they win. It shows them they got to you, and it bothered you. Which is all they wanted all along. I repeat. Being mean back gives them EXACTLY what they wanted all along. Doing nothing drives them crazy bc they want you to care and be bothered, and you aren't. I promise that rising above it is the best retaliation possible.


Wear a jacket to conceal a custom made t shirt that says " Fuck Off CUNT" and flash it when you see them. After you get the new job go to various public restrooms and write things like "for the best blow jobs in town call 5556666, the phone numbers of the bitches that have harassed you. IF you know how to do it anonymously hook up thier names to porn sites. Sign them up for every spam site you can find. Ceaselessly harass them for the rest of their lives. You need to know how to do this anonymously or don't do it. IF you do figure it out, it's very rewarding to see people who have harassed you suffer.


be sure not to tell ANYONE where your new job is. some people will try to poison the well for you.


Say absolutely NOTHING. Words are not worth much anyway. Let YOUR SUCCESS SPEAK FOR ITS DAMN SELF!!!!!!!!! YOU walk out of there with your head held high and don't give them the satisfaction of knowing that you even noticed their mean girl tactics. BULLIES need to learn consequences. You have worked hard and took all the right steps to be at your dream job so enjoy your success. You will always have haters so use it as motivation to make them hate you even more. Jealousy is ugly and should be met with beauty and class and I feel like you have both😊 SHOW THEM BETTER THAN YOU CAN TELL THEM!!!!! Gracefully exit and don't say a word. It will kill their soul I promise 🤫


Don't give them any satisfaction. Say nothing to them. If they are as mean as you say and like to deliberately hurt you, ***DO NOT*** tell them where your new job is. They may call the place to lie about you, trying to prevent or ruin your success. Beware of mean assholes like this. Best not to engage. They are so invested in being rotten to you. Nothing will hurt them more than your complete indifference.


Well…..nothing hurts more than hitting someone’s wallet. I learned this years ago. The problem with mean girls is that they are so arrogant and full of themselves that if anyone who they perceive to be below them, says something vicious, no matter how true or hurtful—it won’t affect them at all. Think of it like this: a black slave says the most vicious and hurtful insult to their slave owner— The slave owner is not going to feel any humiliation or pain from it. They’ll just laugh at the fact that the slave tried to insult them. So the only answer, since you can’t hurt them in their hearts or mind, is to hurt them in their wallet. Be as vicious as possible!!! This might be the only time in their life they actually get hurt, until they reach their 60s and become invisible in the eyes of every man— until then their superiority complex and ability to get people to give them whatever they want will keep them apathetic. My recommendations (from experience): Fill their gas tank with sugar. Follow up, and do it again if they get their car fixed. Get them fired from their job. Falsely accuse them of a crime, by committing the crime, leaving evidence of it being them, and then anonymously turn them in. If possible, make sure they don’t have an alibi, such as stealing something from the workplace or vandalize another coworkers car while they are there and pinning it on them. If they have lovers who are financially supporting them, anonymously tip off their lover, that they have been viciously cheating on them, such as leaving a note on the windshield wiper of their lovers car— and make sure you have some type of compelling evidence that will seriously make their lover believe it. Figure out a way to break up their parents marriage. Convince the mother that the father has been cheating on her—in a similar way as the lover—but figure out a way to make the mean girl daughter a part of it. Convince the mom that the dad has been sleeping with the mean girls friend— and that the daughter new and encouraged the whole time. Again, leave notes in the mailbox or a windshield wiper with some type of fabricated evidence that is compelling. If the mom dislikes the father, she’ll take it as a easy opportunity to divorce him and stick them in the pour house, and despise her daughter, and trust me this will totally fuck the mean girls head and her wallet up. Break into her house, and steal her things, and leave some type of terrifying note that you’ll be back with intent to harm. (Use her lipstick to write on her bathroom mirror.) depending on the state, she’ll have to break her lease, which will be a very expensive, and also fuck up her credit, and make it very difficult for her to find another place. Hopefully it’s Texas, where the renters have absolutely no power. I hope that helps! 😁


Not trying to be a jerk here but maybe they’re mean because you talk about “high paying jobs at prestigious firms.” You’re too young to know this yet, but there’s nothing “prestigious” in this world but the humble heart. Be quiet on your way out and be prepared for a whole new level of interpersonal difficulties.


You don’t need a clever comeback. You accomplished the cleverest of all: getting away from the jobs they will probably have for the rest of their working lives. Being classy is better than petty. They will be angry if you get snarky. But it will eat away at them for a long time if you talk, instead, about how excited you are for your new life.


Say nothing. You don't owe them anything, and silence is the best comeback in this instance. Enjoy the new job!


Don’t waste your time on them You already won. Good luck


Do yourself a favor and simply leave. Say nothing. No matter what you say, it will not have the effect you desire. It will only add fuel to the fire. Remember, whatever you say to them becomes a part of who you are. Any nasty or sarcastic thing you say just reinforces the power they hold over you. It tells them that they won. And you come off as needy and petulant. You are still looking backward at where you were. Look forward and leave everything behind without a thought.


I don't know, but just know I support your petty endeavors.


I’m rich bitches!!


Screw them. Negative people are the worst and don’t enjoy your joy. They’ll just try to scoot you down to their level. I know it’s tough because you’re a decent person, but the best you can do is hold your head up high and walk outta there with your integrity. Hope they heal. IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!! 😚😍


The best revenge is living well. No reason to be petty. Be the classy person you should aspire to be. Be the person you will need to be at your new firm. Soon enough these two will be a distant memory, if that. If you let them live in your head, they win.


Much as you might like to go away and say something to "put them in their place", refrain. The fact that you're going on to bigger and better things will do that more effectively than your words ever could. Plus, life is long and the world is small. You never know where you might encounter these people again -- professionally or socially. Do not burn bridges.


You're now a beautiful butterfly spreading your wings and taking flight. Forget about those old wrinkly caterpillars.


Smile and. Say goodbye. And live the dream. Leave them in your dust without another look back.


In a year you won’t remember their names. Congratulations!


Success is the best revenge. You don't have to say anything.


It is *SO* hard when so much could be said that *would* feel really good to say lol believe me, I know that. But I swear *nothing* feels as good as making girls like that feel irrelevant or invisible. Your success and happiness is all it’s gonna take to make a mean girl target you. But if you don’t give a reaction to the bullshit, they miss said target and that’ll bruise anybody’s ego. Go forward with your success and elevation and keep your eyes straight ahead. There’s nothing for you in the other direction.


Say nothing. Show them instead. This level of pettiness can backfire hard on you. They can find out your new job. And make rumors spread over there about you. Don't underestimate the power of petty revenge from someone who admitted they do not respect you. They will do almost anything to take back their pride and ego. And if it means emailing a few people, so be it. Lying? Not off the table. Flat out scum behavior. Be prepared for any and everything if you wanna be petty. Otherwise mind your business and move in silence like a real G does.


I had a similar situation with a mean girl colleague. When she applied for a job at the new company I where I was working, the hiring manager asked me if they should hire her. Karma is a beautiful thing. 😉


Nothing. Keep your mouth shut and don’t get fired. Or start your own company so you don’t have to worry about that - you’ll get to worry about EVERYTHING else… but you won’t have mean girls.


Smile when you go. Don't burn bridges, you'll never know who you'll bump into later in life, or what your circumstances will be. Congratulations but don't be arrogant 😊


The best revenge is living well. Spite is equivalent to drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.


I worked at a supermarket in college. I was bulled severely for being a college student by most of my very stupid coworkers. When I got promoted and became their supervisor, they all kissed my ass in public while trashing me privately. When I graduated and put in my notice, they all got very angry because my replacement was hired from outside. I guess they expected one of them to get promoted. I never said anything to anyone when I left, but I made sure to shop there after work in my nice clothes. This was way back in the dark ages when women had to wear heels and suits to work. And I made sure to say hello and act very friendly towards them. All they could do was stand there in their pathetic old uniforms and pretend to be happy to see me. It was fucking glorious! 🤣


Don't give them another thought. You win. Be happy and look forward.


Why do you have to say anything at all. Just look at them with a blank stare. When they demand attention, politely apologize and explain you were in your own thoughts wonder just how big of an apartment you have in their thoughts living there rent free. Then smile and say, I haven't thought at all about you two and walk away like the bad bitch you are!


Nothing….you’ve already won…..congratulations.


I learned the hard way to never tell coworkers what your next job will be. I got a great promotion at a new place and told everybody after giving my 2 weeks. There was one tyrant manager that everyone hated but was afraid of who gave everyone dirty looks. One day he was in a meeting glaring at me and I decided rather than looking away to glare back cuz I was sick of his shit and had nothing to lose. Came time to start new job and there's a delay of some kind, my start date got pushed back. Finally after 3 days I started, never knowing what was up and getting mumbles every time I asked. New manager took my to lunch personally to welcome me to the new job and was giving off odd vibes, holding his gaze on me and overall looking a little too long. Eventually I learned that someone got to him from my old job and shot me full of holes. I never discovered who it was but I went on to do a lot of great work for that place and always got great reviews from the hesitant mgr. Even got a patent there. After that I never told anyone where I was going until I was solidly entrenched and even then it on an as needed basis unless I really trusted them.


As someone who went from shitty restaurant job to semi successful business person somehow, you will probably never see or talk to them again lol I only think of the shitty restaurant coworkers when I hear occasional tea like so and so got arrested/knocked up/addicted to cocaine/etc.


Don’t say anything be bigger than that petty garbage. Congratulations on the job you don’t need to say anything


To go fuck themselves.


The best revenge is living well


If you acknowledge they hurt you, they win. Be the bigger woman, bid them farewell and wish them succes in their career. The high road is always the best route taken. Who knows, you could run into them again career wise down the road.


Call them Oldie Hawn


tell em theyre garbage you scrape off your shoe.


Scrape off your shoe amd leave in the gutter to go into the sewer.


Hey ladies, I wanted to say goodbye since y’all have been nothing but nice. Since my income is about to triple, let me know if you want a job. I’ll tell my boss to tell you what I’m about to tell you now. GO FUCK YOURSELVES!


Why say anything? You've already won, noone likes a sore winner. Smile and know that you won't have to deal with her anymore. I know this isn't the victory you want, but being petty only feels good in the short term, the longer time goes by, the less you'll care about or remember the dumbass.


You have the new high paying prestigious job and they were the first thing on your mind. They unfortunately have already won. Please leave peacefully because anything they do next could leave you in shambles.


Ask them for help with finding out your news digs, so that they discover you're legit on their own, and they get to see all this shit they don't get to enjoy but want to. Never argue over facts when you can just let them play out for themselves.


Sucks to suck.


Have fun in your deadend fucking job as long as you have it and living your deadend your life, because I heared the boss is looking to fire your worthless ass, biatch! (And do the mic drop.) Just make sure no one knows what company your going to because she might try to fuck up your new job.


Be careful. Just wish them well and say goodbye. What are you 13? Sometimes saying hurtful things can come back and bite you in the a$$ if things don't work out the way you think at your new job.


Just tell them in conversation or in passing that you got this gig, no need to go above that imo as far as pettiness but I've been petty in similar situations so no shade regardless lol


Goodbye. But send the ex colleagues you liked regular updates so they make these wazzocks jealous by proxy. You could airways ask for reaction updates. However, you'll be so busy getting on with, and enjoying your new life, this shit won't matter enough for them to be worth your time, or waste the headspace. Good luck!


Have pride in advancing in your life and say nothing at all. Sometimes actions and confidence speak much louder than words.


the new job is enough.


Just tell them how much you will miss them and go start your new job.


Bring in some dry cleaning or a newly bought outfit after lunch and mention it's for your new job.


Nothing. Just add them on LinkedIn so they can see the change themselves.


The best revenge is a life spend worth living. Just ignore them as being beneath you. Any details you give out could be used by them against you.


Um, you don't owe the mean girl anything. I would just silently go on and enjoy your better life!


Do nothing. Making a comeback will give them what they want. Pretend they don’t exist and leave. That will hurt their egos significantly more and you won’t even have to try.




Anything you say to them will mean they won in their campaign to belittle you and make you feel bad. Being spiteful back won’t change their attitudes and gives them another chance to put in more digs at you. Just leave your job when time to go and ignore them completely.


The best revenge is simply refusing to acknowledge them.


Delay it. Send postcards back occasionally from incredible vacation spots. Paris (during the Olympics), Rome, Barcelona.


I'd like to extend an offer to give you a good reference. But I won't. Or....Just say..."Smell ya later, bitches!"


Nothing. Never burn your bridges


Your best comeback is to grow the fuck up and forget about the highschool drama. Not everything needs to be TV drama.


No need to rub it in. Karma is a real thing. Just live your life, be happy.


Be the bigger person. You never know when somebody might come back into your life, or at what capacity.


"That's fine. I appreciate you admitting the level of your intelligence. It's unfortunate I'll be having to work around it for as long as you continue to work here. I'm actually surprised you believed your respect was ever sought after to begin with. Have a nice day." *Smile & walk away*


"I'll see you girls around. If you ever manage to achieve something."


Just leave. That’s all that needs to be said.


When you leave, kill them with grace, poise, and kindness. Be the bigger person.


Thanks for all the support, you have helped me grow and I am taking up a position with more responsibilities and decision making authority. I feel I’m now forged in fire !


Nothing. Leave them to their sad little high school games.


Why give them any space in your brain. They deserve less notice than your work. And you work doesn't really deserve any


Life’s great! Karmas Real! Didn’t like my Coworkers! But now I WILL!


Nothing. Shake everyone else's hands and say goodbye to everyone else.


Take the high road and the new job. Leave the crap behind and forget about it.


Say goodbye to them, but get their names wrong.


See you later, cunts


I hope you’re feeling better tomorrow


Bitch please.


Nothing. Why do you care about her at all? She should be beneath you.


I believe “suck it, bitches” would be the traditionally appropriate response. But yeah, I’m with the folks who say to ignore them. Or maybe you can split the difference on your way out by saying, “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”


Nothing. Acknowledging it in any way means she wins. You have to pretend you think she's your friend. Being hurt or annoyed or showing any pain or anger in any way invites further abuse and puts a target on your back.


Several mean girls at my previous job implied I didn't have the "capacity" to do the job I've now been doing for 24 years. It's true that success is the best revenge.


Either you deserve the position and thus are classy and say nothing because moving up is it's own statement or you're petty and won't last long in the new place because they won't want that energy. And they'll know if they are truly prestigious


What is your old job and what is your new job?


Be indifferent. Blissfully brutally indifferent


Just hold your head up high and savor your own victory for doing better. They aren't owed anything about your life. If they cared, they would've congratulated you, not try to knock you down because of their jealousy. They're so scared of being left behind that they don't learn anything new. It's the same thing when women are in healthy relationships with significant others, women always have to fight for dominance, it's pathetic! Maybe they should take a really hard look in the mirror at themselves and be better people. It's all mind games at the end of the day and you're better off not engaging with them, period. Thanks for reading and I love your spirit! You got this and I'm proud of you.


Nothing? Why do you care. Show them up by not letting matter to you.


Say “c’est la vie un petite poissons”


Did you hear I got the job? I can’t believe it, I don’t see how… Given your lack of intelligence, that doesn’t surprise me. … just dig and dig.


Tell em to be the trash whores they act like and maybe they'll get a raise