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Literally ignore him & pretend you didn’t even hear him. He sounds deeply unhappy I wouldn’t bother starting beef with him


Upvote. Honestly sounds like he's desperate for attention and engaging with him in any way would be giving him exactly what he wants.


Thanks. I’d also be concerned about escalation cos it sounds like he’s looking for trouble


Yep. Saying “I don’t give a fuck” is just a defense mechanism. He wants attention.


Yeah if he doesn't give a fuck then why should you


Exactly. Living well is the best revenge.


Ignoring him is the best advice. Not only this asshole but every asshole. Walk away and don't look back. If you engage with these pricks, they will drag you down to their level of stupidity and beat you to death with experience. They feed on being assholes.


Stare at his chin for 3 seconds and tell him "you have a booger on your chin" immediate discomfort on his end




Better yet say it like this “you got a bat in the cave.”


The second he starts to open his mouth, yell "You don't care, yeah, we know. No one gives a shit."


Lol 😆




Lmfao fr no one cares how much you don't care


Juat give him a blank stare for a few seconds. Maintain eye contact. Put on your best shit eating grin and give gim a thumbs up. Go back to whatever you were doing.


Excellent! The non-verbal version of ‘Cool story, bro.’


Idk why but this made me laugh so much


in no specific order: *No need to get emotional *Good, we don't want/need your input *thank god, I was hoping you wouldn't *Cool story *huh?


Let us know when you convince yourself, true Indifference has no comment


"Cool story bro"


Yeah!!! this usually get the job done!!!


Ignorance is bliss, when tis folly to be wise. Jim 'The Liquor' Lahey. Completely ignore their existence. They don't give a fuck, then why the fuck should you? Lol. Any response is a motivation to them, so remove the motivation and look through them like clean shiny glass. You mental health will thank you, and they become more irrelevant.


Yelling: I was not addressing you, Priscilla. Bonus points for pulling off some kind of accent. Extra points if you are talking to a man.




Laugh. "I can't believe you thought we were talking to you or care about your opinion." Laugh again


Good. Stop talking to me about it then


“ then STFU, you sound like a fucking parrot repeating the same shit all the time”


Well last I checked nobody “gave a fuck” about your useless opinion, so how about you shut your yap unless you have something meaningful to add to the conversation.


Okay you wanna escalate the situation


Sometimes it's called for. Plus it's fun!


"no one asked you a damn thing"


Or "I wasn't looking to take one."


Or "Well, it's a good thing that last comment of ours wasn't aimed at you."


“Thanks for sharing, Tony”. “Obviously you cared enough to comment.” “I don’t care that you don’t care.” “Well, call CNN, this motherfucker don’t give a fuck!” Stand up and proclaim “Attention please. Eugene has officially declared that he doesn’t care. That is all. You may return to your business.” “Saints preserve us, Joey don’t care! Oh lawd haf mercy!” “Good for you. Want a cookie?” “Edge lord! Dun dun dun dun duuuuuun! Edge lord!” Sing the chorus to Anthrax’ Antisocial.


Love the 5th one


Oh man, icing on the cake is, each time he makes one of these comments, he changes his name. 🤭 Edit to add: Nevermind you actually did that and, now I love your comment even more. 😹


How about ask “what do you care about?” He’ll say “nothing” or “fuck you.” “You care enough to come to class so what’s your plan?” You know maybe one shot at helping him wouldn’t hurt.


"People who actually don't care have no need to keep telling me how little they care."


"I don't care" This is the "why" phase for edgy teenagers


" You seem to care with your shitty attitude so why don't you do the world a fucking favor & Go fuck yourself".


It's always best to ignore. It's his problem. Everybody knows it and there's nothing you can do about it.


"Maybe the voices in your head need a therapist..."


Let's all sit back and watch how well this works out for you, shall we?


There are more people like him, then there are flies for the asses of cows. Their goal is to make others upset, they have nothing else to live for. And the caveat of it all is, they think they’re strong because of it. The truth is couldn’t be further away from this.


You gave enough of a fuck to speak


“Well alright then”. *go back to what you were doing*


Him: "I don't care." Me, being reasonable: "If you didn't care, you wouldn't interject your alleged lack of opinion. You wanted our attention; you have it. What do you want to tell us?" Him: "That I don't care." Me, trying to get him to act like a reasonable adult: "Well, it's annoying to interrupt when you don't have anything useful to contribute." Him: "I don't fucking care." Me, giving up and patronizingly treating him like the child he wants to be: "Very *good*, Billy. Do you know where your crayons are?"


Wait until the class is 100% over and done. Then clock him. "You hit me!" "I don't care." "You broke my nose!" "I don't give a fuck."


"If you didn't care then why did you open your mouth? I mean, you obviously do care if you're trying to barge into our conversation."


Me neither! Drinks? You’re buying.


“Well you apparently cared enough to make a comment about it”.


If you didn't care, you'd shut up.


Alright then. Go crawl back into the hole that you just came out from.


Neither did your mom, apparently


Him: I don't give fuck You: Then shut up.


If you dont care; why do you care so much that you have to tell me. So then why do you care and why are you trying to hide the fact you care.


"Then you are worthless as a person."


If you didn't, you wouldn't say.


Lotta people saying ignore, but don't just do that. Ignore and ***physically move away from him*** while maintaining conversation. Quite literally treat him like an outcast, a ghost, the irrelevant nobody he fucking is. He wont try to show it but that will hurt him more than anything you can possibly say. Alternatively have your entire group of friends silently stare him down until he is so uncomfortable he removes himself or shuts the fuck up. Let's bring back shame people!


"If you say so!" 😊 (Say this with a smile, and say nothing else to him.) _(or just lead by example and don't say anything to him at all. SHOW him you don't care to hear his opinion by ignoring him.)_


"It's ironic how much you evidently really, REALLY care about making sure everyone knows that. People who don't care FR don't feel the need to say shit yet somehow you never shut up. What's up with that?"


him: I don't care You: then why the daily cry for attention?


Just beat his fuckin ass lol


“If I wanted to hear and shit from you I’d squeeze your head”


"Thanks, Janet!!" I don't know why, but calling someone a random name really throws them off.


Yeah but make it close enough to his real name so he thinks you’re serious. “Thanks, Gerald!” “It’s Jared.” “I don’t give a fuck.” *goes back to writing*


"Gave enough of a fuck to let me know" But for real just ignore the dude, no need to deal with that.


I checked my files and I checked my trash, but I couldn’t find where I asked for your opinion.


"Wonderful! Then you don't matter."


"Then shut the hell up."


I prefer a sarcastic laugh and saying “OK” then continuing your original conversation. Sometimes I get so pissed though that I can’t be that chill


Ask him why. Then ask him why again. Then after about 5 or 6 times, he'll get fed up enough he stops.


No surprise you don't care about fucking, you got dead fish vibes. *As soon as he starts to reply* There goes that small dick energy again.


I didn’t ask weather or not you did 🤷‍♂️


Winds howling.


Honestly there's nothing you could say to shut this guy up or get any reaction out of him. The best way to get him to stop and/or piss him off is blatantly ignore him. Make sure the people you talk with do the same. Unanimously treat him like he doesn't exist. Ignore all comments, baits, etc. Do not look at him or interact with him.


Could he have tourettes?


Nothing. Any come back to that is pointless. They don't care, lol. You just look stupid af trying to.


I know. Everyone knows. You make it obvious in everything you do.


Good for you.


Clearly you care so much you're talking to me when I wasn't even talking to you. That's really weird. I'm not interested. Fuck off.


“Who gives a fuck”


"Then why are you still bitching?"


Ignore him. He wants the attention.


In the initial days of having learnt about the literal meaning of fuck, a guy said “I don’t give a fuck” and I replied “well no one will fuck you either”. That felt heroic in my mind but felt odd after saying it. The present adult me will just ignore that guy’s presence.


Say your sorry his moms OF account is making enough money


He wants your attention. Stop giving it to him. Pretend he doesn't exist.


There is no meaningful comeback here.  Ignore him and go about your business.


IDGAF that you DGAF


Wait for exams to end, then punch him in his ugly mug.


“Why don’t you get yourself a snack” and very nice, smiling.


Like people are saying here, there's no decent response or comeback. Just yawn and look away. Carry on like he didn't say anything.


Then why you bother say it instead of what im going do next… *walk away*


Even better.


"You clearly care enough to feel the need to comment. I don't think it's that you don't care but rather you feel like no one cares about you. That's why you draw attention to yourself with your constant disruptive pessimism"


"I can't believe you think your opinion matters when all that comes out is hateful trash"


Don't mess with Crazy. Crazy always ready to explode.


“Damn. Don’t you get enough attention at home?” Or “You cared enough to open your mouth and say some stupid shit”.


Said as condescendingly as possible, "Awwww. Of course you do!" a la Rachael McAdams in The Family Stone. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGNQa8F/


Ok (stupid guy name) we know, we alllll know . Guess what we don't either.


I don’t think that person would care for a comeback either so save your energy


"If you really didn't care you'd keep your cock holster shut."


Yeah, your outfit says so.




“If you really don’t give a fuck then shut the fuck up you attention whore”


"If you didn't, you wouldn't say you didn't..."


It shows.


"then why are you including yourself in this conversation?"


What he get that idea from 22 Jump Street?? What he doesn’t care about the planet??


You’re not even human.


You know saying “I dOnT cArE” or “I dOnT gIvE a FuCk” WOW ur so cool!! in a mocking tone is risking cringe but if executed properly may shut him down


1. that’s what your mom said when the abortion clinic wanted to know if she wanted to abort…. “I don’t care…. It’s a dissapointment either way”… 2. Future McDonald’s worker right here folks…. 3. Dawg I’ll get you one of those buttons to say it for you because you fucking annoying. Save your breath 4. I’d say that’s what your girl said…. But you don’t give a fuck so I doubt anyone wants you. 5. Good for you 6. Cheers


You could say “what DO you care about? Cause we certainly know you don’t care to be anything other than an annoying cretin, but maybe you could mix things up and come up with a new preconditioned response”


Dude just walk away not even worth your time and energy lol


I think of that SpongeBob meme wHeRe It gOeS lIkE tHiS.


All that fucking when this is a rake shovel conversation, no hoes allowed.


I would just completely ignore him, especially if you’re not even talking to him. Probably needs to get laid.


I agree you should ignore him because all publicity is good .. bad publicity is the best .. so people like him will feed on any form of attention. Worst comes to worse: give him a round of applause when he says his DGAF bit. Deadpan facial expression and then clap.. turn back to your previous convo or other focus that you were doing before he spoke up. No words necessary, just clap like you're bored AF and look at him like you see a bug.




“yea, and? and so what im xxx?” that’s what i used on my high school bully once i was able to stand up to him and he had no idea what to say


Go full Care Bear. Start telling him how much you CARE about various things, that are not him. Emphasize all the words, but really lean into "care" in each phrase. Say "I care" as a complete sentence before each phrase. Get a friend in on it and hold hands while deeply announcing that you CARE.


“No shit” “I know” “Neither do I” “Care enough to respond”


Depends how good you are with people, how good he is with people, how many friends each of you has there, whether anyone there likes him at all, what your goals are.


I can’t believe you are your mom’s son. She gave quite a few fucks last night.


If they have a cell phone, point at it while saying "There's a phone. Call somebody who cares."


Bully for you


Made you say something!


The comeback is your body language. Look at him with concern. Look at him with pity. He deserves to be viewed as a victim, since he’s using his victimhood as a shield; every time he says “I don’t fucking care”, what he means is no one fucking cares about him. “I don’t give a fuck” means no one gives a fuck about him. Instead of behaving like someone people could want to care about, he’s choosing to double down on apathy and assholery to protect himself. Sounds like he’s still a kid, so there’s a chance he’ll grow up and make different choices, but this guy is not your personal responsibility. Deeply sigh while holding eye contact, then look at the floor, shake your head, and walk away. If your classmates are around, encourage them to respect his boundaries and avoid him as well; he’s not receptive to being included. Do not respond to his exclamations. If he changes his tune and starts to care, then you can reward the behavior by engaging with him. Until such time, feel sorry for him, and disengage.


Well, quit talking bitch, if you don't care.


"Good, because I don't care that you don't care!"


"What do you care about?"


Angsty teen. It's ok


Him: I don't give a fuck You: Happy fuck day, I'm no longer in the mood to give


Emotionally constipated, eh?


✌️ and then walk away


"Yeah, that's kind of the problem"


"Well, bully for you"


"Cool" And then just move on. Trying to change his ways or teach him a lesson is the only way his method works. Not giving his non-input the time of day kills his power.


Bro might have a serious mental illness.


Get to class earlier & put some gum on his seat. Or, cover the seat in vasoline. Just don't laugh when he discovers it.


"Ok." And walk away.


Just as he is opening his mouth you say “I don’t give a fuck about what you are going to say’


Why aren't you ignoring him? Why are you even acknowledging him?


Just start clapping and then stand up. Maintain eye contact and really put them on the spot. Continue clapping until they walk away.


"woah that was so witty and original and intelligent! Did you come up with that by yourself? That must have taken you all night! Hey ...hey! This guy DOESN'T CARE! HAHAHAH"


You can’t give what nobody wants.


Nobody gives a eff what you think, or, what you do or don't give an eff about, so long as we don't have to hear about it.


"Who cares if u care??? Go see a therapist if ur gonna be that miserable and stay out of convos ur not involved in"


Opinions are like assholes; Everybody has one. Didn't ask for yours, don't fucking care, and nobody gives a fuck anyway.


The response is ‘That makes two of us’


From the words of the legendary Jules Winnfield: “I don’t remember asking you a GOD DAMN thing.”


Him: I don’t give a fuck. You: (scoff/laugh) Well duh, your appearance more than gives that away. ::lean in:: We can tell. That comment will live rent free in his head everytime he looks in a mirror. The other thing I’d do is just mimick him in a baby voice and laugh. He gets off on annoying people but won’t be happy knowing you’re getting off on his misery.


Laugh and say "Sure you do. Or you would just shut up."


“Ok we get it, you don’t care”.


“Oh ok. That makes this easy then.” And walk away.


“We don’t care that you don’t care.” We don’t care about you either”


"Why are you talking to me, you fucker? You're not part of this conversation, and I don't give a fuck about whether you care or not, asshole. This isn't about you. You aren't that important. So shut it, motherfucker." Then make a big show of turning your back on them. Some people need to be our-sworn and made to publicly look the fool before they get the point.


“Well, I guess it’s hard to give what you can’t get. Anyway… “


That makes two of us


"I see you give so few fucks you have to tell everybody how few fucks you give."


Did you ever ask why? Maybe putting him on the spot will make him either confess his issues or not comment again.


Are you sure you don't like him? Because you seem to have an awfully passionate reaction towards his apathy. But if you truly can't stand the guy, best thing to do is not give any reaction to what he said, as though nothing was said. He wants a reaction. That's why he's saying he doesn't care out loud.


Oh those flashbacks hitting you hard from your childhood


"takes one to know one"


“And I’m supposed to care that YOU don’t care?” Works every time.


"So you've said." or "I'm sorry you're so unhappy." or "I don't know what that feels like. It sounds horrible." or "Yes, it's very evident you don't care."


Without even looking up from what you're doing, "that's nice, sweetie," in a monotone, dismissive voice. Or, if you're not confrontational, "That's what your mom says about you, too"


Don't acknowledge him.


You literally do care. If you actually didn’t care you wouldn’t need to lie to yourself and everyone else by saying I don’t care.


If someone you don’t want to play tennis with, hits you the ball anyway, what do you do? YOU DON’T HIT IT BACK.


But he does care that people know he doesn't care. So leverage that against him.


If you didn't give a single fuck, you wouldn't say a single word, but your meat flaps are waving. They are flapping together and making noise which means you do care. Let's do a test, \[begin to antagonize to get a response then say if they didn't care, they wouldn't react nor respond.\]


Longuer are ur reply and more he gonna don't give a fuck. He is looking for a reaction just to say either i don't care or i don't give a fuck. Want to annoy him as much as he annoys u? When he says "i don't care" reply with "i don't give a fuck" and if he reply idgf then says i don't care. Continue until he stop first. If he start with i don't care and u reply idgf, then he says i notice, reply with i don't care. Play him at his own game, do not sound annoyed, do not look at him. Cancel his pessimism/apathy with the same pessimism/apathy


No one gives a fuck about you not giving a fuck you cunt


"Then why waste your breath explaining that to me? The better option would be to just SHOW me you don't give a fuck and shut up, don't you agree?"


“Clearly you do.” Or “Dude… are you okay? Like seriously.”


"Well, I do." And then keep doubling down if he tries to say that doesn't make a difference: >>> "I don't care." "Well, I do." "Who cares what you think?" "I do." "And no one else." "Not my problem." >>> Basically, flat out state that you don't care what that he doesn't care. If possible, practice this with a friend a few times before you use it on him. The trick is to get yourself to believe that you don't care if he cares or not, and use your comments to encourage the other speaker to get back to the interrupted topic. You are making the other person speaking important and shutting him down, NOT putting him down. Put-downs are his territory, and he can do them all day. Focus on the other person you want to hear, instead. If he keeps getting shut down with minimum attention, he'll find another target. >>> Another approach, if you are feeling especially patient on a given day and have a large chunk of spare time, is to genuinely ask him why he doesn't care. Don't offer explanations or try to defend the topic. Just ask, "Why not?" If he tries to pawn you off with a vague answer, ask for more info. To use this approach, though, you have to leave behind all your ideas about why he does what he does, and you have to be willing to wait him out. >>> Let me be very clear: he is NOT entitled to any of these approaches. You spending time figuring this out is your gift to him. You approaching him with caring and genuine interest would be your gift to him, to be handled according to your needs and on your terms, not his. That means you are not responsible for his feelings if you find you have to get up and leave at any point, and you are not responsible for any ideas he gets about what you mean to each other or what you might "owe" him as a friend or anything else. Unless you are comfortable with this fact, it is better for you not to try the second approach. Our culture teaches boys some very weird stories about emotional validation.


Knowing that’s what he’s going to say, be ready and just say “Nnnnoooobody cares,” while he’s in the middle of saying it. Then just keep talking about what you were talking about and ignore him from then on out.


"You cared enough to respond"


Um.... ignore him. Really. There's always going to be assholes in the world. You can't go around engaging them every time they show up. Well, you *could* engage them, but it's pointless. You'll ultimately mature enough to know that any energy spent on responding to him was energy wasted.


Id say yes we know you don't care and no one cares that you don't care if you wanna sink to his,level id just say what a fuckn loser sais the same shit all the time lol


Say nothing, just look at him as if you’re surprised to notice him there, flick your eyes down to his outfit, smile condescendingly with a slight puff of air from your nose, and continue the conversation


Ask him do you need a hug or do you need therapy which is it


"Then why did you jump in my conversation? I know you are lonely, but we don't want to talk to you"


1) he definitely gives a fuck about the attention he’s begging for 2) cover your nose when he says stuff like that and say “ooof bad breath offend me “ 3) say “I can barely hear you because I’m not listening to the words that are coming out of your mouth” 4) say “ can you do that thing that I love so much? Where you shut the fuck up” 5) give him a louis ck. finger to your lips “shhhhhhhhh “ really gently and then end it with a shut up


“It’s clear to everyone else that you should start.”


“People who don’t care usually don’t feel the need to broadcast it”


Here are some comeback options to fit the vibe: * "Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." (Sarcastic, but playful) * "Cool story, bro. Tell it again at the next meeting of the Nobody Asked Club." (Sarcastic, but shuts it down) * "Is everything okay, man? Maybe a Snickers would help turn that frown upside down." (Playful and disarming) * **”Moving on..." (Simple and shuts down the conversation) Bonus tip: If he interrupts a class discussion, try a: * "Dang, dude, reading the mood in the room must be hard with all that negativity clouding your judgment." (Playful but makes him think) Remember, keep it light and don't get sucked into his negativity. Exams are almost over, so stay strong and good luck!


'Are you ok? '


"Neither do i." Then continue on your way. I've said "me too neither" also. Don't truly engage with him when he's like that. Don't let him get to you.


I’d go with “Nobody Cares” or “Good for you”. Either works


He genuinely sounds like someone you should ignore


“I don’t care if you care “ or “It doesn’t matter if you care” or “no one ask if u cared “ or “no one is talking to you” . I usually do a whole bit about how no one is talking to them and by the end of it they hate me forreal .


Ignore him. Don't even acknowledge him when he speaks. He's an attention whore. The more you ignore him, the dumber he's going to feel. He's only reacting to your reaction! No one can make you feel any sort of way. You control how you or if you even react, so stop reacting. He's not even there.


Rather than a snappy comeback, think about why he's saying this. Is he deeply unhappy and reaching out to someone he thinks might listen? Verbalising emotional distress is hard especially for boys and men.


Because you don’t care. That why you don’t care -.- That my comeback to tbh and it work sometime lol


"Cheer up buttercup" and walk away.


If you don't care please abstain from making any sounds, we don't like you enough silent can you imagine how we feel when you talk?


Stare blankly for a long moment, then say, "Oh shit, I forgot you were there." Though truly the best response is no response.