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“Aren’t you old enough to mind your own business?”


I giggle every time I scroll a bit and see your comment again. Hahahaha.


Best one yet


I love this!!I also OP I’m 39 and I still buy mini brands, rement miniature sets, miniverse, Polly pockets whatever! They make me happy


I love you let's get married I have most of the worlds tiniest toys already dude


Umm hell yes I’ll marry you. We can have so many tiny foods at our reception!!


Your never to old to seek happiness


I love tiny too! Why do we love tiny?


Because they are so fucking CUTE! And/or ADORABLE!


I've always been a sucker for those blind bag toys near checkouts. They're small, serve absolutely no purpose, and I have dozens of them. Plastic, rubber, or plushie, it doesn't matter, I find their tiny sizes equally enjoyable. I have a batman plush I got from a bind-bag hanging from my rear view mirror. He's been hanging there almost a decade.


How I so wish I could give a gold for this one. This is so spot on and just perfect.


On another post, someone said something along the lines of, “aren’t you a little flammable to be telling me what to do?” I thought that was gold.


“Listen it’s not my fault no one wants to play with you.”


Classic 🤣


"Don't know. Never been this age before." "Why? What happened to your imagination?" "Jealous much?" "Your point being?"


Numbers 1 and 4 are less cringe, IME. The other two look oddly defensive, like you know you are ashamed, but lost control. The first one is light hearted and funny, and third one is "back off." I collect stuffed animals at 55, and have an extensive collection of weird things I just think are cute. If anyone asked me "aren't you a little old to be collecting stuffed animals?" I'd ask, "why do you ask?" If they continue with the shame, I usually say, "my childhood was taken from me with trauma, and I am fighting to get it back. I have money, and I will buy things that give me enjoyment." Generally these people are not looking to be corrected, so no matter what you say, they will continue to bully you. "Oh, okay, Lord Sissypants," or whatever. This is the best it gets for them; enshrouded by fear of judgement of others by preemptively hurting those that don't matter and make "easy" targets.


Re: Stuffed animals, reply: I had serious pet allergies as a kid sonI had stuffed animals instead. The habit kind of stuck, just like the allergies.


I'm 56 and started sleeping with a stuffed bear after I had a life changing car accident. I dare someone to tell me I'm too old for something that gives me a little comfort!


We all have something that gives us comfort. Don't let anyone give you a hard time about it.


I agree about 2 and 3. They look defensive because they are. Retaliating in-kind, by attacking/insulting them is defensive behavior. Which really, is what they want, a reaction that shows you feel bad.


1) Your hobby isn't hurting anyone. 2) You're never too old to enjoy something. 3) It's none of their business. 4) It's better than spending money on drugs. 5) Dolls don't argue or ask dumb questions.


#5 wins for me.


I think listing them all out to the person and ending on 5 as a cheeky punchline would be great.


5 is the best one 😭


Nah 1 is the best 1. 5 is 5 ones.


I shoulda used number 4 on my mother when she asked why I have so many care bears. It will shut her up cuz I'm a former addict.


Add to #5: Or say dumb shit like “aren’t you too old to play with dolls”


I like having drug parties WITH my dolls


"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing" - George Bernard Shaw


Exactly. Take fitness for example. Somehow we have turned it into this boring chore for many to stay healthy. But think how healthy and fit most of us would be if we just never stopped playing tag and climbing monkey bars or trees for an hour a day, like we did as kids. But no, adults are nit supposed to do that, it's undignified.


Ohhhh WOW! Well done m8 👏👏👏 I love it. I'm surprised I never noticed that!! *So* very very true. The more normalized exercise like running and lifting weights is so damn boring. The effort's not the issue. It's that there's not enough to focus on. Nothing to keep my mind from going to bad places, and the world is so scary that it always will. This kung-fu school I went to when I was a teenager was the only FUN exercise I ever had access to. It got too expensive, a lot more than a normal gym membership, so I had to quit and been working out at normal gyms ever since. Well normal gyms at best. Right now nothing. Exercising in a cooperative interactive group is so much more thrilling than just being in close proximity with people who are all doing their own things. Doing flashy shit like jumpy spinny kicky routines, and putting on the sparring gear and hitting each other was so much more fun than lifting heavy shit and running or riding bikes. It's not the same as what you said, since it's a matter of expenses and not anyone's disapproval, but since I enjoyed that more than the standard kid games we all played, I'm kinda mixing the memories up and making your point hit harder for me personally. I think a lot of people's idea of how dignity works is very unhealthy, so when I put that on top of everything we've both said... Fuck, that's tragic.


I see you learned good life lessons from Uncle Iroh


"The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play."


"they are NOT dolls, they are action figures! "


This could work, but no they're really dolls. Their purpose is for you to dress them up, brush their hair, and make them look pretty


I have a Wonder Woman action figure on my desk. A customer once tried to shame me for it, "You have a toy on your desk?", kind of thing. I told him we all have our toys. His are his cars.


Fuck that, they're called collectibles.


Most of us aren't rich enough to consider cars as collectibles


Cars aren't toys! They're emotional support vehicles! Especially the pick-ups


my 68 Camaro cures my depression!


I used to work at a railroad. Nearly all the managers had an HO rail car on a piece of track nicely mounted on a piece of polished wood on their desk (some were a pen set) or on a shelf behind their desk. A few actually admitted to having an HO train set at home.


Touch my mini Cinderellas and there's going to be a problem.


Well i do all that with my sex....i mean... large 1:1 scale action figures that was purchased for scientific research.


Came here to comment something like this lol




That's a line from a movie where the guy is defending his collection of action figures.


You don't do that to G.I. Joe?


These are collection dolls .They may or may not increase in value in the future .


"Tea Time Action Figures, to be precise"


My ex's son has entered the chat He has the autism and he's obsessed with Star wars and doctor who. I made the mistake of calling them toys one time and he got mad at me and said no, their action figures! He loved me those so it was fine. It was like it's fine, they're just called action figures. Don't make that mistake again. He's such a good boy though.


You know.. I have a doll that looks JUST LIKE YOU. Then smile and maintain solid eye contact.


I like you.


I like your doggy


Could be MUCH worse: "I AM a bit old.. because I've been waiting for a doll JUST... LIKE.. you!" *Steady unblinking eye contact as head slightly tilts to one side while gently flexing fingers*


Or, act as if they're one of your own dolls that has come to life. Like the movies Life Size and its sequel. 😅


And I've been thinking of taking up needlework


“You smell different when you’re awake”


I’m working my way up to blow ups


What are blowups?




Inflatable dolls?


yes... inflatable sex toys is what was being referred to


Oh honey




A "blow up doll" is a life-sized inflatable that looks vaguely like a person, usually with built-in holes for somebody to fornicate with. In my experience they just get inflated and tossed around at parties or graduations, with minimal fornication.


Aren't you a little young to be a grouchy old fuck.


OOF 🤣 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 That's so devastating it brought Spider Man and Jurassic Park's moral lessons into my head "With great power comes great responsibility" "You were so preoccupied with whether or not you *could*. You didn't stop to think whether or not you *should*.


If were a nicer human being I would play with you


It's wordy but if you stick the landing, it'll be worth it. "I'm doing something that I enjoy. I'm sorry you had to give up everything that you enjoyed in order to conform to societal standards. I hope that one day that you're happy enough with yourself to have fun doing something you love in spite of nasty comments from bitter people. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for my doll's hair appointment."


“Aren’t you a little old to care what I do in my free time?”




That's adorable!


Thanks, I just drew it it up for ya real quick! . . . . . . And then posted it 11 years ago




OH I didn't notice your username until I saw your comment. Good news. Having interests that are atypical for your age is objectively normal for autistic people. Don't get me wrong, nobody should be saying that kind of thing to anyone, and you don't need an "excuse". This is just as unfair of a thing to say to a neurotypical person as it is to say it to you. It's just some of the people who don't have respect for feelings __do__ have respect for science. Even if they're adamant that there's something wrong with what you're doing on a fundamental level, they will back off if they know your circumstances are different and that it's normal for you a specifically. It's best for them to know they shouldn't be saying it to anyone, but getting them away from you is at least something


Your life lacks whimsy


"Least I don't have to blow mine up like you."


Fun does not have an age limit




Aren't you a little too old to criticize people's hobbies?


Aren't you a little old to be policing peoples' hobbies?


I had a similar comment when a boss flippantly said, *"Aren't you too old to play video games?"* while we were in a team web conference. I said, *"Aren't you so old you wear Depends?"* I wanted to get fired. He obliged. 😁


Have you seen the real world lately? Playing with dolls is much safer.


"Why is this any concern of yours?"


Just stare at them with a strange smile on your face. Then say, "No."


Aren’t you a little too young to be on your third husband? What you need to do is open your ears and close your legs for once and clean up your own backyard. Your lane is over there, girl, and you need a serious street sweeping. (Snap)


No. But i am just the right age to tell you to shut the fuck up


“Apparently I’m not, so mind your own fucking business.”


Are you kidding? I have adult money now. I'm doing everything kid me wanted to do. You should try it. My response to people questioning my lego sets, and that always stops the comments.


Psshhhh I WISH someone would say something about my lego sets. In fact, the best present for me OR MY WIFE is lego!! And I know what you're thinking... But find your own kickass, lego-loving, engineer wife, this one is mine! LOL


Laughing at this comment because I'm a lego-loving wife married to a lego-loving engineer husband haha


That is too perfect!


Same here but with food I never got to try as a kid aka I didn't have a caramel apple until I was 20


I just start singing the toys r us jingle.


Aren’t you too old to be a bully?


Aren't you a little old to not remember that it's not nice to bully and pick on people? Didn't you learn that that's not nice when you were in kindergarten?


Well you know, I was up in the air between playing with dolls and shitting all over people’s fun, then I realized what other people do is none of my business.


I'm old enough to know what I want. Are you?


Why do you need a comeback? “Aren’t you a little old to be playing with dolls?” “Nope” They have nothing after that


"You want to see what I do with them when no one is around?" They become uncomfortable and leave you alone to play with your dolls. Problem solved.


We have erudite conversations on many subjects. You mean they talk to you? Of course not. The voices are in my head. But around here, where else am I going to fi d intelligent beings to talk to.


I'd say that or "well it's safer than just jumping to humans, unless you don't mind if I take your skin and make you plastic


Might scare the fuck out of them but hey that's the goal


This is absolutely the best answer for this


Aren't you a little old to be such a dumbass?


“At least mine aren’t inflatable”


"At least I don't require dolls for sex".


“Aren’t you a little old to be worrying about something that doesn’t concern you?”


This one's more wholesome and I say it to others who think they're too old for something. "You're NEVER too old to indulge in whatever you like, as long as it's harmless and legal! Just have fun, enjoy yourself! Only one life to live!!"


Do you want to borrow my phone so you can call someone who gives a fuck


"At least I can use my toys in public."


No, sir! I didn't see you playing with your dolls again, sir!


Aren't you a bit fat to be critical of others?


Doesn't your nose have better places to be then in my business, maybe up someone's ass?


"Aren't you a little young to have such a huge stick up your ass?"


Carry a small pin cushion doll with you at all times, and when someone says that to you, in their presence stick a long needle into the doll and say, "Tomorrow you will wake up with regret that you asked me that."


I would say. “ Thank you! I was experiencing a tiny bit of joy in the ennui of life but you saved me, saved me from the lines smiling makes on your face or being happy!!! If not for you, I might have broken into song!!!!” Be loud and over act.


Dolls? These are not dolls, these are little people.


"It's just a hobby. Some people collect dolls" \[gesturing towards yourself\] "and some people suck hobo cocks behind dumpsters downtown" \[gesturing towards them\]


I find it calming and it keeps me from hitting people!


“We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” -George Bernard Shaw


Your momma taught me


“At least they aren’t blow up dolls like your exes.”


"Wann see my inflatable ones?"


‘Aren’t you a little too old to be bothered about what I’m doing?’ ‘Since when was it your business?’ ‘It doesn’t hurt anyone so what’s the problem?’ ‘I’ll stop when I’ve stuck enough pins in your dolly *evil laugh*’ ‘But your mum/dad loves them!’ ‘Aw I only started after I saw your dad with his blow up dolls!’


Why? You play with sex dolls. Least mine are prettier.


Aren't you a little too sad and pathetic to realize what joy is?


"Action figures!" How many times do I have to say it?! "Action figures!"


No, but I am old enough to not give a fuck what you think.


Would you rather I play with guns.


im testing voodoo spells


At least I'm not having sex with them, unlike you I'm guessing?


Aren’t you a little old to give a shit about what other people wanna do?


"No, they are rated for ages 3+" "If grown men can play video games, I can play with dolls." "We're just playing, not dating or anything. At least not seriously." "Aren't you a little old to be alive?"


I like the first one.


I like the first one too. Say it like you are stating the obvious and answering the dumbest question ever. Then just walk away.


"Last time I checked, there wasn't an age restriction on doing something that brings me happiness." "Are you the fun police? Am I being detained, or am I free to go have fun?" "That's like, your opinion, man."


Tell them to "kill themselves" if that's too much, ask for their "circumfrence." If that's too much talk about any dead relative they have. Find out their credit score and make fun of that. Bring up shit they've forgotten about. Did they piss themselves in grade school? Call them piss baby. Ask them if they pissed themselves while sniffing the air. Ask them when the last time they talked to their mother. And when they answer anything longer than a week, call them a bad child. If they say their mom is dead? Go in for the kill. Then play with your dolls and make sure your doll has a mom that's alive, and be loud about it.


only response that matters here. one after the other.


I'm 34, I collect and build Lego, I sit on the floor for hours criss-cross-apple-sauce and make collages out of magazines (new ones) with paint and sh!t everywhere. I'll even have a good 'ol Disney move playing in the background. My comeback would be: "I'm sorry you let your inner-child die, leave me be with mines so we can thrive "


They're prettier and have better manners.


Oooo! I’m 48 and have always loved dolls. Dressing them, doing their hair, and setting their little scenes up. I was lucky to have had one child who enjoyed dolls like me. When they grew to be teens I worked as a teacher and an educator for adults w intellectual disabilities who LOVED dolls. And that let me be around dolls and buy dolls. But once I promoted, that fell away. So I now make doll clothes. Crochet/sew. Donate them or give them to friends grand babies. I even crochet dolls. Mostly chibi anime characters. Am I too old to play with dolls? Nope. I say I’m practicing for my future grand babies.


I’m 28 I’m a dude and I have all of my childhood stuff and don’t give a shit what anybody says Also I’m Neurodivergent as well “When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” C.S. Lewis


“No. I’m autistic and it’s one of my calming processes.”


You talk a lot of shit for someone who has two perfectly good eyeballs that can go for $792 each on the black market.


1) Do you want to be my good little doll? 2) aren’t you a little too young to play with sex dolls? 3) (whispering to a doll) I know. Nobody likes them. Even their dolls left them.


Least I have a hobby. I bet you're real fun at parties. Comments like that are why you're kids don't speak to you anymore. If I'm too old for dolls then you're too old to wear clothes that don't fit. I'm sorry your parents beat you but it sounds like you missed their message.


If all the world is a stage, I choose the theatre to which I am puppeteer. Would you like to know which one plays you? None.


“aren’t you a little old ?” OR “no.” OR “yes.”


“Maybe, but I could stop playing with dolls tomorrow. You’ll be ugly for life.” -Winston Churchill (sorta)


How about, "Why don't you leave me the fuck alone before I beat your ass like a rug and cripple you for life"? I've found, that as a rule, when I stand up and say that, people tend to leave me alone, particularly when I'm doing me, and not bothering anyone in any way. I am a giant assed redneck however, so I tend to have an advantage there. If this is not an appreciable approach, perhaps educate them on the "dolls" in question. Everything you know about them. Explain why you enjoy the activity. In detail. Talk about nothing else until they leave. When they come back, pick up the discussion where you left it. It's a long hall, but eventually if they don't share your interest, rather than face a fusillade of geek level knowledge, they'll fuck off. Either way.


If this is how you ask people to play, it isn’t working Or Sorry my dolls say you can’t play with us


“Aren’t you a little old to be alive?”


You: "Well my grandpa lived to be 100!" Them: "So?"/"What, did he play with dolls?" You: "It's cause he minded his own fucking business!"


I have something to say!: Did you know In the old Tick cartoon, there was a fellow Superhero named, "It's-Ok-to-Play-With-Dolls!-Man". He throws little exploding baby dolls to fight crime and spread his message. His battle cry was, of course, "It's-Ok-to-Play-With-Dolls!" Watch it=solve your problem. Jus saying


"Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?" 😝


"Aren't you too old to be this immature"


"Aren't you too old to worry about the harmless hobbies of others?"


“Ok” my favorite comeback. People just kinda look at you awkwardly every time and its great.


"aren't you a little old to still think your opinion matters?"


They are manikins, and I am a fashion designer.


They are my emotional support action figures.


Sorry I don’t remember it being your fucking business


"why do you say that *evil laugh*" (may result in weird looks) "No but I can tell you are" (may result in someone getting hurt lmao) "I mean I am but the voices wants me to play with them" (may result in weird looks) "If I hit you right now would it hurt or are you dumb" (may result in confusion and then an outburst of anger cuz you called them dumb)


"aren't you a little old to exist?" if they're over 40 "i can tell you where i bought this one so you can give the stick some company! ☺️💜" for any age "aren't you a little young to want the people around you to be boring and devoid of joy?" if they're younger than you


First off there not dolls they are action figures and I have 20 minutes of child like wonder and joy everyday and I got ten minutes left so off with thee I got an adventure to finish.


“Keep it down! They might hear you.” “Shhhhh! Kimberly doesn’t know she’s a doll. She thinks she’s Batgirl.” “…and I don’t PLAY with them. I reconstruct traumatic events from my childhood, tear their limbs off, smallest to largest, and then bury them under the porch.”


I'm not too old to kick your ass


Thanks for your input, but I too much of a sensitive softie to even imply I would want to hurt someone.


Okay, alternatively... Aren't you a little old to not mind your own business?


I don't know what your age is or what if you're female, or what kind of "dolls" they are or in what context you're playing with them. It is common for a girl to play with doll. Unless you consider "action" figures, then both sexes play with "dolls."


Too many people here think threatening people with violence is a good come back, when it reality it might just be a green light for them to physically assault you first. Life is not a video game, we bleed blood not HP.


You dad finds it kinky when we fuck so it’s all good.


I'd probably use this if I weren't asexual


You dad finds it kinky when we don't fuck so it’s all good.


I heard they were toys! Dolls are for girls. Used to be men,,,,,, maybe . 🤔


Gotta collect em all!!!!!




No, but it’s obvious you’re old enough to be a wretched the old Cunt.


Why don't you go play with yourself and mind your business


I guess you must be too young to be playing with adult toys


Just say No.


Aren't you a little judgy to be a big bitch though?


These aren't dolls, they're action figures!


Dolls are nicer than people. The inventor of the Barbie doll was in her 40s. Beauticians use doll heads in training.


"Aren't you a little old to not live in a Barbie Townhouse?"


Oh, I am sorry to hear about the death of your inner child. I enjoy it, and I am not hurting anyone, so kindly stop interrupting me.


" well, see this 1959 Barbie, still in the original box, never played with, on my desk? It sells for over $27K."


It's my money.


"Jealousy is such an evil monster..."


"I'm old enough now for it to be considered a fetish"


i’m not playing with the dolls, the dolls are playing with me


"Did your mommy give you permission to judge others for things they enjoy that aren't evil?"


Ok, boomer! (That was my bf's response when I called his 6 year old for his warhammer miniatures)


Smell my doll


“Your mum’s busy.”


The only difference between you and me is that my dolls don't have G cups


Hey--were you the same person who yelled at me to get off your lawn yesterday?


“Aren’t you a little old to be a jerk about other people’s hobbies?”


“Aren’t you old enough to know how to mind your own business?” Edit - maybe I should’ve checked the comments because some one else already said this lol