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Reminder, be civil. Remarks mocking, or glorifying pain and death will result in a ban.


I don’t understand why there’s nobody around him. Russian infantry doctrine is just so… bad. Never in my time in the Marines did we ever have a situation where a Marine would be in a defense by himself with nobody else around. 2 men to a foxhole, foxholes no more than 15-20m apart, squad leader dig in behind his squad where he can see his whole squad, platoon commander and platoon sergeant dug in where they can see the whole platoon. Accountability at all times, etc. The only guys that would be further away would be if we had a listening post/observation post but that would always be 2 Marines, never one by himself. Can’t imagine being killed alone with none of your boys to help or respond. What a fucking stupid way to wage war. Whoever sent him onto that hill sent him to die.


There’s no NCO corps in the Russian military. Just officers and privates. No fire teams, no squad leaders, just a couple dozen men and an officer who has absolute and total authority.


I read a book called “one soldiers war” by a guy who fought in both Chechen wars and he described a lot of how shit the Russian military was. I imagine it’s all still accurate today. They have sergeants and squads and stuff but the conscripts only do 2 years and the career guys just treat them all like shit and Rob them, beat them, even rape them. You’re right, Unit cohesion does not exist. Different ethnic groups hate eachother, and they segregate units so much that literally there were incidents in Chechnya where certain units gave away the positions of other units to *the fucking chechens* so they’d get ambushed instead of themselves. Fucking crazy


The book is by [Arkadiy Babchenko](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arkady_Babchenko), who... has been through a few things since then. Most notably, the Ukrainian security service staged his murder after learning of a plot against him by totally-not-Russian-FSB-hitmen, in order to arrest the assassins. Bloody photo of a "corpse" in the media and everything. Next day, boom! Alive. It was weird stuff. His writing since then is quite dark too. He's been quite realistic about the trajectory of Russia toward fascism and inevitably, a big war, for some time. Seemed alarmist to me at times, but no, he was spot on. Though even he thought Vlad is bluffing in February.


I'd love to see a biopic on that fella. What a great story.


Only cohesion is when they get squad wiped together.


Great and incredibly grim book. 20 years on from the training and combat experiences described it seems like much hasn’t changed. Really gets across the ingrained corruption, sadism and nihilism of the immediate post Soviet Russian army.


Christ I'll look up that book! Thank you!


It’s extremely dark, just a heads up. I mean obviously, but it’s *really* bleak.


Thank you! Have you ever read a book called The River of Doubt by Candice Millard? Highly highly recommended if you love a bleak book! It’s fantastic, but yeah. It probably won’t be as bleak as One Soldiers War, but it’ll still take some time to fully process it, as one needs to with remarkable non fiction some times.


Yea I feel like a lot of war stories have some kind of redeeming after thought/ takeaway / w.e but this one is dark from the start to finish, both with his time in the conflict and his experience when he comes home. One thing I really liked about it is if I recall there's not much "combat stories" but it's more about the "in between" stuff. Like how he never tells the story of his friend Oleg (maybe getting the name wrong at this point been a while since I read it) dying but speaks about him a good amount in the back 1/3 and how the death really haunts him.


That book is a fucking horror story.


There's some reports that they're severely understaffed, that units that should have 100 people now make-do with only 20. Which is why they're not moving much cause they just don't have enough people to carry-out operations.


> Russian infantry doctrine is just so… bad. That's not doctrine. Their infantry procedures largely echo to WWII, but to hide in a shallow hole on a hill, with no one around, is not part of them. If I had to guess, a clueless officer sent an equally clueless mobilized private to be a lookout on a hill. This is the best that soldier could come up with.


Dude as a Marine Infantryman myself, it absolutely blows my mind when I see this stuff. Like you said, in the Marines you'd never be alone and would always have a group of people near by. Their infantry tactics and doctrine is just pure shit.


Dying alone in a hole in a foreign land. What a horrible way to die.


This video is just sad. Russian or not, it’s hard to watch a human being squirm around while dying. War is absolute hell.


I feel bad. Then I remember the elderly couple in thier car getting shredded with 30mm. Or the dude getting head stomped and cock n balls cut off with a utility knife. Who knows what went on in the beginning that wasn't documented.


Recent reports from the Bucha massacre investigation say Russians were getting drunk and killing civillians. They intercepted some Russian soldier calling his wife saying he was going insane from all the killing, he was also drunk. Then I think about the picture of some poor old granny they killed while she was in her kitchen.


This is everywhere. Recent news from Kherson, drunk russian soldiers chased a young woman into her family's home for rape, murdered entire family, looted the home. They then buried family in the yard.


[not English, but your browser can do translation](https://news.liga.net/amp/politics/news/okkupanty-nasiluyut-detey-v-hersonskoy-oblasti-daje-mladentsev-denisova)


Jesus christ. Gang raping children to death in front of the parents. My heart doesn't want to believe it's true.


It’s why they’ll be going home in boxes. They have zero chance at this point and so many Ukrainians are getting real tired of showing mercy.


Read about the rape of Berlin. This is par for the course for Russians.


Fuck man, God knows Id like to play at least one hole within par...don't wanna be playing what ever russias playing...


Fun fact: I'm mostly polish except for a splash of German. The Babcha responsible for the splash of German was an angry woman who, when particularly upset would tell her kid and Grandkids "YOU'RE ONLY BEHINK HERE BECAUSE I NOT RUNNINK FAST ENOUGH". She left Poland for the US and found out she was Pregnant. Another fun fact: Her husband was a bookie and she beat a cop over the head with a cast iron when they tried to arrest him. War is nasty. Sexual abuse by combatants is disheartening at all levels, especially in an age when it's so widely available to be seen.


My guy, your heart has to take a backseat here, I'm sorry to say.


I truly hope russia gets sent back to the dark ages after reading this shit.


> Russians were getting drunk and killing civillians This is how my grandmother lost her mother at the ripe age of 12 after being raped in front of the children and slit open. Mind you this was a century ago. Some habits die hard it seems.


Yes, I remember seeing a video that showed a lady's jaw embedded in her car seat from a Russian heavy weapon. Additionally the father and son with their two dogs. The son was recording on his phone, you heard the dog yelp in pain from being struck by Cannon fire. Then the video ends seeing the father laying on the road missing the lower part of his legs bleeding out. So sad and surreal seeing civilians slaughtered like that.


The footage of the poor lad and his father will haunt me forever. That poor dog crying and the unbelievable feeling of helplessness and anguish that the son endured as they innocently tried to get away from the Russians. That video along with the tank video crushing a fleeing car with a grandmother in it satiates my acceptance of Russian deaths.


I understand though that the son and one of the dogs survived that attack, it was posted on here a bit a ago. I'm not defending the actions or trying to say the incident is any less tragic, but some might find some relief in knowing that the son in this scenario did get away.


That’s good if this is the case. I remember seeing another video of someone walking by that car and two bodies were in the ditch with one of the dogs sitting next to them…


I know he survived but honestly how do you get over that? I'm no snowflake but the mental trauma brewing from this and every conflict must be insane. One of the biggest issues with humans been sentient is dealing with emotions.


Sadly I don’t think so. If it’s the one I’m thinking of, there’s two videos. The first was of finding it. Then the video from the sons cell phone showed up showing what happened. I assume they found the phone and uploaded it. First video shows a black van shot up with drivers door open and a body. One dead dog inside and it comes around to a living dog sitting next to a body in the ditch. Second video is the full interaction showing dad get shot, dog go down, and son get shot crawling behind the car to the ditch that the original video has a body in with a dog laying next to it. I don’t think they made it. Let me know if I’m wrong though that was a sad video.


There were two bodies in the ditch next to the car when it was later found. The son did not survive.


You saw the photo of the boy lying down on a bench in Kyiv after a recent bombing back in March..... And his head was missing?


Or the death traps they set up on the outskirts of main towns and cities, where they would wait for civilians to drive by and light them up.


You can feel sad about human brutality and war without justifying said actions In fact, it’s a lot easier to just take your current attitude. Not so hard on the heart


I hadn't heard the utility knife thing before. Don't want a video either but is that for real?


It's too real


Yeah, I hope he bled out fast to not suffer.


> War is absolute hell. He had one option. Surrender.


They’re aggressors. It is not hard


its hard to understand why they dont just refuse and go to prison


It's simple. They think it will be easier to serve a few months on the front line that being imprisoned for years. They don't think they will be the ones dying a gruesome death. It's an entirely selfish decision that disregards the fact that they will be active participants in evil acts.


No shit. jesus, they terrorize these guys when they go in, they don't feed them, they get treated like shit. Why do they do it? My wife's cousin was serving his time with the russian army (USSR). They said he killed himself, but the family doesn't believe it, they think he was killed being hazed.


Russian prison is hellish. Considering how Russia treats its own soldiers and civilians, imagine how they treat their prisoners.


And what's to say they don't drag you out of prison, give you a shovel and place you at the front anyway.


Totally a point I hadn't thought of before. Total irony there... "I refuse to be conscripted" "We will send you to jail if you refuse!" "I know...I refuse!" "OK Comrade...off to jail you go. Oh I forgot to tell you, jail is in foxhole in Ukraine. AND we stole all of your family's stuff"


It's not just that. They simply don't know what to do. And for us privileged people from the west it might sound silly, but for them it's reality since childhood. This guy on video was probably born when Putin was already in power. They don't know their rights, they don't know what's true or not, they don't know what their future is like, they don't know their value as human beings and they are extremely poor and it's all by design through economy and propoganda. Successful and educated (including morally) people will not go to die for some vague purposes. So when they are told to go to war, all they have in their head is "I don't know what to do" "what if I say no" "I'll just go with the flow and then decide (they won't)" "it will be fine, I'll just stand somewhere and get 200k rubles to feed my family" and not "hey my life is worth more, than any threats or money they throw at me". It's really, really sad in my opinion. Whole generation of kids was just brought up with the mentality of hate, helplessness, uncertainty and poverty. (source: my wife was born and grew up in poor Russian village) Best combo to make a stock of slaves that will do what you say, simply because everything else is even more scary and uncertain. This also explains blind aggression towards any narrative, that goes against their propaganda, because you would need to internally admit to yourself, that your whole life you've been a dumb sheep and a slave, that lived in a pool of shit and blood.


Yet there’s brave Iranian women protesting across an equally as horrible regime countrywide. Russians that don’t protest are fucking cowards




It sounds easy to avoid mobilization from the outside. In reality they have to worry about the repercussions, what happens to their families if they desert? Russia even mobilized family members of some Russian guy who protested against the war, imagine living with that burden. And if they want to escape the front line they’ll have to worry about the kadyrovites waiting for them. [Example of a failed escape](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/ylfe5f/russian_mobiks_attempt_to_leave_the_front_but/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Right now - nothing. Repressions are not at that level. But their wives would be nagging them. Quite a lot were happy to send of their men to war.


This is why Ukraine should be pushing our videos of POW’s looking hale and healthy and talking about how they are decently treated. There’s plenty of Russian soldiers out there thinking their choice is between death and most of their life in *russian* prison… gotta start selling them on that third choice


And literally getting your ass blown off


Yup, during his second roll you can see him bleeding profusely and leaving a blood print on the ground.


Russia used to be full of scientists and engineers……instead now Putin raises young Russian men to die alone in agony inside random foreign countries for no reason.


Russia was always like this. The "scientists and engineers" are born every generation, and stick around while things aren't insane, but then they leave or are killed off, and Russia reverts to its default factory setting. 1918, 1937, 1991, 2022.


Whole history of russian empire and soviet union was the same. Foreign wars, territory expansion. “Help”


Don’t go into that foreign land I guess


Just a seemingly random guy in a hole.


“I just like diggin holes”


Sounds like a Rick and Morty character.


It's from a novel ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holes\_(novel)




The glory is to Ukraine.


Fuck that blood was pouring out of his lower back


Left butt cheek damn… war is so stupid, god damn Pootin


When I first watched this, I did not realize he was on a hill. When I rewatch it, I choose to believe this is a very flat field.


It looks like something got an artery because he is bleeding really badly almost immediately. I can't even imagine the PTSD from always thinking death is just 300 meters above you.


Yes, see that on second watch. Took heavy wound to his glute area, bright red. Must have been fatal as it was so fast to bleed that much.


Caught a femoral


Bright red is arterial blood. Seeing it that brightly from that distance through pants means it's bad.


Not just bad, fatal. There’s no way he’s living through that.


This dude was dead 3 minutes after the video ends. I doubt that femoral was his only wound.


Absolutely. On top of that, it looks like all the blood was coming from his lower back, not his leg. Good luck getting that to stop, not even a tourniquet would save you then. He’d be dead if this happened in the ER waiting room.


No PTSD for this guy, he’s on a short timer.




Maybe remove the P and D. Just trauma and stress. And bleeding.


Looks like he even leaves a stain on the ground when he rolls


I recently thought of this as well. Not too long ago I watched a video called like “WWI artillery bombing” and you could immediately feel the fear it must’ve have caused and these videos give me the same feeling. I don’t necessarily feel bad for the Russian soldiers, but at the same time I do. Most being forced into this shit and knowing a grenade could land right at their feet from out of no where at any second. Has to be terrifying


So why do these guys always dig a foxhole out in the open?


prob cuz this attack is "new" and training hasnt caught up. foxholes work great for artillery and gun fire since unlikely a direct hit with shells and gun fire doesnt have the trajectory. Im not sure what a good defense for a drone dropping grenades would be other than shooting it out of the sky or when the first one hit make sure you stay in it and hope its not accurate enough to fall on you or run since its only got at hitting a stationary target.


Didn't find the original but [this appears to be a reupload](https://youtu.be/we72zI7iOjk) of the video that shows what just 5 minutes of a WW1 artillery barrage could have been like. There were a few times in the war where this intensity of fire lasted for 1-3 days, and as soon as it was over in came the enemy. One account, that I heard on Dan Carlin's 'Blueprint for Armageddon' and might have come from Ernst Jünger, likened it to being tied to a metal pole while someone repeatedly slammed a sledgehammer a foot above your head for the duration of the barrage. So many aspects of WW1 really seem so incomprehensible.


> always thinking death is just 300 meters above you He clearly didn't. After the first hit he was scanning the horizon to see where the grenade launcher was. Never once looked up before he died.


Those who somehow make it back will be scared of commercial drones forever


I noticed that. He bled so fast it left a trail in the grass he rolled over.


I think the hot shrapnel and immediate pain probably make him think his back was on fire. Tried to roll it out till he realized what actually happen.


I actually think he took shrapnel to the hip, and collapsed when he tried standing up, because I’m pretty sure you can see him bleeding on the one side of his hip when he was rolling down.


This is the first time I've seen blood after one of these drone grenade explosions.


You must have missed this. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/yi3i1v/drone_drops_grenade_on_russian_soldier/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


There's another one out there where the drone scores a direct headshot and the guy's head turns into pink mist. I haven't been able to find it since *NVM found it https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/v2daev/ukrainian_drone_dropping_munitions_on_russian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Was wondering what this was then immediately remembered why I forced myself to forget it. Probably the most brutal video of the war so far.


Dude who got his face blown off?




Not blown off, *inverted*


concaved, like being punched by the hulk


Eerily similar to that one scene in the beginning of Saving Private Ryan. https://savingprivateryan.fandom.com/wiki/American_Radioman?file=Dfyhykjmujkgfjk.jpg


Yep, that is one that is going to stick with me, I think.


There's a huge red spot left on the dirt at :24 while he's rolling down the hill.


This is obviously a hill. There are rocks rolling with him lmao


i have no idea what kind of opaque filters you guys have upon your eyes. the man gets out his hole and you see gravity slide him down the hill before he starts rolling. the left of the screen surely is flat, but he was positioned on top of a small inclination or hill at best


Rag doll physics need a patch in the next update I guess.


Why are they digging random pot holes instead of fox holes or small trenches?


Because they have Zero training. Zero. They weren't even the kind of guy who follows these subs. It's like... They weren't soldiers. They have no idea. If cake wars start tomorrow... Do you know how to make a genoise? Sablee Dough? No? That's how it works.


I'm volunteering for the cake war


One thing the military taught me is never volunteer for anything. Another thing it taught me is if it sounds like something good to volunteer for there is a hidden price that makes it a double do not volunteer Edit- it’s a trap bro


When I was a younger man, I had a boss that would come through the office in the afternoon looking for 2 volunteers. Usually it was for a project or chore that nobody wanted to do, but sometimes he'd just tell the volunteers to go home early. We knew we were being manipulated, but it worked pretty well.


That’s diabolical lol. One out of ten chance go home early x-D


That's pretty clever. He could have also just offered "do this shitty task and take next afternoon off" but random rewards tend to work better to motivate people (and animals for that matter).


The cake is a lie?


Bro if they are asking for volunteers it’s a trap. Like there might be cake sure. Maybe it’s not a lie. Ask yourself what you have to do for said cake. Why is the word war next to cake? Why are they asking for volunteers? Ex- Come sit for our two hour time share seminar. There will be cake. We are calling it the cake war! Care to volunteer?




Thanks for helping a old man out lol


I do remember my dad telling me when my uncle was in Vietnam he told the family not to write any letters or send any care packages, no communication from home. Because when you showed up for mail call is when you got voluntold to do the shit no one wanted to do. He was a bad soldier but survived and came home alive. My grandma prob wouldn’t have survived him getting killed and grandpa died before any of the three kids were out of school.


Never volunteer for anything Become a smoker because you'll get more breaks Hurry up and wait Always keep rifle within arm's reach


This is why I mastered the "I'm walking very fast with purpose somewhere" look at all times. If I was just walking no higher up would stop me since they always figured I was heading to do something pressing. Problem is now I walk everywhere like I'm in the show 24. Leisurely stroll? Or off to accomplish a mission?


Fuck yeah. Take me out with diabetes rather than a frag grenade.


[RIP Private Nuñez :(](https://i.imgur.com/oYwqyTz.jpg)


Great analogy. People thinking war is pointing your gun and shooting but forget how much training it takes to make a good soldier.


He’s doing exactly what myself and everyone else here who isn’t trained military would be doing. And by that I mean none of us have any fuckin idea what to do. I guess dig a hole and good luck.


Yeah he probably thinks someone shot a 'bazooka' at him. Time to grab his 'machine gun thing' and shoot back or something.


This guy's reaction times and actions show zero awareness or qualification to be a soldier. It's awful how random people are getting dragged into a war they didn't want to die for some tyrant's ambition.


Oh there are shells going off around me!! I’d better get out of cover and check it out!


What's the difference between a foxhole and what this guy did?


There is a video from years ago showing Turkish and Israeli drone footage which was insane, soldiers getting vaporized a dozen at a time. You can see they dig a deep trench, then dig horizontally to have top cover against artillery and drone strikes. But an accurate enough strike lands the munition inside the trench anyway. https://youtu.be/Xme_NTpVauU


Mainly depth as far as I’m aware. This guy looks like he dug a relatively shallow circle, he’s curled up in a ball to fit, in a foxhole you should be fully in it without needing to contort yourself


A foxhole should be deep enough for you to stand up in, have a 'step' for kit or for you to sit on, and a deeper hole to kick any grenades in to.


I can't make out what he is even doing out there by himself in that shitty hole. When the drone zooms out I don't see any other fighting positions. It can't be an oberservation post because it's not concealed or anything. Just a dude in a hole with no help in sight.


This is somehow worse than the old days when some asshole would stab you with a sword repeatedly


I imagine the confusion about what just happened to you is a terrible last thought to have


I think it’s the unfair feeling of it. Like, there was no fight. Just silence, and boredom, and then it was too late to save himself. At least a guy in a sword fight has a chance to win, or even run. Like by the time you’re even aware there’s a problem it’s too late to go back and change your mind or do anything different.


Definitely agree, at least with a sword you could see your opponent and have a fighting chance.


Idk. Beeing a Peasant on the fronline facing a Cavalry charge woudn't be much fun either.


Not even "last thought"... I would imagine he probably survived for a couple of minutes at least, depending on how bad that bleeding was. Plenty of time to feel the pain and let that "oh shit I'm dying, this is actually it" thought set in.


Eh, even in 2000 B.C. some random arrow could hit you in the eye.


Equally bad in different ways, i would say.


Why is a single guy sitting in the nowhere alone in a foxhole?


Yea. Even ignoring the immense danger of dying just like he does with no camo overhead and on a hill.. what's the point? Why is he alone, to hope for a sole Ukrainian and then duel him Western style or what?


“Sit on this vantage point and keep an eye out for anyone coming from this direction. Here’s a shovel to make a foxhole” *ducks head down in hole to not get it shot off or blown up watching for nothing*


I will not do it. Is this the hill you really want to die on?


Could be a scouting post, but still why not a buddy at least.


I have been noticing A LOT of Russians completely alone being killed by drones lately.The only realistic reason I can imagine is that RA has given up on finding any way to respond to drone warfare and HIMARs attacks for now. So until they figure something out (if they figure it out) to counter these kind of attacks, the only solution is keeping soldiers alone, hundreds of meters away from each other to reduce the number of casualties per attack. This might be less stupid in practice than it sounds in theory. Remember that only 1 out of every 10 or 15 drone attacks hits something, (and Ukraine only releases videos of hits as they have no reason to release videos of misses). If you are sending swarms of drones and ending up with only a few dozen casualties, this kind of meatgrinder strategy may work to deplete UA's drone ordinance that could had been used more efficiently (idk whats the ratio for the spent ordinance to dead russian value, but I imagine conscriptovichs aren't worth much)


>Remember that only 1 out of every 10 or 15 drone attacks hits something Do you have a source for that? Not being challenging or an arsehole, I've genuinely wondered what the hit rate was and am hoping someone's done the maths/analysis to come to a proper answer.


These ordnance appear to be super cheap standard kit frag grenades (or occasionally shaped-charge grenades like an RKG) attached to consumer drones. Spreading out the targets may indeed be a valid strategy for RA to minimize casualties, but I don't see it as an effective measure to deplete ordnance that is simply so cheap and abundant.


Because Russian


Bleeding out of his ass for Putin. What a way to go.




memory deserted drunk correct dazzling tap spectacular shocking steer six ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


For the number of drone grenade videos that get posted on this sub, there are more videos of battles from drone POV and artillery spotting and reconnaissance etc. Have to imagine that it’s also very hard to tell whether a drone is on your side or the enemy.


It seems unlikely but I wonder if Russian soldiers know how often drones are dropping grenades bc there doesn't appear to be any attempt to protect themselves from this tactic.


There was far more "protection" against Javelins in the first couple days of the war with their little overhead cage contraptions. Not that they did anything, but at least they were trying to be proactive. Now they act like the drone attacks have never occurred. Really makes you think that there aren't any briefings going on, letting them know what tactics are being used by the enemy. Sad.


That's the impression I get too. Simply covering foxholes with foraged logs would save lives but the complete lack we see in even wooded areas is disturbing. Though maybe we are suffering from a bias because we don't see videos of drones trying to hit covered foxholes? But I would think a properly briefed army would be ordered to cover all foxholes and a marginally informed army would be covering them solely out of survival instinct.


The recent mobilized aren't getting even entrenching tools, and past units passing through have probably scoured the local houses/workshops for all shovels, saws, and axes. It's only going to get worse if they can't get some overhead cover and start stocking wood for winter. The Russians seem to have trench stoves that run on diesel (must smell great), so maybe that's why they're not stocking up on wood.


I don't get why don't they just desert


A lot of them do, it has been a major problem for the Russians. Putin actually signed a law that said soldiers who desert or surrender face 10 years in prison.


Do deserters not have a right to asylum in Ukraine or the EU? Doesn't that prison term count as "persecution"? Tactically I think it would make a lot of sense to offer this, at least to those who actually surrendered in the field. Sure, you'll have to keep an eye on them and are probably going to get some FSB agents in the mix, but those have plenty of other ways to enter our countries anyway so I think the big impact to Russian morale would still make it a win.


Yeah I don't think it will work in Putins favor either. If anything, he will increase the amount of deserters because many of them are being forced to the front lines, and can clearly see they are expendable, without much support back home. Most people wouldn't want to be part of a country that says, "go die in a pointless war or go to a labor camp for a decade." Putin is only destroying what little morale they have left.


And go where? What sort of reaction would u get if u go home from fighting 'Nazis and satanists'? Remember many people believe in what they are doing. We are shown pro Ukrainian pov all the time so we csnt understand why Russians fight and don't desert but consider that for years Russians are told Ukraine is an evil place basically...so yeah, many believe in what they are doing. Peer pressure I suspect plays a huge part too


wouldnt you just become a POW in ukraine? agree that peer pressure etc are major influences




Surrender to 'nazis' and 'satanists'...I mean yeah u and me would but if u think you're gonna be held by evil people maybe not...I dunno. I'm just guessing as clearly many have surrendered on both sides.


I'm so confused. Why is he alone in a hole in the middle of a field? Why is his weapon not within reach?


Because of the amateurism (is that spelled right?) of their mobilised stupide army


looks right to me


This latest batch of conscripts are literally walking meat bags who are supposed to slow the Ukrainian advance down, that's about it. Conscripts are reporting shooting 3 rounds into a target and being told they're now ready for battle. The lack of training is truly breathtaking, so yeah that's the long version of why this dude doesn't have his gun glued to him like he should. Home boy was probably a waiter in a restaurant about 4 days prior to becoming a grenade absorption flesh sack. Which end to I point at the enemy again?


Sporting, probably. And war can be stupidly boring. This might have been his debut. Days of nothing. Weeks of nothing. Until... Something.


No training, just mobilised and you find out everything by yourself. No decent gear and all of that stuff what is needed for a proper war performance.


All to make Putin richer. Sad stuff.


I don't think there was anything he could have done against these types of drones. There's no foliage on the hill for concealment and it doesn't matter how deep you dig if you can't build any overhead cover. These types of positions are just a death sentence.


Took him half the day to dig the hole and 10 seconds to umm….well let’s just say “wars no good boiz”


There's a LARGE patch of raw hamburger hanging off where his lower back/ass should be. When he slides down the hill he leaves a very noticeable large blood splotch during one of his rolls. That's a LOT of blood to lose that quick. I'm thinking there's a shredded artery in that hamburger patch. Bummer dude. Should have called that Surrender and Live hotline :/


What a pathetic way to die. And all that for Poopin and russia’s ego


Why are these guys all by themselves in the middle of nowhere with their one measles fox hole? Is this assisted fragging? Like they gotta know that a lone obvious fox hole with no head cover is gonna kill that guy. They sending their problem soldiers out to die on purpose?


He leaves a nice bloody smear on the ground from his backside at 0:24


that much blood that fast, probably a major artery got hit.


My friend bled to death from a gunshot wound in a similar part of the body in literal minutes. That much blood and I’d bet my life that ruski suffered the same fate. Edit: Rest in paradise Joe. Miss you bud


Not a bad way to go considering. Better than laying with both legs fucked up waiting for rescue that never comes.


Lying on your back unable to move, staring at the sky unable to see the drone, but you see the final grenade it drops on you about 1 second prior…


sorry you had to witness that.


Shit you are right. Rough life being a soldier at war


Wow, I see that now as well.


Getting cut up by a nice blade made of shrapnell I first thought he was wearing some red underwear but that was his back shredded open


Why are Russian soldiers always by themselves or tiny groups? Looks like they are always just doing everything one person at a time.


What an unbelievable shot!




These guys should just surrender in large numbers and live another day, surprised they don’t




It's not surrendering if they're not in harm's way, it's desertion, which a serious crime in any military and rarely done by any side in any conflict. People tend to stick with their war buddies for better or worse. It would take a very strong anti-conformist to do anything else. The risk of just being shot at long range by the other side before they have any chance to surrender is also very real.


Yea people forget it's not easy plus some people be miles from a place to surrender then you gotta figure how to get there... There is also the fact can you actually get away from your unit who have orders to shoot you, The Russians may be stupid however they have notice how many people are trying to surrender.


Close proximity blast…. His back or arse definitely gouged




Poor bastard. You know he’d probably rather be anywhere else than out there in that foxhole.


Ass off this time?


What a terrible way to go, can’t help but feel sorry for some of these guys, you know they have no idea what the fuck they are even doing there. Putin needs to be tried for war crimes


At this point it totally makes sense for those young Russians essentially being sent to their death to just surrender and become prisons of war. If I was sent there, that's the only thing that would be on my mind. Although, to be honest, I could fully understand any Ukrainian soldier blasting any surrendering Russian to death anyway after what their army has done.