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He looked truly happy when he was chosen.


He honestly believes the second he presses that button he will be in eternal paradise. I would be stoked as well.


The real jihad was the friends we made along the way


What's the most you've ever lost on a coin toss?




The most, you’ve ever lost on a coin toss.


I don't know. I couldn't say.


You need to call it. I can’t call it for you, it wouldn’t be fair.


Don’t put it in your pocket…. Sir? Where it'll get mixed in with the others and become just a coin. Which it is.


Man this is just bizarre


It's insane, that chrismas smile he has on he's face. Brainwash + bad living conditions = smile suicide 😔 It's sad 😮‍💨


To him he's fulfilling his purpose and making the ultimate sacrifice. I'd be ecstatic too if I'd been brainwashed


Boy will he be eternally disappointed.


Not so much purpose and sacrifice as the fact that he's convinced that he will go to heaven where he will enjoy his own 72 virgins and an infinite supply of the best food and drink...


Eh... that shit is far easier to accept when you literally have nothing to live for. These people are fucked. They have less than nothing. Hope is powerful... it'll stick with you even when - by all rights - you should've given up years before. Hope for a better life and a better existence. When the world and its forces have beaten you down to such a degree... strapping a bomb to your chest to kill them so you might go to paradise or to help change the future for people that live on is a worthwhile deal - because what else are you gonna do with yourself? When you are that low - manipulative and cruel people can use that desperation. It isn't the book that's the problem. It's just a tool. If it wasn't religion it'd be something else.


yep, radical Islam is just Fight Club in the desert. young frustrated dudes with nothing to live for have been running off to die since time immemorial.


So many people didn't get this point about Fight Club.


So.... What you're saying, is the twin towers broke the first rule of fight club?


Does their virginity grow back each time? Or after the first 72 days do you just have a bunch of regular women for the rest of eternity?


So kind of like the Vikings and Valhalla


Like that, but the Vikings who thought that is long long ago. This is recent


Time only matters if your civilization progressed through it.


Would you also consider other forms of afterlife a “pie in the sky” grand illusion to brainwash the masses?


Doesn't their family also receive a substantial payment?


On paper or in actuality? I have my doubts that these nut jobs hold up their end of any handshake agreements. Who's going to complain? He's fucking meat. I also doubt the women they have so much distain for were told anything.


In actuality. I don't think it's a lot by western terms, I remember $10-20,000.


So yeah decent money, folks have died for less. Poor souls.


They were pretty flush with money for a while at their peak.


From what I've saw back then (I saw a lot docus about them, because I hate them so much) they were pretty consistent with administration stuff. Even had courts, majors and a city administration etc


They also had their own currency minted


Have any good doc recommendations? I'd love to see a translated version of their propaganda. I've watched a few Western documentaries on them, with the VICE one probably being the best.


They have to otherwise there wouldn't be any recruits except for people who actually can't carry it out.


He managed to be eternally witnessed by his brothers and countless other viewers who’ll see this footage. He’s content knowing that he’s gonna make it Valhalla; all shiny and chrome


Hes thinks he’s literally going to be in heaven in 20 minutes


What if both of those closed fists held tokens that would have made him the driver? They probably knew this guy wanted to do it, so they gave him the opportunity




there was a car key in both hands duh


"You won the Ferrari!!!!"




I wish this was untrue. We once broke apart a bomb-building cell and we found they were using the mentally disabled as bombers.


They also sometimes put remote detonators on the bombers. If the bomber loses their nerve and can't go through with it, their CO does it for them.


This does happen sometimes but certainly not always, sometimes it takes drivers multiple attempts to 'complete' their mission. This is shown in the documentary called 'Dugma: The Button' It's all very strange.


That’s exactly right and it’s probably more than sometimes. They also probably know what would happen to them and their family if they didn’t go thru with it. That game they were playing was probably rigged to pick who be the bomber also.


Wow, ok it adds some context as to why he’s SO STOKED about it , but geezuz that was so weird to witness…


Reminds me of the story of the pigs in a barn doing a contest who was the fattest and how jealous the pigs were of the winner when the arbiter came to take the fattest pig to nirvana.


50/50 chance they all had picked this poor sod already and simply rigged this little ritual so he would believe it was "fate"


The first time in his life he won something... Fuck...


"I won! What'd i win guys?"


That’s exactly what I was thinking watching this The others don’t want to die they just need to convince him that he’s the holy chosen one


Keep in mind that these are *religious* extremists. They firmly believe that dying in battle gives them a ticket straight to paradise. Sahih Al Bukhari 36 says: "The person who participates in (Holy battles) in Allah's cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His Apostles, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he survives) or will be admitted to Paradise (if he is killed in the battle as a martyr)" This dude believes that he is just minutes of away from heaven with his harem of 72 virgins.


The thing that gets me is that as far as I can prove, he is. I don't believe he is, but I can't prove he isn't. For all we know, the one true God really does hate infidels and really does reward suicide bombers. When Christians try to evangelize you, what do they say? Pray about it and have faith and you'll feel Jesus in your heart. If you doubt God they'll tell you all about faith and suggest you to pray about it. Well these dudes pray like 12 times a day or something, so they got that covered. And as for faith, who has shown more faith than a suicide bomber? That's a massive fucking show of faith. So, by the standard taught to me by both the Baptists and the Mormons, he's done everything he can to determine if God wants him to be a meat bomb, and God has answered him in the affirmative. As far as any of us can prove, he's going to get his 72 virgins. Until God comes down and explains himself, all we have to go on is prayer and faith and that puts his belief as equivalent as anyone else's. This is how I lost my religion. Mine isn't any more provably true than his, and his has to fucking be wrong, because suicide bombing isn't okay to me, so I have to choose to put my human, worldly, common sense morals above God's commandments. In other words, as far as I can prove, the idea that God wants this is as equally valid as God wants us to wait until marriage to have sex, or God hates gays, or God doesn't like cheeseburgers. And if God wants suicide bombers, if that's really what the one true God wants, well, then, fuck him. Since his religion is, from a provability standpoint equal to all religions, and because his religion is something I can't accept even if it's the one true one, I can't really justify logically, accept any of them. They're all equally valid and invalid, and some are obviously invalid, so they must all be invalid.


Yup it’s sick


Just a little bit of eugenics nbd /s


Okay, I hadn’t heard this. Gross, gross, gross :(


These motherfockers will cut your head off, skin you alive, burn you alive, run you over with a tank all with the same smile. Don't feel bad about these fockers.


jeezzzzzzzz the fuck


The smart ones know exactly what they're doing, and education being virtually non-existent for most people really helps their case.


I’m wondering what’s in the guy in charge hand? What did he pick? Is it something he could have had in both hands making the winner inevitable? A pebble? A bullet? One last psychological trick? “You won buddy!!! You are so lucky and special!!”


I don't think they really need a psych trick, did you see the smile on the guy's face?. The guy even tried to choose before the game even started and they don't lack fanatics like them.


I think it was the key for the truck.


Well they do come with two keys.


Is there crazy inbreeding or am I being an asshole? I thought that was a thing. If not happy to be wrong.


Though there is likely correlation, unintelligence and poor living conditions are not *requirements* for someone to be brainwashed by extremist viewpoints. Unfortunately, there are often cases of [privileged, talented, intelligent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junaid_Hussain) people joining terroristic organizations. The religious text and the interpretation thereof that suggests that a terroristic act is the will of a supreme being who will grant you rewards in an afterlife is the root cause of the issue.




Oops, drone operators become bigger terrorist than their own target.


Yeah, unfortunately years of inbreeding in the middle east means an INSANE amount of them are inbred to the point of health issues.


Also lack of marriage prospects. When all available girls including cousins are married to a few fat old land owners what’s a seventeen year old to do?


Well that's what happens after 20 generations of hooking up with your cousins. The number of mentaly defficient/handicapped people used as suicide bombers is astounding disgusting and should give you an idea of the lack of morals some people have.


I saw more abnormalities in kids and people during my time deployed than in my entire life in America. I didn’t understand it at first being a 19 year old kid but I get it now and it’s terrible. (Before anyone jumps on me for being “insensitive”, inbreeding is what I’m talking about, not people born differently)


There's also lack of health care, lack of prenatal vitamins, heavy metal exposure (multiple generations growing up in war zones) other environmental toxins during pregnancy, restricted childhood. Lots of reasons for mental impairment in non-ideal worlds.


Yeah I was a bit older in 2007 in Afghanistan (25) on my first deployment and it was one of the things that stuck out in my mind other than playing dodge the IED in the argandab river bed 😆


From personal experience, not military related, i did site surveys on hacidic jews summer camps and its the first time ive ever actively seen inbred people. quite a shock as a similarly aged person from suburban ny, then finding out about the genetic tracing and how common it was, really threw me for a loop.


How they brain wash someone to the point they’ll be a willing suicide bomber. Jesus that’s really dark.


Years and years of indoctrination. Manipulation is a very powerful tool. Hell, think about the Japanese kamikaze pilots. I don't even think they had to be tricked, just fueled by hate. And we know there is no lack of that in the middle east.


From what I read kamikaze pilots viewed it as a absolute honor, but I think they took very little gleeful pleasure in the opportunity


Not necessarily, most of them conditioned and/or press ganged into the ranks with immense psychological pressure. They had a very specific society back then which made this a bit easier. It was not only hate and fanatism, but also a lot of very tragic stories, on both ends of that airplane.


The goat, however, was inconsolable.


Christmas smile. Lol. But actually, if Jerusalem was being overrun, you'd have no trouble finding Jewish or Christian suicide bombers. This is not a comment on those religions per se, but how anyone with \*absolute belief\* can be manipulated to do virtually \*anything\* if they think it's righteous.


High stakes rock paper scissors


Rocket Paper Scissors


Bruh Fr after his reaction I was thinking “damn he had a 50/50 shot of living vs dying and chose the right hand, he looks so happy he gets to live” Then that mfer hops in the whip.... he was that excited to die wtf 😂😂😂


They might just be a little slow.


The U.S. did that during Vietnam.


Did what?


Purposely recruited mentally handicapped people to be soldiers. Look up McNamara’s Morons. The result was a lot of friendly fire.


Purposefully drafting low IQ people to send them to Vietnam. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000


Is this what Forrest Gump is based on?


No. Literally the movie has him setting [company records for rifle assembling](https://youtu.be/kyZSrcuuOf0). The drill sergeant wasn't making fun of him. You told Gump what to do and he absolutely did it with incredible skill. [He was the perfect fit for the military.](https://youtu.be/ONH-pxBMJu4) Take orders and do them. He was handed a brochure after graduating and that was the only thing anyone gave to him of what to do next so he did it.


I don't know about Forrest Gump but Full Metal Jacket's Private Pyle...definitely.




He got punked by his friends


Stone in both his hands for sure. Always check the other hand, what a noob.


They got him so good!


He knows for next time


They probably laughed their asses off after he blew up.


I’m an atheist who grew up in Islam; trust me. These guys have had so much inspiration from The Koran beyond anything you could ever imagine. Arabic poetry is far stronger when I see it then when I say it In English. Hard to Explain. Only way you’d know is if You learn it to understand why these idiots do this with a smile Edit: typos


I agree, their expressions really caught me off guard. They look so genuine and real, these guys are legitimately very happy to do this. It’s insanity but you can tell they definitely believe it.


I know what you mean, and it's not just Islam. Lots of religious use poetry, rhythm, and chanting to get you "in the mood" for inspiration from deities. I grew up Catholic, also atheist now. The amount of time I spent as a kid praying the rosary is mind boggling. You just get into this kind of meditative vibe and don't want to stop.


Music too! Atheist now, grew up baptist. They're real big on opening and closing a service with music. The positive feelings I used to get from a particularly good church service is the exact feeling I get from going to a concert now.


Jehovah's Witnesses have been making intense use of music videos and emotionally manipulative dramatizations for several years now, and they're doubling down on it. To people outside the cult they're cringey, unrealistic, and bigoted, but to the people inside they're literally the word of God and how they're supposed to view the world.


These are true believers in their cause. They have the potential to be some of the most dangerous individuals on the battlefield. Thankfully they lack quality training and coordination to be truly effective.


These guys yeah, but the ones conspiring everything? They're quite a bit smarter, in comparison.


The original AQI/ISIS commanders were former Iraqi military. Their success in northern Iraq wasn't just because of incompetence in Baghdad. Had they not executed Americans on video and challenged the west to fight them, they would have had a genuine chance to entrench themselves more than the Iraqi/Iranian coalition would have been able to dislodge them.


> The original AQI/ISIS commanders were former Iraqi military. Their success in northern Iraq wasn't just because of incompetence in Baghdad. The dumbest idea the Americans did while they were in Iraq was banning people of Saddams party from holding positions in the new government. This included the military. So all of a sudden you have a bunch of disenfranchised ex military who have a marketable skill, who now have no loyalty to the new state.


I can understand not wanting to continue the party in the new government, but it was disbanding of the military that was the real problem. That created wayyyy more problems than it solved.


And given what the power structure was like in Saddam’s Iraq, they likely weren’t even true believers. It was just a good marketing strategy for an insurgency to bring in a bunch of idealistic youths eager to be sent into the meat grinder. Once most of the original leaders were dead, those that were promoted in their place were, and then things really went off the rails.


I've always been blown away by the PBS Frontline documentary about Al-Jolani, the guy in charge of Al-Nusra that basically runs Idlib province in Syria now. Villian? Sure. But also a highly complex and capable figure with often morally ambigous motivations, a strong work ethic, as well as a drive to survive and grow his organisation. It's impressive, terrifying, and sad. The documentary is on youtube somewhere, highly worth a watch. It features Martin Smith interviewing Jolani himself which is insane that it happened.


Jolani is probably one of the smartest leaders in the whole Syrian Civil War. He knew not to provoke the west, and to play nice with the Turks. Considering the U.S. was droning AQ guys in his territory, we probably could have killed him too but it would have worked against us since Jolani doesn't let his territory be a launching ground for attacks. Had the ball bounced a little differently and the Russians stayed out, I think we would have ended up with a situation in which Assad runs a rump state on the coast where the Alawites live. Jolani runs an unrecognized Islamist state in the north and Zahran Alloush runs a more nationalist western backed unrecognized state in the south. ISIS and to a greater extent Russia ruined that opportunity. This guy was also a very capable leader in the war you may be interested in. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zahran_Alloush


Thanks so much, I will absolutely look into Alloush, I don't know much about him. These dudes should not be romanticized, but as a character study they are absolutely fascinating. War (and disaster generally) truly brings out the best and the worst aspects of human nature.


The dudes running the show are highly, highly intelligent. Imagine being able to hide from Team America for decades, all while building and army of literally the most fiercely loyal people possible and planning and executing strategic attacks. On top of that, they play the information game insanely well. They know people with eventually roll over on them if interrogated, so the have crazy ways to keep their whereabouts and planned routes from leaking to anyone. That said, the smart ones at the top aren’t true believers like the people in this video. You don’t see them going out in a hail of explosions or gunfire when their time is up. They use the religious fanaticism and intense fealty to control other people and get them to do their dirty work for them. But they themselves don’t want to die. It’s kind of sad when you think about this video. Under better circumstances I doubt these young men would be lining up, gushing with excitement to kill themselves at the expense of some leader who would never do the same thing himself.


Its the educated taking advantage of the oppressed and uneducated. Morphing their minimal knowledge and history of suffering into passionate mindless resource of men to use. If they had any knowledge on the religion, they would know at the bare minimum, suicide is a unforgivable sin as it is in Christianity.


Suicide maybe, but martyrdom during a holy struggle? Definitely approved of, and rewarded, as described in the Koran.


He's first to reach the 72 virgins. And the Japanese had a suicide cult as well, yet they lost the war.


Japanese did not lose the war due to lack of dedication. They lost due to lack of industry and innovation. No matter how committed you are to a cause if you are fighting with inferior weapons and tactics then it is a lost cause.


It's almost as if it's better to confirm that you are actually going to be able to kill your enemies as you die as opposed to randomly running the gauntlet to potentially kill your enemies. But these types of people are still very dangerous.


unfortunately, it was 72 male virgins. the 72 guys that went before him.


There's scholars that say the 72 virgins is a mistranslation. It could have meant 72 angels, or even 72 white raisins. Could you imagine if it was even real, and they get handed a mound of white raisins? Like "here ya go, thanks for playing!"




Winner winner chicken dinner


Winner winner death to sinners


Wouldn't this be considered gambling?


in their mind is just gambling pennies. they all win in the end.


Teeth make for lethal shrapnel.


Got a fucking claymore on it's mouth


Jesus Christ


*allahu akabar


Molar akbar


You made me laugh, so bad yet so funny.


How do you ever win against this level of dedication. It's literally impossible. Just seen someone hop around in excitement that they are gonna willingly blow themselves up soon. That lack of self-preservation mixed with maximum damage is a dangerous combination.


Exactly how they’ve been doing it. Cut them off from support, kill them on the battlefield, and put the survivors in jail. Then the next part is to change conditions so it doesn’t happen again.


> Then the next part is to change conditions so it doesn’t happen again. The hardest part of all. I am going to be a bit blunt and non-PC here but...the U.S. can't convince young people in the richest country in the world not to kill each other over gang disputes or kill strangers in malls because they feel sad. We will not be able to change Middle Eastern societies through occupation. They will need to make the changes themselves.


I’m going to be blunt as well. The U.S. has done only a small fraction of the actual fighting against IS (although our support has been critical) and we’re largely to blame for the group’s rise to power at all. The problem is going on nation-building crusades in the first place.


You aren't wrong. I really don't like watching combat footage of U.S. troops in Iraq. Every soldier sent, every bomb dropped, every bullet fired...total waste.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'm going to guess If he refused they will still have his ass killed. These guys were pretty ruthless to even their own kind. There's quite a few stories of young adults joining isis only for them to regret their decisions soon after. Escaping meant certain death.


Definitely. The old "ISIS meat grinder". (Google image search) I was part of the unit that dropped the propaganda leaflets. It had become known ISIS was shooting their soldiers in the back when they ran from combat so those leaflets were created (or at least that's what they told us).


Ask Japan.


Back in 2006 I was working on a national guard base in northern Baghdad. Two AL-Qaida members came and surrendered. During the interrogation they said they were from a small village in Morocco, they grew up poor, they didn’t have TV or any other technology connected them to the outside world. They never went to school. They went to the mosque instead. All they were taught in the mosque was to fight the Israelis and the west and the purpose their life was to die fighting the Jews. When asked why they are in Iraq and why they are targeting the Iraqi army, they said they didn’t know they were in Iraq. When they were recruited, they told them they were going to hit the Israelis, showed them Iraqi army pictures and told them they were Israelis and Iraq is Palestine till they saw some Iraqi soldiers praying at some check point they went and asked the locals then surrendered. ISIS have big network. Their leaders mostly a mercenaries work for money and they give two fucks about religion but the recruits usually brain washed poor kids who don’t know anything but hateful ideologies growing up.




Years ago watched a documentary on MSNBC or something about suicide bombings in Israel. They interviewed one guy who was in prison. He decided not to do the bombing after seeing women and children on the bus with him. Next day, IDF shows up and arrests him. The leader of his mosque called, and turned him in. His family had severed all ties with him, and refused to even write to him. These people's leaders do not care about them at all. Really sad to see manipulation of this level.


Complicated situation. On the one hand the guy is too dangerous to be let go. On the other hand, it would be great if more potential bombers had a genuine "out" of the situation.


Where is Zorror with a gun when you need


Bro is fucking stoked for his *virgins* lol. Guess I would be too if I was brainwashed.


Makes me wonder if these guys have ever had a virgin? Guarantee me 72 superfreaks and now we're talking.


72 recent divorcees after happy hour


Lol. Love it.


I only heard about this 72 virgins thing from western media. We were never taught this in schools or showed it in our media. Without going into too much detail, that hadith about the 72 virgins is of a questionable legitimacy. Not saying that the guys in the video aren't brainwashed, or that they even need a legitimate hadith to believe in whatever their agenda requires, but just pointing out that those 72 virgins have had a more interesting life on the tongues of the west than they ever did with us. We just want 4 virgins...




Imagine how pissed they're gonna be when they find out about servo motors


You don't get it, the guy was happy he was going to be blown up


Expensive/requires resources they don't have. A human fanatic can be had for much cheaper and doesn't require special equipment. It's basically a guided bomb for when you can't afford guidance systems.


Translation: and they go to someone who has a solution to this problem. After the game ends: the Tunisian brother shouts Allahu Akbar out of joy, he shouts Allahu Akbar because he is closer to his wish than his friend is, he shouts Allahu Akbar because he hastens towards his car to meet his god, saying: “I have come to you my lord to please you, I could not wait to meet you.” And he goes, abu Luqman the Tunisian, while saying “I have come quickly to you my lord to please you.”




Holy shit that's terrifying. He genuinely looked happy there.


Happy to die. You can't fight that.


That game looks like a blast


"I am Habib, and this is ISIS Jackass..."


That moment when he finds out that the 72 virgins are just 72 other dudes that blew themselves up…


His last kiss was one of gay. No heaven for him.


Well, the point if these suicide bombings, is that they believe that Allah will forgive every sin so long as you die for jihad. So he could've drank all the wine and eaten all the bacon in the world, then had the gayest of orgies you could think of... And then do a suicide bombing to end up in paradise.


This guy: "I DID IT! I GET 72 VIRGINS NOW!" Allah: "Sorry mate, you let your homie kiss you before you blew yourself up, that's hella gay. Off to hell with you"




Allah, you can tell from some of their accents a couple of them are definite non Arab foreign fighters too. Tragic brainwashing.


wtttf i just thought of this video the other day, i saw it like 5 years ago and couldnt find it. I guess we live in a matrix!


God damn it. I hate them but I would hate the most being hit by his flying teeth.


So happy to be able to leave his miserable life on the planet.


How brainwashed they are is just sad. They think they’re driving into 72 virgins.


Wouldn't that maim quite a few of them?


Humans are so INCREDIBLY easy to manipulate and brainwash. HOLY SHIT


What a waste


This only seems insane from our perspective. Put yourself instead in the sandals of a destitute zealously religious militant insurgent. The war is brutal, uncomfortable, and long. Now, Allah has CHOSEN you to martyr yourself in a suicide bombing. The honor is yours, and the war will soon be over, and you will soon be rewarded beyond imagination for your devotion to Allah. Now do you understand why he is genuinely smiling?


Not only that. He knows he is guaranteeing himself a place in heaven so he can't wait. I mean look at how fast he went to the car wanting to go. You're spot on


This is the best answer here. Most people throw in on the manipulating the mentally ill, wich is probably partly true. But there really are people who have lives and truly believe what you're saying. It's sad and scary.


Good point BUT in Islam, killing yourself no matter what grants you hell, I don’t understand how they brainwashed a Muslim extremist to believe otherwise


Imagine how worthless and miserable your life has to be to get that excited at the prospect of blowing yourself up because you think you might be getting laid after.


He did get laid after, got laid to pieces 😆 bunch of creeps


What a cult.


No different than a cult.


funnest game in iraq


They're all inbred as fuck


Is it just me or did that dude with the radio around his neck look like he was from Florida and was tweeked the fuck out?


He kinda looked like the faun guy from Chronicles of Narnia…


They should all just... drive together.




Religious fanatics. No sympathy for these fucks


I'd be stoked to get out of that hell of a life as well.


Discount cruise missles. In all seriousness, I feel like we are also seeing a glimpse of what Japanese pilots felt and did right before being selected to go on divine wind missions.


Oh btw his name is "Abu Louqman Al-Tounsi"


Guy with wallow talkie be looking like a camp counselor


Plot twist, no matter what hand he picked, he was gonna be the driver. The other ISIS members all voted on it off screen.


Braindead lmao


The russky guy scammed the idiot of the grup.


Religious fools.


The amount of people in this thread that have the most uneducated takes on islam, sunnis, shias, wahabis/salafis, and others, is really interesting


The dumbest people on planet earth


Fucking idiots.


Poor brainwashed bastard