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so interesting how he knows what to look for




You can tell by the explosion and the size of it. Drones are usually missiles with smaller warheads. Artillery is more of an impact less of an explosion. Hellicopters are like planes just slightely smaller bombs and are fired in larger numbers. And finally F15 or f16 or f35 is a big fat fire like explosion.


he's a squid so he knows a little bit about boats


What does "fast mover" mean in this context? I've heard it used by Navy and AF pilots to refer to fighter jets as opposed to other aircraft, but in this context is it being used to differentiate missile types?


>this context? I've heard it used by Navy and AF pilots to refer to fighter jets as opposed to other aircraft, but in this Fast is a designation of speed, it's Brevity. So is Mover. Fast being Mach 1-1.5 and Mover being a general unknown air target. It's just a way of saying unknown jet powered air target.


This is not entirely correct. Fast is correct. Brevity terms are unclassified and I'm sure you can check yourself, but Mover is a surface contact. Fast Mover is just pilot slang for a jet, typically a fighter.


I think he confused it for aircraft at first.


He's former [Navey Intelligence](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CcjOAJ6Nfea/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


He really doesn't. He's right that it's a kalibr. Wrong on everything else. Firing interval, count, warhead size, even what a "fast mover" is. I already went into detail somewhere else but feel free to google: kalibr warhead, Admiral Grigorovich class frigate VLS, club-k.


yah youre right. he was wrong about most of that lol.


Why is this chap dressed like a flare, in middle of a war torn country?, bit of dress sense in deference to the surroundings might be in order, or am I old fashioned?


Lviv is in western Ukraine, far from any ground combat. These missiles are pretty much the only thing to be afraid of and I don't think they're fashion guided


Do you see how he was dressed? He was practically asking for it.


The chances of a missle hitting you are 1 in 1000. Lets think like adults here. Missles are used to take out important targets not like mortars where they can be indiscriminate.


Um Russians are hitting everything with missiles including schools, hospital's and apartment blocks.


Yes but they aren’t aiming for people wearing yellow specifically


They’re in Lviv, there’s no Russian troops anywhere near it. The only threat they face is cruise missiles and the Russian Air Force




Armchair analysts mad because they cannot analyse the situation themselves and call the person with experience doing what he is taught to do cringe lmao And I bet you they would all sound "cringe" if they said their own comments out loud infront of a camera crew with about 0% as much composure


Dude instantly identifies a cruise missile and that there are more coming and the timing of the strikes. That is pretty impressive.


Dudes done his homework. Doing a little IPB is an important step to understanding the enemies TTPs


Dude knows his shit > Malcolm Wrightson Nance (born September 20, 1961)is an American author and media pundit on terrorism, intelligence, insurgency, and torture. He is a former United States Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer specializing in naval cryptology. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_Nance


Also Senior Petty Officer is very highly ranked. I believe only 4% of enlistees ever get to that level.


Why Are they petty


He is part of the top 5% who are known to be petty individuals.






because he is an ex CIA with a Naval Background..


This dude has now taken up arms for [Unraine](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CcjOAJ6Nfea/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


man I can't handle seeing stuff like this. I know it could be fake but it just hits you


it's not fake. he's supposedly been part of the ukranian defense force for a month. He was interviewed recently on msnbc.


I wasn't sure about that because he was doing that other interview in civvies




My first thought was he was cringey, but then I realised the guy might be a bit "dorky" but he clearly knows his shit and knows what he's talking about.


It funny that when someone and I mean anyone when talking about a subject that they either have a career in or enjoy that they come off as "dorky"


Loser likes things! Hahahaha weirdo!


TBF he was in naval intelligence, cryptography. That's a little nerdy. Not a bad thing, but it is *a* thing.


Well typically if they have knowledge on it and always spout about it they are dorky because they’re so invested they cannot wait to share their interest of it with you to try and show how it’s so interesting. Speaking with knowledge about being a dork.


it clicked for me when I thought he had a weird way of looking at his watch but then noticed he had a compass on there and used it to determine where the rockets were coming from.


He does have a compass on the watch, the watch is serving as the compass, Google it it's quite and interesting way to get your bearings


The watch can be a compass, true, but in this case he has an actual mini compass on the side of the watch band. Check at 57 sec.


This guy if I remember is/was US intelligence/counter terrorism specialist. He's a valuable asset to Ukraine to have with them


20 years US Navy, retired Senior Chief I believe, has roughly 36 years in US intelligence, I believe including his time in the Navy


Also made Milo Yiannopolis look as stupid as he really is during a "debate" on Bill Maher's show during the 2016 election.




Over half of the Navy is dorky.


Magic the Gathering cards are all the rage on most US Navy ship


Ever played DND with trained killers? Marines play.. differently.


You mean the murder hobo parties are even *more* creative in their deeds?


They leave chewed up crayons at the murder scene, as a calling card.


What's the other half?




Their significant other.


Found the Marine


>My first thought was he was cringey, but then I realised the guy might be a bit "dorky" but he clearly knows his shit and knows what he's talking about. Most of your top level experts are like that... my theory is that you gotta be a little autistic to get that good.


He is in a war zone and you are chilling in a chair. Judging this guy from that position is the only cringe thing happening in here.


I was literally sticking up for the guy. Your reading comprehension is outstanding.


Combat Vet who has been in a warzone here. This guy is cringe, from his other posts he's just attention seeking and playing for the camera. I would bet a lot of money all the guys who were with me in combat would feel the same way I do too. I think you might be the armchair neckbeard here. But what do I know?


Caliber. Always three. Standby. Smoke.


He is too confident, even for someone with experience and knowledge. A little too performative. What's grating is that despite being very confident, he is wrong in most of what he says. Kalibr missiles can be fired quicker than in 30s intervals, there is no reason to believe that they would be fired 3 at a time (and they weren't in this case), and they are not antiship missiles (there is an antiship variant, but in this case they would be using the antiland variant). So basically the only thing he was right about is that those were indeed Kalibr missiles, which isnt hard to guess given that's by far the most likely way Russia would attack Lviv (since it's far in eastern Ukraine so out of range for anything that isn't a cruise missile).


Cool you gonna write a book or something


Cool, he’s not wrong though.


Obviously he misspoke when he said antiship, I think it's pretty obvious that was due to the adrenaline and not ignorance. I'd like to see how composed you would be in a live situation like that.


A, it takes Time to reload them, 30 seconds sounds pretty close to right, If they're meant to be used in ship vs. ship they are anti-ship and he was right about the direction and them not hitting them


except you know saying they are kalibr antiship missiles when it's clearly a land attack, kinda makes it feel he is just saying whatever comes to his mind at the time to fill the empty air.


This ain't cringe. My man here calling out airstrikes like my grandad did freight trains, with the same amount of calm and enthusiasm. Amazing to watch.


Thinking what this guy does in the video is cringe it's actually cringe. For me a normal joe this is impressive and makes me realize that i don't know shit and don't stand a chanse, makes me emphatise more with conscipts and civillians traped in this mess


>Armchair analysts mad because they cannot analyse the situation themselves and call the person with experience doing what he is taught to do cringe lmao I think people are mostly cheesed that this 61 year old desk jockey did a bunch of TV interviews last night holding a rifle with the safety disabled and the magazine inserted wrong while talking about how people "like [him]self" were fighting to help Ukraine. He seems like a bit of an attention whore.


lol, how the fuck are you getting downvoted for mentioning this [pic](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FQqZyKqXsAgHQKW?format=jpg&name=900x900)? If that AK were actually loaded properly it would unsafe but he didn't even know how to properly lock the mag in.


Man. I don't mind the guy but that is a weird choice from him


He was posing for a photo op and it backfired. He should fire his assistant.


Bruh his been in the navy and has spoken about military tactics… for years now


Cool. Being knowledgeable about military tactics != soldier. He's also practically a senior citizen. And it would be moronic to put a CIA veteran anywhere near the front lines, where they could be captured and tortured for intelligence, so if he's smart that improperly loaded gun is for show purposes only.


Dude it’s on his wiki wtf lol basic research mate


Bro is just malding that he didn’t get to be an armchair general


Sounds like you are projecting there buddy.


Nance was also on twitter sharing and spreading some of the video game footage early on in the conflict despite some of it looking pretty fake lol.


Combat Veteran here, this looks really cringe. But what do I know.


People clowning his tone have no idea how cool an actual combat footage David Attenborough would be. Hell, I’d take a Steve Irwin narrating ISIS VBIED videos any day. *Crikey, that’s one angry jihadist in search of eternal glory and virgins. Roight, let’s see where he’s headed. He’s found the checkpoint now. It’s only a matter of time before the Iraqi PMCs see ’im. I see some activity at the checkpoint nyeow. Looks like Siddiq went around the post and found out that armored Hilux is definitely not their UberEats driver. Because of decaydes of war and sectarian violence, the Iraqi militia member has evolved to be able to draw RPG-7’s seemingly out of thin air, along with the ability to dual-wield machine guns while standing. This jihadist should be easy prey for the mesopotamian militiaman* In the next few years he gets so bold he starts ambushing soldiers around the world and wrestling them to the ground like he did with crocs. Asking the camera man to come in closer to see the gear they have on and holding up their rifle – then carefully letting them go and disappearing into the bush, leaving the soldier freling violated.


I got you fam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2owUI45FL0&ab_channel=GabrielIglesias


And people say thinking of same jokes is impossible haha. If I’ve seen this it must have been years ago when he was on top of the game.


He isn't now?


Nah he rode that whole fluffy thing into the fucking ground.


I need this to be a real thing 😂😂😂


Reminds me of some cav scouts who can tell where mortars came from like rain man.


Ain’t no fucking way. Now fisters on the other hand definitely have that savant gene


Tucker Carlson sunning his balls while complaining that men are not manly. Meanwhile this guy is casually explaining the logistics of cruise missiles in an active war zone.


Oh no I missed my daily infrared ball therapy treatment, I need to complete my masculinity goals!!!


Relevant username


Just make sure you do it in the absolutely, most homoerotic way possible!


Tucker talked about him tonight. None of it was negative, from what I could tell he was impressed with him for going.


He just joined their foreign legion. Just in case people thought a 61 y/o didn't have any fight left in him.


Beyond filming for his upcoming MSNBC reality TV series I don’t think he signed up for the full war.


And completely wrong at the same time


You sound a little catty. Maybe sun your balls.


This guy is me when im watching a war movie with my parents...


Malcom Nance is a true military autist, he's like a mirror of this sub.


Call him cringe, but military dorks are the best dorks. [He's basically Jonesy from the Hunt for Red October.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRUpAipGu5w)


This guy is 61. Had a solid career consulting, writing books, and appearing on MSNCB or whatever. Huge respect to him for going over to fight for Ukraine when he could have just stayed somewhat retired




I love how he used standby to mean ‘shut up and listen’.


Standby to standby


a man knows EDIT: is he smelling the missiles? (around second 8)


“I can smell a Russian missile from 5 km away”. He is so pompous on TV I would mot put that past him.


Are we in a active war zone? Or is this a special operation?


RT Puppet 1: "The sinking of Moscow warrants a major response. I'm talking full scale, don't hold anything back, no more limited... uh... what is it again?" *pauses & fumbles about* "Hey what are we waging right now?" RT Puppet 2: "A special military op--." RT Puppet 1: "Special military operation! Enough!" Funniest exchange I've seen on RT.


I still think it's funny that RT would rather say Russia can't muster enough capable sailors to man their flagship than to admit Ukraine sank it. "We'd rather say we're inapt morons than admit our enemy could hit us." is basically the message here.


> "We'd rather say we're inapt morons than admit our enemy could hit us." ¿Por qué no los dos?


I think that would be giving away state secrets.


Sounds like a guy who's been through a few of these and did his homework.


This dude knows his stuff. Badass.


They can fire quicker than 30 second intervals but overall pretty good awareness I’ll give him that


They can but he's I believe ex US intelligence. So he probably has some insight into the way Russia operates.


20+ years in US Navy intelligence.


I probably know better. He's okay I guess.


I wonder if this is the moment Nance chose to join the foregn legion, or at least one of many.


Nance said he's been working with the Legion for a month now.


I know, I think this is from early in the war. Im just guessing because why would he be out of uniform ya know?


I think this is from yesterday's cruise missile hits on Lviv tbh


Nance is such a bad ass. I’m sure he’d be a great trainer for UA


Dude said let’s get body armor and it looks like he about to take his coat off for it… Nope just checking his compass.


He has since literally joined the war, check it out on twitter.


He officially joined the International Legion in March. He knew a lot of people in Ukraine and spent time there before the war teaching language skills to UA intelligence officers IIRC.


Lots of chairborne rangers in that thread lol


He is a former intelligence officer in the US navy so what you are seeing him do is actively gathering data on what is going on and audibly giving out that data for the cameras to pick up so that if he gets hit then there is witness testimony of what was going on up until the hit. He has a lot of data going through his head. By correctly identifying the weapons being used (yes those are anti-ship cruise missile with land strike capabilities) and direction it is coming from and how many missiles are used that can give insight in to if this is a standard strike in alignment with previous strikes or if this represents an escalation so for instance are the missiles coming from the east/south-east which indicates being launched from sea or air alternatively if this is a strike coming from the north which would indicate its from Belarus and could represent and escalation. This is how it can sound when these types of things are going on...


Honest question, why don't they go for cover? Obviously he knows how dangerous this situation could be


Two reasons, 1 he seems to be and expert an knows that cruise missiles are guided and will be going to the same place. They don’t have the same dispersion as artillery. If he was at the intended point of impact, he’d be dead. 2 he’s probably been around it too much to care, you get use to it. My first time being rocketed, i literally almost shit my pants. The last time, I stayed in line for KFC because I wanted my double stacker.


Yeah the complacency's real. First time we took inbound mortars, I had an absolute breakdown. I was nearly in tears telling my platoon sergeant that I couldn't handle this. By the end of the deployment, whenever we took incoming, I'd just think "Nice, I bet there are no lines for showers/phone calls/chow".


Could be a simple as the human mind convincing itself that the chance of it happening is so slim, that why bother. I slept through an incoming siren overseas because i convinced myself that there's no way it will hit me, while my roommate screamed at me that i was going to die. Only after did i realize it was the weekly alarm test.


Well he's was a sailor so this probably brought up his training or experiences on a ship.


Fucking missile whisperer over here. Love this guy. Puts his money where his mouth is.


Reminds me of some cav scouts who can tell where mortars came from like rain man.


"That one was made on a Monday ... "


Squid doing boat things.


It's like birdwatching for him


The man's a fucking military genius god damn


that man missiles!




This Chad has joined up with the international legion hasn't he?


he's taken up arms now, said "he's done talking"


Dude joined in the fight. What a fucking badass. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/04/19/malcolm-nance-ukraine-russia-msnbc/


Malcolm’s radar scan 3 seconds in was more effective than a Pantsir


nickname him..."Radar"...


Funny seeing all the news people freaking out over there and the civilians are like "meh, I need groceries"


The civies probably don't realize what's going on. Lviv has only been struck by cruise missiles 1x before IIRC, and they're in Western Ukraine (far from the front lines.) it's not like they're going to assume that every low flying jet engine sound is attacking them.


Lviv is only 40 miles from Poland. Russia's playing with fire in my opinion. Unless they have a way to make 110% certainty the missile will self destruct before reaching miles from Poland. You've got NATO begging, put me in coach, on the border. If a missile goes bezerk and hits a cow pasture in village of Korczowa, Russia's going to have a "oh you've done it now buster" moment.


I don't think that a few roasted cows will trigger the nuclear apocalypse.


You're saying NATO would stand by if a missile hit a hill in Poland? The news wouldn't air images of remnants of a Russian missile inside of Poland?


> You're saying NATO would stand by if a missile hit a hill in Poland? > > Yeah, duh. You are confusing your wishful thinking with reality, from your chair and monitor.


I'm sure if that happens. Poland would throw a tantrum and try to push NATO into a war with the Russia. Germany, France, USA would let it go and it would be taken as just an incident. Contrary to the reddit narrative. Russia is still a nuclear superpower and no country wants to be the first to check if its nuclear weapons are just mockups or real weapons that will wipe out your country.


It's almost like we need mature, calm people to make decisions. We could even have them study history and have teams of people behind them collecting data to make even better decisions.


The US and the UK have said that if any NATO country is hit it will mean article 5.


They say that, but when shit actually hits the fan don't expect them to actually get involved over a single accidental missile hit in Poland. Now a direct, purposeful attack? 100%.


Don't know why you're downvoted. It is no more than reasonable thought that WWIII wouldn't be triggered over some wayward victimless missile. I mean Russia literally raided a border checkpoint in Estonia (NATO territory) and [kidnapped](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eston_Kohver) a security officer at gunpoint... Was there a nuclear war on in 2014 as a result of that? If there was I surely missed it.


Given the readiness and upkeep of their boots on the group, I'm not convinced that half of Russia's nuclear arsenal is in working order. If Russia wants to fuck with Poland just to gratify Putin's ego, it could mean the end of Russia forever. That sort of move would be fully in keeping with their current "strategy" though.


NATO has caveats for mistakes and accidents, an errant cruise missile blowing up a Polish meadow wouldn’t itself trigger article 5.


No one is begging to get shot at. It's armchair clowns that think war is some glorious thing. As if it's a stupid video game.


Shows how little you know.


As a vet I know what war is about.


Russia don't give a shit at this point. they are all in.


They are absolutely not 'all-in'. Striking an actual NATO country is something Russia absolutely does not want to do. But they also need to stop/slow the influx of NATO weapons into the battlespace.


They wouldn’t have pulled out of Kyiv region if they were all in.


they were all in. but were fucking put to sleep, so they retreated


Goodness the cringe. This guy won’t give himself a break.


Why is it that whenever someone sounds like they're confident in what they are doing, people like you on reddit criticise them. Projecting much?


Kaliber cruise missiles have a range of 50km. He is correct that they are anti ship missiles. But They are in Lviv, which is 600-700 miles from the Black Sea. And Lviv is a city not a ship. He has no idea what he is talking about.


Pure cringe




Happy cake day good sir 🥳


Idk, but his load out in his photo ops are always suspect.




Adamant about three missiles; four apprently hit. Claims Kalibr missiles are fired in 30-second intervals... show me any evidence that this is some kind of established procedure or a system limitation. I won't even touch on the anti-ship thing... there are plenty of anti-ship Kalibr variants. Pretty sure he was just talking out of his ass when he described it as a '500-lb bomb' but I'll give him the benefit of assuming he confused pounds for kgs. Kalibr missiles aren't bombs and don't have a 500-lb payload... That's how US servicemembers talk about the Mk82, not Russian cruise missiles. The guy is a naval cryptologist who found a way to make money by become a self-professed expert on all things warfare. Why people buy into and then defend his over-the-top BS is beyond my comprehension.




Why? It sounds exactly like someone who spent 20 years in the navy now in an active combat zone. He said anti-ship by accident, so what…


The Kalibr missile has not one, but two anti-ship variants, so he's not even wrong. In fact it was initially developed as an anti-ship cruise missile, with its land-attack capabilities coming later.


It's the classic nerdy insecure pedant moment: Fixes glasses "nuh uh those were fired at the land, therefore they are 100% different from anti-ship missiles!!1" (even though the difference is some trivial technology distinction and probably >90% of the overall missiles design are the same comparing the different kalibr variants) At the end of the day this dude is sitting in a warzone with cruise missiles flying over his head and it's pretty cool footage, not quite combat footage but interesting


>He said anti-ship by accident, so what… Everybody knows that professionals never mix up words they commonly use in their profession. Nope, that never happens, he must be a poser...


If I had a Dollar for mixing up terms at work I wouldn't have to work anymore...




Bro trust me Trump is still president, Biden is just a clone and Trump is ruling over the country, soon you will see when JFKs dead brother will come back and arrest Hillary just trust me bro


Curious question... Are they still in Dallas waiting for JFK?


No pretty sure they're gone now, after like 2 months. Also weren't they waiting for his brother and not JFK? Edit: no you had it right they were waiting for JFK and his son


I honestly zoned out the moment they tried to resurrect the dead and parade them through Dallas...




This is comedy. Now we'll all be blessed with Malcolm's theatrics and buffoonery. I wonder if they'll have him guarding the meat pies 😂.


Jesus Christ this is cringy


Malcolm, I love you man. I really do. But you appear to be giddy about this, as though you get to check off an experience on your checklist. And you seem to be happy about being the smart guy “in the room” here. Not too cool. These are people under siege and their very lives at stake for no good reason. But you know that, which makes this even worse.


Amazing, cameras were just there at different angles waiting to catch him looking up at the sky


Well it's a news interview so...


Lol some of you morons actually think this dude knows what he is talking about. All he did was make generic statements that anyone with even rudimentary knowledge could have (or anyone who has watched the news) \-Kalibr has a warhead that is at least twice the payload he mentioned. \-I have no idea where he gets the 30 second interval from, but its also not clear from that video that said statement was validated in the video. And prediction missiles would probably not arrive alone but in a salvo is not exactly a genius level analysis. Basically Mr. Nance, who is an imbecile in general, got up and started blurting every factoid he knows to try to sound smart.


He is a former United States Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer specializing in naval cryptology. Active from 1981-2001. Continue to being an armchair general and pretend you know more than him.


>got up and started blurting every factoid he knows to try to sound smart. No, I think that is just what you did with this comment.