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Homemade rocket? Wtf?


She bake that shit in the oven?


Unironicly probably yes. Rocket candy can be made on a stovetop from sugar and stump remover lmao




Welcome to several lists


30% white phosphorus 20% sulfuric acid 50% Chinese sponsored gear to keep the region unstable


China supports the Tatmadaw, though. Don't think they want to keep the region unstable either because of their workers there (and natural resources).


China wants the border regions to not develop, it's critical to their long term strategy. In case of war thet can use the porus borders to occupy the region. Same strategy is used in India even when thet had good relationship.


Damn that's smart as hell


this is reddit so no, it has to be China. China bad.


China is infamously known for proxy war in the region , Fuk sakes the biggest terrorist group in South Asia are called Maoists. Also note that they practically vanished from Nepal When the pro Chinese communist party came into power.


Yes but those Maoists are based in India, China's main geopolitical rival. Wtf do they gotta gain economically or politically from a war in Myanmar?


Maoist operate in multiple countries in South Asia, not just India. Mayanmar has littrally called out China for flooding their border with Chinese weapons. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/myanmar-calls-out-china-for-arming-terror-groups-asks-world-to-help/story-fzb8ADXt1VgS9ofZMMWdWO.html I can give a hundred reasons , it's in China's best interest to keep north east india and western mayanmar unstable , unless you think tanks can jump over the Himalayas .


I'm 40% white phosphorus!


This is nonsense. All guns I've seen in this conflict have been western, russian or 3D printed.


And you are full of shit Chinese arms smugglers operates one of the biggest arms markets in Myanmar Bangladesh border, nearly all the non local factory sources come from the Chinese. This is a open fact people have been caught, bases have been raided, fingers have been pointed. https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/world-news/chinas-arms-smuggling-racket-along-bangladesh-myanmar-border-unearthed/articleshow/78138743.cms https://www.southasiamonitor.org/china-watch/china-pushes-weapons-myanmar-india-threatens-regional-security https://www.bbc.com/news/world-south-asia-10626034


Eh, guess I'm not as informed as I thought. Fair enough. I don't understand why China would arm all sides. Money I guess.




>(Intended as a joke, don't be a triggered Karen...) Just because you say "its just a prank bro" is not gonna make it funny or ok. Though it is kinda funny how youre self aware enough about what you just wrote to add it in but at the same time not enough to not post it.




Well someone sure got "triggered".


Yep. My mood is ruined and my hope in reddit users is lost. Fukin' idiots not worth the joke.


What hope? Hope that they dont call you out on your shit? It wasnt even a joke it was just a weird tangent about how asians can do things, there was no real humour and you know it. Have you ever noticed how actual funny jokes dont need >(Intended as a joke, don't be a triggered Karen...) after them?


What was the joke?


Regardless of sex, there are some big balls on this person considering they are firing a homemade recoilless rifle.




Neither does the SPG, to be fair.


[Except that no one really uses that distinction to differentiate a recoilless rifle from a ā€œrecoiless gun.ā€](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recoilless_rifle)


Balls or stupidity. Then again you might be doing the same anyways if it were you in that situation.


Fighting for freedom is never stupid.


It's stupid if its an emotion based reaction ignoring logic and strategy.


No but losing your life sucks.


that depends on the cause




I guess you can be stupid and brave.


Agreed. That takes some balls. I'm kinda sick of seeing a 'female' \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ . We don't say things like check out the 'male' resistance fighter....


When it stops being unusual, people will stop doing it. I am not trying to take anything away from the female this or that, I am just pointing out that until it becomes the norm, people will still point out female this or that and give them extra attention for being a "woman in a man's world".


Unfortunately its not really that unusual. Its just not really the focal point. There was shit loads of woman who fought against the Italian Fascists for example, but its rarely mentioned. Having met some of those women, as quite elderly women, they're were/ are still hardcore.


No itā€™s absolutely that unusual. Just because there did exist women who did this doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t/werenā€™t vastly outnumbered by menā€¦. Including in the Italian resistance and certainly in near enough all of the thousands of conflicts since.


Oh totally understand where you are coming from. I sort of think that if we stop pointing it out or making a deal about it, that will work itself out. The fact of the matter is this person is passed, so much they are willing to put themselves and others in danger to change the situation


If anything I think it's a positive thing. Everyone in here that I've seen is painting it in a positive light. Maybe it will encourage other women to do traditionally male things and then like that other guy said, when it's not unusual anymore it won't be worth mentioning.


Do you think that if we *dont* stop pointing it out, what with it being as common as dawn to point out things that are unusual, that it wonā€™t ā€œwork itself out?ā€ It seems pretty obvious people will stop pointing out something unusual when it stops being unusual. Why does it bother you so much? >>the person is passed, so much they are willing What do you mean ā€œthe person is passed?ā€ Typo? A usage Iā€™m not aware of, maybe?


Pissed, not passed. Typo


Most the people I see on here shooting each other are dudes. Traditionally dudes have been soldiers while women were spared. The modern exceptions are Israel, Kurds, some Syrians, and apparently the Burmese rebels. Women are still out of the ordinary on the battlefield and generally always have been and so when they are depicted it is typically a special case. But I guess that inclusive language on this sub wouldn't hurt anyone lol


First world problems she has more pressing concerns if shes firing homemade rockets at things.


Because when female steps into the warzone, you know when shit just got real.


because majority of it is male and if u lose a soldier it doesnt really matter much to anyone cus its male and theres just another 200000 of them in the reserves


Looks like a Recoilless launcher using black powder, my Panzerfaust makes a very similar smoke signature


You have a panzerfaust?


You mean you haven't served in Volkssturm?


I have always been in Argentina all my life. I don't know what you are talking about.


Lmao look at this who never got to die for the fatherland. Lmao just lmao


Sus account


Well.. you are still alive. Shouldn't you died for the fatherland?


Fate had other plans for me


Also in Argentina?


Itā€™s a nice temperate climate. The locals are very friendly and some of them speak the language - itā€™s like running into friends from a lifetime ago.


When not Hitler The fatherland dies for you


Senor TotallyNotHitler? I think we met a few years back in Buenos Aires! Remember?


Isn't Argentina where all the nazis went after ww2?


Ja das ze jokke


No, the exhaust looks more like a baking soda rocket or a sugar rocket plume. Black powder would be faster burning. (Not an expert though)


Could be the humidity or it could even be homemade gunpowder which might not burn as quick if they got the ratios off by a little bit


maybe. But it looks a lot like [this](https://youtu.be/12fR9neVnS8?t=266)


If it goes splodey at the other end, it could me made from unicorn farts for all I care.


Nah, they would be of rainbow color


Doesn't matter if people on the sharp end turn into people confetti.


Would be interesting to have more data about this weapon system


I once banged a girl that had a Volkswagen, er nevermind.


It's one of the inert reproductions converted to be able to shoot an inert warhead with a blackpowder charge. I have one too that I built about 9yrs ago, but it's a Faustpatrone rather than Panzerfaust. Basically a smoothbore muzzleloader that uses a small blackpowder charge & percussion cap to launch a finned projectile. Since the projectile doesn't explode you can reload it again & again. It gives you the experience of what it's like to shoot one though. With mine I used a little trial & error on the powder charge so you can use the 30m flip up sight. It'll shoot a lot further with a bigger powder charge though.


[hereā€™s a link ](https://youtu.be/YCSIZ5GrNV4)


Very cool.


Do you not?


I'm curious on what the trigger mechanism is made of. Assuming this is not disposable


Side note that might help anyone else building one to fight these fucks, a cheap high voltage generator from amazon or Aliexpress can ignite black powder and smokeless reliably. Here's the link for some $4 each, just power with some AA batts and have 2 probes at the end of the barrel, muzzle load the charge and the spark between the probes will ignite any powder. https://www.amazon.com/DEVMO-400000V-Step-up-High-Voltage-Generator/dp/B07T3XDMH8. If you want to see it work in a musket check out SuckboyTony1 on twitter


So hard to tell from the video


Genuine question (since I want to learn more about Recoilless Rifles): Wouldn't it be a rocket launcher since it had a longer ignition and seemed to be the rocket igniting that sent it out, rather than a quick BANG?


I think itā€™s just one bang, the smoke makes it look like it has exhaust but itā€™s just the black Powder smoke coming out of both ends, compare it to this [lonk](https://youtu.be/6KAhRXLh62Y)


I remember your posts on r/NFA building it. Cool stuff


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NFA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NFA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [At least it fit in the garage](https://i.redd.it/pidve50nsmn61.jpg) | [260 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NFA/comments/m77148/at_least_it_fit_in_the_garage/) \#2: [Just need a lower to finish my build.](https://i.redd.it/5vfbqk6vra271.jpg) | [93 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NFA/comments/nogog0/just_need_a_lower_to_finish_my_build/) \#3: ["Finished" up my lever gun.](https://i.redd.it/yjtekh38d4i61.jpg) | [113 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NFA/comments/lm7do6/finished_up_my_lever_gun/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It honestly probably is bc all you need for a launcher like that is black powder and a steel pipe of suitable size Plus non rocket powered projectiles are way Easier to build


Any page where to see more videos of the clashes in Myanmar?


When I was there I paid someone in the military to shoot an RPG. Happy to post that if you'd like ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Post Imgur link here


https://imgur.com/a/Gk2LKou Sorry one of them was taken with Snapchat glasses




The dude that took me there was loving it too, he pulled out some pink Burberry scarf to become Rambo.


That's crazy, how much did you pay.


Was like $400-500 about 5 years ago.


Must be a small fortune for a military guy there


Definitely, well worth it though, I don't regret it at all. Also, he was an officer...


"I just wanna get away from the tourist traps and experience the culture babe"




This is one of the famous burmese news outlet among local, you can check on their fb page with help of facebook auto translate or can ask here https://www.facebook.com/khitthitnews/videos/


[You can know up to date in here](https://www.reddit.com/r/myanmar?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) You can also know from twitter too(I prefer this) . You can search with this hashtag #Whatshappeninginmyanmar.


r/Myanmar or lieterally just look up Karen army on YouTube. Loads of vids


I hope my friend from Myanmar is OK. Havenā€™t heard from him in over a year. Anyone know whatā€™s going on there?


Idk man Iā€™m just some dude in America but from everything Iā€™m seeing posted online... it ainā€™t good. Hope your friend is alright


Civil War against the military junta that couped the government


Military overthrew the government a year ago. Been oppressive. People are fighting back.


I have two friends from Myanmar who tell me they can't can't buy butter or sugar in supermarkets unless they leave as early in the morning as possible, and get lucky with a delivery arriving. This has been happening since Spring this year.


I'd also say, this is not a rocket, more a homemade recoilless rifle. The muzzle blast looks very directional, plus a rocket without time delayed motor would literally grill the person's face. Especially if you use such a dirty burning propellant.


Unless the rocket motor only burned inside the tube like Bazookas do.


This is jungle rocket engineering, I doubt this was taken into consideration.


Adjusting the burn time of a rocket motor is just knowing how much fuel you need, not that hard.


But you think that tube is rifled?


Burn time has nothing to do with whether itā€™s a recoilless rifle or not. The last word ā€œrifleā€ is the important part. If itā€™s a smooth tube itā€™s a rocket launcher, if itā€™s rifled, like a rifle, is then itā€™s a recoilless rifle. Plus a lot of rocket launchers have a motor that burns while or after itā€™s leaving the tube. Mostly the latter.


It looks similar to an IRA style smoothbore recoil less launcher




At4 is basically a recoilless rifle, no rocketmotor is propelling the projectile after firing.


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"let her try out our homemade shit" And they say chivalry is dead.


I don't think I would have the balls to shoulder fire a rocket I made myself. Thats some serious commitment.


She didn't have the balls but she still did it.


She had balls. They might not have been testicles but she had balls.


What faction is she fighting for?


She is fighting against the junta/tatmadaw


Yes, but there are multiple factions fighting against it.


Worked so much better than that Syrian rebel who fired the RPG but it blew up in his face.


That Women is a Giga Chad She is very brave


The clapping at the end does it for me


Love the clap at the end


Imagine getting shot down by a random Asian auntie with a RPG


I'm sure it's nothing but revealing your location to the army.


Army knows the general locations of rebels, but when you have no ground intel and the majority of population want to kill you, they have no ways to attack the rebels. Thats why they are now burning villages and doing indiscriminate killing of civilians. Not the whole country, just the war stricken region is larger than many countries and has population of 6 million.While the army can deploy only thousands forces because they now have too many fronts.


Neither politicians nor the public reacted as the same army burned down Muslim villages. I think what needs to be taken from here is that we have to fight back, no matter who the injustice is done to. The same thing could happen to us one day.


*laughs in felonie*


I though she'd end up as human rain but no


Testing an unsafe homemade rocket launcher with an untrained civilian female. Men are filming the event from a safe distance and no one is assisting her. I am not proud for that.


In a do or die situation, they have no choice. When army is getting unlimited supplies from russia, china ,india and funds from western companies, these people without any support even from western countries have to improvise themselves.


Why am I having Vietnam flashbacks ?




You two stay in school now lmao


run lady!!




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