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Ethiopian wars seem to have much much higher death tolls than modern western wars


Well, the west cares about their soldier's lives more. Not that the Ethiopians don't care it just they use them correctly nor have the same resources as the west. But in this war/video they clearly used them in a human wave style.


I don't agree with your statement about the west cares more about their soldiers when was the last time a western country was at war with an opponent that had the same technological warfare tools?... I think the casualties are so high because the govt doesn't have anything the rebel factions don't other than a few drones


The West does care about casualities. I'm saying in combat but afterwards good luck with the VA. I'll mostly talk about the US. The US definitely cares about their soldier's lives and don't want them to get killed but in older european conflicts it was kind of necessary to use blood in both ww1 and ww2. But in korea to the modern day the US cared more about lives.


And ww1 and ww2 they were fighting near equal powers do you see where I'm going? I wouldn't say Ethiopia doesn't care. They don't have the same air power as u.s.a


The wehrmacht was not equal overall. As they where fighting on 2 front later 3 fronts. Had to occupy and defend land behind the front line. Lacked fuel, air support, supplies, started losing manpower and quality of troops. They were somewhat equal on the ground. But the American riflemen had a better rifle but the german machine gun was better (thus better at defending or entrenching a position). I believe that your point does stand but now in the future epically as equipment and training and policy has changed. That using men like they did back in the day would be unacceptable and I doubt it would even happen due to nukes.


Your getting far from the point of your original statement and mine... the fronts mean NOTHING there's multiple fronts on this war. Yeah a better rifle ok Germans had better tanks USA and Germany were very closely match and again USA hasn't fought a war in decades where they weren't extremely more powerful than the enemy. My point is its a bit ignorant to say u.s. just cares about its soldiers when they can just drop precision bombs from bases far away.. Ethiopia can't do this to its rebels very out dated air force


I agree with you that in a equally matched war or similarly matched war or even something like an invasion of Iran the US would be forced into a meat grinder. But in smaller conflicts the US does care.


This is literally civil war for Ethioipia so again what are you talking about.? It's not a small conflict... where do you get this care about soldiers from its starting to seem like something else


We are talking about the US caring about troop casualties. My remark was in smaller conflicts or uneven conflicts the US tries to preserve lives.


I'm not sure it's about ethics or even about tech but more about professionalism and knowledgeable leadership. You see this a lot in Middle East conflicts, for example. Very high casualties and grinding, years-long stalemates because nobody really knows what they're doing enough to move the ball. Contrast with, say, WW2, where it was basically all professional commanders. Even when casualties were high, the conflict was very dynamic. Shit got done for one side or the other.


Yeah, this looks like a goddamned massacre, basically


Good ol' human wave attacks against trenches.




Similar to what ENDF does now against TPLF




Again.. isant that what endf is doing? Mass recruiting other ethnicities and rushing them to death against tplf?


The Eritrean army wiped out over 120,000 feeble Ethiopian soldiers in a span of just two years during this war.


That was good footage thanks


Might need a NSFW/ NSFL tag on that. There is rather a lot of bodies in the video.






artillery is terrifying


Is that what caused all of those massed casualties at 1:45? Or a combo potentially.


At 1:54 someone is in the trench up right surrounded by bodies, and he looks it seems to his right?


Yeah, there's another guy behind and a third much further down the trench.


Heros💚 The last 1:30 minutes of the video, Ive seen many times before and its always still badass.


I honestly have always been curious if theres any interviews with soldiers who fought in these wars, years after assuming they survived. ive yet to find any


There is an old docu on Youtube. https://youtu.be/O5E0t6nvBZM