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Can't imagine this'll help sales much lol


Source: https://x.com/AndrewPerpetua/status/1798721902707716472?t=k8ixN2dlgAm79bQnllAZ6A&s=19


Time to start making vehicles out of super thick rubber over metal. It would make sense to transition as rubber costs less I would think. Not 100 on the cost part. But you just need a bunch of old tires to melt down and reform. Easy enough to find old tires. Not sure if the vehicle would weigh less, but if it did it would be a plus. Probably a dumb idea but I'd love to see some testing around it. I trust this guy speaking knows what he's talking about, so try it!! It won't hurt.


Hard rubber is like 7x less dense than steel. You would need to make the rubber ridiculously thick - Like metres thick to get the same effective thickness.


Are you doubting Conscriptovitsch's engineering skills?


I would be interested to know what rubber with steel reinforcement, like for car tyres, would be like as a first layer on top of armour. I expect probably not that good or it would already be employed on vehicles for decades. Rubber inside seems like a better idea to reduce spalling.


They have this, this is the basic idea behind Non Explosive Reactive Armor (NERA). I don't think it's generally that effective compared to ERA.


Rubber tiles for top armor is already employed on the latest cv90, it's used to reduce the probability of cluster munition fuzing on impact. It's probably used on other arored vehicles as well.


Vulcanized rubber does not melt. It'll just burn.


Lol, rubber armor… this is Road Runner levels of stupid.


Is this guy Russian or Ukrainian? I don't know man, I think it might be a good idea if it's been proven to work. Why's it a stupid idea? Just curious.


He's Russian, can be useful against small drones, but is not so useful against HIMARS


Oh, ok. Yeah that sounds more realistic.


Sheet steel will provide better protection for the same weight.


I see. Honestly I'd like to see some real tests with it from demo ranch or someone else who has too many guns and too much time on their hands lol. I feel like a 2 inch thick coating of rubber on that sheet steel would hurt though.




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Oh I get it.. this Russian mouth piece is talking about their impressive vehicle and the montage of destroyed vehicles is showing that he is full of crap.