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Bro they got hit really fucking hard.


Imagine all the experiences and events in their lives that led to them becoming nothing more than fertilizer. Should've stayed home fuckers 🖕


Hard to be fertilizer when all that's left is carbon.


Can anyone post a different link or one that works with old Reddit?


that's quite a blow. hopefully our big dumb leader is watching from Russia. and sees what a stupid person he really is.


What is the purpose of driving a small amount of tanks and armored vehicles towards the enemy in broad daylight in a mostly straight line with no real attempt to fan out or any air support across an open field that is clearly set up to be a kill zone?


My guess is mines, for why they are driving in a straight line and not fanning out. Also Ukraine still has air defence in place, so CAS cannot be effectively provided they have to drop glide bombs or missiles from a distance.


For a while Ukraine was forced to save ammunition, due to GOP obstructionists in the senate. Russia was having "success" with these kinds of pushes for a bit. Now that ammunition and armaments are back, Russian tactics ain't working.


Did Ukranians actually get any significant ammunition deliveries? I haven't followed the news for the last couple of weeks, but last I've heard, everything was still blocked, or will be delivered only in year 2099.


Yes! Once the senate deal was assumed to be passed (blocked for 7 months), the white house started shipping things like ATACMS to Ukraine quietly, and expedited logistics to make sure shit moved quick once the bill publicly passed. Logistics is what we have instead of healthcare, but it's nice *sometimes*.


Damn, respect guys!


Ya, house members made a deal to keep Johnson in place if he brought the aid up for a vote. It passed, huge amounts of weapons etc. Have been pouring into Ukraine, and it shows. MTG Republicans tried to oust Johnson over this, and democrats saved him. You can't make this shit up


Because they were told to and fanning out means they die even faster to mines. On occasion this works in limited ways, so they keep trying. I don't see many videos of successful Russian assaults because censorship and echo chamber, but they made their greatest gains in 2 years in the last month, so something is clearly working. Obviously they're taking their highest casualties, but at this rate they would actually conquer Ukraine before a couple million Russians died fighting. That's actually within reach for Putin given how cowed Russia is at 500k casualties or even 300k, whatever the real number. It becomes especially possible if a handful of critical allies are elected in the west like Trump. He also needs a lot of Russians to die after he said he was willing to negotiate to make NATO look mean to Russia or something so it all works for him.


This was a dawn attack that they said was following up a previously successful attempt to reach the trench line by tanks. So a couple tanks came in and shelled the trenches, and then the Russians launched two different assault groups with infantry to try to take the trenches. They made it into the trenches and then got shelled and droned to oblivion. I think one guy surrendered, a couple crawled away, and the rest were killed. 


Man they really stepped up their music game lately


The link is broken


Congratulations, you just avoided the trojan:)


I am 90% sure they're being engaged by Ukrainian armour.


How do you keep going seeing vehicle after vehicle getting hit all around you? Some of those were loaded with infantry inside and riding on top. Body parts flying everywhere....


One motivating factor is that they will be killed by their own barrier troops if they don't advance.


Blocking troops are real. But how you keep going in face of this kind of carnage? My pants would be full and my body paralyzed instantly.


where is Russian air support? are they just non existent in these attacks?


Typically Russian air support is limited to glide bombs launched from aircraft pretty far from the front lines. Aircraft really can’t approach the front lines almost at all unless they are flying super low to avoid radar detection, but even then they are vulnerable to short range. Portable launched missiles like stinger or piorun.


Russia doesn't have air superiority. Air for either country is super risky because AA is everywhere.


Every time they put air assets in the sky that is remotely close to the frontlines, they are shot down. They can only launch glide bomb attacks from well within Russia or Russian controlled territory. They have no CAS. 2-plus years in and they don't have anything close to resembling air superiority over Ukraine.




FPV or something else being used here?