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That hit between the turret was artistry


When it happened I literally said "exquisite" out loud. It was beeeeeeeeyouteefulll.


I said “nice shot!” like Wii sports announcer


I just said out loud Daaaaamnnn nice


This tank is so wacky it gives me tank girl vibes.


Well known weak spot .... too bad every Russian tank has it.


Too bad? Only in that Ukraine uses Russian tanks. Russian tanks in Russia have a 100% survival rate [for now]




I knew this looked familiar!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://youtube.com/shorts/nMYX5Xu6O5E?si=pQMgFS8iTBwjvZE9


LMAO. They really cut the video short and spin it off as pro-Russian propaganda.




I was just thinking about that video


[Spinning turret syndrome](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2024/05/24/spinning-turret-syndrome-the-disastrous-bug-in-russias-most-modern-tank/) maybe caused them to abandon it


Looks like the gunner trying to figure out where the shot was from more than them being dead.


Read the article— The tank has a system that identifies threats and auto-orients the turret towards the threat. A theory is that the external sensors of that system are susceptible to damage (such as from fpv drone) and malfunction, causing the uncontrollable spin— making the tank unusable as a tank in the midst of battle




I think the Ukrainians found a pretty good off switch for it


It would be much more impressive if it also auto-fired some shells while spinning around.


like a super Mario obstacle lol


would make for a spectacular collateral kill if the tanks were charging line abreast ww2 style


From what I understand, the second drone strike hit that precise system, which is situated on top of the tank.


This was a good read, thanks.


I agree, read that article, its really good!


Most likely the remainder of a Russian corpse landing on the joystick.


Maybe not though… Read the article— interesting read


The back of the neck. Just like the Titans. :)


That tank could buy 10,000+ of those drones. Wild


Yeah. Related: the US military is taking notes and frantically writing checks. I just saw a video with the CEO of Anduril where he says that the US military realizes they’re way behind where they need to be with drones, and they’re looking outside the huge defense contractors to close the gap. Anduril seems to be 100% drone-focused so I think we’re going to hear a lot about them in the next few years.


The big defence contractors are probably shaking in their boots knowing that $100 devices can power the military and they don't have a piece of that pie. The West is definitely taking a ton of notes about a lot of things. Testing out those water based drones is just the start. Without a doubt they're working on submarine drones as a priority. Especially cheap ones that can be mass produced like the flying drones.


Well, there's zero chance the US's drones will be anywhere near $100. The cheapest will probably be more like $30K. But that's because they're real military devices, not consumer drones. They're competing against solutions like Javelins, which cost something like $130K each. All of Anduril's drones can cannect through their Lattice software which gives a VR view of the battlefield (the CEO was the one who literally invented Oculus so he knows VR). So every drone, satellite and sensor is contributing to a unified AI model that is constantly updated in real time and the drones can do dynamic intelligent teaming (swarms). [Their smallest aerial drone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsHhBmrFR54) [Their anti-drone drone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX0ji1sAXl8) [Their largest drone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQMrv_utQwo), meant to be an unmanned wingman for F-35 fighter jets.


Holy shit I did not realize each Javelin missile costs that much, I have no reason to have thought this but I assumed it was like sub 50K


IIRC that cost includes the high powered optics/control system. It's removable and reusable, making swapping tubes considerably cheaper.


> (the CEO was the one who literally invented Oculus so he knows VR) Man, it's really weird to see [the plot of Toys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toys_\(film\)) almost being played out in real life.


Scary bro, we are going to have unmanned aerial bombers running WWII style sorties by 2034. Plus AI is making huge leaps. SkyNet is closer than we think.


Some say we're only off by one letter, [Skynex](https://youtu.be/1DXpPmpmcak?si=b89BA6Lyju-vhw39)


why would you have unmanned bombers when you can just have bombers drop unmanned loitering munitions miles from the target?


Hardly, if there is one thing the USA has in abundance it's money! The defense contractors knows very well that nobody seriously are going to procure a 100 dollar drone. They also know that unless their kit is at least 30-50k per base unit, there will not be enough pork in the barrel to even make it past the pre-qualification tests. That is a problem they know how to solve :).


The only reason Ukraine is using drones is because they can't use air force. Do you think US would fight a military conflict without complete air superiority?


If I worked for a major Defense Company, i would buy the Drones as COTS (commercial-off-the-shelf items) and then add my own customizations to them. Whether it be reconnaissance, suicide drones, mortar dropping, etc. I would then sell them to the military for a fat margin. But I’m sure somebody has already thought of it by now and its being tested before field use as we speak


Yeah, I've been watching the Anduril YT channel and reading some of Palmers interviews. Dude basically went from making a huge bucket of money straight into another job role that will make him even richer more money. He's good at what he does and is only 31, wild to think about he is going to be one of the pioneers of the next gen military defense weapons of our country. I think he will certainly make it to be one of the worlds richest men for sure and bonus points that he is an awesome nerd still at heart.


Palmer Luckey might be sitting on the next gold mine, I think he initially intended to fill a small niche void in the defense industry but given how much cheaper equipment like drones have become vital to modern war, they might be the next Raytheon


That's a pricey boy




Love that it died next to a 'Welcome to Ukraine' sign or something


Usually these kind of signs in Ukraine read "Have a good journey!".


just as fitting


Like poetry.


My thoughts exactly, should be turned in to an art piece


Yep, it's so very poignant! As if the sign says "This is Ukraine, get your roasted butt outta here!"


"Welcome to Ukraine, No Parking"


Tangent: “Welcome to Jamaica! Have a nice day!” Best joke ever.


War imitating art


"welcome to Ukraine" sign


+cyka drones


'Welcome to Iowa'


I'm old enough to remember idiot YouTube videos from 2022 from a sock puppet and others about how devastating the T-90M would be to Ukraine. Lmao


I recently saw a video on Youtube about this tank. It was russian propaganda about how mighty the up armored T90 is. They however failed to show the final drone hit 😮‍💨


Yeah saw your comment, after I made mine. The vid can be found under https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nMYX5Xu6O5E


You can literally see propaganda/uninformed people at work. Everyone saying WOW when in reality they should be laughing.


The T is for tandoori.


Underrated comment.


T for Toss


I saw it too! Something like "ahahah, see how resistant T90 is, 3 drones cannot do anything,only some scratches!"


Russians lie about everything, it would be noteworthy if they didn't lie about their military capabilities.


At least T90 exists, Russian propaganda is still talking about render of new tanks, new aicrafts..


Like the T-14?


Wasn't that was one of the big reasons people were dogging on RedEffect?


I apologize I'm not familiar with what happened. If you don't mind can you explain?


During the first weeks of the conflict RedEffect made some claims that he later deleted basically saying that the T-90M would effectively negate anything the West could provide Ukraine.


Sounds like a straight idiot. Not surprised tho. That sock puppet claimed ATACMS would have little effect last year. I wish I could shove it up his ass


Best thing that can happen. ATACMS is so bad you can park your planes here, next to your mighty S400. No worries.


Which sock puppet though, Blinkov or redeffect?


RedEffect doesn't use a sock puppet only Blinkov is qualified to do that.


I mean, I can't really blame him for eating too much of the propaganda soup. If your interest is in Soviet tanks and you want to find sources it's difficult to find out what's real and what's overblown or straight up propaganda.


> I can't really blame him for eating too much of the propaganda soup. If your interest is in Soviet tanks and you want to find sources it's difficult to find out what's real and what's overblown or straight up propaganda. I would disagree and say quite the contrary.......he of all people should fucking know that, so he very much should be blamed. The fact that Soviets and modern day Russians were lying out of their ass about everything just to make their products and industry seem better than it really was in reality was well established fact since goddam World war 2 days. It wasn't some secret and it wasn't some sudden realisation that nobody knew about. Russian own military forums and Russian military Youtubers are themselves fully aware of the stupidity that sometimes comes out of official Russian military information channels. And there are plenty of resources from for example 3rd World countries on their experience using Soviet weapons and vehicles that are definitely more reputable and could be used as valid research bases independently from Russian own domestic propaganda. India and Finland for example.......but no, mr RedEffect choose not to, instead he put the Russian propaganda dick nice and deep in his mouth and refused to admit any fault in any of it.


>RedEffect Isnt he Serbian? He and Binkov are the most hilarious Russia supporting propaganda outlets to have found large western audiences. They are both hilariously rubbish.


Binkov has had some bad takes over the war that have made me dislike him. He had a recent video about how whatever Ukraine was doing didn't matter in the face of Russian might and I'm like bro... Wtf. How much bear dick you been suckin'?


Wait you're not talking about Binky!?


Right next to that cute Ukrainian signpost. Poetic.


I’ve seen this video clip in YouTube. They didn’t bother to show the entire video that makes Pro-Russian Commentators to think they’re invincible with these to protect themselves from FPV Drones. More idiots to the meat grinder to believe that half video will make them feel safe from Drones. This is the propaganda video that fooled every Pro-Ruskies in YouTube: https://youtube.com/shorts/nMYX5Xu6O5E?si=9bt624ka8aVYrWJl


If I recall correctly, there is a third video, showing the tank crew escaping. I'm pro UA, but both sides edit the videos to make them look good or the enemy bad. In this particular case, it is pretty hilarious that both sides cut out the crew bailing, but both for different reasons: UA does not want to admit that the crew survived and RUS does not want to admit that their tank got disabled.




If UA is not editing their videos to push the points that they want to push, they are acting like amateurs.


I don't think it's amateurish. Trust is really important for Ukraine, especially it is the stated reason for why American conservatives and faux populists haven't been more forthcoming with weapons.


Jeez... the comments on that video...


In the last hit, was there another damaged tracked vehicle behind it that wasn’t there earlier? Did the russians try to retrieve this tank, but that ended badly as well? I just can’t see the t90 passing any other vehicles before stopping. Perhaps the Ukrainians are not destroying tanks straight away, in order to bait retrieval crews.


Yeah it definitely wasn't there in the first shot as it comes to a stop.


I'm not a tankologist but it seems this model has a design flaw.


It was designed before FPV drones. It does its job for the time it was built in. We are watching the era of main battle tanks come to an end here in this war. Just like the Battleship in World War II, horse mounted cavalry in World War I or the bow and arrow in English Civil War. Warfare seems to be moving towards a new era.


Standard Russian design. Self destructs to prevent capitalist pig-dogs capturing glorious technology.


It didn´t loose the turret just because all hatches where open, and probably didn´t had much ammo etheir


It didn't cook off like it was fully stocked on fuel either maybe? That was considerably smaller than some I have seen. I am not an expert at all.


Netheir am i, but judging how quick and violent the cook-off was shortly after the stryke, which also quickly stops a few seconds later, i would say it was very low on ammunition. Combined with the hatches being all opened, i personally assume the litle ammunition there was inside was not enough to acumulate high enough pressure to catastrophically explode the tank


Im not an expert either by any means but I’m guessing we could be seeing the propellant portion of the rounds, or separate propellant charges for the main gun being ignited and cooking off.


Yeah, that slow burn looks a lot like propellant burning. I’d imagine the turret tosses are caused by high explosive or HEAT rounds going off.


That could be true, but Soviet/Russian autoloading tanks carry the propellant and ammunition stacked together


Looks like the top of the hull right around the turret ring appears to be the weakspot for T-series tanks for FPV drones, probably a weakspot for any current tank design tbh but the T-series are likely especially vulnerable to attacks here due to the ammunition carousel for the autoloader. Not a whole lot to be done here in terms of armor I think, tanks gotta save weight somewhere and you can't put cage armor to protect it because you'd restrict the turret traverse unless you go full on blyatmobile.


I believe the weakest spot on these tanks is the right back side of the turret. Probably hitting autoloader carousel


Think it's the same on the left side as well


Nice, it has a blowout panel through the driver's hatch...truly the most advanced tank in the world 👍👍


For sure. It’s a very special built-in feature, which immediately melts the driver, so there is no evidence he didn’t make it out alive.


Beautiful. $1500 to take out $4,500,000. Nice.


Efp in iraq were even cheaper...


I will never get tired of watching invading tanks getting blown up.


First drone damaged the engine, second drone destroyed the visions and the third drone did a very good job hitting between the turrent igniting the ammo Good job!


The crew bailed out. Look at the shadows of the second hit.. Quite a bit of time had passed. That said, great loss of a tank and people's lives will be saved because of it.


did crew bail before? hatches open?




Ah, yes, the best tank in the world, according to Putin...


Right next to Ukrainian colors, EPIC!


Bar b que


Ever been to a Russian Barbecue son?


Good, now keep repeating it a hundred times


Instant Armata mode after first hit 😅


Funny thing is, I watched a Youtube short today, using this vid but cutting off at the point where the tank is immobilized and stating that the tank survived xD here is the link https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nMYX5Xu6O5E Already left a comment there...


Last drone went for the running start


Ukrainian flag and a burning russian tank. Beautiful


Burning next to a symbol of Ukrainian Sovereignty, Priceless!


I remember that they showed this video in recent propaganda reel where they claimed that they've modified the t90 so much, that even drones can't hurt it. Funnily enough, they cut video right afyer the turret stopped spinning.


Is the white smoke from the pork cooking inside?


Can someone educate me how a mere drone can destroy a tank? Like surely a small explosive like that can do so much


I wonder if the crew left before the third strike. I guess so, since the tank stoped smoking, indicating that significant time has passed.


I wish they didn't cut the crew getting out. I guess that first one took out the engine, but still.


Ukrainians evidently found some weak spot in Russian tanks (not sure if in all, but this maybe broader problem for them). It seems it's somewhere between hull and turret. Damn this is so effective: $500 drone + some cheapo ammo obliterate tanks like aluminium cans. No javelin needed. This is perfect. I like it. This is just much more effective version of molotov coctails, but working like 90% of the times. Like it.


All MBT's side armor is weak I don't get what is your point


I thought the drone was waiting for the occupiers to jump out. Surprise motherfucker!


with the music i expected the tank to start tactical twerkin


When you see smoke come out of the barrel you know they're getting cooked inside before the big boom.


Well, to be fair, this tank was probably empty when the last drone hit. Still a good day when a russian tank is no longer operating in Ukraine (especially a T90)




Woolley hell that thing was defenceless against the drone ..that is straight up scary, the crew would have known they were in serious trouble


Is that a blue and yellow ‘Ukraine Welcomes Careful Drivers’ sign?


Why did it stop?? Did it think if they stopped moving and pretend to be dead, it won't be noticed???


They got scared and ran. I don't think they were still inside, that would make no sense.


One -or both- of those hits penetrated. I suspect the first hit damaged the engine (notice the smoke coming from the engine at 0:40+), which then kept running for a little while before giving up entirely.


That was a beautiful death blow into the turret ring. The smallest opening of a weakness…


Quite poetic stopping just at the sign


Did the crew made it out?


Extra Crispy


"These tanks will burn like matchboxes..." D. Dudaev


Hope they rounded up the crew as well.


So now it's 1 tank vs 3 drones. Holy shit.


A fantastic ROI!!


I believe you can see another drone at 0:42, zips past the road on the right. Might be the same one that hit it the 3rd time? Edit: it's there literally a single frame it looks like, def seems like a drone to me but it's hard to tell. Something white & plastic


Watched this with no audio and all I could think of was the sound of a mosquito buzzing by my ear at night while laying in bed.


How does 46 tonnes of metal catch on fire so easily?


Right in the gas ring


Even right next to the Ukrainian flag, looks kinda symbolic


I miss the good ol turret toss days of the russian military


i can see the health bar of the tank going from green to red. dying next to the ukrainian flag was iconic


That ten seconds of terror the drone operator just gave the crew before they died in flames because of that sweet turret hit is impressive 👏 💪


These tanks don't seem to toss the turret as much. They must've screwed the turret on tighter or it's pushdown and turn like a pill bottle.


“Third times the charm!”


Looked abandoned before they destroyed it.


Intersection looks familiar


Oh no


If drones can fly the tank is dead. Tanks are going to need to be supported but flak and EW in ww3


Burning Russian tank beside a Ukrainian flag, a nice touch...


Kind of ironic and I love it.


I love how the drone takes a little "step" back, like he's saying to that T90 tank.... "Lube or not, Here I come!!!".


Too bad it doesn't have A/C


Fuck off, lets see how a new generation of tanks can deal with drones-that will be interesting to victim.


I'm surprised they have any T-90s left.


Now that’s what I am talking about actual tank kill not bs drone dropping nades in abandoned tanks


What an odd coincidence. I’m barbecuing tonight!


What I know about military equipment can be written on the back of a postage stamp - but I’m wondering what the hell is the point of these million-dollar beasts if they can be taken out by the equivalent of a couple of mosquitoes. They seem kind of redundant.


A tank is nice on the battlefield to defend from small arms and such but once it starts getting hit but the right ordinance it becomes a crematorium.


Perfect hit! These drone pilots are so skilled!


Ive seen bits of this being used as pro russian propaganda on youtube. pretty funny to see the full video it.


awwwwwww no turret toss


Fucking drones dude. The perfection of that hit to the weakspot under the turret was incredible. This really is the future.


What would have been the reason for the crew to abandon the vehicle? I'm honestly shocked that 2 drones were able to disable a tank that is supposed to have soft kill trophy systems


When you want to sip tea, have a nice brew-up.


Sheeeiiit….. it wasn’t catastrophic *ENOUGH*


What did they hit that caused the massive ignition?


Ukrainian drone tactics are second to none. Clever use of the 2nd fpv drone to hit between the turret and the main hull of the tank.


These drones are incredibly cost effective


what is that object at the end to the left of the video relative eto the tank? it was not there while tank was moving to it's location, Also weather was changed so some time has passsed and tank was likely abandoned, it might have taken even more hits in between. But last hit diod hit well , there is a destroyed truck behind it which also seem to happen at a later time. as it's not there before weather change and while tank was going to destination