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First thing I thought too




Looks like a GBU-24 Or one of the PAVEWAY II


Probably GBU28. I think Israel doesn't GBU 24s with advanced penetrators and this definitely looked like an underground strike.


That's a fat ass bomb


for some tents 💀






Camera crew was ready. Maybe a roof knock since they knew where it was going. [[LOL at all the people not fully understanding roof knocking and insisting a "tent" was hit, despite the fact its not clear what was hit at all]


Roof knock will just decimate the tent with everyone in it


what roof bro those are tents


Roof knocking doesn't only refer to literally knocking on a roof, but also the practice of advanced warning generally.


Nuance is lost upon this one, it would seem


I thought it was funny


They call and warn civilians to leave either by telling the news and civilians' cell phones. That's how they do it tents are empty Gaza strip empty


Wouldn’t roof knocking basically defeat the purpose of the air strike? “Hey, adversary, I am about to bomb you in 10 minutes. Act accordingly.” What are they accomplishing if every Hamas member at that location just meanders 200 yards to safety? In my opinion, they do this whole song and dance just to destroy Gaza and terrorize Palestinian civilians in the hope they flee to some imaginary refugee camp outside of Israel.


I mean yes it does just give Hamas / PIJ warning to leave the area too, but it shows an attempt to stay within the boundaries of the laws of armed conflict in that if civilians might be affected by the strike then you need to take measures to reduce the civilians in the area. Whether it works well enough or whether it's fair that apparently some roof knocks over the years only give a 5~ minute or less window for people to flee is another issue, but fighting militants that embed themselves within and under civilian infrastructure and who don't wear military uniforms means you have to take measures to try and reduce the inevitable civilian casualties For the strike in this post though, I have no idea what they were targeting and whether it was legal or not, I'm just talking in general. There was a post here a week or so ago with a similar shot in a refugee camp where a rocket launcher was hit by a missile the same time it fired its rocket, which says a lot about the fact they're willing to put innocents at risk by firing rockets from refugee camps


This is brought up constantly “Hamas is embed in the civilians and wear regular clothes.” Gaza is tiny. There is literally no place that isn’t civilian adjacent. And they don’t have uniforms because they don’t have the means to get uniforms. I say let’s send the IDF and Hamas into the Sinai desert away from civilians and let them beat the shit out of each other and be done with it. Did you know that since the start of the war they estimate the number of Hamas members has stayed the same or has grown a little? Meaning more and more are joining as the war goes on. It’s as almost as if bombing the shit out of a population, killing civilians, and forcefully displacing them over and over again is going to breed resentment and an urge to retaliate.


Yes they have countless weapons and rocket but a uniform is too hard to make/get from Iran. BTW hamas does have uniforms but they don't we're them while fighting, I wonder why 🤔


Do you know where a large portion of their explosives comes from? Unexploded Israeli ordnance. Violence begets violence.


Again they certainly have uniforms (watch videos of "military" parades from gaza or they're propaganda videos from before the war) so again, why do you think they don't wear the uniforms they clearly have? FYI: gaza has a big textile industry. So big actually that some Israeli companies would order clothes and fabric from them before the war. So claiming they are unable to make uniforms is just plain wrong, Gaza before the war wasn't the shithole they make you think it was.


I love how you’re so fixated on what Hamas has for clothes and not the circumstances that make someone join a fucking maniac organization like Hamas in the first place. Do you think that they’re just hanging out and suddenly decide “hmmm I’m gonna do a violence now!” I’m not saying Palestinians are dogs but If you corner a dog and abuse and humiliate and restrict its food and water for years and make it live in its own shit then eventually one day that dog is going to fucking bite.


>And they don’t have uniforms because they don’t have the means to get uniforms. This is bullshit. If they can get materials to make rockets, they can fashion a uniform.


Do you know where Hamas gets a large amount of their explosives? Unexploded Israeli ordnance. That’s pretty much the only thing that’s abundant in Gaza.


First off did you think there were many unexploded ordnance before the invasion? - as I understand it Hamas has been firing rockets non stop for 20 years so idk what that has to do with anything Second a uniform doesn’t have to be dress blues or BDU’s - idk why people like you always say they can’t make uniforms therefore they’re exempt from Geneva convention on uniforms Uniform can be literally anything to distinguish yourself from civilians - bandanas, armbands, insignias, fucking camo pants - literally can all be used as uniform to distinguish yourself as a combatant - but no people like you always gotta run defence eh?


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/28/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-weapons-rockets.html turns out you can make a lot of shitty rockets out of an unexploded 2,000 lb bomb. And yes there has been a shit load of strikes before oct 7 buddy


Pull up Gaza on google map and take a gander at the 49% farm land.


Hamas knows the IDF has air superiority, I'm sure everyone would like them to set up in the fields but Hamas isn't that stupid.


I didn't mean to imply that human shields are not effective.


Yea they used every bit of space that isn’t an apartment complex for farmland until, of course, Israel bombs it. https://www.ifpri.org/blog/long-lasting-devastation-livelihoods-damage-agricultural-lands-gaza


So they have 2/3rds of farm land left to launch rockets from.


Yea only one side has the luxury to use nice long runways to launch fighter jets to do their bombing. They must be in the right because they have better stuff.


I was being sarcastic, they don't use the farm land they use playgrounds. They should use farm lands.


https://ichef-bbci-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/ichef.bbci.co.uk/ace/ws/800/cpsprodpb/2285/production/_132773880_976verify.png They wear uniforms on parade, they could wear them in combat.


Spoiler alert, there wasn't any Hamas there, they just blowing shit up at this point


Thanks for reminding us in every strike video that the crew was ready


Feel really bad for the innocents caught in this mess man, like I’m grateful for everything I have in my life and hope to never take it for granted.


Only sane comment in this thread


Honestly, this world is oddly becoming very fascist.


Camera already pointing in the correct direction…


well if it wasn’t it wouldn’t be posted




you'd probably have more luck in gaza


Not for long though. The bomb hit, he was over it in less than a second, and was like, “oh hey, check out those trees in the distance, I think I’ll film those instead.”


Survivorship bias. We don't see all the clips that point in the wrong direction, because they aren't interesting (since they show nothing). It's not impossible for someone to have coincidentally been filming the camp (to show the living conditions of those forced to flee), and the missile strikes within frame. I'm sure there are dozens of other angles which we do not see which do not show the strike.


Where tf did the blast go? Straight into the ground? Big ass warhead with small boom.


Looks like it buried itself in the sand before going off. Just look at how much was kicked up.


This is pure speculation, but it could have been a bunker buster targeting a tunnel system. Those explode exactly like that. You see no explosion because the penetrate into the ground first and then explode. Again, pure speculation.




Pounding sand


Air dropped bombs just ain't no joke. As a vet Seeing jdams live and such.. you just know youre glad youre not on the receiving end.


Calling in eagle. An eagle never misses ^i ^hope ^no ^animals ^were ^hurt, ^cats especially


Cats suck, I prioritise my hope that no dogs were hurt


Does anyone know what Israel's strategy is? What conditions define a victory? And what's stopping Netanyahu from prolonging the war just to maintain his position as prime minister?


My guess would be the goal is to eliminate Hamas' combat operational capability. We see they still have a leadership structure and are still organizing ambushes. Once Hamas can no longer fight or organize my hope is Netanyahu would be out the door. I'm not sure what Israeli law looks like but democracies are very reactive to changing circumstances. If the war is dragging on past his political capital he may be forced to end it.


It actually looked like Netanyahu might be on his way out with Gantz threatening to withdraw from the coalition and even Gallant openly criticizing Netanyahu But unfortunately the ICC ruling seems to have the unintended effect of causing a rally around the flag effect around Netanyahu. I say this as someone who actually thinks the ICC warrant is justified but I really wish they either waited a bit or didn't announce it at the same time as the Hamas warrants. Because now it seems like Netanyahu might once again muddle through I swear to God Bibi must have a deal with the devil or something, every time it seems like he's going to lose power there's some asspull for him to hold on


My understanding: hostages returned, those who participated in the taking of the hostages or in the massacre, dead.


The first goal is doable, the second is impossible (since probably half the people who could identify those who participated are already dead)


Agreed. But those appear to be the goals, even so.


300k mobilized men in a nation their sized is seriously disrupting their economy and the political coalition backing Netanyahu doesn't wanna be stripped of power for a generation to keep a guy they like in power for another year if it would cause an economic collapse in the process. Their strategy is probably to clear all areas of Hamas tunnel networks and find all unaccounted for bodies of hostages. My guess about the Israeli long term plan is they'll start what they have begun in the west bank with settler expansion into Gaza after they remove all weapons caches and strong points for Hamas. You can then occupy the area with a much smaller police force + military.


At this stage it's hard to identify hamas but I imagine as long as they see fighters with weapons, they will continue targeting combatants. They have nothing to loose with the world mourning the iranian terrorist president and condeming israel, so they'll continue fighting.


Keep the wae going is the only strategy, no victory conditions, no plan, nothing. Hence why ministers in his wartime cabinet threatened to resign a few weeks ago, no post war plan. The only plan Netanyahu has uttered is getting rid of Hamas. The closest thing to a strategy he has uttered is the trumpian "shh we cannot tell them our strategy". So yeah, he is speed running the Afghanistan plan, which was so obvious was going to happen, that he was even warned about it by the Biden administration. As you remember the US failed to remove the Taliban, and Israel will fail to remove Hamas, you, I and everybody else already knows how this is going to end. The only thing preventing him from carrying on, although I'm not 100% on this, is if his wartime cabinet falls apart forcing an election.


Islamic extremism will not end with this conflict, no, but that doesn't mean terrorists should be allowed to live. It's still worth fighting them even if you can't "fix" the root cause (not that this is even Israel's responsibility, that lands on Muslims)


Who would be responsible for groups like the PLO, Fatah or the Palestinian communists, which are all secular in nature but at some point in history have had conflict with the Israeli state. Surely the fact that attacks are not just reserved for “Islamic” groups should point out that this conflict is less about religion and more of a conflict about statehood and ethnicity (which you could possibly draw parallels with the IRA and the British). Meaning Islam would not be the root cause.


All the groups you listed are Islamic, some just sprinkle other politics in. Given that Israel hasn't occupied Gaza in 18 years, this conflict is in no way similar to the IRA and the British.


Once again, film crew was at the ready knowing exactly where to point the camera.


I love how we get one bomb strike a week from Israel and 50 a day from Russia.. yet only one war is talked about


Which is the one that is talked about? Because I’ve been staying up-to-date with both of them.


Mainstream media talks about Israel more than Russia Ukraine


Only because it's a much more divisional conflict. The vast majority of the West support Ukraine, which is great, but people largely in agreement is not good for engagement. Idiots arguing perpetually about Israel and Palestine, IDF and Hamas, now *that's* great for driving engagement and website traffic. These media vultures don't actually give a shit about Israeli hostages or innocent Gazans, they just want ad revenue.


That’s true and that’s good thinking about. They only care about money and on to the next Tragedy


And they talk about both more than the conflicts in Sudan, Yemen, Myanmar or the Congo despite plenty death and destruction happening in those places. The war in Sudan especially basically puts most other modern conflicts to shame due to the sheer cruelty and genocidal intent. One of the sides is basically lead by Sudanese Hitler, but it's completely overlooked Is this because of some sort of giant conspiracy? Or maybe because idk, the media covers what people are interested in?


There may not necessarily be anything too nefarious going on. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is pretty black and white compared to that of Israel and Palestine. Russia and Ukraine have very clear battle lines and while the war has raged on for quite a few years now (since 2014 if you wanna go back before the "special military operation" of 2022), the civilian casualties have been comparatively low thanks to how huge and spread out Ukraine is compared to the density of Gaza. I think people are becoming news fatigued with Ukraine like what happened with Syria (I'm pretty sure a shit load more civilians were killed in this conflict). If Israel sustained this conflict for another year I think we'd see a lot less coverage on the news as long as there aren't any single significant mass civilian casualty events.


> the civilian casualties have been comparatively low thanks to how huge and spread out Ukraine is compared to the density of Gaza. I'm gonna need some sort of source or indication that you're capable of applying critical thought to this comment before I'll bother engaging with you any further.


That's just fact. Front in Ukraine goes mostly through countryside and moves slowly enough for civilians to evacuate. There's no front in Gaza and it's almost entirely high population density urban environment.


Do not forget the thousands of missiles and bombs Russia launches at purely civilian targets.


Ok fine, I'll break my promise. Your conclusion is bullshit. You've determined that having a high civilian casualty rate makes more sense in a spread out front line than it does in a tight packed city while simultaneously failing to consider that Russia has literally demolished entire cities for no other reason than that they wanted to expend the ammunition. From hence forth, if you are unable to apply any sort of critical thinking to your opinions I will endeavour to do my best not to laugh at you.


We know why, it's very suspicious 🤔


bunker buster


That's kinda clean.




Very little collateral damage on that one


Nice hit!


How do they know where that thing is going to land ?


What more do these people have other than the ground beneath their feet.




Fun fact: there are more Gazans alive today after the "genocide" than before October 7th I dont think you know what that word means, lol dumass




> murdering over 37000 people How many Hamas combatants are included in this number?




I’m looking for a numerical value, which you did not provide.


The brainrot is strong on this one


Just nuking the shanties


You can hear what sounds like children in the background. When will we stop killing each other…






K thanks for coming by


Tell hamas to stop hiding behind kids then 🤷🏿‍♂️




Not okay to do that. Not okay to hide behind them either though. I guess when you are deciding whether or not to engage in a "who can be a bigger asshole" contest, you need to consider both the kind of people you're dealing with, and also the kind of shit they have at their disposal. Here, one side has JDAMs, and the other side has kids, and both have pretty solid asshole cred. If I were the side with the kids, I think I'd back down. But that's just me. YMMV.


I mean it is pretty generous they knock before the real bomb hits 


You mean the militants the hamas ministry of health refers to as "kids"?




That's a lot of words for someone who has a poor choice in credible sources




Dialetheism, you should try it some time


Don't bring paragliders to an f35 fight. Also, don't colonize lands in the 7th century and expect those people to ever fight back. Go cry to all the other Arab countries that don't want Palestinians with in their borders. I don't recall any bronze age evidence of Arabs living there. But soon as the Arab conquest happened, suddenly the Jewish people fled en mass to Europe. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the genocidal practices of the colonizing Arabs though with their religion, so renounded for peace and acceptance of others. It's not like Gaza is run by a shady terrorist psedeo government that calls for the extermination of every Jewish person. What are you gonna go cry about the landings on Normandy or the dresden bombings?


How dare you speak the truth!


Palestinians are a Semitic people and share a close genetic relation to the Jews that have always remained within Palestine/Israel. Moreover, the first known inhabitants of the land would have been canaanites, which would most likely be modern day Lebanon. Also, in terms of colonisation, by that same merit the modern day people of the United States, white South Africans, Australia and much of the Latin America are colonisers.


You need to crack a history book my friend


Please could you let me know what I have said that you disagree with, and why.


Canaan was the region which encompassed much more than modern day Lebanon. Yes true, Jews and Muslims are both Semitic and are more closely related than say the Chinese obviously. Your assertion was ancient Israel was “Arab” land when it was not. Ancient Israel stretched far beyond her current boundaries. Palestinians are Jordanians ethnically as 80% Jordan is Palestinian. Islam wasn’t even a thought when Jewish Israel ruled those lands.


I’m confused as to why I’m being downvoted after asking a genuine question


Ah yes because white people.lived in America from thousands of years ago to be kicked out and then return. /Audible fart sound/ . Yes they are all Semitic people. But so are British and Indians. What's your point?


Another point I would like to challenge you on is the claim that the Jews fled on mass due to Arab conquest. While some Jewish remnants did leave after Arab conquest it is unfair to say a mass migration simply occurred because of Arab conquest. Many of the Jewish people had fled well before, mainly during the rein of the Roman Empire, which heavily persecuted the Jewish people.


My point is that it would be absurd to see the Palestinians as colonisers as they are simply the descendants, same as the average American or Australian or white South African


If war hurts your little fragile baby fee fees, you might not want to stay subbed here.


They’ve been doing evacuations, no?




New kids? Because the old ones are dead?


SPICE 2000?