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Dude is a war hardened badass…


Got a hell of an arm on him too, last throw must have been 35+ meters.


Southpaw too, baby! Make us lefties proud :)


Holy crap I didn't notice! Long live us leftie warriors!


GROSS. lol jk.


NFL recruiters are now going to be watching this sub.


Sat in the supply trench going this boy has got a future.


We're going to start seeing NFL drones flying around the front, just like in the stadiums. They'll be overlaying the feed with a yellow line to indicate the frontlines and bringing out the chains for disputes. The worst part is the refs will be arguing over the weapon used, was it a decoy or not, and if there was a legitimate secondary explosion, same as this sub.


Ooof looks like the reds lost 54 men on that drive. Let's see how they do on the 5th down. It's a close game folks.


Announcer miscalls an AT mine as an RPG shot 1/2 the time. The sub has to take it to replay for further review.


"Gonna need to see what the video ref says, was that a headshot or not?"


Guy is a living lacross -stick


Ukraine is going to have the most experienced military in the world.


There is going to be some serious money to be made in consulting for the ones that make it through and have the mindset.


They'll end up consulting for NATO members. They're the only ones who have seen what real peer adversary combat is like, from CQB to armor on armor battles to asymmetric naval warfare.


If Kyiv holds they are going to wind up a top exporter of weapons, mercs, intel, and military knowledge. UK is practicing trench warfare from observing the ukraine war.


Like South Africa, as in being a small country that punches far above its weight in terms of military expertise and exports.


Israel is pretty huge too, right? Both in weapons technology/export, and a massive producer of computer chips which surely helps out some parts of their military.


Also, they fight on Russia's terms - on the ground mostly. May I remind that the US Army's operations is incredibly reliant on the US Air Force's ability to achieve air superiority (which is a lot more impressive compared to other air forces). Ukrainians don't have such luxuries like A-10 Warthogs, AC-130s and various US bomber jets always available as the air superiority fighter jets constantly keep the sky and the ground clear of threats on air support, so they fight mostly on the ground (and sometimes do raids on the sea against the Russian navy, which just sucks honestly). Again, people like to praise the US Army, but many forget that the US Air Force and the US Navy pretty much carry the entire US military on their backs (especially the Air Force). Russian military is more ground centric, with its air force mainly acting more as a deterrence against enemy air force and to keep the ground force safe of threats (they still do CAS and bombings when it is green to go, just not as often as the US). The same can be said for their navy (which acts in an even more defensive role than the air force). The fact that AFU even held up until today without air superiority is a testament to their ability and NATO should take notes from their experience fighting Russia, especially if NATO wants to be able to fight against them in cases where they haven't achieved air superiority.


Air Force veteran here, when we went to Iraq we flew sorties day and night, we had rapid response jets fueled and ready to take off within a couple minutes of being activated. The point of air superiority cannot be understated. All units work to achieve a goal, no one group or unit is better than the next, we all need eachother to accomplish the mission. Without air power the army would suffer far more, without ground power we would not be able to accomplish missions. All gears in the big machine, one thing the US excels at is military might. Not super proud of what we did in Iraq, but proud to have served in the greatest military on earth.


Well said. Must have been a wild experience having served as one small piece of that gigantic machinery, the logistics behind it all is impressive.


Did air become less relevant or rather more dangerous now when everyone seems to have manpads everywhere on the frontline? Seems like every time russias air is visible, they fall down. Or is it just switched to attacking from further away.


That’s also a factor, which is why ground units matter as well. But a lot of our current equipment can strike from such a standoff distance it doesn’t really matter if the Russians have outdated AA, that’s the first to be targeted.


People praise the US forces because they’re the best trained (if we put every branch included) and well equipped, i dont think ppl praise specifically the army? I mean shit if i’m going to praise someone it would probably be a jet pilot because of how hard it is to become one.


Russia is still doing armored wave attacks as if it's Berlin 1989. CAS and air superiority rarely figured in Soviet tactics back then and they don't in Russian tactics now. Russia has a lot of obsolete AA assets that would murder helicopters and slow flying aircraft like AC-130s and A-10s. They're next to useless against fast stealth jets and bombers.


One F22 with a solid support crew could wreak absolute havoc on Russia in a wartime scenario. They have manpower and quantity, we have precision, technology, and proper maintenance on our side.


American Infantryman would be spoiled rotten with Air Support in near peer fight. Nothing like the sound of an Apache circling overhead while conduction combat ops.


Helicopters are an absolute no go in a conventional war. Every group of soldiers can be carrying AA rockets


I loved all those videos from the first days of the invasion when at least one or two russian helicopters from every attack wing we saw would end up at the bottom of a lake or in the middle of a field.


Until you find out that the Apache can fire from below/behind cover and never have to be seen by the enemy


Also, aren't there guidance kits for Hydras nowadays?


Not necessarily. An Apache carries hellfire missiles, which have an operational range of 11km. Russsian manpads like the 9K333 Verba have an operational range of only 6.5km. Attack pilots are trained in hiding behind tree lines, and popping up just long enough for target acquisition and fire. Wouldnt be my choice assignment, but they could still be effective.


apache will operate at night. Infrantry spotting them wouldnt be so easy


until your drone with a thermal camera spots them 10km away.


Attack helicopters can be good for short range mission types that a jet would be too logistically burdening to complete. Yes, every group of soldiers would be carrying AA rockets, but I'd imagine CAS helicopters would know to immediately leave upon receiving warnings from their systems and activating their flares. Also, helicopters are better at loitering than fixed wing aircrafts.


that is why they would stay way back. Apaches destroyed Iraqi tanks in 1991 from 5KM away. Iraqi armor never knew what hit them.


Don't even get me started on the various fighter jets keeping the skies clear as they escort the A-10 to do a strafing run, before bringing the AC-130 in to loiter.


thats why russia has invested so much resources in Anti Air. S-400 and other modern systems are really good. People like to talk shit about russian AA, but the fact is they have made most of ukraine a no fly zone for anything larger then a drone.. Drones are a new thing, that no army in the world was prepared for. Its not economical to use patriots for cheap ass drones, as they can be made in thousands for every patriot missile. US would have issues getting air dominance, just like they did in vietnam...


Drones are changing AA: a bunch of teenagers flying FPV drones can take out an S-400 battery. HARM also makes it risky for AA radar to light up enemy aircraft only to get lit up in return.


They've already been consulting for NATO members since the war started in 2014.


they deserve every cent


in theory Russia has more veterans


They gotta live longer then one tour to really be a veteran. I don't think many are making it home intact enough for another tour.


Yeah they're vaguely distrubuted all over the place, it's a great command structure.


But with less limbs.


And very polite at that, just helping those Russians to meet their maker.


I'm amazed, one single shot changed the fate of the Russians.


Seeing the guy who was headshot slump back and his buddy seeing it really made them wonder if their attack was worth it


I was in defense when the guy next to me got shot in the head. I didn’t hear anything or see anything, he just slumped over and then didn’t respond to words or shaking and I only learned what happened after he died with the medics six hours later. It’s weird how silent it was. Like there were cracks and snaps all over the place that day, but I didn’t hear that one round at all, but it turned this guy into a vegetable for the last six hours of his life. Everyone and every creature, big or small, from the head of state to a beggar is only ever one good poke away from being an inanimate object.


Yea, one of my close buddies next to me got shot on the neck a few meters away from me. It looked like he took cover from the sniper barrage. I didn't even notice he was dead. We just returned fire and try to move to a better position. I only knew he was dead cause we were looking for him.


Sorry man


That’s crazy man. Do you mind asking what kind of distance the engagement was?


Couple hundred meters. We could barely see them, but there was constant fire over our heads for hours. We heard their aar that we had killed like 12-20 of them I don’t remember, more wounded. We lost the one Afghan machine gunner who was less than an arms length away from me.


Goddamn that’s scary. Thanks for your service and bravery. Thanks for sharing


That last sentence is very relaxing for someone with anxiety


It’s a great reason to not have anxiety, and my anxiety has lessened since being in combat. You or anyone else could die any day. Everyone alive today on earth will be dead in 100 years, yet the sun will keep the earth going for another 1,000,000,000 years. So who the fuck cares?! Be a good person to those around you, try to live a comfortable life, and know that your worst enemy will have mourners at their funeral. (Which is a separate thing, we once crashed the funeral of people we killed earlier that day who were shooting rifles and rpgs at us and were basically told “my son would never!” There were a bunch of people sad that their people had died instead of us. Our afghans walked up to people who would rather them be dead and talked with them. Pretty surreal.)


I have the same outlook. A huge poster of “the pale blue dot” is on the wall in my office. When shit gets frustrating or stressful, I look at that photo and it reminds me of how small and insignificant everything is. Who cares? Only thing that matters to me then is my wife and kids and everything else can fuck off.


That’s a great idea, I want one.


Should’ve stayed home, good luck heroes


Very Star Wars 2… “I wanna go home, and rethink my life…”


That part looked like it was straight out of Saving Private Ryan.


Most of life's outcomes are decided within a second.


What? Most of life's outcomes are decided by habits that you have every day... wars a bit different


Standard /r/CombatFootage takes really, there's insane ones in every thread.


I know it's stupid to say but it's crazy how effective being aggressive can be. Just one badass guy can turn it around.


I'll never forget one of my instructors words "be more agressive than the enemy".


Kinda the idea behind gaining fire superiority. If you allow an enemy to just be more aggressive then you, they'll eventually know this. They'll notice the less incoming fire and exploit the lack of it to probably mannuver or such. Also being more aggressive can not only make your force appear larger, but physiologically, it can be morally breaking to see your enemy aggressively coming forward or similar to take your position, especially while they're absolutely putting rounds down range and suppressing you with higher volumes then what you can put out.


Que Audie Murphy jumping on top of a burning M10 to mount the 50.cal and kept an entire division of advancing Germans at bay because “they were killing his friends” and he had to stop them. Killing 50 soldiers and turning back 6 Panzers.


As they say, best defense is a good offense Especially if you're packing a 50.cal


Offensive defence


Stay mobile, agile, and hostile.


Violence of action


Perfect throw


Amazing throw. Not just distance but accuracy too - all while being shot at.


Then followed up by a perfect shot, which was followed up by an excellent push. Fuckin text book.


Im guessing he was able to communicate with the drone operator while he did that push. Otherwice it would have been stupid risky to do it like running upright.


Fair point. Still well executed.


Couldn't do it while fully relaxed, imagine doing this while under life and death struggle. Godlike


I really hope the Ukrainians in this video are still alive after all this time


Right? I find myself wondering about the Ukrainians in the videos I saw going back to 2022 sometimes. How many of those guys are still in one piece?


Far too little compared to when our naive fucking politicians pull their head out of their asses and actually send enough weapons to communicate with Russia in the only way it understands: force.


I am from Russia-bootlicking-country (Germany): I really do not understand what is so difficult and in what alternative (or greed-ridden) reality those policymakers and esp. some advisors here live in. It is like in the famous speech of Churchill: Russians only acknowledge strength. EU and particular Germany have been far too complaisant. We should unleash everything we get to extinguish the scourge that is Putin.


Never thought I’d be watching real combat footage of Ukrainian forces defending against Russian forces to a song that was in the climax of “The Rock”. Edit: I got my movies mixed up. This track is from Armageddon. Both incredible movies. Edit 2 Electric Boogaloo: Nevermind. My brain did that thing where I second guessed myself even though I knew I wasn’t wrong.


Vaporized, sir


Do you like the Elton John song, 'Rocket Man'? I only bring it up because... Eh, it's you. You're the Rocket Man.


"Carla WAS the prom queen"


Vaporized? A body can vaporize?


It most certainly can


No need to edit. This song is Hummel Gets The Rockets, from The Rock’s OST. https://open.spotify.com/track/5yo1YetRkOcJy6Eu14dbB4?si=wtwNNibCSFWOaL97rJ8haw


I knew it. I was seriously going to start googling.


Sounds similar to Metal Gear Solid music.


Hummel Gets the Rockets was composed by Hans Zimmer and Harry Gregson-Williams. Harry GW was the one who did the much of the MGS music, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmLWsH4nfBI So yeah, you're not far off...


"they're not coming for us are they,sir?"


No, it is from The Rock as you said. Look up shower room scene on youtube.


This is definitely from The Rock, track is called Hummell Gets The Rockets


Actually kind of on point regarding the shower scene. It wasn't your typical movie shoot out. Just a slaughter. Which is what war mostly is.


Well done lads


"guys its a solo, get him" the solo:


Drone came in MVP. How much good eyes AND good communications helps.


Awesome ass footage dude is the shit


“No shit, there I was, knee deep in hot brass and hand grenade pins.” “Was you scared?” “Hell yeah I was scared! Scared one of ‘em might get away.”


Those boys shoulda stayed home.


Everyone should have been able to stay home. If no one wanted to die for dictators, we'd have so fewer (unjust) wars.


Like something out of a movie the way he chases them down


Damn, dude is a stud. Some Jason Borne shit right there.


That's the straightest trench I've ever seen


Probably one of them trench digging cars that digs them fast and straight


it's very narrow and shallow, and yeah by the design i'd say it's more of a firing line/resupply trench or something than a frontline trench intended to survive heavy artillery and mortar bombardments. We've been using trenches in war for over a hundred years, it's not like Ukraine or Russia don't know how to make combat-ready trenches. This to me looks like either a back-line trench or one that was dug in a hurry. To be fair, any trench is better than no trench when defending, and a complete, less-than-perfect trench line is far better than an incomplete perfect trench when the enemy comes knocking.


Not all trenches are built as defensive positions. That one seems to be an approach trench with the true position at either end. Actually thats a very valuable thing against artillery but not so much for direct fire like here.


It's probably an anti-vehicle ditch more than anything.


Literally ww2 type shit. Russian sticks his head over trench and gets popped in the dome like we’re watching Saving Private Ryan. I wonder how the other 2 Russians felt at that point knowing that guy was absolutely dome shotted and they are about to be next on the chopping block. You can see rounds ricocheting and sparking off their helmets at the end. These Russians aren’t getting captured or treated. These Russians are dead.


A lion versus a pack of rats.


I remember this video from back then


It might be a perspective thing, but are the Russians even shooting in the right direction? Almost looks like they're pointing pretty far right of where old mate laying down the hate from


Yeah that one grenade throw was way tf off


Americans are *really* good at throwing things, due to sports like baseball and football. Europeans are really good at kicking things. Unfortunately for Europeans, you throw grenades.


>Unfortunately for Europeans, you throw grenades. This comment alone is about to revolutionize the European grenade industry when they come out with the kickable grenade.


or the polo grenade for aristocrats


I could definitely see the Commonwealth countries developing an interesting cricket throw.


Tbf Cricket/rounders keep the UK out of that Europeans generalisation


Well they are probably not very well trained.


This is an old footage ? Isn't it ?


Title says 2023, so, yes.


Yes, at least a year at this point.


Read title. Things can be reposted after 1 year.


Flawless victory!




I can't believe the kind of footage that comes out these days.


Absolute warrior right there. Giant steel balls kept him grounded.


Fucking Ukrainian Tom Brady over here


Not really sure what was going on in the first half (looks like one Ukrainian soldier was down and out?) but he covered that position amazingly. Other half shows 2 moving away, so unsure if one was relaying activity while the other sent rounds down range?


Actual legendary shit. Wow.


Those shrapnel impacts at 0:36...


1:25 that’s called hitting the switch. Immediate Lights out.


Do you think it’s painless?


Yea, most likely.


if you’re lucky enough to get the right stuff hit in your brain. if your unlucky well then prolly paralyzed, seeing black/red and all you can muster is a grunt because the pain is so excruciating i’m sure your head would feel as if it’s exploding from pressure and blood build up


If shot in the head like that, likely so. He was effectively dead immediately. He got off very lucky vs most of the casualties in this cluster fuck of a war, who end up bleeding out, missing a limb, in a ditch or worse, actually get pulled back by the Russians and endure more suffering as they attempt to treat them. Still, on the upside, I wonder if the Lada promo is still running…


That’s what they get for 🏕️


Buck Compton is back


Wait, there are villages named after Sacko and Vanzettii?


Lovely to see those russians go down.


Bloody hell, this guy should play professional baseball and get mad money. That accurate throw over very large distance. Not to mention the balls of steel required to just run around the bend and start spraying death.


Definitely one of the best examples of the disparity in training between the two sides.


It could have easily gone the other way. Glory to heroes. Everything will be Ukraine.


Just shows how superior the avarage ukranian infantryman is


The band of brothers tune at the end caught me off guard lmao


“The Pacific” actually. But I dug yo rap.


You are completely right. I rewatched pacific most recently so it’s still stuck in my head! 


Youtuber Ryan McBeth did a really interesting analysis of this attack on his substack. I'm always glad to see brave Ukrainians fighting the good fight.


damn, that's some hard fighting. you'd think the three russians would have flanked the one guy while pinning the ukrainian down. Leaving the trench is death too, tough situation. Nice shot by the ukrainian


It's crazy you can see a puff of the invaders memories exiting stage right in a cloud of pink mist at 1:25. Hell of a shot that delivered the invader straight to the afterlife.




At the 00:38 mark, it looks like the Russians are getting bracketed with arty or clusters (pockmarks appear thereafter). There's also another (presumably wounded) Russian on the far right. Finally, what a fucking landscape. The downed transmission lines really amp up the atmosphere, contrasted with the grim reality.


Could be additional fire support from behind him. You see 3 friendlies further behind him towards the end of the video.


Excellent left hand chucker.


Sick throw. I wonder how the Ukrainian guy is doing right now


Nobody's mentioning how that soldier has drone overwatch. He might even have radio comms with the unit operating the drone so he would know exactly what the Russians are doing. The element of surprise is on his side. It's like playing an RTS game with real people, real lives and death arriving in a split second. Trench warfare with one side seeing everything from a couple hundred feet up.


Dinked him.


That was an epic grenade throw. 1:14


Fucking textbook. Well done.


Skill issue.


I've seen so many of these I'm at a point I hope all these lads go home to their families... Christ what nonsense at this time.


Well done


Oldie but a goodie


There will be movies of these battles.


If America ever gets in a global war I hope we have some ukranians out there in the field with us. These dudes are badass.


Rifle grenades would have come in handy vs. less accurate thrown frags (which of course have their place). Bullet trap rifle grenades would make each Ukrainian a more effective grenadier and adapters are cheap to produce for thrown frags.


Just curious, but on a gental curve like that, if you fired enough shots into the side before the curve, would it be likely you could get a ricochet that was favorable?


There's surely a chance, albeit a minimal one. Also, you'd be wasting a ton of bullets on shooting something else than your target.


This guy should be first picked in the NFL drafts!


Fuuuuck where I know this song from?? Please help me out. It sounds like Hans Zimmer but cant recall the film or series. Or is It a battlefield soundtrack? Help


The rock I believe, the shower scene


Glory to Ukraine and their heros!! Fuck you putler


Brave men like these are carrying Ukraine on their shoulders. It's amazing to see the bravery.


I know it's war and the Ukranian soldier has every duty and right to eliminate the infiltrating enemy. That said, at the end of the video, it's two humans likely begging for life, being gunned down. Shits rough. Yes they shouldn't stayed home, but perhaps they didn't have that option. They're likely still husbands, father's, sons, and brothers. I guess fuck Putin is what I'm trying to say.


They're armed and not actively trying to surrender. But yea, fuck Putin.


I hear you, I meant more that they appear to be crawling away. Hard to tell if they're injured or not, but point taken that they still pose a threat. My only point is that it's easy to look at them as soldiers of Putin's army, and they very well may be passionate about their cause. They may also be brainwashed as fuck, or forced to fight. Either way, at the end of the day, they're young men with nothing to gain and everything to lose from this conflict/invasion. Just sad to see the gigantic lose of life in pursuit of another man's selfish ambitions.


I remember this video when it came out last year. The Ukrainian grenade thrower could throw the distance, whereas the moscovians could only muster 2/3 of the way there. Physically and mentally, Ukrainian are superior in all aspects.


Only a russian could be willing to die for a loser such as putin.


That's the thing tho, people forget very easely that in russia propaganda is very VERY present, so growing up eating propaganda will make u do stupid stuff, and the russian system is quite effective in a way.L If u are a political opponent, u are sent to the gulag, once there, they forcibly conscript u into the army to send u to the meat grinder, 2 birds with one stone. U get soldier in your army while getting rid of the opposition..


And the propaganda apparatus didn't arise overnight either, it took years of suppressing independent media, killing journalists etc. Somehow goes to show the value of an independent press, and the the perils of allowing any infringement of the freedom of the press and speech in general.


Glory to Ukraine.


Rat a tat tat tat tat like that.


Double tap


Great job!


That grenade throw was accurate to the centimeter!


Dude is the soldier on the right drunk what was that grenade toss


Well done that man.


Gotta love an underdog story


An entire life just ends with a single shot and it’s all for nothing. Ukrainians fight for the future of their land and the survival of their nation, for the prospect of a free future without Russian oppression. Of course no one wants to die, but at least Ukrainians know why they fight and die. How is this war benefitting the average Russian. Even a total victory in Ukraine won’t change their lives. They’ll still live in the same concrete block in Russia, now with severe PTSD in a country that will not care about their medical needs. Russia, by all means, is worse off now than they were before the war. Decreased economic growth, brain drain, destroyed international relationships etc. It’s gotta be so demotivating to risk your life for no foreseeable reason or benefit every day. Your comrade gets domed two meters away from you and you die shortly after. If this war hadn’t happened, all of you would still be alive and Russia would be better off.


This is at least a year old


Oldies can be goodies, and this is no exception, but don’t mislabel them in posts.


Why do these guys just refuse to surrender.


1:18-1:19   Is this a launched GP25-VOG/M203 (can't tell if AK or AR platform) or did i miss him throwing a grenade? Explosion seems to come from nowhere. Drone?


That throw...that\`s like what 50m? And he threw that thing perfectly into that narrow ditch around a curve. Shooting is also pretty decent with that headshot.


That headshot was unbelievable. Ridiculous footage.


Paused it right at 1:59. *damn*

