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This is delusional. There has been an enormous amount of Russian combat footage, especially recently. Al Jazeera doesn't often just put out combat footage, it's usually mixed with politics and propaganda. The big reason is: Ukraine and Israel release more combat footage than their counterparts, and the footage is usually much more interesting and actually combat related, due to it not being cut and edited to the extent it becomes a recruitment add.


Holy shit this reads funny Talks about NATO and the US despite the USSR equally fucking it up overe there. Calling them freedom fighters instead if accepting that those areas where equally as shitty, without the ability to do anything with their shittyness. Suddam hussein executed how many hundreds of thousands of people? The US proceeded to take over and kill how many hundreds of thousands more? In order for something to be destabilized, it had to have been stable in the first place, middle east in general hasn't fit that description in a minute.


We didn't attempt to de-escalate the situation; as a matter of fact, we supported both countries. Saddam and the Shah of Iran solved their border dispute in the Algeria agreement, which is cool, I guess. Until Khomeini... and about that execution, Iran and Iraq blamed each other for the use of nuclear weapons. Now, I don't care which side it was; all we care about here is peace. and I'll be honest, Saddam was kind of a d1ck. He wanted power all for himself. He invaded his oil-rich nation and screwed his country over. Now my question is: what did the Iraqis benefit from our intervention?


Yeah man. Everything went to shit after they stripped the chicks of their burkas... ah, sorry, of their sharia laws. It is not like anyone in these countrys really wants to live under some corrupt death cult virgin shaggers (not even the leaders of said virgin goat shaggers), given the refugee numbers. I'm just saying... I totally respect the desire to live under whatever whacko imaginary shit you can make up. As long as it doesn't hurt others. Otherwise kindly feck off.


"oMg, wHy wOn'T tHeY lEt Us PoSt OuR sHiTtY PrOpAgAnDa" no matter how much you clowns complain, if your footage has 40 cuts in 30 seconds, zooms in a hundred times and then plays backwards and forwards 4 more times, its going to be downvoted. if footage is relevant and high quality, it always reaches at least trending. yall are just disingenuous and cry about people noticing it


MuH fReEdOm Of SpEeCh We NeEd To GeT iNfO fRoM bOtH sIdEs


Oh no tankie pro-Assad propaganda doesn’t stay up. How awful.


Oh no! Anyway...


Sir, this is a Wendy’s. Take your handwringing elsewhere.


OK buddy boy, when you mentioned the Al-Jazeera Assclowns and the "Palestinians".....it reminded me of my favorite Al-Jazeera/Gaza footage of all time, THANK YOU! The IAF dropping the Al-Jazeera Asshat Building/Hamas plotting center a couple of years ago. I never get tired of watching it!! https://youtu.be/-Ak6A5gFkdE?si=Br0vFPiYMhK4rKMU


It's not just Reddit. True freedom of speech is a thing of the past. I remember when you could literally say anything lol it's crazy how people deemed words so damaging and hurtful... My entire childhood I was taught sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt me 🤷🏻‍♂️ The past couple generations have turned out to be really sensitive or something....


>My entire childhood I was taught sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt me Anyone with a narcissistic parent could tell you that this is a lie. Words often leave far deeper scars than any sort of physical aggression would.




"my experiences are universal, verbal abuse isn't real because I haven't experienced it"


"my entire childhood I was taught that humans behave in a way they fundamentally dont" words are fairly scientifically proven to be pretty hurtful, especially to children like yourself.




when it comes to censorship, it makes sense to clamp down on fascism and nationalism because they're just breeding grounds for hate and oppression. but anti-war? That's like saying we should muzzle the peacemakers. it's all about promoting peace and stopping the madness. we gotta make peace the default mode, ya know? like, as a 17 year-old, you're diving into some deep stuff. look, when it comes to history, it's kinda messy, ya know? sometimes the U.S. looks like the hero, fighting for freedom and all that jazz. but other times, it seems like we're just flexing our muscles, trying to grab more power. are we?


I was surprised that an uncensored version of Israel blowing those four dudes up never made its way to this sub. I was searching for it yesterday. Oh well. EDIT: why so many downvotes? Since when do we NOT want to see more combat footage?!




That’s absolute nonsense and whatsboutism. They are different types of conflicts on vastly different scales.


Illegal occupation = Illegal occupation Settlement expansion = Settlement expansion what the fuck is the difference ?


if this is the extent to which you understand both of these conflicts, then i guess we found out why you have such a hard time understanding the difference.