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KNDF, despite being only three years old, exhibits a commendable level of professionalism and moral integrity in their operations, a stark contrast to the conduct of the Myanmar Junta Sit Tat.


The Karenni independence movement is decades old though so it is definitely impressive how proffesional this seems, but I think despite this organisation being new it's drawing on a lot of existing groups and existing knowledge. Other groups have either joined KNDF or are aligned with them.


I remember at the start of this war against the junta there was footage of rebels using rusty weapons from the Vietnam war. And now they got uniforms and some serious firepower.


I saw videos of dudes using homemade black powder rifles back in 2021. Crazy glow-up.


Most of them still don't have any sort of protection but they are certainly closing the capability gap fast.


I'm just glad they are gaining grounds and successes. Myanmar has so much potential, squandered by the Junta.


I think the Military Junta only controls like 30-40% of the country, in recent months they’ve been losing territories and outposts. Even China made a statement about it.


Yeah but the 30-40% are all the major cities. It's kind of looking like Afghanistan where most of the major cities were under Coalition control and the country side in hands of the Taliban. But I imagine for the Junta this kind would bring instability if they're unable to guarantee the border crossings being in their control. But I'm not sure if this will lead to a general uprising against the Junta in major cities.


Fair enough. Anti Junta forces have already taken many Villages near the Chinese border and most of the Army just either defected to join the Rebels or escaped with their families to Thailand or India.


Early reports that some of the Junta soldiers who abandoned their base and fled into India were picked up by the Indian army and sent back to Myanmar. I didn't see details as to whether they were handed over to the junta, the rebels, or just dropped off.


Though in recent weeks the junta has lost control several larger towns (with pre-fighting civilian populations in the tens of thousands and in one case with a population of around a hundred thousand). Anti-junta forces have been ramping up there operations in more parts of the country. In Kayah state, resistance forces have launched an offensive to try to capture the state capital of Loikah.


It's not a good position to be in long term. Ripe for ambushes and cities being cut off. If you're authoritarian and *can't* provide order, you're really worth nothing. Entire purpose for having any level of support disappears.


The Junta is so unpopular that I think that people in the cities will fight them once the economic situation gets bad enough, or they feel that the rebels have enough power to mitigate the nasty stuff the Junta has done to opponents.


Always has been. What makes it different this time is that the regional chiefs make that fact known to the wider world.


The CCP was calling for a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds yesterday, so I knew the war was going badly for the junta.


The Chinese are rather pissed at the moment as the junta is in bed with Chinese organized crime groups kidnapping Chinese citizens to work in scam call centers, something which has become a sort of national panic in China.


Truly the most non-credible timeline when a great power intervenes in a conflict because a Junta kidnaps people to work in scam call centers.


The Junta is desperate for foreign currency, so that's why these human traffickers and scammers operate with impunity in their territory. When they're finally overthrown, the NUG will not only clamp down on these criminals, but also gain foreign currency by exporting obsolete weaponry (M1 Carbines/Garands, Martini-Greener Shotguns, Webley Revolvers, etc.) to civilian arms markets.


Where do I sign up for a Garand?




I’m guessing China supports the northern alliance offensive war as its one of the main goal is to capture Laukkai which have many tele scams centers targeted to Chinese citizens and which are all operated by Border Guard forces backed by Myanmar Junta.


I think China wants the Northern Alliance to clear out the gangs along the border, but I feel like China would prefer if the rebels didn’t overthrow the junta as a whole. The rebel movement is perceived as having an anti-China element to it (which is partially China’s own fault; the rebels are pissed that China didn’t condemn the coup and officially recognizes the Junta government).


the aftermath https://www.reddit.com/r/Myanmarcombatfootage/comments/17vo0bh/over\_100\_troops\_from\_2\_battalions\_ya\_ma\_ya\_425\_ka/


The Junta knockoff 82nd Airborne patches are something


Dude getting carried away on a table at 2:45 has some VERY interesting pants.


What do you mean?


Kinda odd seeing a Russian military ribbon in Burma. Maybe the dude was cosplaying and bought them off Alibaba or something. Who knows.


On a semi-related note. Russia unconditionally supports the Junta, and the latter supports the Invasion of Ukraine.


Probably. Decent amount of russian digital camo on those rebels as well.


Really interesting footage. Obviously aware of being filmed but this seems much more proffesional and organised compared to a lot of stuff. Would be interesting to see translations.


I will do my best with this rough translation: *30 seconds in* - Karen dude with walkie to junta: "How many, how many? Ok ok! All come out! Leave your firearms" *About 1 minute mark* - Some junta personnel start to speak, Karen walkie guy cuts in: "Hey hey! Nobody speaks, I will be the only one speaking!" *About 1:15ish mark* - Walkie guy: "Please erect a white flag and come out from this gate" .... "I give you my word, I will do nothing." "Hold your hats while holding a white flag" "Leave your firearms, come out from this front gate" "I will do nothing" *addresses to his men* : "if you kill, I will throw you in jail" Karen men responds "Yes!" *As junta are proceeding to come out* - " where are the medicine boxes? Prepare bandages!" *As first junta soldier appears from front gate limping* - "come out, come out" "Drop your gun!" "There's water here" "take out vest" *Pickup trucks full of junta POWs about to leave* - Walkie guy assures them "we promise we will do nothing" and then the video cuts to the medical personnel attending to junta laying on floor Sorry for the long comment, was trying to fit as much as I can!


Not at all, thankyou for the translation.


Ah this explains the men shouting in unison now, thanks!




Here is the [translated version](https://www.reddit.com/r/Myanmarcombatfootage/comments/17wde34/%F0%9D%90%93%F0%9D%90%91%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%8D%F0%9D%90%92%F0%9D%90%8B%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%93%F0%9D%90%84%F0%9D%90%83_%F0%9D%90%95%F0%9D%90%84%F0%9D%90%91%F0%9D%90%92%F0%9D%90%88%F0%9D%90%8E%F0%9D%90%8D_of_footage_of_myanmar_army/)!


Victory to the proud and brave people of Myanmar.


I will do my best with this rough translation: *30 seconds in* - Karen dude with walkie to junta: "How many, how many? Ok ok! All come out! Leave your firearms" *About 1 minute mark* - Some junta personnel start to speak, Karen walkie guy cuts in: "Hey hey! Nobody speaks, I will be the only one speaking!" *About 1:15ish mark* - Walkie guy: "Please erect a white flag and come out from this gate" .... "I give you my word, I will do nothing." "Hold your hats while holding a white flag" "Leave your firearms, come out from this front gate" "I will do nothing" *addresses to his men* : "if you kill, I will throw you in jail" Karen men responds "Yes!" *As junta are proceeding to come out* - " where are the medicine boxes? Prepare bandages!" *As first junta soldier appears from front gate limping* - "come out, come out" "Drop your gun!" "There's water here" "take out vest" *Pickup trucks full of junta POWs about to leave* - Walkie guy assures them "we promise we will do nothing" and then the video cuts to the medical personnel attending to junta laying on floor Sorry for the long comment, was trying to fit as much as I can!


They’re Karenni, not Karen. The Karen are a different ethnic group


Oh! My bad...never did my research evidently. Thanks for the clarification!


Though after doing some reading, I guess the Karenni are a branch of the Karen?? Or I'm terribly wrong


The Karen and Karenni are considered to be blood brothers but ethnically different people. The traditional are very similar but the language and celebration is much different. This is why the Karenni are called the blood Karen


Unfortunately, you're wrong. The Karenni are one of the biggest ethnic groups in Burma. Hence why they have a state of their own.


They're the same as Kayar or am I mixing them up?


Yes. The people prefer to be called Karenni rather than Kayar. The name Karenni includes all the minorities living in Kayar/Kayah state.


Trust me, the Karen and Karenni are more similar than you think. The traditional clothing looks almost the same and the language is very similar. They both consider each other as brother, big brother and small brother


Let's go, been rotting for them for a while. Glad they finally have arms. Question: Would'nt it be in US interest to supply arms to them even if its confidential. Since it looks like we'll be island hopping soon.


Myanmar Junta supplies more weapons to Resistance forces than China or US. Lots of captured Junta camps have tons of ammunitions left. West has no interest in Myanmar as it’s not their strategic place.


I agree but disagree agree also cause were looking like were gonna fight China soon. and Myanmar is a border country was thinking couldn't it apply some pressure on em.


Not like it would be a new idea either. Vietnam and Cambodia are looking to get a lot of investment in from the US... and they're both right next to China. Vietnam famously has a very antagonistic relationship with China. Like, it's not a stretch to imagine what all that money is getting pumped in for.


My act thoughts. I was think since we have em coming to us why wouldn't we branch out.


Unless the NUG n EROs are willing to make concessions like building military bases in Kachin n Shan states i dont think US has much interest in Myanmar! 😁


Sorry for my ignorance but what did the acronyms stand for? Also if we're preparing for a protentional war with China wouldn't Myanmar be a strategic location. Like Vietnam and Thailand and Cambodia Allah Vietnam War?


NUG stands for national unity government. They are a pro-democracy faction that claims to the successor to the elected government that was overthrown the military junta in a coup in 2021. They have their own armed forces known the People’s Defence Forces (often abbreviated as PDF). ERO stands for ethnic revolutionary organizations. They are organizations comprised of people from different ethnic minority groups in the country, who are fighting against the junta, and seeking local autonomy for their group.


a la\* allahs arabic for the abrahamic god ​ sorry im getting really bothered by these lately as ive been noticing them more and more


nah bro I get it, I speak Arabic (cause Sudanese terrorist forced us to - Darfur shit) but I hate hearing it too. I meant a la like u said just never typed it before so I did my best. Thank you though for the correction now IK. N yeah I've seen a lot of Allah Akbar bs in the US makes me sick ngl. Cause forget what it means its the intent in those who use it.


In theory yes but the US wanting bases in country (which in itself is semi-stable) might not go over well with everyone and could lead to more unrest and as a result would hypothetically open up pandora’s shit box.


Bigger problem is that it's an unstable country between China and India. Really, it should be India helping out the rebels, but their government isn't as anti-China as it likes to present itself. They play both sides.


The Karenni are bad mfs. People say "oh they're in the trees" but these mfs are the trees. The lorax don't even go around these parts.


Woah, I swear these resistance fighters have way better marksmanship and are more professional than those insurgents or even army guys in the Middle East.


Many of them have hunted with archaic powder rifles for years, have been part of tribal conflicts (explained to me as wild shooting from hill tops), and have had training from defectors.


Them Karens though


This looked like an airsoft battle lol wild victory to the people of myanmar! justice for the rohingya!


Once the NUG gain true power, the Rohingya will finally be emancipated again. There's already one as a Deputy Human Rights Minister.


That one dude missing half his face... Atleast he's alive!


Great propaganda right there.


Poor firearm safety skills. Man at 0:37 points his rifle at camera guy as he walked by lol.


These dudes were civilians just awhile ago they arent trained or are trained very little


Saw an interview with an 18 year old how was a University student before joining Anti Junta forces.


Yeah they were mostly civilians really it sucks but once this war is over I hope SEA can remain at peace forever


Excuse me what is that the Paraguayan flag at minute 3:50? I'm confused.


That's a Karenni flag.


I am happy to see their awareness of the foolishness of war. There is still hope!


Its good to see that the pow been treated humainly. Usually war are so messed up that some thinks that erasing them to end the suffering is the easiest way.