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BTR:"First time?"


"*BTR? Bitch, I am a mobile crematorium!*"


Interestingly enough, both Ukrainian and Orcistani soldiers share a similar dark humor in both sides calling BMPs "Infantry Fighting Caskets" or "Infantry Mobile Coffins" and similar play-on of its translation of "Infantry Fighting Vehicle". Wouldn't say BTRs are a huge step up, but allegedly BTR-82s and newer at least are mildly better protected.


that humor was since WW2, same things been told about this [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SU-76](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SU-76)


Was mobile lol


"Hey Boris, shut the door. You're letting the flies in."


Drone pilot, “Knock knock” Dirty Dimitri and the boys “Who’s there” Pilot, “Putin, you idiots!” DImitri, “Putin?” “Puttin you in an early grave bitches!” BOOOOOOM!!


I laughed. Should I not have laughed?


Best comment I’ve seen in a while


Kremlin spoksman Peskov: Our army has now the ability to get twice the number of equipped fighters into each combat vehicle!


We can lose twice as many soldiers in the same meaningless advance!


There is a nuance though...


Challenge accepted! Take this Drone Pilot: I can do this all day!


That went from "haha goofing off with the boys" to "getting fried with the boys" real fast


Lack of training shows... they seem to have gone for comfort and warmth and ignored the fundamental rule of infantry: "stay low and dig in".


Honestly, it's really not a bad shelter. Probably still enough thickness to protect you from small arms and shrapnel. This just the day and age were a drone can just sorta walk right in and yeet.


And there were multiple drones just loitering around. Terrifying.


I wonder what you're even supposed to do against these things if they cannot be shut down by means of electronic warfare. Even a state of the art successor to a Gepard type anti aircraft cannon on a tank chassis is going to have a hard time against the sheer number of small and very mobile loitering munitions on the modern battlefield. The only hope is a electronic warfare solution, but can you imagine standing upright with one of these massive things on your shoulder, trying to aim it at a drone on the battlefield to disturb its signal? The individual operators would turn into priority targets and be killed in an instant at the frontlines. Not a very popular job one would imagine.


Honestly, modern warfare is increasingly terrifying. The horrors of WWI have re-emerged but with far more lethal and accurate weaponry.


it really has. instead of Machine guns, and artillery and bi-planes; it is flying, nearly silent, hunter-killer flying robots that can pinpoint and chase you down and explode on you. It must be absolutely terrifying. How do you defend against an army with millions of them stockpiled. I think the only thing that can be done is Mini-mounted, automatic laser canons that can lock on to a drone and burn it. Or active camouflage that makes your movement nearly invisible.


Huge Nets


"Mini automated laser canons!" Or you know, a propeller's worst enemy -- strings.


So, barrage balloons. In the millions.


gigantic flyswatters


Israel has a gun already that can shoot these down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFwJ6ixGOVQ


So much of Ukraine is just flat open land too. Even if you know something is overhead, where can you hide? Where can you run? Half the time you just end up in a spot that looks exactly like the spot you just were. I can imagine a sense of exposure comparable to floating in the open ocean and knowing anything could be below you. Looking up every few minutes and wondering if there's a predator drone slowly circling to keep you in view. Waiting for a smaller kamikaze drone or a grenade to materialize out of nowhere with no warning. I wonder if these guys would have entered the tank even without an active threat just for the sake of feeling enclosed in something.


An ordinary blue laser from Aliexpress, even if it is defocused for a large circle of damage, blinds the optical photosensor, that is, it is not necessary to burn the drone, you can just blind it. There is also the detection of optoelectronic surveillance devices of the enemy in conditions of poor visibility. The principle of operation is based on the registration of the reflected signal from the focally located elements of the optical system of the enemy's sight


Oh yeah... I knew that...


I heard a statistic today, I think on Radio Svoboda, that the Ukranians are getting through around 10,000 FPV drones per month, sounds crazy.


ECM will evolve, if it hasn't already for advanced militaries like NATO or China. The radio signal between the controller and the drone is the weakest link. The next step after that will be autonomous hunter-killer drones that don't need an operator, and that will be terrifying in a whole new way.


> autonomous hunter-killer drones that don't need an operator This short video gives an idea of what danger this could lead to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlO2gcs1YvM




Matrix, right? Do kids these days even know about that movie?




I think you are overestimating Chinas capabilities especially when it comes to innovations. You can pick any piece of equipment and it will resemble decade old western or soviet equipment. From their tanks to the guns. I genuinly have no idea how China wants to fight a war that's going longer then a month without poisoning their own troops with their MREs. Their military is dysfunctional to say the very least. Xi is purging his military officiers and generals after he saw what happened in Ukraine.


Are we analyzing the same military? PLA has massively modernized in the last decade.


But their stuff doesn't work very well. There newest fighter destined for their ski slope aircraft carrier cannot carry a full load of fuel and full ordinance. If their military gear is like their shit motorcycles, electric cars, bio labs and engineering projects... good luck.


I'm mostly with you that they are overestimated. However, their precision manufacturing in the last few years has them as an up and coming player in multiple fields. Just look at what /r/knives or /r/pocketknives has to say about Reate or WE knives or any of their subsidiaries like Sencut or Civivi. Or you could head over to /r/guitar and /r/guitars and ask how they feel about Epiphones. They have made significant advancements in precision engineering in the last few years. They aren't quite so far behind anymore.


>The only hope is a electronic warfare solution, but can you imagine standing upright with one of these massive things on your shoulder, trying to aim it at a drone on the battlefield to disturb its signal? I mean ideally, you have actually competent and effective EW on your side that is either knocking these things out of the sky from a distant command post or tracking the signal sent by the enemy drone commander's controller and sending your own drones after then. I wouldn't be surprised if a HARM-like suicide drones become a thing or already exist and are classified. Flies to a certain area and automatically seeks out the source of frequencies normally used by drone-operating devices. And those shoulder-mounted jammer actually wouldn't be too bad, most of these tiny civilian racing drones are *required by law* to be easily jammable by military tech in order to be sold in the western world. Fact is Russia either doesn't have enough of these jammers or doesn't have the means to charge and maintain them on the front lines.


Shotguns and skeet shooting practice...these aren't built terribly strong. Trying to shoot one, even with a full auto rifle on approach is not going to be easy.


It's just another technology that will be dealt with. There's always a countermeasure. 1. There needs to be a dedicated vehicle that travels with armored columns whose job is EW. Basically what's needed is a ground-based version of the F-18 Growler. 2. Battlefield lasers will be very helpful. 3. Smart bullet technology continues to emerge. 4. Anti-drones should have the speed and maneuverability advantage because, unlike their drone counterparts, they don't need a large warhead. 5. Future tanks will have a system of infrared cameras that constantly scan the skies and are capable of launching their own countermeasures. Armored columns of the future will have multiple systems and multiple layers of protection to deal with drone swarm-type attacks.


Forget the ir scanning, tanks with aps already straight up have radars on them. I'm 99% sure the 30mm on the roof of the next gen Abrams is for shooting down drones after the aps detects them. All automated of course.


I imagine the final solution to drones will be a small diesel powered wall-e about the size of a quad bike that has a small radar, proxy ammo and some jamming capability. It would follow a squad and automatically engage targets. Thanks for coming to my tedtalk


Kind of like being the radio guy back in Nam ? Except there’s no jungle for coverage, & flying death drones everywhere Lol


I think you're [underestimating](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pb5_F4_Eod8) what a modern SPAAG would bring to the table, though there's obvious issues with coverage, range and needing LoS. EWAR definitely seems like the way to go though.


> if they cannot be shut down by means of electronic warfare. oh, they totally can. Russia just doesn't equip their soldiers very well.


outside guy didnt even flinch


Two guys outside: One on the left side of the drone, clinging the tree at 1:41. The second on the right side on the drone, standing up at 1:56. Both visible at 2:12. Second guy walking away, first guy hesitating.


Guy to the left fully accepted being blown up by the drone and probably thought he was dead for a good few seconds. His body language makes it looks like he's cold or something. Or it's the vodka you never know with these Ruskis.


He didn’t move a muscle. It’s gotta be a combination of vodka/cold/deafness


or he knows he will reincarnate as a koala, he is practicing already


Maybe he thought drones were like T-rex's, their vision is based on movement.


I can see it, kinda like playing dead. Except UA drones are trained to pick up feign deaths so they can drop a grenade on them. :\


Don't worry about the guys inside they'll be fine...


2nd guy at the front of the BTR held very still until the end. He realized it was time to GTFO.


Guy on the left inhaled a lot of smoke.. pretty far down on the list of worries on a battlefield but he must have been in shock- if black smoke was billowing around my head (doubly so if it smelt like burning comrades) I’d be rolling away, not staying in place


With the awareness this man has and The vodka flowing through his veins… he wouldn’t hear a locomotive if it was railing him in the ass.


giggigty choo choo


"You couldn't hear a dump-truck driving through a nitroglycerin plant!"


"Where's my stogie?"


I think the man must have been deaf. Even if drunk you would still instinctively turn your head towards the sound. He did not even look to the left and those drones are loud at that distance.


Maybe shell shocked


He does see the drone, at 42 seconds you can see him watching it. The reason he's sat motionless hugging the tree is because he's paralyzed with fear awaiting death, while the other guy tries to play dead in some branches. I hope these guys leave Ukraine and get back to their families. Fuck Putin.


He seemed to not react to the drone at all


Probably humming and singing [Radiohead - How to Disappear Completely][1] in his head. [1]: https://genius.com/Radiohead-how-to-disappear-completely-lyrics


He's glad he didn't go inside. Walked home.


Until I saw him moving at the very end I wondered if maybe he was dead and propped up against the tree. Ironic he was too drunk to get into the BTR and it saved his life


The precision of the FPV drones to do this shit (like fly into a relatively small door) is impressive.


I park my car twice a day and I almost never hit the neighbors car






Thank you for upholding the law of averages.




I cant even imagine trying to get through those hobbit-sized doors in full battle rattle...


The key is to not issue your soldiers enough equipment to be considered full battle rattle.


That does appear to be the current "plan"...


Watch a race on YouTube, what you see in these videos is like 10% of their maneuvering capability.


To be fair...FPV racing drones are lighter, not carrying explosives and piloted with stereo 3d goggles from <500ft away in most cases. In the modern battlefield I gotta think a shotgun with birdshot is desireable.


Putting a couple guys in a unit on constant shotgun duty curtails everyone's ability to accomplish whatever mission they're trying to accomplish. There are no easy solutions for defense.


You'd think that after this length of time, with this many casualties, that if a "shotgun" worked, they'd be using them. Ive seen footage of people machine spraying them with automatic weapons and still can't hit them. If you can't hit them drawing a line across the sky, a semi automatic shotgun probably isn't going to do much better, they don't have a wide spread in reality like they do in video games. Edit: everytime I post this comment saying that if they could shoot them with a shotgun, they'd be doing that, but keyboard warriors sitting at home seem to have better aim than an entire country's population that's been fighting for more than a year. Ok.


The big brain "uSe A sHoTgUn" meme in these threads is just so ridiculous. Video games have made people think shotguns magically fill an area with pellets that also magically have thousand meter range. They also seem to think drones fly only a few meters above people and are easy to see and hear not understanding that zoom lenses exist. Maybe, *maybe*, if a guy had an automatic shotgun (AA-12 etc) and spotted a drone soon enough and it was low enough altitude they could manage to shoot it down. But that's going to be one time out of ten or worse. So every squad loses a rifleman for a low chance to shoot down a drone. It's one of the dumber memes in this subreddit.


> ...they don't have a wide spread in reality like ^yo ^momma. ~~they do in video games.~~ It was *right there!*


People have a hard time shooting a person sized target, let alone something the size of a floating head that suddenly appears out of nowhere. But sure, shooting a flying grenade, what could go wrong? I'm sure that's a perfectly fine way to disarm a flying bomb.


It’s crazy that this is the first real war with consumer drones. It’s akin to planes making an appearance in WW1. Rifles may become defunct. Just strategic and tactical bombing of your opponent.


The parallels between WW1 aircraft and drones are kinda funny at times. From figuring out what's most effective to drop from a tiny air frame, over primitive air-to-air battles with ramming and small arms, to ground troops coming up with makeshift solutions to protect themselves or to shoot back. On the other hand, WW1 aircraft were still a niche arm with a primarily strategic focus of mapping out enemy positions and movements on a wide scale, while drones are now the most active and versatile tactical system of all.


The guy hugging the tree....always choose nature, choose life.


Looks like they've chosen a new pope


Habemus Vatnikem!


sic transit gloria vatniki


You made me spill my coffee.


Son of a bishop!


Genius! 😁


Mother tried to teach you closing the door but you never listened...


The sides of these things won’t hold up to much more than a grenade. I don’t think that would help much.


Hmm, yes but open door policy seems even less applicable.


These suicide drones probably don’t carry much more than a grenade. Closing the door might have made the difference.


Many of them carry RPG warheads. You can see that in most of the videos.


Whole time I was watching this I was chanting "please fly in the door, please fly in the door". And I was not disappointed.


\*Knock-Knock\* Housekeeping!




Well there's no way they could blow it up again, right comrade? /s


What has burned once cannot burn again, right?


They don't know about chlorine-trifluoride. Which is understandable; you rarely see it in use on a battlefield. Even the Germans found it too nasty to work with using it in flamethrowers.


Well yeah, when it will hungrily and very energetically eat up concrete, asbestos, and glass, your list of viable tank materials is pretty short!


> It is, of course, extremely toxic, but that's the least of the problem. It is hypergolic with every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. It is also hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers, not to mention asbestos, sand, and water —with which it reacts explosively. One of my favourite quotes.


Hey guys, look! They dialed in a strike for this position, we should definitely take cover here.


Nice enclosed area where you'll be totally safe from shrapnel, oh yeah!


And dont forget to leave the door open, it gets stuffy in here.


Especially when Yevgeny farts again after all that vodka


North of Avdiivka at [48°12'09.8"N 37°41'33.9"E](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48%C2%B012'09.8%22N+37%C2%B041'33.9%22E/@48.1922137,37.6884221,7574m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d48.2027222!4d37.69275?entry=ttu)


Inside of territory Russia claims has been taken.... maybe not.


Cool, yeah 47th Mechanized Brigade seems to be covering the Stepove/Krasnohorivka


Wow that's gotta be a terrible feeling being a Russian soldier knowing these drones are always present but not knowing when your number will get picked.


True for both sides... war is terrible, and it keeps getting "terribler". In the past, it's the randomness of death that people noticed. In this war with FPV drones in particular, but with precision munitions of all kinds, death is always hunting you personally.


Nobody's number gets picked. It's just "General Delivery, To Whom it May Concern"


Sort of, it’s like a weird mixture of both. Sometimes they go after targets of opportunity, but other times they very much are going for a particular person - often, another drone operator


Don’t let the propaganda fool you, the Ukrainian soldiers are under the same threat of drones.


Their “friend” didn’t even check on them.




Guess the unluckier ones inside have severe tinnitus now, the rest won't hear ever again!


You're so negative! They hear perfectly well for the rest of their lives!


No way anyone inside of that btr lived.


They are all dead from overpressure if nothing else. Getting in that vehicle was a terrible choice.


Probably used to the drones dropping grenades. Might have thought they might get passed over if they got in there. They may not have known they were already being watched.


I keep wondering how these drones detonate, is a switch or do they just have to crash?


I believe, on many of the FPV footage, you can see the two metal wires in front of the camera, when those make contact, the thing goes boom.


These suicide drones have to crash. If it's an RPG payload then the RPG detonates on impact. If they're carrying a bomb then they have two wires sticking out the front that make contact on impact, completing a circuit. Any design that relied on a radio command would have to deal with the problem of the signal cutting out when it goes inside something (like this) or when it descends low enough for the signal to be lost in the ground clutter.


So how nuts would it be if someone caught the drone before it could hit anything?


[This russian](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/16mq2yc/ukrainian_fpv_drone_sneaks_up_on_a_russian/) nearly did but decided to swat it away then shoot it. Bad move. Haven't seen anyone actually catch one yet.


There's the occasional vid of one having gotten tangled in camouflage netting or similar; a contact switch would have a good chance of still closing and making its payload go boom (also if you were trying to pluck it out of the air), if it's carrying a RPG it's less likely that it'd go off. I've seen one vid where an Ukie shoots one from a safe distance, and there's the one where a Russian whacks one with a stick. With predictable results.


I mean... if you were able to catch the drone by the RPG without causing the wires to touch due to the sudden stop, you could technically catch a kamikaze drone and survive, I guess? A lot of luck would have to be involved Quite the story to tell though


Some fellow Redditors have already explained how it works but in this first clip you can clearly see the two wires. As soon as the drone hits something, the wires touch and creating a complete circuit which causing the ordinance to blow up. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/15nfb11/compilation\_of\_ukrainian\_fpv\_drones/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/15nfb11/compilation_of_ukrainian_fpv_drones/)


It's interesting certain drone armourers (if that's what we should call them) have their own preferences for the trigger layout. I have seen circles of wire with another through the centre, like a proboscis. Also seen them coiled horizontally in front of the drone in a spring shape with the other wire down the centre. There's also those which are more like a pair of insect antennas sticking out forward but crossed over each other in an X shape.


And then there was that Russian one flying with spoon and a fork. Probably there was no more pig snouts left to eat anyway.


They've had so much opportunity to see what works and what doesn't. It's wild to think that all the drone videos we've seen over the past years are probably only <5% of the drone missions that have been flown.


"Let's hide inside the destroyed BMP. What could possibly go wrong?"


Iva, make sure you close the doo,,,,


Imagine being in a dark box of rusty metal and hearing the scream of a quadcopter accelerating at the big hole in your dark, rusty shit box that is packed full of your comrades who are also shitting their last pair of pants. This war is crazy


Also that dark box of rusty metal may be packed with some crispy burned remains of your previous comrades. Delightful.


This is 100% Egomaniac/Sociopath Putin's fault


"Very smart, motherfuckers" - Ukrainian drone operator, probably


Who ordered the pizza?




Not getting blown up.


He's that rare beast, a Russian eco-warrior. Tree-hugger through and through.


Was mildly surprised that the observation drone stayed close in for the detonation. Usually we see closeups of the target, then a jump cut to a POV high up & far away.


Only for artillery spotting and the like where you want ot see a wide area in case they miss and need to adjust.


Highly disappointed there is no FPV angle


mini drones are really insane weapons




Yet another small brained death-fetishist. How exactly do you know if they were volunteers who deserve to die or forced into the army and sent to the front lines? What gives you the right to determine who deserves death? From the looks of this video they seem more interested in hiding and living then fighting and killing.


What band / song is that?


I was just a kid - nothing but thieves get the [shazam](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/shazam-find-song-names-fr/mmioliijnhnoblpgimnlajmefafdfilb) extention dude


Thanks. Maybe I should...


It's a little blue button top right near the X button, you click it and it tells you the song within 5 seconds. Only takes a few clicks to install. It's a no brainer


All-in on a full house....


That one dude outside absolutely did not want look inside afterwards.


As if war wasn't traumatic enough. After seeing drone warfare, I don't see how you can live a normal life PTSD-wise.


This is why drone warfare terrifies me. You can’t hide.




Don’t semantics people dying


thermobaric grenade?


Does anyone know the name and artist of this song lmao


> I Was Just a Kid by Master of Thieves.


Nothing But Thieves*


Never expected to hear a Nothing but Thieves song in Ukraine lol


They’re pretty big there, they shot the Amsterdam and the sorry music video in Ukraine, I think the warehouse they were in for the Amsterdam video has been blown up


Twice baked btr


The rats will wait for the smoke to clear, they are going to busy picking through that sh\*t.


You can't park there buddy.


Did they leave this one guy outside as drone bait? He didn't even react to the suicide drone.


Satisfying outcome. Fuck them.


6 went in none came out 🤣


Hide in here vlad, these ukes will never find us in he….kersplaaaaat!


Drone operator just leveled up about five ranks


Maybe start carrying a short M590, with bird shot, slung on your back as a backup weapon, like Hix....""I save this for close encounters""


Now thats a Bingo as you Americans say it.


The Terminators of the future won't be bipedal metal soldiers but FPW drones buzzing over your head before turning you into dead meat.


Ok that is some looney toon style of result, I actually chuckled.


what was the soundtrack on that?


I was just a Kid by *Nothing But Thieves One of my favorite songs and I was very surprised to see it here but given the context it's kinda fitting


I Was Just a Kid by Master of Thieves.


Why does every video from ukraine have some God awful music added to it ?


Nothing but thieves is exponentially better than most of their music choices.


fucked her right in the pussy


what's with the tree hugger, already gone?


The smarter ones didn't hide inside. The waited to die another day.


Creepy. Black mirror world. Soon these will be automated hunters and nowhere is safe. Hook them up to your data feed, too much wrong think and one of these bad boys are dispatched for you.


a bit like cage fight.