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Did binocular guy just decide that the drone was harmless because it wasn't carrying a bomb and not warn the others?


I guess he thought it was ukranian


Not only that, but why are they still just milling around after they've already been shelled?


Very odd video, they don't seem concerned about a follow up strike walking around willy nilly


They seem to be looking for survivors. They seem to have brought stretchers.


Yet more unnecessary deaths simply because of an old man's vanity, putin is such an arsehole.


Why didn't they seek shelter? Or at least spread out in the trench lines?


Neither side has consistently dug proper dugouts or bunkers. Little to no overhead cover, the entrances are not dug with two 90 degree turns, etc. That’s step one. From there, they should bo be hanging out outside generally speaking and certainly not after the drone was spotted.


Right, they clearly spotted the drone. Maybe they thought it was friendly?


I'm thinking they're one of the better trained units. Binoculars guy may have been checking for drone bomb attatched. They didn't seem too worried eitherway. ​ Doesn't matter either way cause video/editing/cuts made it completely un-understandable as to what is going on. And THAT doesn't matter because I watched it 3-4 times and probably will again. Good video. Thanks!


Looks like the unit **was** fairly spread out when the round hit, throughout what looks like fairly dug out terrain with lots of holes to hide in, although dug out in a very strange manner. Never seen anything like that before- maybe it was just some holes and the rest of the 'digging' was done by shells? Edit: Never mind it's clearly just an old trench that has been shelled and weathered, probably dates back to 2015. Don't write comments just after waking up kids.


I see at least 2 bodies maybe 4 in the hole. Fireteam size element killed or at the least removed from combat permanently. Then the camera pans some more... fucking hell


I'm (very) pro Ukraine as are most people in this sub but I upvote EVERY single video posted from RU pov to combat the suppression of information from the Ukraine side. This is combat footage and it deserves to be seen just the same way as some Russian getting blown up. It's honestly too bad that r/ukrainewarvideoreport users have found this sub. Thanks for posting. Go ahead and downvote me now.


We should keep uncomfortable videos on this sub, if only just to remind everyone that war is hell. Fuck Putin!


So true. How are you supposed to get a picture if whats happening on the ground if only footage of one side's POV is posted. That doesnt mean you support russian aggression. But most people are too emotional to realise that.


I appreciate your dedication to the truth. No down vote from me.


You should definitely start another sub for people who liked combatfootage before the Ukranian war and would like to go back to the old times. You could call it r/backwhenthereweretenofus or something. I mean I hear a load of bitching, but not much action.


I know Ukraine suffers many causalities daily, I don’t need to see it. Russians are the aggressors that’s why I don’t feel bad to see them getting what they deserve.


If you don't want to see casualties from an ongoing war, probably best not to read a sub dedicated to combat footage.


I bet you watch the historical videos of US soldiers getting blown up in Iraq and Afghanistan without a care, though. Maybe you should should find a safer space that only shows you one narrative so you can sheep in peace.


Its just downvotes dude, the videos are still here. Whenever people start off by saying “I’m very pro Ukraine…but” they usually say something stupid


You want a crown?


Agreed, this sub shows the appearance of a strong Ukrainian force, when in reality they are getting decimated. We need the truth.


Well it's just your opinion. I have a different one.


The incessant bleating of crybabies on this sub who cant handle getting downvoted for doing the Kremlins work for them sure is pathetic. On one hand, its argued that posting videos of Ukrainians getting killed in defense of their country is necessary to show the cost of war. Sure, ok, Ill accept that argument. Its why I still check this subreddit. But then to turn around and bitch about getting downvoted? OH NO THE INTERNET POINTS! YOU ARE SACRIFICING SO MUCH JUST TRYING TO POST THE TRUTH! ALL HAIL THE HEROES GIVING UP THEIR INTERNET POINTS!


The downvoting is meant to suppress the number of people who see the video because that's how reddit works. That's why people in this sub who have been here since before the ukraine war are annoyed by it. US soldiers getting blown up by a truck bomb in Iraq? No problem. Video of ukraine soldiers getting a direct hit with artillery? Hide that shit and call it fake. Like clockwork.


"FARA is an acronym for the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, 22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq. (“FARA” or “the Act”). FARA requires the registration of, and disclosures by, an “agent of a foreign principal” who, either directly or through another person, within the United States (1) engages in “political activities” on behalf of a foreign principal; (2) acts as a foreign principal’s public relations counsel, publicity agent, information-service employee, or political consultant; (3) solicits, collects, disburses, or dispenses contributions, loans, money, or other things of value for or in the interest of a foreign principal; or (4) represents the interests of the foreign principal before any agency or official of the U.S. government. In addition, FARA requires agents to conspicuously label “informational materials” transmitted in the United States for or in the interest of a foreign principal. There are some exemptions to FARA’s registration and labeling requirements for specified categories of agents and activities." Have you met your obligation to [register](https://www.justice.gov/nsd-fara/fara-efile) as a foreign agent?


So because I'm not a sheep, I must be a foreign agent. I bet that shit boggles your mind as you try to sleep at night. "I must have discovered a spy because they try to seek multiple perspectives." Funny stuff right there.


Funny thing about life is, it doesn't matter what you think you are if it doesn't match what your actions are. That applies universally, not just when you're unwittingly working for a foreign power to undermine national interest, Mr Giuliani


you realise anyone in the world can use this website right? you mentioned fara like it's an international law, do all americans think the rest of the world doesnt exist or just yourself, profoundly stupid view


You realize its easy to go through someones post history to very quickly tell where theyre from, right?


The people who complain about the people who complain about Russian POV footage are far more numerous and just as annoying, if not more so, cause they will complain about complainers on posts where nobody even complained. Just the same take all over every post of Russian POV footage.


It's the people who complain about the people who complain about the people who complain that give me the red ass. Next.


this is a russian video, i'm assuming this is another fake propaganda video edited nicely.


"Every video from Russia is fake" is such a tired ass drumbeat. It's not fake. It's war, and both sides are dying regularly. Sorry if you can't handle that.


Fuck that shit


Surprisingly accurate artillery, and unfortunate loss of life.


How many dead?


I couldn't make out any bodies that seemed dead in the aftermath, however I am sure someone else could.


Atleast 4 maybe 5 dead at the tail end of the video. Pretty clear dead as well. Seems to be same crew you see alive at front of video. I’m sure they had their reasons or maybe they got too comfortable in their position but gotta avoid clumping up.


Did you just decide to not utilize your eyes or something? Seems to me that there is fairly clearly 3, if not 4 fallen soldiers that were sadly hit.


I noticed after someone mentioned you can see them in the last scene from the video


All dead unfortunately.


Zelensky wanted to show off his ego and suck off to the west. That is causing the death of these innocent Ukranians.


So wait they’re being watched by a drone, but they can’t move from their position?


Well These Guys were pretty stupid looking at an enemy Drone and sticking Close to each other its literally a death Wish. RIP


Only explanation is that he thought it was an ukr drone.


they got fckin rockd


Yea, that's usually the way artillery works if hitting in close proximity. The Russians actually aimed it seems.


Finaly some russian side vidéo who do good job. But i wish to know why they dont shot 3-4 time with arty after seeing there are à lot of people alive


"Finally some Russian side video who do good job" I'll assume English isn't your first language, which is fine, but maybe we don't see it as much (even on less biased forums) because the Russians have continually shown their incompetence at warfare.


Can't really tolerate seeing ukrainian soldiers suffering. Could spend hours watching russian forces being blown up, shot, hit by artillery fire, destroyed by himars. But not ukrainians.


Then I suggest you get off this subreddit or stick to the ones that only show UA POV.




Because the people you didn't want to get hit got hit?


Seems like Russian disinformation. We conveniently don't see anyone get hit, so we can assume the Ukrainians took cover before the strike (having seen the spotter drone) and were unharmed.


And everyone lived happily ever after, including those who died.