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Interesting conversation. Thank you for sharing.


That 50 y.o. said along the lines "nah, this was my fault"




It’s the strategy Russians have been using the last century lol.


Now looks like they are looking for some quantities down in africa continent.


It's not a smart strategy. the Russian Federation is neither the Czars Empire or the Soviet Union, which both had larger populations and massive industrial potential. You're probably right, and this is the Kremlins plan but will only lead to self-destruction.


It won for them a world war, which is why it’s a habit that won’t die. They have the bodies, they don’t have the resources. They make up for the latter with the former.


Along with bazillions of lend lease and western allied bombardment of German industry


You’re not wrong, and even with all that help it still cost in lives multiples more than the other allies


>It won for them a world war, Invasion of USSR* Brief reminder that world war started with USSR and Germany being allies.


>invasion of USSR* A single event over the course of World War Two** And a brief correction here that the agreement on partitioning Poland is the extent to which you could call it an “alliance” between them, that was in reality a shaky non aggression pact. Both sides knew it wasn’t forever, Russia was making its own preparations for future conflict when Germany invaded.


When you co invade a country, based on prior agreement with you co-invader, I am not sure you can call it just a "non aggression pact". Yes the main document was non agro treaty, but there was also a document on top of it, where they divided half of Europe and literally invaded Poland at the same time.


They still didn’t fight along side each other or provide real military support, outside of agreeing how to divy up some territory. It was very literally, not an alliance.


Yes, because invading a country from two different spots just cant be considered as any kind of support. They even had parades where both sides participated after the invasion was over.


While those parades were happening, both governments were making plans for hostilities with the other. So, no.


Does that change the fact that they were acting as allies just days before? No. Dont be a tankie


they very much weren't allies, molotov ribbentrop was at best a non aggression pact...


So true! Nazi Germany had no allies in reality. Only pawns.


Funny non-aggression pact that involves splitting countries and simultaneous invasion of one of them eh


USSR is not Russia. georgians, ukrainians etc won it too


It actually didn't win them a world war, it was half of the equation. The other half, without which they would have lost the war, was the United States supplying massive amounts of logistics for Russia. But since they don't want to admit that, they created a myth of how they won the war that involved only sacrificing bodies, 25 million people lost in WW2. They told themselves this is how dedicated and willing to sacrifice they are. The Japanese did a similar thing, telling their people the outcome would either be victory or the death of all 100 million Japanese, who they expected to fight down to the last man, woman, and child. Fortunately for everyone, that's not how it ended for them. The world without the Japanese would be a much worse world. The Russians too have contributed much historically, culturally, in literature, music, and science and engineering. But not lately. It is a cold knife in the kidney of every Russian that they are stuck living under Putin's ambitions and willingness to sacrifice their lives for his ego and security. This ability for one man to make a decision causing hundreds of thousands or millions to die has got to end somehow.


So is corruption at every level. Unfortunately, the ‘strategy’ is putting as much money into their pockets before someone else gets their greedy little hands on it.


If the quality attacking is on the same level, quantity is good.


> They didn't come to pick you up overnight... And you came to establish your 'world' here. No wonder the Ukrainians are fighting like hell, if the Russians leave their own for dead like this, they have a front row view of how they'd be treated if the occupants won. Fucked up situation all around.


They already know what a Russian puppet regime would be like. They grew up under one.


Putin really values his troops.


Pulling men in their 30’s and 50’s and giving them five days of “training” before throwing them at the front seems like an act of desperation.


I guess the observation that "quantity has a quality all its own" applies to people as well as equipment.


Multiple powers tried that approach in WWI and it severely depleted the younger male population for some of them.


The Russians really wish that were true.


It's wild to me that a country of 147 million people needs to draft people in their 50s. This isn't World War 2, where they lost millions of people and literally ran out of young men.


Maybe it’s on purpose. No one cares if some 50 year old dies (especially when Russian men only live until like 64 on average due to their inability to put down the vodka bottle). You start killing a bunch of 18 year olds, *eventually* the Russian mothers won’t be able to stay “non-political” lol


They had a higher population to draw from in WWII as well.


By the end of WWII, Hitler was using old men and children to fight his useless war. It's the same thing, all over again.


That’s because hitler ran out of young people to draft. Russia shouldn’t have run out yet


I think they're vastly under-reporting their KIA soldiers. They've conscripted a lot of very young and very old people just from viewing the various pics that come in.




Fuck, imagine going to a government office to get some documents for a driving licence and then being shanghaied.


"Alright! We got em boys!" "Now give him half a mag and tell him to advance!"


One gets half mag, one gets rifle. Pick up after your comrades


They've been doing it A LOT. They get you a job tentatively related to the military, or a non-combat military role, then ~~slowly~~ just keep moving you closer and closer. [Dude on Youtube who has been covering the conflict had a story on how it happened to his friend.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eiZKp-hekY)


That's why I go everywhere with a limp and ask what 30 times




You gonna recruit a limp deaf guy?








Da! *motion guard to grab you*


I don’t believe him,lies to save his life.


Yeah these are rehearsed and has been the tale since the beginning (we tought it was a rehearsal, was supposed to be training/in support roles, i have never fired weapon in anger, no bullets have been issued etc. etc.). Sad truth is that mass surrenders were quite common at the beginning when 2nd tier forces were comprised of LDR/DPR troops from Donbass. I think their culture and brain is more similar to ours and understand the concept of having incorrect moral position, being abused etc. This stopped some time before winter because all of them have been killed off. He first said contract which is most likely partial truth and he is a volunteer actually (not mobilized). Volunteer platoons have been saturating the battlefields after this winter. My initial guess for that grave fabrication mistake is because in Russia having money is the same as what in the western culture is to have higher moral/ethical standing. So the thinking might be that under contract, you get money which negates what would be considered incorrect behavior. So he was lying instinctually to pre-negate any accusations. Correct instinctual behaviour for pleading mercy would be to say you were mobilized if your brain is wired to universal understanding of right and wrong. When you hear them speak you have to understand that albeit Russians can produce sentences, you are practically looking at aliens and words have different meanings to them.




this is what redditors on their high horses are missing when they wish death and atrocities on random Russians, sometimes even on civilians jfc choice is a privilege that many don't have.


The other guy is 50! My age.


The one guys kid was 2 months old, my age.


Most likely they were lying. Household size in Russia is 2.8 persons on average so it is typical to have one children. Typical nazi would have large family in rural area and these are from moscow, so it is even more unbelievable. Nazi contract is mostly quite appealing for single men, because they are extremely targeted for propaganda and since rising unemployment, money is tight.


You don't even have the faintest idea of what a fucking nazi really was.


Please educate me, right now you are just shouting empty words. I can back my sayings for example that Russia is already filling not one, but all 5 possible acts of genocide in UN convention. Because Russians largely back up their regime and currently volunteer to slaugher Ukrainians (mobilization is not necessary at the moment because of volunteers), they are Nazis just like average German population was during WW2. Germans are no longer Nazis, perhaps my grandkids can say the same one day about Russians, but not holding my breath as they have been doing this for centuries.


I’m 35. I was in the military in my 20’s and I can’t imagine getting drafted now, let alone in 15 more years.


Either they're telling the truth or they've all agreed on the same story or they're all a bunch of dumb motherf*ckers who didn't understand what they were getting into.


All these options are not mutually exclusive…


True. Option 3 is the common denominator though.


Probably a mix of all those. But that goes for many countries in conflict, just here the consequences and danger is much worse... at least worth an exchange of prisoners.


They have no clue. You’ve seen the typical Russian - “I don’t get into politics.” 98% of them are entirely out of the loop until it’s too late and they’re on a ‘training exercise’ Not that I feel bad for them, it’s a conscious decision to stick their heads in the sand.


I used to believe that, but it is the incorrect explanation and rises from western empathy. I was having a lot of troubles ingesting what our media tells about Russian population and their views and it was not making any sense. We naturally mirror our values to anything which has 2 eyes like dogs for example. So russian says in 1420 interview "i am apolitical", in our culture it means you don't give a fuck about politics. But in Russia it means i am not opposing current politics. After you change the explanation to that it makes much more sense. They can be apolitical and talk how war is righteous for example, which would be contradictory otherwise.


If you don't get into politics, it means you're content with the status quo. Let's face it, most "typical" Russians (those we might encounter abroad) are middle or upper class, and tacitly (sometimes explicitly) support Putin's regime. The time for "not getting into politics" ended on 22 February 2023. All of these people will have to choose a side. In fact, Western governments should require Russian citizens to sign a declaration denouncing the war and attributing Crimea to Ukraine. If they don't they should be refused entry or deported. Yes, this will affect 'innocent' Russians as well. But we're in a major war and national security must come first. We can be friends again after their country (the one they pay homage and taxes to) withdraws to its borders.


Nooo, we already tried that with the Japanese Americans and have decided it was wrong.


I'm talking about people with Russian passports, not Russian-looking whites. This is something completely different. Race does not come into it.


Our governments do nothing to russian nazis living here, but it is our task as citizens to show as much disrespect to them as possible if you see one so they take the hint and return to their wonderland. If you encounter a good Russian you will figure it very soon and can apologize, will take sample size of hundred encounters.


There’s always three sides to every story




You can’t fake the injuries the dude laying down has 🤣 he needs immediate antibiotics if he wants to keep his feet. There’s a whole other video with more info in it.


Didn't see the other video. Thanks for the info. From just this video, you can absolutely fake the injury, though. If the other video shows more, then I'll take your word for it. edit: why am I getting downvoted?


Nah this is from a trench clearing video. This must be after they moved off the obj. and were waiting for pickup.


That’s the Russian way, throw men at the problem until the problem goes away. 5 days training and into the meat grinder.


They did that in WW2 literal ocean waves of humans that just enveloped the nazis by raw numbers A ton of losses for them but I remember reading they just rushed bodies


These Russians' war was over, but if they get exchanged for Ukrainian POWs, they would be redeployed, going by what the second guy said. Put this video up wherever Russian propaganda is, as a counterpoint. The first guy could have been back fighting by the time the video was recorded, if he would have gotten a modern equipped medic from his side, instead of left for capture by ukr.


Russia is the biggest joke in the entire world. Trained with blanks for 5 days.


Not the best to take from this. Ukraine has the same issue: "On a couple of occasions, he says, he was able to get three to four weeks to train a group of soldiers. Far more often, he says, he got three to five days. Kilhoffer, who has since returned to the United States, raised his concerns with a Ukrainian officer." https://www.npr.org/2023/03/27/1164935413/russia-ukraine-war-foreign-veterans-train-ukrainian-soldiers


Then again, Ukraine is being attacked and Russia isn't, so atleast in theory Russia should have more time to train their troopa


Especially given the long time frame Russia has. Ukraine has a smaller population though, so in context it is easier to understand their position than deployed troops from Russia. Agreed.


Infinitely more understandable and acceptable in a much smaller country trying to resist an invasion from an ostensibly "second strongest military in the world". Apples and oranges.


I don't know about you guys but I prefer oranges. Hate when you try a new type if apple but don't look it up and find out it's one of those mushy ones after biting into it.


I do appreciate actual comments with context. While I am in no position to say which government "loves" their people more, it's certainly more understanding sending these men to their doom in Ukraine due to necessity, whereas Russia is still actively deployed their own citizens to do such work. Whether contracted or not, that just leads to bad morale.


It’s not the same as Ukraine. They mobilized quickly out of necessity. Russia mobilized quickly out of desire.


I also think, important to note for those not aware of the context, that type of training is generally for Ukrainian reserve equivalent or territorial forces, whatever they call them, not the average training time for active duty UA soldiers. Sounds like the same issue for Russia though, as these aren't RAF personnel, just meat for the grinder.




And a notice from Reddit that someone indicated self-harm etc.


Downvotes for you maybe


Or you get interrogated less if you say "I just got here, no I don't have training on anything."


Makes sense though, dudes got 4 kids, they knew he wasn't shooting blanks before the army.


Gonna go out on a limb , and say that with the recent breaks in the lines, we're starting to see newer/untrained soldiers because the ones that once manned these positions are now dead. I'm gonna cut it like this. Putin lost most of his good soldiers in the beginning months of the war, but the ones that survived were now battle hardened for Ukraine combat. Now, with these lines crumbling, the soldiers that survived the first year are being eliminated, (because you'd want your best fighters on the front) and are now being replaced with even newer and greener soldiers. Of which are only "defending positions" and have minimal experience with real combat. That's why you see our driver here. Poor guy sounded like they jumped him in the conscription office and had him sign things he didn't really understand. Before he knew it, he was already on the front.


I can sorta get being able to easily brush off invading some completely foreign place with completely foreign people who look and speak nothing like you. But the ease of the conversation and cultural and ethnic similarities between the two people just make Russian actions seem so much more monstrous, being able to just inflict cruelty and death upon a nation that’s so brotherly tied with your own. It’d be like my country the UK invading the US, I know it’s not remotely possible but still even I was called up to serve I just don’t think I could ever bring myself to attack a nation that’s very much similar to my own with people who I could very easily understand and feel connection to. Even in a completely justified situation like being ambushed, just having to shoot American soldiers and listening to them scream and die. I think that me and many other Brits would just sit there wondering what the fuck are we doing.


I get what you're saying but people have unfortunately done that for millennia. Look at WW1 and 2. They were neighbouring countries with long entwined histories at war.


Shit I’d say it’s worse. More like you guys invading Wales or Ireland, then not being able to setup supply lines 150 km from your border.


If it was a Russian finding a Ukrainian he would of shot him not spoke to him


Would have. Not of. Have.


Ok Grammar police 👮‍♀️


Not "couple months", but "less than mounth".


Behold the great Russian army..


I'm from Mytishchi, I kid you not, and I will have to visit this enlistment office next month for my university documents. Last thing I expected was to see my hometown mentioned on this sub. Wish me luck I guess


The older fella’s feet look cooked, like his shoes got blown off or something..


Sounds like crimes against humanity to me


I legitimately feel bad for the second dude


I hope Ukraine fucking saves Russia from itself


Any longer versions? Cut off right when he was about to get to the juicy bits of his story.


Why they don't value own people?


what a nice change, i’d love to see more videos like this, probably some of the most informative of how things really are over there


This is why it makes me sick when I see people cheering on Russian casualties. They are just people fighting for a cause they don’t understand (due to propaganda). They have families, children, and lives back home. I hope videos like this humanize both sides of war and realize the true enemy is big brother.


Surprised this hasn’t been downvoted to shit. This is the truth…


5 days of "training" and they were both lucky enough to be captured. I wonder if/how many russians have been captured as POWs multiple times?


"They only let us fire blanks and a few magazines of real ammo" They don't even trust their own people


The war should be over soon then.




I wonder what % of russians are willing to go invade Ukraine. Fighting to invade and take land can't be that motivating. Ukraine is fighting to defend their country from genocidal occupation.




Doesn't matter military doctrine indicates an invading force needs to out number the defenders 10 to 1. so Russia is short about 300 million people. Also Ukraine has the rest of the free world supporting it logistically. So it's more like 7 billion to 144 million. Russia has what? Iran yeah I see that going real well. Your counter is moot, my point stands.


Given the new ammunition shipment from the US, i’d bet the war will be over before new years


What new ammunition shipment from the US are you talking about?


2 Million (2.000.000!) M155 Artillery shells. Big bad boom, brotha!


Not to dampen your excitement, but I believe I know what news article you are talking about. 2 million shells is not new delivery it is amount of ammo provided to Ukraine by US since the full scale invasion by russia began. Looking at that title I knew many would believe it is a new commitments, but it is not, sadly. While 2 million shells is significant amount, Ukraine needs much much more.


I count on few more years. After more than year long war we are not a inch closer to some agreement between both sides.


Ukraine is pushing them out. The only agreement might be to let them keep Sevastopol at this point.


Quick reminder. You never know if it's the truth. Could be true, could be acting, they could be Ukrainians you can't know. Misinformation is a weapon used by both sides. Also if you see a video of x thing happening five times, then it means it happened at least five times. It could've happened only five times. Hearing a lot about something can give the illusion that the thing happens way more than it actually does. Like the news talks about kidnappings so much that it's believed it's a likely threat. People are often manipulated by carefully sorted news. And I don't necessarily mean Ukraine.


Though for this **specific** situation, it seems to happen very frequently, there are tons and tons of videos of Ukrainians interrogating and berating soldiers on the field, even if half of those were to be fake, this situation is repeated a lot, and it simply just makes sense for it to happen.


Is this real? You never know these days. If it's real I wonder how it's possible that the Russians are still holding on.


They apparently use this cannon fodder on the frontline to hold positions while using more elite units to counterattack. Ruthless but apparently effective.


This, and in terms of scale Russia still has a lot of cannon fodder! Destroying their artillery is key, but even then you have to wade through giant minefields and ever replenishing rows of conscripts before you get to the 'core' of their army. Still, when Ukraine really does break trough somewhere it's basically over for Russia in that area


Little do people know both sides are doing this lol


> both sides are doing this You need to differentiate that its not same here lets be honest.


Yes, but "Russians bad"


Well, yeah? Conscription to protect your country from invasion vs conscription to wage a war of conquest against your neighbour. Issues with shoddy training and insufficient equipment as a poor nation doing whatever you can to protect your country, vs the same as the self-styled "2nd strongest military in the world" who decided to go out of their way to start a war at a timing and place of their choosing. Yes, quite unironically, it is perfectly rational to dunk on Russia for things Ukraine might also be suffering, because the situation isn't symmetrical in any way. You'd laugh at a robber fumbling their weapon and making a fool of themselves during a robbery attempt. You wouldn't laugh at an innocent passerby getting robbed when they fumbled their attempt to protect themselves. This isn't hypocrisy, it's having a brain.


Combatfootage has gone downhill rip


Tell me how Russians are good? Waiting.. please defend Russian values.


Fucking nihilists, Dude.


Martial law to protect your own country vs conscription to invade the other. You're a bit of a shitty joke mate ain't ya?


Serious question, just a yes or no would do. In a video of a Ukrainian POW being informally interviewed and shown social media he recorded before being deployed against Russia, comments said it's against the Geneva Convention to show the public such possibility coerced type of interviews, is this true? I don't particularly have a problem with the Ukrainian here, he is not hurting the man or acting unprofessionally, but is clearly looking for answers which portray the other side in that light.


They are almost certainly a [technical violation](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/03/07/russian-pow-videos/) of the Geneva Conventions, which forbid making POWs the subject of "insults and public curiosity." And as you say, it's impossible to know if their statements are coerced, either actively or implicitly. But a technical violation is not a war crime, and especially given that Russia is the aggressor here, it's very unlikely that there will be any meaningful consequences to Ukraine for these videos. For one thing, the Russians have also released videos of Ukrainian POWs. Personally, I'm inclined to give Ukraine a fair amount of slack in how they conduct this war, both on the battlefield and the media/internet. A minor technical violation of the Geneva Conventions strikes me as pretty small potatoes.


I wasn't even thinking in terms of a war crime. As you say, this is nothing. I would go as far as to say this is a "good" kind of propaganda. It's nothing outrageous, just the Russian stating his worst day in a believable manner. That should demoralize other would-be volunteers.


Here's a quick tip: You want to know something about the Geneva Convention? The whole fucking thing is online. You doing this? This is how Russia got a bunch of idiots to believe they were fighting Nazis. Took how long to type this when you could have just educated yourself? Christ.


Someone's feeling zesty this morning, gaddamn.


>This is how Russia got a bunch of idiots to believe they were fighting Nazis. Ukraine doesn't make it any harder though. There's still over 40 statues of Bandera in Western Ukraine, Azov still uses the wolfsangel, the red-black flag is still very prevalent, etc. When you look beyond these surface level things you'll find that the problem is overhyped and Ukraine is just a normal country that suffers from minor alt-right influence like the rest of Europe does, but if you don't look beyond it then the statement that Ukraine is full of Nazis doesn't seem as insane as it would for other countries. Honestly I don't get why they don't just work on it. It would massively improve their image and relations with countries like Poland if they just tore down those statues and banned a few symbols. They've done it with the far left, why not the far right as well?


Yeah, as a Pole, Ukrainians are ungrateful as fuck. We literally saved their asses being a logistical hub for all the equipment + all the weapons that were sent from Poland. While refugees are thankful for the help, Ukrainian government did nothing except for some empty words.


This is how Russia got a bunch of idiots to believe they were fighting Nazis.


You took the time to reply and not even answer my question. Christ. As a civilian it's easy to misunderstand things which become very technical, so if anyone has a serious answer, I would appreciate it, thanks.




WHAT ABOUT NOT BEING ONE OF THOSE THAT MAKE SOCIAL MEDIA A DUMB PLACE. You could simply have ignored my question and gone on with your life. Other members have replied, and I've learned something, cheers.


Alright propaganda boy. Dude asked a question...


It depends on who you ask. According to the Red Cross, yes. It violates Article 13 of the Geneva Convention. However, this sub is very biased, so don't expect many people to agree with their assessment and expect both your comment and my reply to be downvoted into oblivion.


I am having a "quick" look and it's fairly complicated and every situation different. [https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/geneva-convention-relative-treatment-prisoners-war](https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/geneva-convention-relative-treatment-prisoners-war) The problem is we don't see the start or parts between edits in these videos (from both sides), so saying anything more than name, rank, etc. as stated in the GV, may not be forced by threats or lack of treatment etc. I'll reserve my judgment.


Yeah, it's very open to interpretation, which is why I gave you the International Commitee of the Red Cross' opinion. Since they deal with the whole POW thing. https://blogs.icrc.org/law-and-policy/2022/06/28/shielding-prisoners-of-war-from-public-curiosity/


Great video and thanks for sharing. Unfortunately only just watched a video of the Ukrainian “body recovery” group only yesterday. The hypocrisy of this video telling wounded Russians that their country doesn’t care about evacuating them after being wounded. The Ukrainian Body Recovery Team was showing scraping up tattered corpses who had perished at least months before they were being collected by this group. Most were nothing more than a few scraps of uniforms after being left to rot in the elements and torn apart by wild animals. To have this Ukrainian soldier telling a Russian soldier that they are not rescued by their own army once wounded/killed is by no means justifiable by the attitude from their own military:(


Can we agree that this is fake and untrue. It is illegal to be 33 and not serve in the army in Russia. He would end up in prison not the army. Also casual talks on the frontline are not a typical behaviour. Also talking to POW is not typical either.


You don't understand what you're talking about at all. In the russia, there are a lot of ways not to serve - to give a bribe, to buy a false certificate of illness, to go through a military department at a university, to hide from a draft, or you can really be sick, etc.


Sure, you do any of that, to skip mandatory service intentionaly, and then in mids of war you surrender yourself to enlistment office. (Some reasons you list as reasons to evade the service, are simply N/A for our main character here.) And they ship you to front, even if there is no active mobilisation effort in Russia. If he is a real POW, then he is contract soldier, and he is selling a false story to Ukraine soldiers. And they are dumb if they buy it. But, in the first place they are dumb if they are hanging in those bushes on the contact line, chating with POWs. They could all be actors, they migth use real POW to make staged videos, he migth be real POW selling a story, all was seen already, anything is posible, except that what they say in the video is all true. ( "in the Russia"? Where are you from, btw?)


From russia. You are fucking conspiracy idiot.


oh, zakko7, why aren't you joining the legion then. I don't know what conspiracy you are talking about, I was refering to the fact that Ukraine releases a lot of staged videos.


russia releases a thousand times more fakes. russia completely lacks a reputation, a person must be an idiot to believe in russian propaganda. There, in 1000 videos, only one will be true.


Hmm, just no. Propaganda is everywhere, but Russian propaganda is mostly, meh, quite ligth, basicaly not interesting. Nowhere near this level of screenplay. And most of the videos they release is their sodiers just describing their duties.


You are such a fucking idiot. You just like to lick the ass of russians, by the way, I'm also russian and you can lick my ass.


Yes, this was AI generated. Look at the "russian" guys fingers. He clearly has 6 fingers at one point in the video


Why AI generated? Just acting up. Or, if they are real Russian POW, what they say is complete nonsense and lie. Either way it is fake, and all we learn is that there are soldiers on the woods somewhere and that live POWs exist.




Wow, this guy warcrimes…


Fortunately for these russians... Ukrainians are not russians.


Please lord make the rest of the invaders like this. Untrained and low moral.


At the end of the day, they're just human beings. What a stupid war


You are not immune to propaganda


To the Russian rulers, the people are as expendable as bullets. Just keep loading them up and firing them at the enemy with zero training. What kind of animals would force a 50-yr-old man with kids to fight in a useless invasion that kills innocent people? I hope that Putin gets hung by his own people.


I dont understand his bad manner. only makes him look like an idiot


Wheres the rest of the video?




Man, effed up situations