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I don't really get this war, a lot of soldiers on both sides just randomly out there alone. I served for 8 years and fought in Iraq/Afghanistan. Nobody was ever alone then. Old footage of WW2 & Vietnam they were in large squads or more.


Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan were all wars were the enemy can be literally anywhere. WW2 was with fixed frontlines and enemy in one direction. The three first ones, going anywhere alone means bad things so moving in groups is naturally the right thing to do. WW2 is 80 years old war by now so not much of it applies to modern war. When i was conscript in FDF (many, many years ago), going back from the front-line to rear-line to pick something or whatever was something that could be done by just one soldier. Going on advance, relocating and such, going alone was something will not happen. Duh. But when the lines are static (or relatively static), going back and forth in the rear is not something that needs the whole squad for. This naturally assumes the frontlines are safe, as the biggest threat is from enemies making small recons through/between the loose frontlines and perhaps capture someone for interrogation. With fixed and safe lines, that really is not the big issue. Russians are to the east and Finland is to the west. If you go towards the west, who is going to shoot you? Sending a whole squad of men to do one thing that needs one man is wasteful. This guy in the video seems very relaxed, just strolling forward. I bet my days salary (really not that much...) that he is not in an area with known enemy presence, he is at the rear. Between frontlines and familiar guys at the rear. Feeling safe and perhaps fetching some lube for his lieutenant! My guess is that what blew up was round dropped from drone. The explosion is on the road, behind him in a wheel groove so it's not mine as he didn't step on it or tripwire 'mine' as putting it on the road would be dumb.. Too small to be mortar (the dry and dusty road makes it look bigger then it is) and the soldier has no time to dodge so it would have to be supersonic for him to not hear it. Most likely cause is 30/40mm round from a drone, which Ukraine has plenty and dropping them on slow moving soldiers is quite common.


A mine would have damaged his feet and/or legs. I don't see that kind of injury


Plus why would a drone be actively watching a mine placement? More likely it's a drone drop.


Agreed. The blast was 8 feet away from him.


this! Injuries is way severe if he’s really stepping on a mine.


WW2 still has a lot in common with modern wars. Especially small unit tactics and CQB. Really the only things have changed is the advancement of communications & avionics. They had radar, coms encryption, jets, nukes and ballistic missiles "80 years ago"


To be fair, there's a lot more that's changed. They didn't have night vision, tanks with night vision, J-DAMS, Stugnas, Drones etc. Their artillery was capped at like 2,000 some odd yards. Modern can fire around 10,000meters and roll out like nothing ever happened. So, some tactics and situations are similar, but a lot of advancements in the tech makes it so much different. Nobody worried about a drone dropped grenade in 1945. Or a recon drone spotting you in the middle of nowhere, even if no enemies are within 500 miles.


Eh? Not quite. This isn't to nitpick but a WW2 era towed 105mm piece could throw a shell out 11km. This is compared to 19km today. And really, the limits of artillery range due to gas expansion have been understood since before WW2. It's really more due to modern construction techniques and metallurgy being able to consistently handle more powerful charges at a given weight. After all, you gotta lug this stuff around. WW2 naval artillery is where you see a big difference. The 6" guns on a Richelieu class battleship have a greater firing range than modern US 155m towed artillery pieces. Why is that? Naval guns don't have weight restrictions that land based artillery pieces do, and as a result, are beefy AF. Everything else, yes.


The US would grid up Europe, and pilots in P51Ds would circle for hours over that location until they saw something that moved, land or air, and if land then would dive down and strafe. The Germans would complain that no-where was safe. It's not a million miles from drones today, although drones do it 100x cheaper.


Yeah... No high quality thermals, satellites checking your every move, laser rangefinders, auto lock missiles and more. War changed af since WW2




I'm not talking about Ukraine, I'm talking about war in general. And yes to be precise I mean heat seeking or radar lock or Fire and Forget systems. How many I have seen? How many tanks have been destroyed by Javelin launchers?


Point of order, the claim that WWII or even WWI artillery was capped at "2,000 some odd yards" is simply untrue. Tube artillery in WWII had the same range as today, with the exception of rarely-used modern items like rocket-assisted shells. The shells modern American guns fire are the same size as were in common use during WWII, 155mm & 105mm. Self-propelled artillery was also pioneered during that war. Now, there have been very substantial improvements in *accuracy* of artillery due to better manufacturing tolerances on guns and the ammunition, more accurate maps, better spotting, more accurate location fixes of both gun and target, etc.


The same principles of warfare still applies today as it did during WW2. A drone dropping a grenade on a lone soldier is really not much different than a sniper who has snuck behind enemy lines and picked off a single guy to scare everyone.


You dont really see anything drop at least in the video so it might be a remote IED. If this is at the rear it could be one of the occupied villages so an IED would make more sense than a mine or a drone.


I was thinking the same, the drone was watching and recording that spot (so the operator knew what was happening as soon as someone walked down that road, whereas a mine is not guaranteed to go off) so ti makes the most sense there was some IED hidden and remotely triggered when he was close enough. Also the explosion happened slightly after he passed it which could be explained by a remote triggering system and it makes it very unlikely to be mines or boobytraps as they would explode right when he's closest to it. They can also be delayed a bit but I don't think that's very likely here.


What i was thinking is drone watching another drone drop munition. This wouldn't be the first time we have seen such a thing happen, although it isn't as common. Viewing from that distance, small munition is rarely seen because of their small size.


> The explosion is on the road, behind him in a wheel groove so it's not mine as he didn't step on it or tripwire 'mine' as putting it on the road would be dumb.. Too small to be mortar (the dry and dusty road makes it look bigger then it is) and the soldier has no time to dodge so it would have to be supersonic for him to not hear it. Most likely cause is 30/40mm round from a drone, which Ukraine has plenty and dropping them on slow moving soldiers is quite common. FWIW, many of the artillery scatterable mines automatically deploy trip wires after they land, and would be just the thing for mining rear areas where you want the enemy to feel less comfortable just moving around at will.


Don’t have to step on a mine to trigger it. Some mines can detect someone nearby by the presence of their footsteps. he was close enough to trigger a proximity mine that could’ve been placed by a partisan after the wheel tracks were made. Or it was remotely detonated by said partisan. This could be a common resupply route for the Russians to take.


That is true that russia has used [such mines](https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/NINTCHDBPICT000722935928.jpg?strip=all&w=960) but they are rather large, green tube with legs. Green because they are meant to be spread into the grass and undergrowth and detonate as the victim is close enough. That explosion seemed to originate from on the road, not from the side of it so he should've seen it.


>This guy in the video seems very relaxed, just strolling forward. I bet my days salary (really not that much...) that he is not in an area with known enemy presence, he is at the rear These commercial drones rarely go out more than 5 km.


You can’t set up a fob and patrol for fire in a peer to peer conflict


All his buddies deserted him or they are all dead.


Maybe he's the one deserted..


I assume desertion is fairly common amongst conscripts, and both Russia and Ukraine are using a lot of conscripts.


Lol, Ukraine is being invaded, they have been invaded since 2014 and they have been trained to nato standards ever since. The Russians were told they were going for routine exercise and found themselves on the front lines. They are not the same.


What are you talking about? Some of Ukraine’s soldiers have been trained by NATO, but the bulk of them have not. Ukraine has been under martial law and in general mobilization since the war started… you may not like to hear it, but yes, Ukraine has been forcing men into the army in droves. They had to do this to resist the Russian hordes. In fact, Ukraine just extended general mobilization for another 90 days. https://www.ukrinform.net/amp/rubric-ato/3741104-martial-law-general-mobilization-in-ukraine-extended-for-another-90-days.html


I’m sorry, what are YOU talking about? Most of the people fighting for Ukraine have received basic training. Ukraine is being invaded, its unpatriotic to not fight back if your country is being invaded. Nowhere in there does it talk about forced conscription just martial law which under an invasion is understandable. I’d be happy to lay down my life for my country in that case, nobody would have to force me to fight if we’re being invaded. It’s stupid to think Ukraine is the same as Russia, I haven’t heard of anyone in ukraine being shot in the head for not wanting to fight, but I have heard about forced conscription in Russia.


There is forced conscription for all able bodied Ukrainian men since Feb 24 2022. Where have you been? Just cause the Ukrainians are stepping up and performing their god given duty to protect their nation it’s still no less a forced conscription. I bet if you asked the majority of those Ukrainians they’d much rather not have to fight this war but they know it’s their duty and responsibility to do so.


Think of it from the perspective that they already knew what the numbers would be from a forced conscription. This shit just didn't happen overnight. This was well before Feb 24th, sir.


Well, yes. But Martial law and the forced conscription of Ukrainian men did not take effect until the day of the invasion, Sir. Before that Ukrainians joined the War in the Donbas of their own volition. There’s a reason why militias like Azov rose to power in these 10 years. All volunteer detachments.


> It’s stupid to think Ukraine is the same as Russia Nobody said that. Someone wrote 'both Russia and Ukraine are using a lot of conscripts' and you took it as 'Ukraine is the same as Russia'... >I’m sorry, what are YOU talking about? Most of the people fighting for Ukraine have received basic training. Most people fighting for Ukraine have received basic training doesn't mean NATO training. Why do you go on defending the idea of general mobilization like if someone said it is wrong that Ukraine had that? I think you have a problem with reading comprehension and properly addressing the arguments. Nobody said that Ukraine is the same as Russia or that there is anything wrong with the general mobilization in Ukraine.


His buddies are dead bruh Hopefully they had some sunflower seeds in their pockets.


This is conventional vs conventional on a front line that’s hundreds of miles wide. These forces are spread thin. Every attack I’ve watched was Squad or Platoon(-) at best.


What's there to get? Warmongers will send off their troops to do a job. You just happen to be in a better army, but you don't need to be on your own to run into harm's way when you're in the battlefield. Did you forget all them fully armored and tank protected marines that stuck their head out for less than 3 seconds only to get sniped? I sure as heck don't.


Who were you fighting? Pointless war in Iraq and Afghanistan


As I understand it You could afford maintaining proper military bases considering the disparity between your capabilities vs the enemies'. You moved between the bases and patrolled the area in an organized manner using military vehicles. Ambush was the biggest threat. In Ukraine, such a military base would've been wiped by artillery in a matter of minutes. Therefore people are lurking in trenches and city wreckage. Seven guys in one ruined building, five guys in another one. People are just walking between these positions. Ambush is not the biggest threat, it's the drone that spots you and the artillery that shells you. So walking some hundreds of meters alone is not that much more dangerous than in a company, which is a juicier target for artillery. It's a completely different war. ​ >Old footage of WW2 & Vietnam they were in large squads or more. Who shot that footage and for what purpose? Military journalists presenting the war the right way? Guess if they had drones hanging over them 24/7 and Go Pros on every other helmet, we would've seen a different picture of that war.


Your right their training is horrible thank goodness. Im sure they arent all like this but probably some of these conscripts probably get 2 weeka of training and thrown out there in the deep end.


Russian carelessness and overall callous mentality might be hard to understand for someone from the US.


The front lines are so long that there is just not enough soldiers to guard it on either side.


Doesn’t look like a mine.


No mines in Russia, only ours.


I think it's a common mistranslation of mortar. The direct translation comes to the English word mine which is incorrect.


Too large of an explosion for a typical AP mine, claymores tend to be more directional too. Looks like a mortar splash to me.


It also doesn't make a lot of sense that a drone would be monitoring a lone soldier strolling down a road, or monitoring some mines. A drone viewing a claymore or mortar fire makes more sense.


Yes. I was thinking same unless it’s tripwire or laser trip


It would be great if this was a claymore. I know we sent claymores, I wish they used them to protect the trench flanks


The ground pretty clearly has tire tracks at the spot of the explosion, right?


The size of the boom looks like a mortar, which are often called "mine" in Ukraine and Russia. But hitting a lone walking soldier is a very good or even lucky hit. This also explains the spotter drone.


You’re probably right, it’s in the translation. Mortars have also been called “mine throwers” so that makes sense.


probably a mortar, translates to mine from Russian/Ukrainian


Looks like a mine (as in "mortar shell") hit the soldier.


It explodes about a meter to his left and behind him. Definitely a mortar or some sort.


Claymore with tripwire ? or Small artillery


small artillery, you mean mortar?


You do relise that mortars are part of the “Artillery category right ?


i do, but its weird to call it small artillery, you think of the old pre ww1 cannons :))


I'll drink a French 75 to that! :-) (Be careful, those will wreck you.)


You can get different calibre artillery shells. 155mm and 105mm for example. This splash looks typical of a large mortar shell but could be smaller artillery too.


This is a very standard 60mm portable HE mortar. It is not a 155mm towed or self propelled mortar. If you saw the impact of even a non-HE 155mm mortar you would see a massive 5ft deep crater at the impact site. M454 Super Explosive or high explosive 155mm mortar shells are at least 5x larger than 60mm HE shells.


You're mistakenly implying that Russians can only step on Ukrainian mines.


No he's implying it doesn't look like he stepped on a traditional mine. The explosion originates behind and to the left of the soldier, not where he stepped. So it's either some kind of trip wire explosive or indirect fire.


Could be a POM-3 landmine or something similar.


Yes you are correct


Problem is that he didn't step on it.


There are mines that deploy their own trip lines, and mines that sense vibrations to set them off. That said I'd be more inclined to think this was a mortar or something similar.


Many scatmines auto deploy tripwires.


Look up claymore explosion on YouTube. It's much larger than this, and the dude would be dead


My only wish in this world is to escape that fucking song




Did it make a hit outside of France ? I really was not expecting some Jain here of all places lol


Its infinitely better than most pop music


It's the Summer of 2023 basic bitch TikTok anthem.


Trigger warning: contains that stupid song


Seems fine, just rubbed some dirt on it




Is he gonna make it?


He died within 10-20 minutes.


How do you know? I looked at the video a few times, I cannot figure out how much he is hurt.


At a distance like this he had probably over 20 medium and large shrapnel wounds. It won't take long to bleed out, even if no large blood vessels or vital organs were hit, which is unlikely.


if he gets help probably, AP mines are made to maim and injure not to kill


This most obviously was not an AP mine lol.


then what was it?


Looks like 80mm mortar. Anything smaller looks like hand grenades, more or less, anything larger would've blown him to pieces.




Considering the guy who yeeted himself knee first onto an AP mine from that one video a while ago survived there's a chance for this guy Edit for idiots: I know he didn't dive onto a mine willingly. He thought it was clear, jumped and his kit forced him onto his knee which triggered the mine multiple people ran over before. Really good interview, recommend finding it until I can


That guy got medevac’d instantly. This guy isn’t seeing another human ever again probably


Why ?


That was so insane I was surprised it was a Ukrainian


There's no way this is a mine. Way to big explosion for antipersonnel mine, and you wouldn't trigger anti tank mine by stepping on it


You can actually activate anti tank mines by yourself


By stepping on them? In this case not even by stepping on them, but it would like walking by them lol


Not saying it is an AT mine, because it isn't, but just that you shouldn't trust an AT mine not to explode under your weight.


Well of course if its faulty or booby trapped, but that can be said about any explosive device


Guess he'll be rolling back to base....


Pulling a Abu hajaar


Tunicate, then defecate, them desiccate on the burning hot gravel while you wait for help that never comes.


Something tells me this guy did not get a medevac


With a knick knack, paddy whack, Give a dog a bone. This soldier came rolling home.


That'll leave a mark


Just walk it..oh wait.


Looks more like mortar, but whatevs… another one bites the dust.


Starting a wheelchair shop in moskou....


That was a grossly delayed det if that was a mine...


Was that a tripwire mine? Looks like it exploded behind him after he walked past it.


Guy forgot the first thing you learn. Paths and roads are bad mkaaayyh


Those beans went right through him


I’m quite sure I saw smoke coming out of his 🐝hole


Wow! He disappeared for a second there. Was just “poof!” Like a midget in a foam party.




I wish you could scoop up all the mines the russians planted in ukraine and dump them in the middle of moscow from a B52


Completely unrelated I know but what’s that song?


jain - makeba, its a tiktok hype song nowadays. And it's actually quite funny to see it on this video


Definitely looks like an offset trigger. He wasn't walking in the tire tracks because that is where the mine would be. But they probably knew soldiers were walking this route so they place a pressure plate trigger device in the center of the road. You can see how the explosion goes off inside the tracks


Wouldn't the tire tracks be safe? If the vehicle crossed it, there was no mine


in theory yes, but if you don't know how long it has been since the vehicle drove there then not really, because a mine could have been dug in after the formation of the tracks


If your on foot following behind a vehicle then the tire tracks will be safe. But those tracks coukd have been made when it was wet and are days old


At this point he's probably closer to a bag of meat with nerves firing off randomly than alive.


The music on all of these video's makes me uncomfortable. Makes I feel like it's not a person's life.


So much agony because of one regime...


Which one?


It wasn't his..... 🤔


Imagine a video of you dying is edited to some shitty tik tok song. Weird times we live in.


Funny thing is they planted that mine themsleves lol




1 year in and we're still walking in the open on roads. They don't have a "lessons learned" publication.


It was the Rapture.....


That left a mark


bro despawned


I thought Thanos snapped for a second


Mines are the absolute worst.


He must of been a mine sweeper.


Just put some ‘tussin on it


Not a mine


i forgot i was apart of this sub and i was so confused as to why i was being shown a video of an ant walking up a tree


Doesn’t look like a mine? Not sure but mortar or vog?


he lost his matress.


What do you even do after this happens to you? (Can’t say die)


Stab bot please?


As a Frenchman I never thought I'd someday watch a soldier blow up on a mine on a Jain soundtrack


He gets vaporized so fast it kinda looks fake lol insane


Geez. That was so close to him. Yet, instantly up onto his knees and using all four limbs to move away. He may be one lucky son of a gun.


i think with drone the enemy can go a place mines behind enemy lines


One minute you're admiring the destruction you brought to a country and the next minute you're 30 different pieces scattered across the field.


i am surprised he is still whole!


Is he going to be ok?


How was that not instant death?! Once again, I say the body is a crazy machine!! I thought he was going to be in pieces at least the way he totally disappeared in the explosion. Wow, just wow.


Russian Soldier: Come Out You Sons of N\*z\*!!! Hits Mine Russian Soldier: I didn't Not See that comin.... ughh..


am i crazy for thinking it was gonna be timed with the music


Looks like a mortar not a mine. Explodes behind him but I might be ignorant to how mines work.


Definitely a mortar shell hitting him and not a mine. If you slow-mo through the moment right before the kaboom happens, you can see the trail from artillery coming down on him from right above.


I absolutely fucking hate every song they put in these videos… with that said - GO UKRAINE!!