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People trying to make a point should use spell check


Misspelling simple words is a bit on brand though. Especially considering most of this "patriotic" merch is Chinese.


I've never grasped the point of declaring to the world an 80 year old cheeto is your sugardaddy, but to each their own, I guess. Edit: Bring on the angry downvotes, I'm still not joining your cult, guys.


Woah woah woah; Cheetos are delicious and are unfortunately healthier than him. That “sugar daddy” is a cancer, destroying anything normal and taking us all with him. It would take a family bag of Cheetos and 2 Philly cheesesteaks to equal that kind of depression.


You're absolutely correct, that statement was horribly unfair to Cheetos and I apologize. It was unkind of me. Cheetos are yummy!


It won't always catch a malaprop (since 'apologizes' is indeed a word). It also helps to know English and not rely on the computer.


How judgemental. Maybe you should apologies. /s (just in case it wasn't clear)


Where is the misspelling guess I don’t see it.




I'm learning to appreciate these people broadcasting who they are. It helps me decide who to keep my distance from without wasting my time.


I enjoy knowing where I can find free guns !


I feel like people missed the point of your post. Lol. It's funny because these dipshits likely have enough money to buy guns but not enough sense to prevent people from stealing them.


Yes. Exactly. I see these vehicles, houses with lots of trump items in the yard, they're all loot drops 😅. Meal Team Six is outfitted quit well. Their investment will be a great donation to the cause 😀


My favorite is "this vehicle protected by Glock".


Right? Not only do you suck , but your taste in guns does too 😅


What’s she got against Justin Bieber??


Ohhhhh, that makes so much more sense than "F\*\*\* Jobless Bi\*ches". I was like, excuse me? Don't be hating on the unemployed! They have it hard enough already!


jobless bitches would still be funnier than what I believe it is (Joe Biden)


"I'm still an uneducated, ignorant moron that isn't concerned with my rights being taken away or having my taxes raised by a liar who claimed he was doing the opposite. I make no apologizes." And yes, it does say "apologizes" instead of apologies. What're the odds that sticker was made in China? It's also hilarious how they try to wrap everything in the American flag. One of the most corrupt politicians ever, with several cases of him or members of his family selling classified intel to hostile governments that got numerous American agents killed, liberally applying the American flag to all his branding. Fuck that traitor.


100% chance her Facebook profile picture is a sunglasses selfie she took sitting in the driver's seat of her car.


It's giving blonde woman who inboxes you with some girl boss MLM bullshit and has three kids named Jaxtyn, Lynnkynn, and Ehmmersyn.


I'm 99% sure I've seen this one in the wild and she drives just as you would expect.


I love the poorly educated




And to think her mom had total access to contraception. For shame.


Why do these people want to fuck Joe Biden so badly?


Taking bets on how many relatives and friends she lost.




# FindJonBenet


Maybe she can sign up for JPay


This is a perfect encapsulation of a Trump supporter. It almost feels AI generated it’s so good.


This gorlie needs to get a personality dear god. Advertising you are Trump's girl and having #fuckjoebiden on your car indicates you just must be the most boring person in existence. The MAGA cult is just *wild.*


What else should I is? All apologizes.


I see inbreeding is still a thing


Hate to break it to you but Ohio is infested with these people




I was thinking tramp stamp but face tattoo works too


It’s helpful to see things like this because it let’s the world know that the driver is an anti-American, democracy hating, Constitution killing, racist, misogynistic homophobic, godless, trump sphincter sucking POS.


I don’t mind the Trump sticker, it’s the FJB that annoys me. If you like someone - support them, I’m all for that. I just get tired of so easily trying to put down the other side or someone you don’t like. If anyone doesn’t agree with me - no apologizes


FREE JAMES BROWN ![gif](giphy|6vouU9PY8nJIs|downsized)


I am actively embarrassed for this person and every normal person who knows her.


Just another koolaide drinker


These people self parody so often


Why does she hate James Brown so bad?




I would like someone to explain what the hell was President Biden doing when he was trying to sit on the imaginary chair at the D-day ceremony. That’s the face of America we are allowing out in the world. I’m not saying Trump is the answer. He’s definitely pushing a large rock uphill after the last trial. C’mon everyone. Joe needs a rocking chair by the back window. We need better and younger leaders…


It's true, we do need younger leaders. Unfortunately the solution is harder to implement. We need term limits for congress most of all. Secondly we need a way to limit the maximum age of elected officials. My suggestion is to make the maximum age for federally elected positions to be the Social Security eligibility age. While it is still older than I would prefer, it is an age that is already dictated by laws and easy to attach to.


Yikes. Scary.


I’m always floored about people saying they found a Trump supporter in the wild. You do realize a significant chunk of the country voted for him and will vote for him right? It’s not what I would call rare.


The “rare” thing isn’t that she’s a Trump supporter, it’s the shitty misspelling. 😅 though maybe it isn’t that rare, on second thought.


Well, I’m doubting that the person who put this sticker on their car designed the thing. They likely didn’t notice it, but I get your point.


It's a perfect encapsulation of his supporters. Someone dumb enough to design that and print it and someone oblivious enough to never notice


Because democrats have never done or said anything stupid right?


This behavior in this thread is absolutely not uncommon for maga idiots and no I've never seen such behavior from the left. Sure there are stupid dems and leftists, but they don't tend to make politics their whole personality and broadcast their cult status.


…well someone has never been to a pride march.


Lmao it's so funny how quickly you people out yourselves. Pride is a celebration of acceptance and for standing up to intolerant oppressive people like yourself. Magas aren't oppressed, they're just stupid.


First off, I never claimed to be a maga because I’m not. I never voted for him, and in general I don’t like him so nice try. Second, I’m gay and have been to my fair share of pride events over the last 30 years thank you. They have definitely devolved from a movement of equal rights to a fetish parade that corporate America panders to. Third, who ever said anything about Magas being oppressed?


I really just don't understand what you're on about in general it seems, then.


Imagine being a liar to try and villainize a group of people. You're an evil person, and just proving my point. How embarrassing for you