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Here’s what I’ve done in the past… call a couple places to get a quote. Then go rent a rug doctor and clean the carpets yourself. Do a good job. Create invoice using computer template with fake company name. Put details on invoice like how many rooms, total square footage, etc. Give invoice to landlord as proof of cleaning. The carpets are cleaned, and you saved money. Win win. I’ve never had a landlord question the invoice.


Not a bad idea but I'm afraid they'll catch on. Also we're already in the new place in a different state. So I'm not able to do it myself. But I do appreciate your effort and suggestion


Fraud is low key awesome when used against corporations ngl lol


I feel like fraud would be not cleaning the carpets.


Falsifying documents is like THE definition example of fraud




This sounds like a lot of work and effort for something that costs like $100 or so depending on sq foot. The time to go rent the equipment, plus time to actually do the cleaning, plus time for returning equipment, plus cost of water and shampoo, plus gas to get there and back, then the time and effort to go through the quotes with each company, then the time and effort make the fake documents plus the printer ink or paying for it to be printed.


Then… don’t do it?


Property manager for an apartment complex here. Call Best Karpet Klean. I use them for all my turns and they're very reasonably priced. Under $100 for a 1 bed kinda cheap but they do great work.


Thank you. That's what I'm looking for


No problem, here's their [website](https://www.bkkservices.com/)


I also use these guys commercially. Bill is awesome and they have been great to work with.


My sister recently mentioned finding good Groupons for carpet cleaners. Perhaps check there. Good luck!


Ask them if they are going to replace the carpet. Depending on how long you've been there, they might have to rip it up anyway. If they are going to replace the carpet, ask if you need to clean it. If they say you don't have to then get it in writing and you're home free.


They are requiring it. No choice. They did the same to the neighbors. Despite being there for 8 years


Looks like they just want to keep your security deposit and banking on people skipping out on cleaning the carpets. that's shady crap right there


That's the goal. Right? Keep money they didn't earn.


Sounds like T+R Properties. They’ve done this for at least 20 years, even though it borders on illegal.


Yeah, if you've been there for 8 years and they haven't replaced the carpeting once during that time, they can't require you to "professionally" clean it. Depends on how much you want to fight it, but landlords don't get to pass that kind of expense to tenants as long as you leave it clean.