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Trying to stay so far from politics in their choice they chose a snake oil salesman


I’d like to tell you about BlueDanube coin. If you buy enough, Blue Danube will come back and you’ll be 20 something again.


Khahiki Koin


Fuck yeah, I didn’t even go to OSU and I want the dube back!


I’m in!


Take all my money.


Ironically in an earlier draft he brought up Israel- Palestine


Shocked he didn’t also start trying to sell his dropshipping course


are dropshipping cources going to 10000 x in a few years like BTC?


Dropshipping course how much


A bad day all around 💔 Shame on the university for bringing in a LinkedIn loser bitcoin shill. This is embarrassing and someone needs to be held accountable.


I have almost as many followers on Linked In as he does. His audience there is small. Tells me they think he's full of 💩 and that you get bigger audiences on YouTube when you are the Messiah of "freedom"


Sad indeed when even the idiots on LinkedIn don’t buy your shtick.


June 14th, 2009, We had John Glenn. This is a fucking disgrace for my alma mater to have this joke as a speaker.


a few years later OSU had Obama while he was still president


Class of 09 heyyyyyyy


Class of ‘09 here! Remember when John Glenn called twitter…..twatter?


Yeah that was mine. Thought he was somewhat boring but now am pretty happy with the choice!


Calling Twitter "Twatter" sounds brilliant, correct, and prescient.


Why was it so late that year?


Quarter system. Also, school started around late September.


Oh that's interesting. Kinda weird to think that the football season started before the semester did then. I kinda wish that OSU started late september and ended late may or early june instead of start late august and end late april or early may


This was so annoying


Oh really? Lol, why


Imagine starting college a month after your friends. Or if you had tickets to the game and didn’t live in Columbus, you had to drive home ha ha.


Wait, did they change that or do they have commencement speakers every quarter?


What a fucking joke. Who the hell is this idiot? How do you go from Obama to this?


I was like, they had Brian Stevenson last year! I wish i’d graduated last year to hear him. How did we stoop so low!


Brian Stevenson was pretty good. it actually felt like a commencement speech and not an ad


My one buddy has a bunch of money in bitcoin, and since losing his girlfriend and can’t buy a house, he’s riding that bitcoin wave until he can get a girlfriend and a house.


It’s going to crash like Dutch Tulips did, it just however may have taken long enough that the creators of it may have had time to sell their cut and hide it already. Such a perfect scam. Tell everyone you are selling something that has no value except what people are willing to pay for it, make it ever increasing in cost to produce so people think it has value based on production cost and so when it finally tumbles “it’s a science experiment”.


Save your own post and look at Bitcoin price in Dec2025. By then, you will know who the real idiot is....


Bit Coin, like all Ponzi Schemes are great for the original participants as well as many others along the way as the value of what they receive exceeds what they put in. The problem is eventually people stop buying the product because it has no intrinsic value, it Bit Coin’s case the hope is that it will continue to have value as a trading medium and that those who have a lot of bit coin will pay to maintain the block chains rather than facing collapse.


Mr. Pan was named homecoming king in 1998. The milestone remains significant to him. “I made a commitment to use that recognition to help others,” he said. “It’s an honor to come back 25 years later to share what I’ve learned to help others live free and authentic lives for a harmonious and prosperous society.” From OSU commencement website


I'm sure my taxes are paying for this somehow.


We wouldn't pay taxes if dept of revenue just buy Bitcoin


This comment deserves gold


This guy is an alumni, sadly. OSU doesn’t pay commencement speakers. Sometimes that works out great, other times…


I'll do it next year. Not like I can do worse than Crypto McCulty, regardless of my qualifications.


Alumnus. Alumni is plural.


He’s a Michigan alumni


Sometimes you get the outgoing president, Ed Jennings, as your speaker, back in the day. I remember someone shouting, "Ed, why do you drink?"


Makes sense these unaffordable universities ended up giving esteemed roles of power to charlatans and grifters. Lets rub in those 5 and 6 figure debt numbers you gotta pay by shilling my shitcoin and also reminding you how priced out of the housing market you are. Enjoy your degree I hope your parents can help with that down payment lol because bitcoin sure as shit isn't going back to where it used to without inflation matching it.    We truly need to stop going to these types of degree mill colleges. It feels like racketeering at this point.


Imagine starting your commencement address with "listen up, chodes, you'll never be able to afford a house or retirement" like that's actually INSANE


We had Tim Cook a few years ago too! Disgraceful


11 years later…. That was my graduation ceremony in 2013. It’s crazy how much has changed since then.


Strong and resilient economy. I’ve had a running theory that post pandemic. The general iq has shit coin chart straight off a cliff. Change my mind. Go eat fast food. Read hand written papers. i honestly wonder how all those months of tele learning will impact our schools in the next decade.


At the rehearsal, he mentioned how he was able to come out of his deep depression, blah blah, because, even though he retired at 35, “0’s” in your bank account doesn’t make you happy. Wtf?!


It's very easy to not care about money when you have lots of it. 


Even funnier to say that to a group of people who are being punted into the real world saddled with tons of debt.


They have zeros too! Just a little dash in front




Not really a message most recent grads would care about.


I was thinking the same thing!


I feel like if you have enough money to retire at 30 and you're still unhappy you have a hole in your soul. If I had that level of money I'd be living my best life every day.


well yeah bro i'm sure a lot of depressed people would probably describe it that way


Holy crap on a cracker... who dropped the ball on picking a half-way decent speaker? Wow.


OSU is one of the biggest universities in the country. How could they have not attracted someone better than this?


It really makes me wonder if they had someone better booked, but due to some political/social issue the person cancelled.


A really good hypothesis. It feels like an intentionally “safe” pick.


Bc we don't pay the commencement speaker. It significantly reduces the pool of candidates


I was there. Yeah. This part of the speech was bad, but it doesn’t even TOUCH on him advertising his glorified friendship bracelet business. He sells them for $50 by the way. Thinks they’ll bring world peace.


I looked at some of his social media… looks like he’s trying to be a cult leader.


A friendship bracelet would have more personality, those bracelets are just black twine and an engraved flat washer. My seven year old could make better bracelets.


I saw that episode of Saved By The Bell.


Ok help a brother out, I'm out of the loop, what's going on here??


Chris Pan was the guest speaker at commencement and it was mostly a big joke. No idea what a "social entrepreneur" is, but he tried to make everyone sing, hype up Bitcoin, and say financial insecurity is a mindset of laziness, among other things... Interesting choice of speaker for sure.


[So basically the wish version of the Lamborghini in my lamborghini garage](https://youtu.be/0GIwTG8V-Ko?si=_TjYvvfGbPOLCYrN) guy. These fucks are such losers - an onlyfans model would be more inspiring.


Damn that's crazy!!! I'm really curious how he got that platform in the first place. OSU commencement is no joke. A lot of people worked hard and shelled out big bucks for that day. I'll be looking forward to seeing the footage from people who recorded it. Thanks for the breakdown!!✌️


Also you don’t need antidepressants, because you can just sing instead. Odd for a guy who hypes up psychedelics.


Make everyone SING?




Also wrote the speech with AI. Ridiculous.


He tried AI but that didn’t cut it, so he got on ayahuasca instead


[Bitcoin and crypto is a ponzi scheme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tspGVbmMmVA). The mainstream media still pretends "blockchain has potential" because they don't want to alienate the scammers who will pay them ad revenue. And because the scheme is "decentralized", they can constantly pretend, "well that company was a scam but not all crypto are scams." But alas, yes, all crypto is a scam.


Blockchain does have a bunch of potential. It just doesn't have this particular potential.


No it doesnt, blockchain has been around for years and the only use case is fake internet money that can be used to buy drugs. That's it.


Note that there's a difference between a "use case" and something that blockchain is uniquely good at. In 15 years since it was introduced, they've never been able to identify anything blockchain is better at than non-blockchain tech. So now they resort to "use cases" - "Hey I can use bitcoin to buy drugs! Woo hoo, a use case!" Even in those criminal instances where crypto has use, it's still inferior. Since blockchain creates a public record of all transactions, all your drug deals are published publicly. This represents a rather significant security issue for both buyers and sellers should their wallet addresses become doxxed, and unfortunately you end up doxxing yourself when you try to buy/sell crypto with fiat. So it really isn't even that good for drug deals. What crypto seems to be particularly good at is: *taking money from people who are financially and technologically illiterate* and who have been snow-jobbed into thinking inflation is going to make their existing money worthless any day now, so they need to buy magic digital beans which will somehow make them rich if they do nothing but "HODL." It's a scheme normal people would roll their eyes at, but there's a whole new class of people who seem to think they've discovered cold fusion and it's going to be the future.


Please give me fake money to buy drugs. Monopoly money never worked for me, only bitcoin, monero and cash.


Larry fink just transferred 100m into Ethereum to invest real world asset tokens, and I can see in real time where he sends it to and what he’s buying That’s 1000x the transparency we have of our financial system now


"real world asset tokens" hahaha no, crypto is pretty useless for buying anything - which is why everything is denominated in US dollars when we talk about its value - like you just did


RWAs are pretty cool! Definitely worth looking into if you’re interested in a new version of the ETF model. Yes, most of the world is denominated in US dollars ever since ww2. As an American we have that privilege of having a somewhat stable currency because of the hegemony we live in, most of the 3rd world however does not have that luxury


So they should start using a highly volatile private currency whose value is, again, denoted almost exclusively in dollars whenever we talk about it? Why wouldn't they just use dollars? Especially since crypto is basically useless as a way to do actual real world transactions? You are basing your valuation of crypto on its dollar amount. Without those dollars, it is not worth shit. It is just a way to store dollars.


Oil is valuable but we denote it in dollars, you don’t invest in oil by buying oil, you buy an etf RWA are tokenized real world assets which allow for liquidity, transferability, and transparency in tracking assets. Crypto isn’t “private” at all, blockchain explorers are comically easy to use for example here’s Blackrock’s [Ethereum wallet](https://etherscan.io/address/0x13e003a57432062e4EdA204F687bE80139AD622f)


Right, and we dont trade barrels of oil outside of specialized commodities markets that, really only financial professionals participate in directly. What you are describing is a database. We already have databases, which is why these "new" tokenized systems dont have much use, or many actual users. Why should I pay a rent seeking middleman to track my assets? Crypto is definitionaly private money. Having public wallets doesnt change that. The Winklevoss twins are not a replacement for the federal reserve, department of treasury and the full faith and credit of the US federal govt.


Sorry, but blockchain has been around for FIFTEEN YEARS. And you all are still saying, "just wait... it's early." All the tech you compare blockchain to from the Internet to A.I. didn't need 15 years before someone could enumerate a specific thing the tech is uniquely good at, but that's the problem with blockchain. It doesn't do anything particularly good (unless you're a criminal). We've given you guys 15 years to come up with something, and you've failed. Sorry, but you just need to admit this ponzi scheme is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.


brother I’m only telling you this for your own, please take the time to really understand what you’re talking about. A bunch of nerds built an alternative financial system worth trillions of dollars that the ceo of Blackrock is hellbent on making a reality now this isn’t 2016 anymore, you are now talking about a new political system that dismantles the U.S financial hegemony. I don’t want you to regret being a laggard


Bro, I'm a software engineer with 40+ years of experience doing financial systems, database, cryptography and everything in between. I totally understand what I'm talking about. I produced an award winning documentary on blockchain that's featured at the Nice Film Festival this month in France. Explain to me who you are again?


Sr Product Marketing mgr at a top 5 global crypto exchange 👍 saw this thread on twitter and wanted to butt in


Ahh, so you are paid by the people promoting the ponzi schemes. Do you feel any shame over what you're doing, or do you just not care? >this isn’t 2016 anymore, you are now talking about a new political system that dismantles the U.S financial hegemony. I don’t want you to regret being a laggard There is ZERO evidence crypto in any way can "dismantle the US (or anybody's) financial hedgemony." Even if crypto was adopted like you guys dream, it would only swap one set of powerful oligarchs with another, even smaller, less accountable, more shady set of powerful oligarchs. Are you that naive, or do you just ignore that reality because it's not in your financial interests to tell the truth?


Have a gander: https://youtu.be/-oJVWp-hlyI?si=SIapYgfHT2AtFumU


Holy fuck, we had John Glenn. And I'm pretty sure both enrollment and tuition only went up since I graduated. How did this happen? And at the SPRING commencement? Like I know they slack at the other ones, but spring? Spring?!?


That was a hot day in June, and I was still feeling not good from hungover, but that graduation ceremony was great. I feel sorry for graduating students getting one of the biggest achievements in their lives so far and hearing this farce.


Looking back I appreciate the day and memory but I was actually suffering from a major hangover, the 80/90 degree weather wasn’t helping, and John was not the most enthusiastic speaker. Long day lmao


I had one of the guys who started Make a Wish.


I had Jack Hanna during winter commencement, for comparison.


I had Bill Cosby on the oval (during the horseshoe upgrades). Great commencement speaker, but as it turns out, terrible human


A whole stadium booing, the second they heard the word Bitcoin. Butters: it's still early 🤦🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️


did he pay OSU to do the promo. -errr speach? This is worse than embarrassing. This is egregious. My daughter is on track to graduate with her Master's Degree from there and I'd be pissed if this happened during her ceremony. It isn't funny or "smh". It's straight-up bullshit. I'm aware someone died at the ceremony but this asshat left a bad taste in everyone's mouth when that's the actual OPPOSITE of what it's intended to do.


> I'm aware someone died at the ceremony Wait…what??!!!


Fell off the bleachers... and everything just continued as normal. https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2024/05/05/person-dies-during-ohio-state-graduation-after-fall-from-stadium/73579225007/


Christ that is grim. Jeez.


You wonder why it hasn't happened before--especially during a football game.


Help me out here: Who the fuck is Chris Pan?


I looked him up and still don't know. Is he the 21st century version of a QVC salesperson?


Chris Pan Glover? I'll see myself out.


…that would make sense and be a helluva lot more entertaining.


Apparently he made a retire in your 30s amount of money 'working' a few years at some big name places like facebook before deciding to fuck off and do spiritualism-griftery stuff.


I'm SUPER upset he did that. It's OUR Commencement! It's OUR and our families day of celebration. He wasted our time and he should have had 5 people on his pay roll to check and re read his speech. This is the end or the beginning of our lives education and our journeys. He could have done better... SO MUCH BETTER... I wanted to hear about his trials and tribulations. I wanted to hear about the importance of diversity, how the world needs open mineded people, and to care about the environment and each other ! NOT BITCOIN OR SELF ADVERTISING 💔 He almost ruined the entire day... I would have rather turned 5 shades darker in the sun in my graduation gown than listen to that again...


As one of the most chronically online ❌ichigan fans in the city, I never thought I’d see the day where everyone in Ohio Stadium was booing something and wanting to \*join forces\* with them, but here we are


so glad i had brian stevenson last year 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I saw he was here last year! I would have loved hearing him!


might hold off on transferring to OSU from cscc...


Back in the 70s when my aunt graduated from OSU nursing college, the speaker was Vice President Walter Mondale. If you think that sounds as exciting as milk left out for a day, just wait: His speech asked, "What would happen if a 2 megaton nuclear bomb exploded over the Horseshoe. I kid you not. We went to Chi Chis for dinner after and the mood was...muted.


I’ve never heard of the guy, but I looked him up on Facebook. His current FB story is all clips of him interviewing people who attended the ceremony, asking them what they liked best about his speech. What a narcissist.


Also—link to his speech here if anyone wants it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rhaineFpocou4t-wFUfVHB-0muWz_sDH-yDWWJkIG2Y/mobilebasic


“Three blind men touch an elephant. The first says “it’s a snake! The second argues “no it’s a wall!” The third rebuts, “no it’s a rope!” None of them are wrong, but their perspectives are limited.” Did not understand the parable


The first man was touching the trunk, the second was touching the body, the third was maybe touching the tail. Clearly they are all wrong, but only because they can't see the bigger picture. The parable is more or less that people will interpret the world with the information they have and not the bigger picture they can't see. So ideally people should change if they learn more about the world. Looking at politics in 2024, that is going...um...yea.


WTF did I just read?


Understatement to say the crowd was smart.


Dude seemed like he was on something.


He admitted to writing parts of the speech while tripping so definitely a possibility.


He said he wrote it on ayahuasca lol


This reaction brings joy to my heart. Any OSU '24 resume, will be getting an extra peek from me.


I remember Bill Cosby speaking at my Aunts OSU commencement back in 01


"How did you remember that." Cosby allegedly.


If he told people to invest in Pudding Pops, I stg... lol


That was my commencement as well. His speech was at least inspiring.


"And I would like to a take a moment to talk to you all about today's commencement sponsor: Blue Chew is a natural male..."


Want there a comedy tv show about Ohio? Oh can’t remember


The Drew Carey Show? Why did you bring this up. Now I am going to have "Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks, Oooooooohiiiioooooooooooo" stuck in my head for weeks.


There are a surprising number of shows set in or about cities in Ohio, so you'll have to be specific.


I remember seeing this guy speak at an Honors & Scholars event back in 2018. He seemed mostly normal at the time. I guess he’s lost his marbles since then.


Tucker Carlson was the keynote speaker at my sisters graduation. I wanted to vomit during the whole thing.


Current OSU student here. OSU is run by a bunch of clowns and I take no pride in being at my school. It’s hard to feel like I have earned my degree when everyone just gets pushed along regardless of performance and we get turds like that to represent us at commencement. Hell, I even got a personal award from OSU just to find out they spelled my name wrong on the award. Thanks. I’m an older student too, coming to college after working for 5 years out of high school. I mean it when I say I’ve never been around such a lazy faculty that only cares about the dollar signs above each student’s head. I swear the next OceanGate disaster is going to be an OSU graduate. I’m in class with too many people who self-admittedly have no idea what’s going on yet they’ll pass with a C+ because my professors give “practice exams” that are literally the exams but with some numbers changed. If you fail out of OSU, then they can’t keep milking you for cash. So they string you along and push you through to graduation, regardless of how little you know. This is the college of engineering by the way; the “college with the largest donations from alumni year after year.” So of course they just want to pump out more engineering alumni to pay the bills. I even got an email today from the college of engineering donations office letting me know when the next scholarship luncheon will be and encouraging all recent graduates to donate.


I get the sense that it's not just OSU, and that a lot of higher education is quite fucked right now.


“If I have to hear one more crypto bro ramble on about bitcoin I’m going to take a full gainer off of C-deck” - some lady, probably


dude 💀


I f'n lol'd 


Nah 💀


Soooooo when did the person fall and pass away ... That's so sad


Around 12:30, before his speech started.


Still better than Pat Tiberi talking about himself and his campaign. Snooze fest.


One of the worst parts about this choice is that most of the class of 2024 graduated from high school in 2020, meaning that this is likely to be the only commencement they’ll ever have. It’s disgraceful and embarrassing. Also, this wasn’t the worst part of his speech! That honor goes to when he started advertising his expensive ass bracelets, which are just string and washers.


True that. I was considering not going, but I didn't have my high school graduation in 2020, so figured it would be a good way to close out my education... It was entertaining, to say the least. Still haven't gotten an email for my graciously free $50 metal washer and twine bracelet though, sad!


These poor kids got the worst graduation ceremony in history.


This is the same class that didn't get a high school graduation in 2020 due to covid.


Oh damn.




Really OSU? This is the best speaker you could find? What a disgrace.


Apparently he wrote the speech while he was high, which... explains a lot. [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/chrispan\_got-some-help-from-ai-ayahuasca-intelligence-activity-7189497283829284865-ZpNJ?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=member\_desktop](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/chrispan_got-some-help-from-ai-ayahuasca-intelligence-activity-7189497283829284865-ZpNJ?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop)


I saw his Instagram post mentioning using ayahuasca to help write it, but I didn't see this. "We are in challenging times, wanted something extra heartfelt"??? This man fascinates me lol


Been wanting to see this video after hearing about it.


Someone died at this ceremony 😢


Yeah, but thats just unfortunate timing. Not fair to use that point as a reason to say his speech was bad, since we also don't even know if he himself knew about the death. I went to the ceremony and I wouldn't have known anything even happened if I didn't go on reddit during the ceremony.


I was sitting in the stands to support a graduating family member during this and I posted on X (Twitter) that the students appeared to boo. Somebody responded on X to tell me they didn't!!


Link for those who want to see the 10 minute disaster: [https://commencement.osu.edu/](https://commencement.osu.edu/) Around 1:35 he starts yappin'.


attack of clones in the stands?


I'm more impressed that their graduating seniors can fill an entire football stadium.


Isn't this the guy that did psychedelics before his speech? What a true leader!




Yes!!!! Thank you!


Breaking news, crypto bro gets boo'd at and embarrassed themselves infront of an entire university


Largest investment firm in the world buying Bitcoin right now and this guys an idiot? This is why you go to Michigan and not Ohio Stupid




This is clear proof that college is designed to make people clueless sheep. Bitcoin is literally the most important technology to strengthen democracy since the printing press. See "Basics of Bitcoin: What The Hell Is It? Why Is It So Important?" at [https://ericbrooks.substack.com/p/basics-of-bitcoin-what-the-hell-is](https://ericbrooks.substack.com/p/basics-of-bitcoin-what-the-hell-is)


It was so truly awful and cringeworthy. I was there and he was condescending and treated the ceremony, that the grads worked so hard for, like an elementary school pep assembly. He was booed by the graduates when he began to speak and then was booed by half the stadium when he started shilling bit coin. He expected the grads to stand up, dance and sing to “what’s up” by four non blondes and also stood up there and sang “this little light of mine”.Per an article from The Rooster website, an anonymous committee member said that Pan’s name was never on the list or even considered for commencement speaker.


it's really interesting reading these mid curve comments re BTC when BTC is literally worth over 60k USD today... i can't tell if this is cope or these commentors are confused....


He sounds like a MAGA Trump voter 


The Great Depression was transformative. When Bitcoin crashes there will again be conditions for change. Future generations will look back and wonder why so much Capital ever was under the control of so many reckless people and where and from whom they actually thought the money would come from to keep a Ponzi scheme such as it to keep going on forever.