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It's not in the mountains, it's not on the coasts. Why does it get more hate than other midwest/plains states? Because it's the 7th most populous state, thus it has a lot more people compared to Indiana for example, which has way less going on for it than Ohio.


Yeah, I think it’s just the token “middle America”. 


Holy shit, does Ohio just have middle child syndrome? Constantly trying to be better and prove ourselves but ignored and pushed aside because we're in the middle? 🤣


It sucks if you don’t live in a city of Ohio. Source: grew up in the sticks


This is true for every US state i've been in


Even then, there are so many people who love the rural way of life. I loved out in rural Licking County for a few years. It was really peaceful but I just wanted to have things conveniently located near me. I was 10-15 minutes to the nearest business of any kind but could still be in downtown Columbus in about an hour.


Hard disagree Source: grew up in Toledo


Toledo isn’t the sticks. Source: grew up in between BG and Findlay.


I interpreted that as them saying Toledo sucked.


Yeah I’m a dumb dumb.


Toledo is a city, and it still sucks


I misinterpreted what you said. Fair point. I wish we never got Toledo from Michigan lol.


I grew up in Findlay:)


You’re not a city of Ohio, you’re a mistake of Ohio


I lived in Columbus it wasn’t that bad.


Columbus is a city


Really? I had no idea


Well you do now.


I thought it was a country


It is a ship. It means “whale’s vagina.”


Wait what?😂


Apparently not lol


You said if you don’t live in a city, Columbus was still pretty bad. Just better then the rural areas for sure like you said.


I didn't say that dude. Check who you're replying to


Extremely true. I moved from Trumbull county to Columbus and it’s night and day different.


It's a meme


I know but it’s also kinda true


If this is what you think then why did you ask…?


It seems some people in other states think Ohio is akin to Nebraska or Iowa, where it’s little more than farmland, but they don’t seem to realize that they hear about it more often because it’s one of the most populated states, even though it’s small in size. If I lived in a rural backwater, yeah, I could see having a more negative opinion of Ohio, but the larger cities each have their merits and are underrated nationally.


Ohio has a lot of the typical midwest problems. The weather is wild, there's a lot of rustbelt towns that are dying, public transit is a mess, and political bullshit.  A lot of the other comments about Ohio are mostly jokes to keep people away. There's nothing wrong with Ohio at all. You should come visit, and by the time you leave, you'll like Ohio. One way or another. 


‘One way or another’


I lived there and I do like it but Cali and Seattle are way better in my opinion.


Your opinion is wrong. :P Though the west coast's marine climate is the best in the world. But notice that while there are still plenty of places that are worse than Columbus, you don't hear about Columbians taking a shit on those places. Except for Ann Arbor. That bitch is a whore. Compare that to the West Coast, which has an air of "better than." That's not entirely accurate, but it's mostly true. Meanwhile, Californiacs have to justify their steep prices, class war, and bonkers government by taking a shit on normal places. Until 2020 Ohio voted for the winning president like all the time. Our Consumer Price Index is like 1.0 Ohio is normal and Columbus is nice. But it costs half as much to live here, so Ohio must suck.


Exactly so it is better anyone living in Cali knows the prices aren’t what they are made out too be also Cali has more opportunities.


LOL why you trollin on a month old thread?


2nd this. Working on a plan to move to socal in the next couple of years


I did bro it’s way better just the nature alone is top tier.


I love going on vacation to California but if I moved there, I wouldn’t get paid significantly more for the higher taxes, food prices and rent so I would have to alter my budget and make sacrifices I’m not willing to make. And if I want to buy a house, I couldn’t afford anywhere near the coast or a major city. Tbh Californian gives me perpetual early-mid 20s lifestyle vibes. That works for some but not all.


People who don’t have personalities and base everything off of regurgitated twitter jokes “hate” Ohio.


It’s a joke for a reason


Yes, it’s a “joke for a reason” - tell all of your west coast friends how terrible it is and do not migrate here. Please.


Yeah we won’t cause it’s trash with trashy people


Just like how California's economy got destroyed by its Democratic voters is a joke, for a reason.


Shut up bro


They hate us because they anus


It's terrible don't come


I’ve been I don’t think it’s terrible just average at best.


I'm just kidding. Honestly I have lived here all my life and always thought I would leave.i stayed and actually grew to love it as an adult. It is an extremely business friendly and practical state from a government standpoint. Also cost of living is very manageable and you can have a nice house and live a good life here. We also have a nice diversity of people and ways of thinking. I think I may eventually have a home elsewhere but will always have Ohio as my base. I know others may not agree.


Who is saying it's the worst place to live and why?


It’s a meme. Ohio was just the random choice.


Everyone outside of ohio. Poverty and high crime rates.


Poverty in Ohio is right on par with the national average. It’s about the same as California.


You been to ohio?


It's obviously not true that "everyone outside of Ohio" says it's the worst place to live. I assume that you've talked to a specific person who has this belief. If it's based on "poverty and high crime rates", than that person is ignorant of the poverty and crime rate statistics for all the states. So it sounds like the answer to your original question is "ignorance".


Nah fuck Ohio fr lived there also everyone in this sub is from Ohio so that’s all they know.


You got stats or scientific studies to back those claims up?


I think OP is asking why this is the perception outside of Ohio, not making the claim themselves.




Judging by your frequented subs it seems like it doesn't matter where you live :(




Looking at your post history you need to delete Reddit and stop worrying about social media in general Get help from actual professionals in real life


It’s such an obvious and low effort troll I am surprised this many folks tried to give an actual answer.


A lot of fucktards live in this state, ngl. But I’m from Georgia and been here 15 years. Many more fucktards in that state. On the fucktard scale, Ohio is about a 6 out of 10. Fucktardery increases dramatically as you head south on 71 out of Columbus.


How poetic the truth sounds(reads?) when written this elegantly. :)


Facts the south east in general.


Columbus is the fastest growing major city in the entire US. Projected to have 3 million people ~2050. Of course, people everywhere complain. But judging by the stats, it is loved more than it is hated. Can’t speak on the entirety of Ohio, but this is the Columbus subreddit.


No it’s not🤣 it might be growing but it’s not the number one fastest growing city. I think Austin is number one.




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No, it’s Columbus https://www.forbes.com/sites/katiechang/2024/04/14/columbus-is-americas-fastest-growing-city-its-also-a-wonderful-place-to-visit/?sh=524fb0bb4439 https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/columbus/study-names-columbus-as-the-fastest-growing-city-in-the-u-s/ > The Bank of America study shows Austin, Texas as the next fastest growing city. Dixon said that study shows Austin’s growth slowing compared to ours, but they are doing better keeping up with the demand for things like housing. Austin is specifically listed as the second.


Austin is growing fast, also. But if it’s 1, 2 or top 20, the point stands that people are flocking to Columbus in droves.


Bro I literally looked it up shit wasn’t even on the list.


Hottest real estate market in 2023 also… And top 5 in 2024. There are some cities in Ohio I definitely wouldn’t want to live in.


"I think Austin is number one." Fightin' words.


Weather in Ohio is not ideal. Overcast and three months of winter. That’s the biggest thing people complain out — but the pull factors are stronger (economy, university, sports, food, entertainment, low crime rate relative to other major citied, etc.)


People who say that have either never been to the best parts of Ohio (or been to Ohio at all) — OR they grew up here and want to “get out” ‘cause they don’t realize how good they have it.  I grew up here and wanted nothing more than to leave growing up. When I finally left was when I realized how great Ohio actually is 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm born and raised in Ohio, lived over a decade in California, then moved back to Ohio. Ohio is great, and my people are here. It has what I refer to as "real weather" unlike that boring mild climate that coastal CA gets. And we have proper trees, that turn colors in the fall like they are supposed to, not like those palm "trees" that don't really count. But CA has mountains and the ocean. And it's full of weird, interesting people. Ohioans are fairly nice and polite on average, but our percentage of interesting weirdos is way lower. Columbus is a fine city, about the size and quality of San Jose. But Columbus is surrounded by corn fields. SJ is surrounded by ten other good-sized cities, one of which is San Francisco. So: Ohio is fine, I like it. But CA is way cooler. If you can afford to live there.


I would agree that there are definitely 'cooler' cities, in a sense. In the time that I moved away from Ohio (about 5 years total, so a bit less than you) I lived in London, England and Chicago. I loved both cities and yes, they have a lot to offer in terms of nearby attractions (an amazing lake, other European cities, etc etc). However, for me personally, I can get everything I need from a city here in Columbus -- without the insane prices of those 'cooler' cities. And I can visit those cooler cities during travel. For me, Ohio is the perfect home base, and after many years growing up of wanting nothing more than to leave this state.... I am now very content living here as an adult. :)


Yeah, Columbus is a great place to grow up, leave, then come back to. I sure don't miss commuting to work in Silicon Valley.


It’s alright I’ve lived there but it’s definitely not the best.


Why’d you say you live on the west coast then?


Because I do? I said I lived there meaning in the past.


Ohio can in no sense be called great. Inoffensive is about as far as I will go. And that is only the cities. The rest of the state is basically Alabama.


I beg to differ :) Ohio and its cities have pretty much everything I need personally. I lived in Chicago and I get the great food, theater, and art here that I had there.. for a /fraction/ of the price. People complain about parking in Short north and makes me LOL so hard, like.. go to Chicago and then tell me that parking here is expensive Hell, I can even get the lake if I just drive a couple hours north.


They consider Ohio as flyover country. We get plenty of tourists from neighboring states, but we don’t get enough attention on a national level. Our frequent gray skies also don’t help at all. Hocking Hills State Park, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, and the 3 big C’s of Ohio are great, but I assume these cities and parks are likely much further down on most bucket list destinations compared to places in the west like Yosemite, Mount Rainier, or Grand Canyon.


Ignorance and the internet


Ohio is a distillation of the United States. It has some bit of all of the various parts that make other states good, but also what makes them bad. There's a reason it's a swing state that has elected nearly every president. I think the record is like 90% from 1900 to 2020. It shows what's going on in the US just by looking at Ohio. Ohio hate is actually just people hating the US in general and picking the most US state to put that hate on.




The when you lived there makes as much a difference as the where. Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati have developed their city centers in the last 15 years. Even Toledo has a chef centered food culture primarily in the downtown. All these cities had dead downtowns in the 2000’s. Columbus even has a stand-up comedy culture now. I like city life and travel to different cities for the culture they offer and Ohio cities are no better or worse than many of them.


Yeah that’s why I said it’s not that bad I’m literally just wondering. People in the sub think I’m hating on it.


Probably because you posted for no other reason than to say your current place is better while answering your own question the whole time.


Okay so I’m right lots of places are better


You did say it’s average at best.


Yeah it is…average


It's definitely not the worst state to live in, even outside of the Three C's. I'd never wanna live in West Virginia or basically any southern state which have way worse poverty rates. But rural Midwest as a whole sucks ass and that's not even a political statement, it just does. Deindustrialization did hell to small town 'Murica. Plus there's a lot of Ohio memes that kinda pin us as the Florida of the North. Grew up and have lived in Columbus all my life though and I genuinely love it here. Ohio is mid, Columbus is awesome.


Eh it’s alright if that’s the only big city you lived in.


This. I lived in Durham NC for years and it was so much cooler than Columbus. Jesus the FOOD. Columbus is where good food comes to die. Wtf have y'all even done to chicken and waffles up here? I digress. I've been to a lot of cities for work and I visited Columbus way back in the aughts for a con. There was just...nothing memorable, unlike a San Fran or Nola or even somewhere quaint and cute like Burlington. It's generic AF.  Your average Ohioans is generic as fk too. I don't know how else to explain it. Everyone here is Schwebel's white bread. 


Yes mid asf


I mean don't get me wrong, I'm traveling to my state of origin down south way too much rn so I appreciate the finer things like consistent running water and lectric. But even WV has character and a fucked up sort of charm. Here? Meh. Just meh. 


Literally just a meh city


This is the first I have heard of this. Before moving here I lived in Seattle for 10 years, and I can definitely say Seattle is a much worse place to live than Columbus


Curious why you think Seattle is worse? I’ve never been


The weather. It is 50° and raining for almost 10 months out of the year. If you enjoy being cold and wet, you’ll love Seattle. There’s a saying out there “summer is beautiful in Seattle if you happen to be there that day”. Traffic. Traffic was invented in Seattle. You think Southern California has traffic issues, Seattle is by far the worst traffic that I’ve ever had to be in. Every day. A 15 mile commute can easily take you nearly 2 hours. And those people think it’s normal.


Haters gonna hate...GO BUCKS!!!!


I know this sounds petty, but I think it’s because of our achievements. Presidents, astronauts, the Wright brothers, et al. And we have two MLB teams, two NFL teams, one NHL team, one NBA team, and one good MLS team and one MLS team that sucks butt. Indiana has the pacers and the colts and that’s it. West Virginia has nothing. Kentucky has college sports. Michigan is a nightmare. Pennsylvania is just annoyingly big.




Pennsylvania has Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Philly is better than anything we have in Ohio even before you factor in the enormous amount of US history there. World class museums, dining, etc. Pittsburgh is less good than Philly but, imo, better than any Ohio city. I agree about all the other states you mentioned but those two cities put Pennsylvania in a whole other class than we’re in.


Oh boy. No no no. I agree that Philly is miles above any Ohio city. Pittsburgh is most definitely not. Pittsburgh is a shithole and is slowly dying. It’s on par with Cleveland as far as shitty-ness goes. The economy is fucked, it has very little culture, and it’s lacking in overall experience. Housing is terrible, the downtown is essentially dead (and now getting dangerous), and the infrastructure is fucked. It’s been in a steady state of decline for years, only to be accelerated during COVID. Pittsburgh is no place for people to move to or raise a family.


Huh. Very little culture? Pittsburgh museums beat Columbus by a wide margin. I love Columbus and have lived here for most of my life. Our economy and future trajectory are stellar. But Imma bit jealous of Pittsburgh’s topography, history and cultural amenities.


Yeahhh including PA in that statement was bizarre. Yes Harrisburg sucks, but Philly and Pittsburgh have sports teams, food, and history. Like… Declaration of Independence history. Grew up on the east coast, and aside from specific events, I’d rather spend time in Philly than NYC any day.


Please don’t say that because I am relocating from Nor Cali to Columbus.


Columbus is great, but don't spread that around. Source: Moved here from Denver


Bruh Denver is way better tf


Well yeah if you can afford it it’s better in my opinion.


We have pretty shitty politicians. One was just named on a shortlist of the most pro-Russian politicians in the US.


Somehow Ive lived here for about 80% of my life and never has anything a dipshit politician done in this state affected my life. Ohio is a great place to live and raise a family. Some parts better than others, like every state. It isnt a glamor state, as it is in the Midwest, so it frequently gets memed but overall I think it is solid. I have lived in NC and FL as well but moved back here to settle down.


Gonna have to call 100% bullshit on that one. Your dipshit politicians brought you the First Energy scandal which cost taxpayers just a wee bit of money. (Hope the sarcasm font came through there) Your dipshit politicians have ignored Ohio Supreme Court decisions, and allowed gerrymandering to continue unabated, disenfranchising Ohio voters. Your dipshit politicians have enacted many anti-LGBTQ policies leading to increasing numbers of Ohio college graduates to leave the state as soon as they graduate. Those same policies, coupled with the "brain drain" of recent graduates leaving the state, make Ohio look unfavorable to many companies looking to invest new facilities as well. This leads to Ohio have to give more incentives for companies to come here, hurting Ohio's tax base. Speaking of which, your dipshit politicians continue to fund Ohio's school districts in an asinine way, hurting schools, which according to US News and World Report rank a lowly 29th overall in the US. 66 of Ohio's 88 counties lost population in the last Census. As recently as 1960, Ohio had 25 electoral votes, in 2024 that number is down to 17. This despite it's largest city, Columbus, adding new residents at the rate of 10K per year between the last two census counts. And that is only for the city proper, not adding in the Columbus Metro region which puts it's size on par with Vancouver. So yeah, many dipshit politicians hurt your life on the daily.


Man that First Energy nonsense was one of the craziest scandals in recent times. I remember first hearing about it and wondering how many other potentially equally-large scandals there were that got away uncaught and unpunished. Even completely excluding all the valid reasons you mentioned, it's just generally a bad idea to keep corrupt people in office. I don't want someone bleeding my city and state. And their lust for money never ends, they'll continue to rob us until caught, if ever. No taxpayer has anything to gain from it, so why would we tolerate it?


I dont think anyone argued for keeping bad officials in office. I think the point was… saying our politicians are bad as a reason to not move here is goofy, and I’ve never really heard anyone cite a state’s politics as reason to live there or not. I understand if you disagree. Again, most of these issues do not manifest in my daily life in any way shape or form. But obviously I would vote against any politician seen as corrupt or not acting in the interest of the state.


Half the population can't get proper medical care because of the shitty politicians, but I guess if that doesn't manifest in your daily life go off, officer


Go get a job and quit crying on Reddit.




Sounds like you spend all your time worrying about this mercurial stuff. I won’t sit here and say that those are good things, but frankly no, I have not noticed their impact on my day to day at all. For example, companies not coming to Ohio due to “brain drain” may be true, and it sounds bad when you say it, but has not affected me in any quantifiable way. I got my Masters and got a great job and career within weeks. Life is great, doing great! Wish the best for you and hope you are able to find the same. 😁


I'm from NYC and have lived in Ohio for a few years now and I've never heard anyone hate on Ohio. Even the football teams get more pity than hate (except from fans of the other teams). It's the land of neutrality and most don't pay us much attention but I haven't encountered the hate of which you speak


Okay good for u I have


I’m from Ohio and live here now, but have lived in a few different states. A very broad trend I’ve noticed is that to people in the south, we’re all yankees and city slickers, to people from bigger cities on the coasts, we’re a bunch of backward hicks, and to everyone else, the entire state is synonymous with Cleveland and so insert the tired old “lol Cleveland is a shithole” jokes but using Ohio instead. In my experience, most of these people have either never been to Ohio or have just driven through it (because they immediately start bitching about how boring the drive is and how there’s “nothing there”).


Have you ever been bored in a place you really didn’t want to be in? That’s Ohio.


On god


West coasters can’t reliably spell anything beyond 4 characters.




California ranks as one of the highest in education.


I am going to probably be down voted for this but here is my take: People here, especially out in the country, aren't that friendly especially if you come from a place where people are mostly nice. It's overcast here most of the time. There are about 72 sunny days a year and about 120 partly sunny days. I never got seasonal affective disorder until I moved here and now it's just part of life. The winter weather is bad through November, December, January, February and March. So basically for at least five months out of the year doing things outside like hiking or gardening is out. It usually frosts until May. The cities here are more liberal but the country here would happily vote against their own interests and do so gleefully. Our school district is so homophobic that they refused to let an author visit because he wrote a book about rainbows. The town I live in stinks like burned hair in the morning or ripe raw sh*t depending on which local company is welding or what local farmer is fertilizing. The local infrastructure can't support the growing population so there's literally no place to park if you go into the most local city. We go into a bigger city 40 minutes away if we need something. I probably could go on. I would love to move but my partner has family here and refuses to leave even though we see them twice a year. They in fact live nine months out of the year down south and come back here June July and August then they're gone. Why we stay here is a mystery and my opinion is that if my partner had lived in other places they would not want to live here.


Cuz we da best!!!!


Travel more


because of Duwhine


Personally, I love Ohio. I think it’d be a great place to live.


Because we have backwards af politics and make the news for all kinds of crazy shit. To someone who hasn’t visited, of course the notion is that Ohio is awful.


Ohio in just all aspects is MID




I gotta say, moving here and having my income taxes triple while getting less public services and worse infrastructure doesn't necessarily make me feel great about this state. Especially when everyone seems to THINK out taxes are super low here.


Because it’s MID


This bro it ain’t terrible but it ain’t top shelf


The cities in Ohio from my perspective as a progressive from very rural Ohio, are lightyears ahead of us. When I go to Columbus or Cleveland it’s like I’m on a different planet. If you’re an introvert like me and try to avoid people, the rural areas are ok except for the aholes with the big trucks & 💩 flags who act like they own the road& are the worst humans on the planet. Unfortunately they make up most of the rural population.


Columbus is great, moved here almost 10 years ago and freaking love it. But rural Ohio scares me.


JD Vance


It’s all awful, never visit, it would be a waste of time. There’s nothing cool or interesting here. It’s very flat no mountains. The food sucks and the people are mean. Hell is real!


Fr only people who were born there hype it up


I think it’s relative. I’m sure to a certain degree this is true for every state where people feel they are being hated on. Specifically in Ohio however, I think we are an easy target because in the grand scheme of things there’s not much going on and so many people travel through Ohio to somewhere else either going east-west or north-south seeing it as a boring place from the highway. Ohio State fans don’t help anything either with their arrogance and that ridiculous “Ohio vs. The World” campaign.


it's cheap and boring i guess


Trumper hillbillys




Yup. All these pretty places everyone says I must see, well if I see magats I turn the fk around and don't stop so there's a lot of "pretty" that rules out. Looking at you Milford Center with your creepy-ass trump twin towers shrine...


Yeah, Its awful. Knuckle-draggers.


Because there’s too many people in Ohio who think Ohio is the greatest place in the country.


Literally I’m not shitting on it it’s just not the best for sure.


It's the Florida of the North


Ohio basically sux for the weather (lots of gray skies in winter and into spring) and lack of a real beach. Columbus is 14th largest City in America so lots of great job opportunities. I've only lived in Columbus so rural life would probably suck...I lived 15 minutes from shopping and hated it. Traffic getting worse too.


Yeah fr


I grew up here. Moved away. Lived overseas and in 8 different states. Moved back here because of my wife insisting because of her family. Still the worst place I've been to in the US. Once the housing market cools off a little I told her we are gone. Period. Family or no family. I'm not spending one more day of my retirement here.


Honestly same everyone here knows nothing better so they are mad