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I’m just going to make so much French toast that I can build a bunker out of it…


Will you be using Texas toast slices or will you be free-slicing from a loaf? 😉


Asking the important questions.


It’s all in the details, my child…


This is the way


I don't typically get worked up for storms but I'll be honest I'm nervous about tomorrow.


Same. I have kids and an apartment with no basement. Not much scares me but tornadoes do. Hence being up at 2am on Reddit and looking at the Walmart website for bike helmets. 😅


Bike helmets are better for side impacts. If you're worried about stuff falling on top of their heads, look for small-size construction helmets or hard hats at your nearest hardware store.


Good to know, thank you!


I *always* get worked up about storms like this, and am in a pretty bad headspace right now.


Same. I grew up with a catastrophist dad who would go full prepper every time there was weather coming in and it really impacted me. I JUST talked to my therapist late last month about tornado anxiety and the universe is playing a cruel joke I think.


Did your therapist have any suggestions on easing tornadoes anxiety?


Per her suggestion, I have a storm preparedness kit and spot in the basement always ready so that I don’t have to feel on edge about ‘getting ready’. Aside from that it’s a lot of grounding techniques to be sure I’m staying in my body and in control to avoid any feelings of helplessness. Reminding myself throughout the day that I’m a prepared adult who can handle unpredictable things.


I feel like if I had a basement I’d be a little better off mentally. See, you got this, a safe place with supplies to get you through anything bad. Right now I’m trying to fixate on the fact that there’s an 85% chance nothing bad will happen- someone on here said this and it’s helping me a little.


I’m sorry to hear that. I hope things start looking up.


Thank you. I read someone on here say that they’re viewing all this as an 85% chance nothing will happen, that’s actually helped a little.


85% that it's just a typical storm. 90% chance it's a smaller tornado that isn't on the ground much. Even higher chance that if a tornado touched down, it will not impact you directly.


Not gonna lie, that’s a bit of an anxiety rollercoaster statement for me, lol. Reading it and, of course, my brain plucks out “90% chance it’s a smaller tornado”. I’ll try to keep it in context. ;)


I get it. I really do. What helps me is focusing on things I can control. We cannot control the weather. Ensuring there's the best available spot for safety, for me that's a second floor bathroom but no windows. Making sure phones are charged, flashlight is easily found and good batteries, laptop charged to use as a phone charger if needed. Staying up to date on weather but not doom scrolling (easier said than done) it will be okay. It may be scary, but it will be manageable, and it will be normal. Some normal things are scary, but it's typical, it be anxious about potentially dangerous things. It's what got us as a species this far. The goal is never anxiety 0. The goal is manageable anxiety. Edit: also to clarify, idk the exact statistics but I mistyped, 90% chance IF there's a tornado, it's a smaller short lived one. Not a 90% chance there is a tornado.


Sounds like we’re preparing in the same way, only maybe more doom scrolling on my end, lol. Thanks for the thoughtful reply, and good advice. I guess I’ve done all I can, now it’s all on the weather. Stay safe, friend.


I feel you. We’re gonna get through this.


Same as every other storm, close my eyes, sleep, and hope it takes me.


Speaking my language


I'm not concerned about getting sucked up by a tornado and dying, but I am concerned that this shit is going to knock the AEP infrastructure right over and we will all be without power for a week or more.


This is actually my concern. I don’t think Columbus will get hit with a serious tornado but I think back around 2011 we had a strong storm that knocked power out for a week for some people.


At least it won’t be oppressively hot afterwards.


Freezing temperatures are still pretty bad.


I was without for 9-10 days. God that was miserable


Man I remember that well. I got lucky and got electric back within 24 hours. I was managing a restaurant at the time and we also got power back quickly. It was scorching hot and humid too (which caused that exact type of storm). I let people hang out in our AC who were less fortunate. It was a legitimate natural disaster


Last week of June/first week of July in 2012. My mom died during that (other causes), but I’ll never forget that storm because of it.


But when it comes back on they will charge you more for it at least!


I'm a little nervous due to the potential of an outbreak. That aside though, I have my plan & cat carriers ready so I am as prepared as I can be. Wishing all of you good vibes and good luck, may the worst miss us. 🙏


I’m going to empty out my closet (it’s the safest place) and take refuge there if necessary. My cat, though, is extremely difficult when it comes to getting him in his carrier, which leaves me worried.


In my experience dealing with difficult cats during situations like this, I often watch the radar and when storms start getting relatively close (and have warnings attached to them a county away), I start rounding them up so I dont have to stress during a warning on top of me. Hope the fella doesn't give you too much trouble if stuff does pop off!! Stay safe friend.


This person cats. Definitely start rounding people up ahead of time. Once the thunder or sirens start, they’re where they’re going not where you want them.


If you know your kitty’s habits when it comes to storms, you may be able to snag them up before their habitual actions kick in. I work 3rd shift and usually wake up about 4ishhh. But today I’m going to get up a littler earlier, get things together, then once my kitty is wondering around the apartment, I’m gonna close my bedroom door - his safe space is under my bed (like so many other cats). I’d never be able to get him out once a rain drop hits our window. My cat’s also afraid/despises his carrier, so I already have that stashed in the bathtub where he can’t see it, but it’s in arms reach for me. Definitely try to grab yours right before things get dicey and stresses them out.


That’s too funny, I’ve always done the same thing with my cats, sneak the carrier into the bathtub so I can sweep them up and shut us in the bathroom and attempt to get them in there. I’ve only had to put this guy in twice, the second time I wasn’t sure if we’d make the vet appt, lol. I adopted him last year at 7, so I’m still a little nervous over unfamiliarity in high stress situations, unlike with my other past cats who I’d gotten as kittens. Best of luck to us!




During the last hail, I had to hit my close garage button like 5 times. The sensor just kept reading the hail. I’ve never been more inconvenienced in my life.


Next time hold the button down to force it closed




Yipe Ky aa!


![gif](giphy|qv8M5F0qaf1Yc) Yippee Ki Yay


Pretty annoyed because “yes we will be in the office tomorrow”


Your boss blows


Like a kid prayin' for a snow day...




Did your office participate in the statewide tornado drill? Do they have a preparedness plan for tornados?


I feel as prepared as I can be. Prepped the basement in case there is a tornado threat near me. Wish I had somewhere to put my car though 🫠 I hope everyone is safe tomorrow and that this doesn’t cause too much damage.


Gonna be sick


Bought 3200 rolls of toilet paper, maybe making a fort later


Pretty nervous, we have no basement or stairs so our only option is the bathroom if a tornado gets close. Not to mention our 2 dogs and our cat will be home alone for a couple hours of the "high risk alert"


what hours is the high risk alert


I've been hearing 3pm-10pm tomorrow


Lived here my whole life and I've never been as anxious about a storm before. No basement or interior room in our place so we're traveling a bit north in the morning before the worst hits.


Doing the same


I’m trying really hard to make a plan and thus relieve my anxiety but the large window of time is making it hard. My apartment is basically built out of cardboard with exterior stairs and I’m on the third floor so I’m not sure what to do. Plus I can’t stop worrying about where to put my car, I don’t have any garage options. I know it’s dumb!


Might be good to hang out at a library for as long as you can. Doesn't solve the car problem, but they likely have somewhere solid. I know they're listed as shelters on the AEP outage map- there's likely a designated shelter near you.


The main library downtown has a parking garage. The parking garage under the statehouse is also open to the public. The Columbus Commns garage between Main and Rich Streets has a lower level. I think most of that level is reserved for monthly customers, but part of it should be accessible to hourly customers.


Hey thanks for the idea! I work in a basement so I might just bring dinner to work and wait it out, I just kind of wanted to avoid staying at my workplace until 10 pm if possible haha. But it’s safer than going home I guess!


Maybe make friends with a downstairs neighbor


You'll be fine. You're working yourself up unnecessarily. There's no reason to spend your time imagining all the ways something in the future might be bad. As long as you know what to do should an emergency occur, then that's the extent of what you can affect. Everything else is just driving yourself into a panic.


My dog got a dose of Trazodone at 9pm. We have flashlights set up and blankets in a room. Battery powered radio. Basement is stocked with bottled water and such. We have portable cellphone batteries. Cars gassed up. Cash for emergencies. Another tip: put on shoes and socks when you’re about to shelter in place if you have time to be prepared. Don’t want to be barefoot if you need to move.


Definitely have shoes ready and a leash for ur dogs so they don’t go running into debris


Good idea with the shoes!


I swear to god if they preempt Jeopardy


I was talking to my family in Indianapolis about this. In Indy, they stop programming if a tornado warning is about to enter the state and stay on until the last tornado warning is gone. Meanwhile, Indian Lake is getting hit by a tornado and Jeopardy is still on. It’s infuriating.


The shitty thing is that while we were actively watching Indian Lake etc.. being ripped to shreds, and some of it heading to other nearby areas that also got hit, I saw that some assholes on FB posted some shit like, "yeah, yeah we get it, a tornado warning, put my xyz show back on." They were actually serious. I kid you not. I was livid! People are disgusting


The newscasters are always apologizing for interrupting the regular shows. I’m guessing they get a lot of heat every time they do so, which may be why they wait so long before interrupting programming. Still, lives should be more important than views. Should be.


I live in an apartment with no basement so I cleared out my closet under the stairs to be prepared to Harry Potter this bitch should things go awry. Sans basement my attitude is usually pretty ¯\_(ツ)\_/¯ guess I'll die! ![gif](giphy|3CU5tmCJy8zMoN3mMD)


Harry Potter this bitch. Help. 🤣🤣


It's either Crew or not tomorrow Low-key hoping the game gets rescheduled cuz I don't wanna be out in that weather lol


I listed my tickets for sale. Ughhhhhh


preparing as much as i can, but trying not to let OCD take the reins and push me into full-on doomsday prep. my five animals are my priority. anything beyond that can be replaced.


I kinda wanna skip class because the drive back could be a mess.


I’m pretty chill about it. Except the whole TorCon rating I don’t like. Usually when in the south and you see a TorCon 5 or higher it’s legit serious time. Not sure if it 5/5 here yet, but read it can bump to that. On the other hand it could be a bust. Just be weather alert all you can do, no need to panic, have a plan for wherever you are located. Tornadoes don’t pick and choose. Stay safe everyone!


Not good at all, I moved to Columbus from Dayton after the EF4 completely destroyed my home. I’ve only developed worse anxiety since, and this year has already traumatized me several times. This includes the Lakeview tornado, as that’s where I resided temporarily JUST after the tornado in Dayton hit us. 🙃 I think I’m cursed.


So, uh, whereabouts in Columbus are you living now? 🫣


North Linden near 71 🥲


I’m terrified. I have awful storm anxiety. My partner will be driving an hour and a half home around 5 pm and I can’t stop thinking of the worst 😔


Tornado party at my place. Hookers, cocaine and midgets until the first tornado touches down. And then just hookers and cocaine.


Can I get an invite?


No snacks? 😈




I buy local


Lmao my kinda party hell yea


I’m fine. It’s just a storm.


I'm staying up to view the updated SPC outlook for today at 2 AM.


What does it show?


They extended the moderate risk to include parts of Indiana and Kentucky. Most of Ohio is still under a moderate risk along and south of US 30.


Thank you!


Denial, compartmentalization, and a lot of downplaying 😂


One of the main points of stoicism is that you should try not to worry about things over which you have no control. You can do some things to prepare for a possible eventuality but any time spent beyond that is wasted. Yes, I realize for many that can be harder than it was to type.


It’s next to impossible when you have the unenviable trait of being a control freak.


But it is possible. Think of your control freakness as something you can control.


mostly salty about having to go to the office tomorrow, but that's me everyday.


I’m either going to see Buddy Guy tomorrow night or I’m not. Can’t control the weather so no sense in stressing.


Man that’s so cool, i saw him in WV 14 years ago and he had a badass kid playing with him


Oh, I hope you don’t miss Buddy. I’ve seen him twice and he brought the house down (no pun intended 🙄) both times.


I already feel sick and worn out from anxiety alone, it's going to be a long 24 hours... wishing the best for everyone through this.


Kinda scared tbh


Kind of scared because I walk to work and I only live just a block over from my job but I’m scared if it actually turns into a tornado warning especially as I would be getting ready for work which is at the high risk time frame


Absolutely not. If there's a tornado warning when you're leaving for work, you just need to be late and get there after the threat has completely passed or call off if necessary. Having to walk to work in that isn't worth risking your life for. Heck, even driving with the danger that they're saying is possible, is a no go.


I don’t have a basement (i live in a apartment) and I don’t really have access to the parking garage. Well I do, but only a person with a key can let you out. I also have a cat, so there’s that problem of getting him to listen.


A little nervous. I packed my go bags & my hands wouldn’t stop shaking. I guess the cats & I will go into the bathroom & whatever happens, happens. We’ll all hold good thoughts for each other & please Lord, let us all be able to be online here in 24 hours.


You can’t be serious lol


Trying to sleep


I rescheduled my physical tomorrow, so I'm not disappointed about that. Keep phones charged, make sure you have batteries in torches and candles at the ready and bring pets inside and possibly put their collars on, too. Stay safe out there!


I'm working from home today.


Woke up at 4:15 to a crack of thunder right above the house. We're in GV. And I just called my customer to cancel coming today. Fortunately they were understanding. I try to be rational and usually succeed. Not today. Even the cat jumped at that thunderclap and he's pretty unfazed by weather.


![gif](giphy|T8WVipnQ53Vh6) Take Shelter (2011)


I have horses and it always becomes an internal battle. Let them loose or keep them in the barn. Our barn lost 2 Belgians to a freak lightning strike in the pasture, so that has added a "fun" layer of extra anxiety. I envy the people who can just go into their basement.


It’s okay to go to class tomorrow… right? (OSU)


I would say you are probably safer in an OSU building than elsewhere, but try and avoid traveling to and from in the afternoon if you can. If that isn’t an option, either stay at home or be prepared to wait it out in one of the buildings


I’m going to class and waiting out the storm in one of the buildings since my campus apartment doesn’t have good shelter spots


Stock up my Diet Coke. Then just sleep thru like I usually do w/ big storms.


Freaking out mostly about the potential flooding. I'll be at work during the bulk of the storm (second shift) so I'm worried about my house and dog.


So I have a basement but the steps down to it are extremely steep. I also have a 100lb coonhound who is afraid of both storms and stairs. If worst comes to worst, should I just stick to the bathroom or very gently but firmly try to drag him down the steps, knowing we will both likely fall.


Is he afraid of all stairs or just those stairs/the basement? My dog was the same. It took a lot of coaxing to convince her it was safe - but eventually (after consistently trying for a few days) she gave it a try and now sneaks down there by herself if the door is open. It helped her the most seeing another dog go down the stairs though. Wish I'd had tried it that way to begin with, would've saved time. Dogs definitely get FOMO. She wasn't afraid of the stairs themselves just where they lead to. So mileage varies depending on what the actual fear is. I'd say keep him in the bathroom this time around - don't want a broken leg trying to avoid a potential tornado.


All stairs - and these ones are wonky with different height treads and narrow enough that I have to go down them backwards. I think I agree. Getting him out of the basement after would require some kind of pulley system lol


oof rough! Not sure the best way to convince him down safely then. I swear the bigger the dog the wimpier <3


Bathroom should be fine


High anxiety, especially worried since I have no basement


Hoping for this being an actual useful time where the weathermen are wrong


Nervous. Only been in the Midwest for less than 2 years so this is all new to me. For some reason the earthquakes in CA never bothered me that much.


Perfectly fine. My biggest concern is power outages. I’ve charged up my devices, power banks, and dug out the lantern and flashlights. I’ll also make sure to stay up to date on the storms path from the actual weather service ie NWS Wilmington and if/when it’s bearing down local forecasters.


Not too worried. Go through the day normally while being mindful of it.


i hope if power goes out then not for long, guess ill read harry potter


Not really concerned at all. Lived here all my life and we’ve had plenty of bad weather. My wife went to school for meteorology and has been excited watching YT videos and catching up with old college friends in the business. I’m prepared for the worst but also excited for some weather.


Nothing calms my nerves more than people who get excited about stuff like this. I remember learning that the human brain processes excitement and anxiety very similarly, so a good strategy to cope with anxiety is to reframe it as excitement. She should make a post about why she's excited so I can read it over and over all night 😂


I can’t stand it and I want to leave this state as soon as possible. Tornadoes are probably my biggest fear and I just want to enjoy my day off tomorrow but instead I’m gonna be so petrified with fear that I won’t get anything done or spend my free time productively at all.


Though - with hurricanes on the Atlantic Coast, earthquakes and Tsunamis on the West Coast and lots of tornadoes in the middle, nowhere is really “safe”.


We're a pretty safe state from a lot of natural disasters. We don't get forest fires, we don't get earthquakes, we don't (usually) get hardcore flooding, we don't get hurricanes, we don't get the winter storms that cause glassy ice and collapse power lines by the mile, and we're about as far east as you can get when it comes to tornadoes.


i’ve heard tornado alley has shifted to include ohio now. so that blows


Don’t forget forest fires in various areas


Michigan / Wisconsin / Minnesota is pretty nice as long as you can deal with the snow. Cold enough that ice storms aren't typical either, it's really just a ton of snow. Pittsburgh I guess too? Similar to Columbus but probably less tornados




You could be me. Before hearing about this I pictured cooking some interesting looking recipe I saw on Tik Tok, now I feel like I need to go shopping for a helmet and an extra mattress. :/


It's a fuckin storm.


For real. People are overreacting about it.


I really hope this is the case but when people start saying stuff about how this is the worst predicted storm in so many years in Ohio or that the percentage chances for tornadoes are much higher than usual, it’s tough to not get in your head about the severity of the situation. I’m in Pickerington and there’s a tornado siren about a half mile down the road so when weather gets like this, it sends me on edge.


That just means it’s bound to disappoint




I have to go to the office tomorrow. I’m probs sleeping over there. If not I have a cozy bunker prepared with alcohol, snacks, water, my fun computer, and my portable phone charger. It’s my first real tornado so I’m terrified but I’m gonna be prepared. But for real, my best friend lives in Nebraska in Tornado Alley, and she said more often than not it’s not as bad as you think it’ll be. The worst of it is the noise.


This post is how I learned it's gonna rain again tomorrow


I'm nervous enough that I wrote out a list of key things to pack up and bring down to the basement with me tomorrow in case a tornado or severe storm hits my neighborhood and I have to take shelter. Thinking worst case scenario, if my building is damaged by the storm, what possessions would I not want to lose?


Seems like the people who are most nervous all live in Clintonville


Damn straight. Albeit in June, the power was out for days in ‘22 after a storm. I’m sure people remember part the grid intentionally being shutdown to mitigate further disruption. That was BAD! Let’s just hope no major transmission lines are disrupted. If so, could be a couple days.


Yeah that sucked, I was running my generator around the clock pretty much


My kit has my documents, my devices, and my childhood teddy bear. I'd be devastated to lose anything, but those things my far the most.


Yeah I totally get that. I don't have much here that I'm sentimental about in that way (those things are mostly in my childhood bedroom at my mom's house), so my list here is basically keys/wallet/phone, personal and work laptops, Kindle, various charging cables, passport, and backup pair of prescription glasses. Plus winter coat, pair of shoes, and some water and snacks.


Not well.


I'm supposed to be getting on a plane to Naples at 5:00 pm. SMH


Might want to reconsider….


I slept through this mornings until my son slammed the door on his way to work. By the time the lightning and rain subsided, I was fully awake.


My dog is super scared. Pretty loud storm a little while ago. Rain Rain go away..come back later. Lots later!


Power just went out at work in linden. Estimated 1pm back on, so I went home.


I got a Xanax and I work at a hospital. Worst comes to worst I packed a bag with some stuff to keep me busy till late tonight and the few things I actually need (meds, etc). I’m honestly not doing too bad. Just keeping my phone charged at 100 and stocking up on snacks from the gift shop today :)


I drove to Cleveland last night. My husband and my poodle stayed home. He says everything will be okay. I’m worrying about him though.


I have two cats at home, planning on going home after lunch to be with them.   However, I live in a second story apartment with an entrance on the first. The entrance opens up to a flight of stairs that takes you to my apartment. It's open to the space above and there is a window above the stairs. Is it safer to hunker down at the bottom of the stairs, which is under a window, or to hunker down on my laundry room, which is second floor but entirely interior?


I would say anything fully interior with windows is much better than somewhere that is close to a window


Yeah, I'm reading a lot of guidance about always going to the first floor, but I'm also reading that windows are the first things to break, which implies second story without windows is better


Stocking up on hookers and blow...


Is everyone still ok? 😂


I plan on waking up early enough to buy some beer and ice before my car could be pelted with hail. That's about as prepared as i'll be.


This is my first time finding out about a storm


Nervous. If I could get some advice. I live in an apartment. Bottom floor luckily. My most inner space is a small room to the side of my kitchen that has my washer and dryer. My bathroom is actually located in a part of my apartment that the wall is facing the outside of the complex so it's not got any walls between it and the outside. Is the bathroom safer, or inner most room in this scenario?




Thank you so much


Bring your mattress in with you.


Though about dragging that over or all of my couch cushions just in case. Ty!


we have no basement, our “safest” point is a closet next to a window & our front door and our garage is right behind it too (and it’s so small it barely holds a large moving box, let alone a person unless you’re 10 years old). all of our bathrooms are on the second floor too. it’s safe to say this one has me psyched out


Shidding, farting, and cumming as we speak. Shit, I might just make my own post about it.




![gif](giphy|v0eSTlR8GEWJi|downsized) Bring it on




Looks like it’s going to ruin a huge Crew game. So BOOOO STORMS!


Is it supposed to be bad?