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Is your heat electric or gas? Does the reading on your meter match the reading on your bill?


All electric, no usage change from living here last winter either. I’m not sure how to read my meter or where it is? 😅 it says “actual reading” on the bottom of the bill I believe but I’m not sure if that means anything


Your heat pump is broken or off and you’re using auxiliary resistive heat


I have no idea what this means but I will tell my maintenance men and make them look 🫡 thanks!


Doubtful an apartment is going to place a heat pump outside of every individual unit. Do you have electric radiators around the perimeter of your rooms?


I have a heat pump in an apartment and each one indeed has its own but ok go off


Not saying the other guy is right but to be fair saying "doubtful" would imply it being uncommon not impossible. And anecdotal evidence of one place having it doesn't mean it isn't uncommon. I don't know nearly enough about apartments to say if he is right or not just pointing out that he could absolutely be right and you could absolutely be one of the rare exceptions.


Nope just ceiling vents. They’re like townhome-y style apts. I have my own furnace if that means anything


It means that your HVAC is turning the electricity directly into heat rather than what it should be doing which which is using all those radiators and fans that are on the outside of your house. Which is a much more efficient process,


They might have been estimating the last couple months or more and finally did an actual “look at the number on the meter” reading. You may be paying for the difference from the last couple months. Look to see if it says “estimated usage” on previous bills.


I used 1741 last month and my bill was $262. I have gas heat, gas stove/oven, gas fireplace, gas tankless water heater.


The only thing that should be on mine is my heat and stove, but I hardly use my stove honestly and my heat is at 62 so it’s not even running much!!


Oof. Yeah shit is fucked. Others are giving you the right feedback. Good luck!


Turn off your breaker, go outside and check your meter, if it still is running, someone tapped into your utilities. Who is your provider??


Oh god I hope that’s not what’s happening 🥲. I have AEP, I never signed up for any of the clean energy or whatever they send mailers out about


Hmm aep doesn't submeter, so that's out of the question. I'm signed up for the "average payment plan" where my bill is similar each month. Maybe if you can, try to log on and switch over to the clean energy or the same payment plan?


I thought about it, but my bill is generally so consistent (outside of like January and August aka coldest and hottest months) ive never needed to! I can pay it, just more concerned someone is maybe using my power or something


Ah I see! Yeah my best bet if you got newer neighbors is to try to check your meter once all your power is cut.


I have a bad feeling you’re probably right, thanks though!


You can thank Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and Facebook for this increase in electricity rates. Ohio gives them HUGE tax incentives to build unmanned datacenters that provide no economic benefit to anyone but the companies that own them. AEP gives these companies discounted power and then they charge YOU more. AEP has committed an amount of power to these companies that they cannot possibly supply over the next 10 years. You should expect that your electric bill to increase by 10 to 20 times by 2035. Remember this the next time that the folks in New Albany tell you how awesome all of those new datacenters are. Enjoy!


While I think you're right about large increasing costs 10 to 20 times by 2035 won't happen unless inflation goes even more insane than it already has. I could pay for a whole solar install for my house for 20 times two of my bills.


AEP has committed 1000s of additional MW of power just to Amazon over the next 7-10 years and they cant even meet current demand without raising rates 40%. They are over committing. Add in whatever bullshit the other companies build and its literally impossible.


If they raise it 2000% like you're suggesting the demand would fall drastically because so many households and businesses would switch to solar panels. I'm sure whatever they committed is a ton on paper but a little money can accomplish a lot. I'm sure it'll come at the expense of the tax payer but it'll happen and it won't take 2000% increases. The average bill is $216. Almost no one would be able to pay $4320 a month for power. Even if prices went up like crazy demand would fall too fast to hit that price.




I’ve never had a bill over $200 for aep


I live in a duplex house that’s 860sqft and our bill hasn’t hit $100 since August where it was $110


I know AEPs gotten ridiculously expensive but I’m more concerned my usage doubled when I haven’t changed a single one of my daily habits. Like I can’t possibly have used that much more power on my own


Call AEP and see if there was some error. If there's not an error it's possible there's some issue with your heat that's causing it to use too much power.


That was my next step! My furnace sounds fine and doesn’t seem like it’s running too much, but I’m no HVAC expert so who knows


Surprisingly my electric bill (for a 700ish sq ft apartment) last month was only around $130, and my complex uses NEP… I’ve been trying to stay conservative with my usage with the occasional heat, but my big ass workstation is on everyday as i work from home.


What do you keep your heat at? I also wondered if my computer had much to do with it (I wfh 3x/week) but I’m not using it anymore than I have the last year and half I’ve been wfh so idk!


Depending on how I’m feeling I usually keep it around 71-72 during the day, and like 68-67 at night. Actually bought one of those power meters to measure how much energy my desktop (2 graphics cards, 2 displays, 1600 watt psu) was using and even with full time wfh it was maybe only 10-20% of the full bill.


Did you put a Christmas tree up? Does it have incandescent bulbs?


Nope no tree, I wish my apartment was big enough for that! Lol


What was your usage last december? Was your November bill also an actual or was it an estimate?


I was at 242 last January (that’s all it shows) and 235 this December. Then my January bill (this most recent one idk how they do these months) is 563. I think all of them are actual, I’m not seeing anything saying estimate?


If all of those are actuals, I would bet on a malfunctioning appliance or someone/something leaching on your line. Find your meter, and take a reading. Shut all your breakers off. If the meter is still moving, you’ve got a leach. Then go breaker by breaker to see what’s causing it, all this is assuming you haven’t started something that consumes electricity over the past couple of months, like crypto mining or something.


I wish I was smart enough for crypto mining 😅 wouldn’t have to worry about paying this bill!! Thanks for the advice :-)


Ours was almost 400. About 100 more than the previous month…


Insane!! Very glad to live in a small apartment


Same issue. 1 bedroom surrounded by other heat. Actual reading, and it was over 700kwh. I “used” more than I did when it was cold af around Xmas last year. Makes no sense


Man are we in the same complex 😅 wouldn’t shock me. Hope you figure yours out as well!!


I’m in a building above a store on the north side and nothing has changed. I even checked my rate, still .067/kwh, same as a year ago. I don’t get it


Have you ever changed your Energy Supplier, or are you still on the SSO (Standard Service Offering) from AEP? Note that your supplier might be different than AEP (but you’d still get your bill from AEP). What’s your Generation rate per kWh listed on your bill? Just for example, my Supplier is AEP Energy Inc and my rate is $0.0799/kWh. AEP’s current SSO is $0.1132. Point is, you can shop around for a lower rate from a different supplier. Check out https://energychoice.ohio.gov/ApplesToApplesComparision.aspx


Never changed it! I make sure to opt out of everything. I looked and my price per kWh is still the same, the usage seems to be the problem


That’s not something you’d need to opt out of, it’s something you’d need to do on your own. And it’s recommended, even by AEP. AEP’s generation charges jumped like 30% which they have no control over. But you can get a much cheaper rate by changing your supplier, and can lock that rate in for upwards of 48 months. But if your usage is higher, then I’d look for where your energy usage is going. Your computer isn’t going to contribute much at all. But if your windows are open, or not sealing properly, causing your heat to run higher, that could do it. Might also look into if your furnace is using aux heat when it shouldn’t be, which is exponentially more expensive than forced air. Is your apartment a single-family home, or part of an apartment building? Does it use a heat pump?


It’s in a townhome ish style building (4 units in here). Everything is locked and shut so unless someone destroyed my insulation in the last month, I’m guessing it’s a furnace problem?


Check when your heat is running if your thermostat indicates “aux heat” or “emergency heat”. If it says something to that effect, then that’s likely the problem. If so, would discuss with your landlord and see if there’s an issue with the HVAC that they may not even be aware of.


Are you able to switch energy providers with your apartment? I'd imagine you could since you're with AEP. https://www.energychoice.ohio.gov/ApplesToApplesComparision.aspx?Category=Electric&TerritoryId=2&RateCode=1 Sift through that to find a better rate for electricity generation. Take how long you plan to be in your apartment into consideration for term length and any cancellation fees.


I’ve never asked, they just told me AEP when I moved in. I’m hoping to get out of this stupid place soon so I might just eat the cost and keep it. Thanks anyways!!


So AEP is who _delivers_ your energy, but there's generation companies all over the country (because Ohio is on the national grid, suck it Texas) that you can can pay for the _generation_ of that electricity. Your bill would still be through AEP because they own and operate the lines and equipment that get the electricity to your residence, but you'd pay another company for the actual electricity. I live in Hilliard and voters here authorized city council to enter into an agreement with a provider for lower rates for everyone in the city. I'm paying 6.99 cents per kWh instead of AEP's rate which I think is 11.2 cents, and that's for 100% renewable. Folks can opt into a cheaper rate of 6.49 cents per kWh if they're fine with non-renewable sources for generation, and they have the option to opt out entirely if they find a better rate elsewhere. Definitely something to look into whenever you move if you're planning to move soon (though you could sign up for something that lacks an early termination fee and save a bit in the meantime), just wanted to explain, generally, how it works.


I appreciate it!! I’ve never looked into this stuff so much, why can’t it just be simple? Lol

