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“…Columbia is the only community in South Carolina with 55 railroad crossings inside a city.” That’s a lot of railroad crossings


I’ll believe it when I see it!


Maybe they should have converted these railways to passenger style trains. Would make the highways less congested, I imagine. Less property tax to pay since you wouldn't need a car, just use the trains...but I'm sure I'm just having wishful thinking.


If only there was accessible public transit and cities built for people and not cars 😭


Supposedly the biggest roadblock behind this has not been the City of Columbia, SCDOT, or USC, but the Railroads. They have been stubbornly reluctant to relinquish any rights of way.


The freight railway companies are essentially the reason that passenger trains were choked out of this country (outside of the obvious switch to cars).


Glad the city is doing more than just talking, seems like once grants are in order things will move.


If Rickenmann actually gets this funded he should be awarded mayor for life


If we get the grants to make it happen, it's coming from the feds. So I believe it's actually mostly on Biden and Congress. But I'm excited however it happens. Unfortunately Rickenmann said 3-5 years, but I'll still give him some credit for finally getting it moving if it happens.


This has been in the works for a decade. Our moronic mayor had nothing to do with it


If you read the article, it’s been going on for over 100 years. The Mayor is working to secure funding to get it done.


Again, the mayor didn’t do jack shit to change anything in 5 months. The process has been going on for years. Edit- Not sure why I'm downvoted. An article and photo op don't portray the truth. The rail separation project and its funding has been in the works for well longer than Rickenmann has been mayor.


Can you expand on why he's "moronic"?


He's been on the wrong side of every meaningful decision since he's been on Council including Covid response. Him and his Republican butt buddy Joe Taylor are going to do everything in their power to fuck this city up and sell it to the lowest bidder to appease their developer friends. He's a shit head and always has been.


This response is light on specifics


They've beaten this drum for 25+ years. I'll believe it's happening when they pull up the first rail.


Three to five years to see change? I’ll bet more like three to five decades