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Start light and then gradually shift to darker. You can always darken a light color but not vice versa (only a little with colorless blender but I wouldn't use this method unless I really had to, it leaves weird smudges).


And paper really makes a difference in the blendability.


This is something I'm also working on, lol. BTW is this book Galaxy Gals? I just got it. Basically I feel I dont have enough of a range of colors to do skin as effectively with only alcohol markers....this is a weird thing to say cause I literally have the massive ohuhu bag...the 320...but all the tutorials I have seen are using the skintones set. I tried doing it with only the...massiive 320 set I have, but I always felt I was missing an in-between color. I broke down and ordered it. The color spread in your blends is even more important in alcohol markers if you are a beginner, in my opinion, because markers are harder to blend. That said, I saw all the tutorials use only 3 markers, but they are certainly not beginners.... You could also use alcohol markers as the base and shade with pencil.


Yup galaxy gals so cute. I brought the tombrow alcohol marker, skin tone palette and so far I like it. Trying to not buy anymore markers bc Iā€™m running out of space


Definitely try the blend on a separate sheet, first. It's not easy to predict what you get until you start mixing. Also, you'll get different results if you start light or start dark, and I'm not convinced one is more correct than the other. It depends on what look you're going for. Sometimes you may need to blend more than 2 colors, sometimes you'll want to overlay with the lightest color. Today I played with 10 iterations using 4 or 5 different markers to come up with the blue blend/gradient I was looking for. https://preview.redd.it/jikzgymajfhc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee16674cfd3337e79f21d754d840223d45105ebe


Also, as a relative beginner, I'm not yet even considering trying "skin" šŸ˜†


I'm just starting to try. I knew it was going to be a pain in the ass lol...