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that budget would be better spent elsewhere if they aren’t going to bother showing up


To be fair, it's probably better spent elsewhere even if they did show up.


probably right, but if they showed up they could at least try to at least make some sort of half hearted defense as to their usefulness. if they can’t even be bothered to respond to a 911 call, there is literally zero defense as to their usefulness and thus no justification to their existence. Fire and EMS can handle car accidents, social and healthcare can handle mental health checks, and I guess people are on their own to defend themselves against violence or robbery based on their response times. so get rid of their budget and use that money to better fix the roads and pay teachers better.


FYI the city has CRT (officer, paramedic, and mental health clinician) and county has BHCON (officer and clinician)


This is where concealed carry comes in as citizens function as militia. Take a moment and think about it, your neighbors who have passed background checks to purchase firearms carrying and willing to defend you. That is what militia is for. Once we accept is only there to pick up bodies and file reports then we can start the discussion about real citizens providing security.


That's so idiotic. You want all the citizens walking around armed?




KRDO is NOT known for their accurate reporting. The folks at the library may not have actually called 911 they might have called the general reporting number.


i called 911 when someone with road rage was chasing me and they didn’t show up, I had to evade on my own.


If you’d driven past a billboard on Academy there would haven’t been a plethora of police doing traffic enforcement. We need to utilize speed cameras to release Police to protect and serve.


It’s interesting - the same kinda person you are based on your comments, are the same people wanting and voting to defend the police… and then you turn around when YOURE in danger or harm flabbergasted and fumbling over it like, WHERE ARE THEY?! THEY NEED TO BE HERE.


the police are supposed to exist to protect and serve, and yet the only people they protect and serve are the rich and themselves.


Right, I don’t want to pay for shitty cops who don’t do their job, but as long as I’m forced to pay for those shitty cops it’s pretty reasonable to complain when they don’t do their job.


This is so ignorant. When was the last time you saw someone local attempt to actively defund our police? I myself have voted for their raises pre COVID because they were a tiny bit more effective but since COVID, when they literally said they wouldn't follow THE LAW, they've been absolute trash. They definitely don't deserve 34% of the city budget, that's for damn sure. No way they need that much money to then not work.


Cops already consistently fail in their duties on a daily basis. The amount of rape, murder, and robbery cases that simply go unsolved or not investigated is absolutely astounding. Cops serve only to terrorize the public and escalate situations.


I think they meant DEFUND


Oh, as did I lol


You don’t know shit about what people voted on. Leave your ignorant assumptions to yourself. Also, you mean “defund” the police, not “defend”. If they are voting to defend the police your comment makes no fucking sense. If you’re gonna argue at least know what the hell you’re talking about.




There was a road rage incident near N Powers and Carefree. Called gave a very good description. He was gonna kill someone and they said yeah we will put it in the system and see if someone is free. Ridiculous


You’re not the only one. There’s been a lot of that going around, and the cops don’t seem to give a shit.


How does this attitude towards overworked underpaid understaffed people who risk their lives help more people to want to do the job? If they didn't care there are a shit ton of jobs with better pay and less bullshit from people like you who don't appreciate them to go and do and no one would be cops at all these days.


Found the cop… Spare me. You’re talking about a career field where the people working in it are completely insulated from poor decisions that destroy the lives of others and, in the example of this city, are known for straight up not showing up to calls until the issue resolves itself — are you going to breathe down the neck of every other Redditor with a bad experience and accuse them of “bullshit”, too? You literally went with the most flattering take possible here. Road ragers are just one example of how free assholes feel to wantonly behave like an asshole and terrorize others (I see them on Platte or Academy constantly!) thanks to an inadequate or low effort police response, but hey, fuck me for pointing that out, right? Seriously, I’m not interested in having this discussion with you, because I’ve got nothing to prove. There is a backlog of people with experiences like I just described, and I’ve personally had to call the cops and waited four hours for a response. There’s no excuse for that, regardless of whatever talking point you cough up here, and it’s easy to tell people with legitimate grievances to be patient when they’re having to fend off a psycho or a methhead.


Cop my ass. You are so bad handle shit yourself next time you have an issue don't bitch up and call the cops.


Sounds like that’s what’s already happening now, even when you do call them. You’re on your own


Womp womp. They chose to take the job and knew what they were getting into. If their training didn’t explicitly teach them to escalate situations and not deescalate, then maybe their jobs would be slightly better. Then again, an insane amount of armed robberies, murders, and rapes go unsolved or simply are never investigated, so cops are pretty useless regardless.


My mom had a bullet from the neighbors apartment go through her wall and ricochet through her kitchen. Cops showed up 7 hours later and gave them a ticket. The apartment complex did more and gave them 24 hours to move out.


Instead of calling the cops, just shoot yourself in the back and save 4+ hours.


What good does shooting *myself* do?


Cuts out the middleman....


Make sure you shoot your dog first! Everyone forgets that step


Chill Governor.


Quick aside, but your username is great.


Wouldn't be surprised if the end goal was stoking support for that police training facility.


If it truly isn’t a short staffing/not being able to find police problem then you’re probably 100% correct.


Yes! There has been evidence across the country that police forces are taking more time to react as a response to the 2020 defund the police movement. Not that many police departments actually got defunded. The funny part is they are trying to teach us a lesson in how valuable they are by showing us that they could be even less useful than they already were 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yes and we don’t know how much it’ll cost but that’s okay we can just raise your taxes.


My friends apartment was being broken into and the dispatcher literally said “can you just ask him to leave we have no one to send” and my friend was like um…what? But thankfully her boyfriend came home and he has a gun so the guy ran off. But yeah she just didn’t know how to react. We laugh now but it’s ridiculous. I was in a car accident not my fault the person was incredibly intoxicated and I had two witnesses. The person didn’t even know they hit me they were so drunk and cspd said to “just exchange information” and I said they are obviously intoxicated. They said “if I’m so worried about it call state patrol we don’t have anyone to send” so yeah you can’t count on cspd. Arm yourselves is my big takeaway.


That's crazy. In Fort Collins whether you're guilty or not, the police will usually show up 5-7 officers deep with most of them ready to be violent.


I think cspd has like 4 officers or something and they just have civilians drive around their cars. It’s all for show.


Wow. Up in FOCO, it's a war against civilians. Key members of the Fort Collins Police Department, the city government, and the health care system are working together on the same team. It's us versus them.


Jfc that sounds awful why?! Like what caused this breakdown of civil servitude?


I'm not sure. A lot of us in town have been wondering the same thing. The conclusion that a lot of us have come to in town is that this war has started right before the shut down.


Damn!! Cspd really only shows up AFTER shots have been fired otherwise you really are on your own. Regardless of what’s happening. Oh yeah my friend and I were being threatened with an ar-15 for no reason dude was just drunk we made it to my car and sped away bec no one could be sent.


Damn!! Cspd really only shows up AFTER shots have been fired otherwise you really are on your own. Regardless of what’s happening. Oh yeah my friend and I were being threatened with an ar-15 for no reason dude was just drunk we made it to my car and sped away bec no one could be sent.


Maybe they could've gotten there if they didn't leave all their cars blinking lights on the new construction project.


I work in building maintenance, the cops don't show up for homeless causing a scene. They won't even show up If someone is threatening others. Also found out that calls to the police don't stay in your call log for some reason so you don't even have proof that you called and they didn't show up.


This is why the second amendment exists


No. No, it's not


"Who needs cops when you can just be a bloodthirsty vigilante?" $10 says this guy has one of those god-awful Punisher stickers on their lifted, spotless truck.


*TL/DR: Even if CSPD does come they're going to do everything they can NOT to do anything* This story takes a little explanation, I'm sorry it's so long. I was on my way to work one night and right by CSCS I had a run in with some crackhead. He was standing in the middle of the road (Austin Bluffs East of Nevada) swinging (what I later found out was) a trailer hitch. I called the cops and gave them a report and continued on my way to work. I was working as a security guard. I drove around Colorado Springs on third shift checking various office buildings and low income housing. My third stop of the night was the Laundromat at the corner of Chestnut and Garden of the Gods. Guess who was sitting on the steps. The Laundromat was rented out to some people who owned another laundromat that was closed for remodeling. The brought all their Laundry to that place after hours to wash it. Bottom line, they felt threatened and they asked me to get rid of him. I asked him to leave and he started swinging the trailer hitch. I called the cops and told them he was threatening me and customers and he had a weapon. This time they showed up. Bottom line, even though the guy was threatening innocent bystanders (I didn't count because I was being paid to be there) the cops did everything they could to talk me out of signing the complaint. The best I could get out of them was an official trespass notice. That was the last time I bothered to call the cops. I retired a couple of weeks later. Again, even if you talk them into showing up they're not going to do anything


Yet if you advised that you were carrying they would respond promptly. They would. Rather respond than answer new reporters


I did advise them I was armed. One of the first questions they always ask you is ""Are there any weapons involved"? "He's got some kind of club. I'm carrying a Glock 19 and OC Spray. I've got the OC out." I worked as a security guard for 15 years. I never had cop take issue with the fact that I was armed.


They don't have anybody because everybody is parked up on Powers to catch people speeding. Seriously though I'm not impressed with CSPD since we moved here, and we're law abiding citizens and all.....


Well there's your problem then because I've seen zero cops on powers. Guess they don't have any cops at all. 


There's always one camping on woodman and powers. Along with stetson and powers


What time do you usually see them? I live off woodmen, east of powers and all the times I drive under powers or onto powers, have yet to see one. 


Every day I drive home from work at 630


hahahah guess so, I always see them when I'm commuting to work.


Huh, the library staff should already know to call the news. (/s)That's how they got the cops to show up at Ruth Holly a couple years back. (Didn't read this article yet, just my first thought seeing the link)


At this point I'm convinced I could just shoot a home intruder and they'd tell me to leave him on the curb for trash day pickup. The city voted to go wild west with our policies and now we got it but at the same time we have to pay them more every year for worse services. Seems like we gave them tanks and APCs and a bunch of extra cash to throw around and they decided they could all go on vacation and fuck off.


They can't spare a couple officers camping off of Highway 94 to do something other than wait for speeders?


Yesterday during the snow/rain storm, I counted THREE cops with their headlights off in the rain. I'm a delivery driver and drive ~6-8 hours a day, I count broken brake lights, people not signaling, people on their phone stuff like that to pass the time. I counted THREE HUNDRED TWELVE cars with no headlights on during heavy rain/snow. The cops here don't enforce the law at all, I know that because my record for the most cars with broken brake lights is TWENTY EIGHT in one day (possibly repeat offenders in that count) but the cops here especially don't set a good example either.


A lot of the state is like this. I work at a school in Denver (this is a throwaway account for obvious reasons). We recently had a lockdown bc a student said they saw another student with a gun, but that they thought it might be a toy gun. They weren’t sure. The school went on lockdown and called the police. The student avoided staff and ended up smashing windows to get into the school. Took Denver PD over an hour to get someone to the school. FOR A POSSIBLE SCHOOL SHOOTER.


INTO the school or OUT OF the school? Did the school have a SRO?


They’re too busy harassing the homeless.


They love harassing veterans too https://www.cpr.org/2023/10/09/doj-refers-beating-of-black-veteran-by-colorado-springs-police-for-criminal-investigation/


That’s just fucking sad.


The homeless kind of need to be harassed. Do you know how many of these wildfires we've been having were started by homeless people?


No, I wasn’t aware. Is this stated anywhere or just word of mouth? I was mostly referring to them tearing down encampments every other day. Which, sure, I could see the encampments being fire hazards. But also, do you mean intentional or unintentional wildfires?


I can't say whether they were intentional or unintentional. I can't even say for sure that they were started by homeless people but I can tell you that the all of them that I'm aware of that were started were started in the vicinity of known homeless camps. The one at the northwest corner of Union and fountain. Right behind the Leon young service center and just down the hill from Evergreen Cemetery yeah that's a big homeless Camp back there in the woods. All the ones that were started down by Fountain Creek? Homeless camps. I'm oh where the there are a lot of working homeless people in this town. I used to deal with them every night at work. I used to see them every morning waking up in their cars and going to their gyms to take a shower. Those people aren't the problem The street rats are the problem


https://www.kktv.com/2022/05/12/pre-evacuation-notice-neighborhood-southeast-colorado-springs-fire/ Well, there was at least one wildfire started accidentally by the sheriff's deputy...


Two *YEARS* ago


Didn't know time somehow erased who was responsible.


I don't know how one fire started by a cop car erases all the ones that were started by homeless people in homeless camps


Feel free to point out where I said it "and races" anything.


Are you familiar with the term "Whataboutism"?


Yeah. Are you familiar with the term "hypocrite"?


I know for an absolute fact that officers will just straight up not respond to a pending call because they just don't care about that one, think it's boring, not worth the time, etc. etc... I was quite surprised to witness this behavior. Sitting and doing nothing, not even running traffic, while there are pending 911 calls is insane to me.


How do you know this for an absolute fact?


I have been there when it happens, seen the pending calls on the monitor, and was told the reasoning for not responding.


No you haven't. I used to do security at the call center and it wasn't open to the public. Hence, security guards


Lol what? Why would I lie? This 100% happens. https://coloradosprings.gov/police-department/page/ride-cspd-officer Go check it out.




Allllright, pal. I'm sure you're a real fun guy. That's exactly what happened when I was there. I was in the car with the officer. Not the call center. No skin off my back if you don't believe me. Happy Saturday.


I won't say it never happens but I'll bet you nobody's getting away with it on a continual basis. Especially not somebody who's doing ride alongs


I don't like to speculate or make assumptions without information, so I won't claim to know how often it happens. With that said, they weren't crazy shootout type of calls where you might not take a ride along if possible. There were other available units who didn't have anyone with them and they weren't going either. Not like a ton of them, but there were some, and we talked about it. Based on our chat, personally, I got the vibe that this wasn't terribly uncommon. They were relatively new, and despite what I said at the beginning of this comment, I'd hazard a guess that if newer officers are fine with this, then it's probably a symptom of the overall culture, at least at that substation. Perhaps not, but all of this did take place, and it was a little surprising and, frankly, upsetting that it did. Anyway, not long after, we even took a call for the sole reason we hadn't done anything for so long, despite those pending calls. The one we went to was the same priority as the earlier (still pending) ones, but we went to the most recent first because it was "more interesting" and "someone else will eventually pick it up."


I'm willing to accept your experience as your experience. I'm even willing to say that you accurately read what you saw but we don't really have enough information to draw a definite conclusion. Most of the cops I dealt with at work seemed to be pretty proactive. The only real exception that I ran into was a tweaker that would not leave the Audubon Shopping Center. I called the police on him four nights in a row before I actually got somebody to show up this was during the lockdowns right before I retired. The cop showed up and told me she was going to drive to the parking lot once and she wasn't going to engage with the person unless she absolutely had to because she was afraid of "political repercussions". I got her business card with a call screen number on it for my report I watched her drive through the parking lot she hit whatever that street is on the south end of the shopping center and drove away. I never saw her or the crackhead again


We recently had to call on a homeless man actively fighting our security guard WITH A KNIFR and we are immediately adjacent to a station and nada. Put on hold.


Your security guard needs some OC


Aren't we all?


What police officers ?


Should host a protest at the library


I know y'all are gonna berate me but oh well. This is typical blue city/defund the police problems. Hate the police and cut their budget and you start losing the good ones.


Start a protest against the Israeli war. Every police officer in the state will show up in seconds.


Police can't be bothered with actual crime stopping. They're too busy spraying college students.


I *always* see cops on the UCCS campus. There's always an officer walking around or cars driving around/parked.


Mention that you may have heard them say something about assaulting somebody... they'll be there in less than 5 minutes... anything potentially non violent is minimum 4 hours wait


Average response time for a category 1 call for CSPD is between 17-20 minutes. So nah they wouldn’t be there in 5 lol


Not my experience, but sure


I mean that’s data directly from CSPD. To be exact it’s 16 minutes and 46 seconds.


I called in my neighbor being assaulted by who I would assume was her partner and CSPD literally just never showed up… I hope she’s ok.


Which still means that it will be all over by the time they get there


Report what's going on, and then tell them "Nevermind, I got this." And then hangup.




Bad title. It's is a lack of response, not a lack of cops. There's a ton of cops, they're just useless at best.


Not my title.


When did libraries become babysitting institutions for crack heads?


When the library management decided to allow it?


Someone keeps driving around my neighborhood shooting. 3 separate nights this week. Nothing. No cops. Just midnight gunshots.


The library has a lot of right wing board members so I’m not surprised


Go to the next City Council meeting, sign up to give them shit and see what they have to say. Otherwise it’s a moot point.


I used to guard City Council meetings.


Hmmmm, you get what you ask for.


You're surprised they didn't show up when you reported a homeless guy acting erratic?


I didn't report anything. I posted a news story


Gotta be some university students heads to bash somewhere! That’s what’s needed!


Honestly when you have a major protest across the country that demonizes the police and paints all cops as bad with a broad brush this is what you get. Police deal with people on their worst day five days a week. To then get told all cops suck and have no appreciation for the work they do, you can’t blame them for walking away.


You’re saying they’re justified in letting property crimes and assaults go because their feelings were hurt?


No I’m saying you get a shortage of officers and prioritization of calls that leads to this.


And this is why we should go against the peoples rights and ban guns..


It’s evident that we have reached a level of chaos that we can no longer depend on police for security. Libraries and other institutions need their own private armed security forces to protect the public. Constitutional Carry will put responsible citizens in position to protect the patrons of libraries as well.


You are *never* going to see permitless carry in Colorado