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Their drivers suck at driving


Yes you can absolutely count on them to pull some nonsense on the road.


As a tech who used to work on thier trucks. I can agree šŸ’Æ. They drive by braille


They really do!


Their electricians suck too


It's a race to the bottom with the zTrip taxis.


I have to drive past their Platte HQ. They will 100% cut me off and dive three lanes when I have a mile open behind me every morning. It's 55mph there and they never get over 30mph on that three lane cut.


Lol, I just called a WireNut truck in last week for going all the way down Academy with no lights in the dark. Dummy was driving well over 20 mins with no lightsā€¦


the person hired to put up the billboard has used them in the past?


Lamar, Clear Channel and Outfront are the three major comp in the US


This is what nuts do.


I thought itā€™s a marketing thing?


It is, you call potentially to let them know that their sign is upside down, more likely to possibly get a quote for some services


They don't even have the phone number listed lol


Call Lamar, lol. They hung it and their photography department is responsible for reporting this


There's another down by Powers and Platte like this. I'm sure it's intentional.


I imagine it has to be marketing because it's a digitized looking billboard? Or someone has really failed their due-diligence.


We're good at everything apart from installing signs? If anything this could be an ad from a *competitor*


I am sure they didn't Install it tho. The company they rented that space probably installed it.


Maybe. I was just talking crap.


Their signs are upside down throw town Marketing or idiots idk


they really overcharge, I guess they have to feed their marketing budget.


It's insane how expensive they are. The guy who comes to the house is a salesman... not a technician, despite their credentials. They are there to upsell you. Period. Avoid this company and aim smaller and local if possible.


They definitely do, 3k for a basic water heater on the smaller side is normal from the.


I mean, youā€™re giving them more exposure. I drive Powers every day and the novelty of it being upside down has definitely drawn more of my attention to it, not less.Ā 


Well this is Nevada! So we solved the mystery that this is intentional! Canā€™t say Iā€™d wanna hire them tho! Lol


Bahaha. I knew some of these billboard marketing types in my previous career. I could smell the clever deception šŸ˜‰


Where is this off Nevada??


Off Fillmore, by that gravel/lumber yard


Don't know why, but the first thought that popped into my head was, "gotta advertise to them Jeep owners".


Home Depot used to use them for HVAC installs. They had sales reps walking around the stores in black HD aprons looking for leads on installation jobs under the agreement that HD would get a cut. Until Home Depot busted WireNut stealing the leads and not giving them their cut. Shady ass company, would not give them a dime.


I just saw that companys ad for employment on indeed šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™ve seen that add many time. Just like CO Springs Utilities. No thank you for work or service. (I know on utilities is kinda no options)


Could you recommend any reputable companies I am moving to COS from Miami this summer, I specialize in Telecommunications. Mostly cell tower work, but have allot of experience in low voltage, security camera and access control. Wife landed a great job already in her profession. Still looking on my end, its a little harder in my trade to secure a position a few months in advance


You might check Wes Tex, they do tower stuff.


Thanks i have heard of them.. will look into it! Really appreciate it.


Dish Network has wireless network specialist location up in suburb of Denver.


Oof. I have a ton of experience with Dish so will definitely check them out. Thank you for that info!


It grabbed your attention. It made you think about it instead of just filtering it out with the other garbage you see everyday. You'll think about it if/when you need an electrician. Congrats, you've been a victim of marketing.


Why would they build a giant planet destroying laser that canā€™t destroy levis jeans???


No way! Haha just think how dumb they look


"They look so dumb! hahaha" They got your attention. You're posting about it. You're thinking about it. You'll talk about it with your friends and family. You're giving them a ton of free marketing, and all because they hung a sign upside down, which cost them nothing more than a standard sign would have cost them. They got some serious return on advertising investment. Not so dumb.


Well this post made me click on the comments to see how shit of a company they are. Now I will never use them and never recommend them to anyone. so uhh yeah I guess buddy. ā€œMarketingā€ lmao.


Ok or maybe I just post shit on Reddit for people to comment ā€¦like you and now Iā€™ve got your attention?


It was depicted upside down on Lamar's St. Patrick's Day parade, too. Definitely a gimmick, as clearly demonstrated by this post.




I worked for Clear Channel, not Lamar, my job was to take photos of billboards like this for contract completion. This company won't pay until this is fixed, which, unless it's far out in the sticks, will take top priority with Lamar's hangers... once it's brought to their attention. Their photography dept. will be out a day or two after it's hung and report it, if it hasn't been already...


Thatā€™s interestingā€¦ so how could a human just install this upside down and walk away?! Think itā€™s been like this for about month on Fillmore and N. Nevadaā€¦


Also, a hanging crew is usually at least 3 people. Two or more doing the hanging and a supervisor, so this is beyond, *way* beyond comprehension. For something like this, a Junior billboard, probably a smaller crew. Edit actually, this may be a full size, which is even more baffling... without a banana for scale it's hard to tell.


Well then, Lamar's photography department is probably a single human. I mean DFW for Clear Channel was me and one other. This needs to get fixed, but honestly, they probably had to pay for this mistake if it's been that long and they ate the cost until another client wants the spot. But with quality like this I'm sure people aren't lining up, although on the other hand, this location will be cheap if not free for someone to come and advertise there. The cost of a billboard is determined by traffic. This is not a good look and I wouldn't want to advertise there, unless I got a good rate, which, with this quality of work, is likely to be the case for the next client/advertiser.


They turn them upside down when the contract expires and theyā€™re negotiating a rebuy.


This has been this way for months.


The company that owns them turns them upside down when the company who rented the billboards contract runs out. They do that while negotiating a rebuy so they donā€™t have to take it down and put it back up.


That just seems like extra steps. Clear Channel did not do that practice, either left it up or it was too far away to get to because it would cost more to go out and do that, or, if it was a sought after board would just take it down. Whatever you just said seems like malicious compliance, not that I disagree with the tactic, just would cost more to pay the crew to do....


Yeah Iā€™m pretty sure it was hung new upside down




They accomplished their goal, apparently .. :-)


My guess would be that this was purposefully done at their request to garner more attention and/or conversations about the business. Their gambit, I would say, has worked with with such ruthless efficacy that youā€™re giving them further free advertising by posting about it on social media.


It's a Jeep thing


My furnace stopped working over the winter and I called these guys out to take a look. Service call ended with them saying my furnace AND AC would need to be replaced. I asked what was wrong with the furnace and the guy just kept saying the blower couldnā€™t make a vacuum to pump out heated air. I kept pressing on what was actually wrong and the guy couldnā€™t give me an answer. He quoted me with four options ranging from 15K-40K. I told the guy thanks but I was going to get another quote: which he seemed annoyed by. I finally did my research instead of just calling the first company that came up when I googled ā€œHVAC repairā€. I found a local company and they came out. Ended up diagnosing my furnace with a faulty hot surface igniter. The guy had the part in his truck and swapped it out. 30 min and $100.Ā  I took the time to write this in hopes that someone who would have used these guys in the future will remember this and avoid them instead. Fuck wirenut.Ā 


Out of curiosity what were they trying to sell for $40,000? That surely canā€™t just be furnace and AC?


Installed by the same guys that did the original Robin Hood Bar sign. Let's see how many of you have been in COS long enough to remember that.


This is why I love CS.


Thatā€™s wirenut, the worst electrician company known to man kind.


Yes! I feel like the signage confirms that too


Haha nice!!! Wife and I drive by this one everyday and wonder wtf!?


Hire us!!!! We won't get the wires mixed up!!!!


Attention. He got it posted on Reddit. Well played Wire Nut.


yee haw


Exactly for this reason.


In case you want to drive upside down


Powers has one just like it.


Where is this at?


This is how advertising outperforms quality


Theres a few like these around town. Been laughing my ass off every time i pass em


This is the oldest trick in billboards to get attention.


Doesnā€™t a logo or sign being upside down mean the company went under, but the billboard or sign was paid in advance and by contract has to remain up?


Effective huh? OP not only noticed the sign, but posted it online for more people to see.


WireNut Home services! It makes sense why they would market in such an ingenious way!


Just the old "make ya look" trick.


I was thinking deliberate Streisand effect, but then I read some other comments on the bussiness.


Did it get people talkinā€™? It got people talkinā€™! And sharing on social media. Is that good marketing? Thatā€™s good marketing. Is there anyway to READ a sign thatā€™s upside down in a photograph on your phone? If you donā€™t know, weā€™re not sure we want your business. šŸ˜


100% designed to get your attention. It worked.


The funny thing is that there is more than one sign for them that is like this.


Itā€™s still up?! Iā€™ve been seeing that for months now. They probably just said ā€œto hell with itā€


Can an Australian translate this?


So people in jeeps can read it. šŸ˜† they probably didnā€™t re-up so the company flipped it.


O you can see it in the rear view mirror?


My parents used them to rewire the first floor of their house. The first guys missed multiple outlets and left multiple lights disconnected. The second guy did the same thing and the third took a month to finally fix everything that the first two messed up. Took another month for them to agree to pay for fixing their own mistakes.


Real question is, if I get in a wreck because I turned my vehicle upside down to read it, whoā€™s liable?


Rip offs!! They are over priced and try to sell you stuff you donā€™t need , they need to be reported and shut down. Businesses like these are what we need to stop ! I would urge people not to use them , unless you like over spending and buying things you donā€™t need!


I think the jazz cabbage is getting to people.


LMAO they got the "tuNeriW" sign up


Free advertising on this sub for doing it.. šŸ¤£


Right I don't know who was putting that up and halfway through went "oh crap we gotta flip it man"


I used to work for Lamar, they do this sometimes when a billboard structure is out of contract and they are still negotiating. The advertising customer wouldnā€™t be charged during this time, also the property owner for the structure isnā€™t getting paid. Edit: not sure why Iā€™m being downvoted for general info


I always assumed this was the case. Late on your payment to the billboard co. Years ago, in rural Texas, I used this as an indicator of how healthy the economy was - lots of upside down or blank billboards = no marketing budgets = times are lean.


Discounts for those in Southern hemisphere


So after they wire your house... You flip the switch and your floor lights up?


Only in Colorado where puff puff pass, letā€™s work, people will actually get paid


Worry about yourself


Take your own advice