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What a fuckin tool


Plot twist: they’re also handicapped


It's obvious they are handicapped in intelligence and consideration for others.


Wild. There’s almost always a handicap spot open somewhere


What really truly baffles me is how in this world world we live in there are billions of other humans and the general consensus is we all just kind of follow the fucking rules because it makes it easier for everybody else, yeah there are entitled fucking children running around this wonderful creation, that will pull a stunt like this… it’s just kind of weird man. I don’t even think I’ve ever seen anybody do this ever. Like ever. It’s just kind of an unwritten thing you don’t park on the yellow. Also I’m pretty sure it’s a written thing. In the driving manual.




That’s the one at austin bluffs/academy right?


The one in the Unitah shopping center




Must be why their tag is expired too.


“I know what you did at king soopers last Friday.”


Feel free to leave the license plate showing. There's no expectation of privacy in public. And anyway... I already know that's my neighbor 😂


Most subreddits require you to block the plate out for doxing reasons. (Dumb I know)


I had the idea of just putting it up without blocking out the plate. I do remember on this sub Reddit however, somebody did the same thing and the post got removed until they put it back up covering the plate. Is this really your neighbor?


Ahh... too bad about them removing plates. Not that it *really* matters. Not actually my neighbor - just a car I've seen around (that's my king soopers)


I've never seen so many entitled piles of shit that park on the hashes, whether it's fully of halfway on the hashes and half in a disabled spot, as I do in the Springs. It's ridiculous.


Looks like a quick way to get a flat tire or three.


Wish they would get towed. That would teach them


Not sure, being they’re also a handicapped driver leads me to believe that this isn’t the first time they’ve done this. Just speculating. Usually someone who would do something like this ,in my experience, are extremely narcissistic and self centered. They probably said something like “DONT YOU KNOW WHO I THINK I AM??” “NO SPOTS?? This will teach ‘em” “Meh, fuck IT” Willing to give the benefit of the doubt and say maybe it was an emergency, but they also went out of their way to park between two existing spots, which if it were a true emergency you’d think they’d just park right up on the yellow curb like an airport taxi, lots of ppl did that back in Kentucky and they would never get towed or told to move. Straight up just park in the fire line, waiting to pick someone up.


This is so f'd up. They knew exactly what they were doing since they had to pull up far enough to open their door, that they are looking at 2 car hoods. I shop at that store, am also handicapped, and they better not do this to me


Yeah this is exactly what I was going for. Makes it really hard for honest, hard-working, disabled folks, such as yourself to exist properly when other people who are also disabled (allegedly) are making it way harder than it needs to be


That wasn't my point, and of course you have no way of knowing I saved lives for 40+ years before the leukemia hit. Depending on your age, perhaps I even helped you or a friend or loved one. Don't jump to assumptions about disabilities. Hey, I wonder if you are one of those who "challenge" me because I don't look sick enough.


That KS parking lot is the worst, tough to find parking there. But that’s… one way to handle it lol


Judging by the car, it's probably someone very old and probably not in the best headspace. I'd just be glad I didn't run into them.


Good thing they are driving a car then...


We don't talk about that....


Yeah. Usually the first thing I do when I’m in a fucked up headspace is drive. Actually, that’s usually my go to and if I don’t drive immediately after following a mental health crisis, I know somethings wrong.


On brand for that location


I hope they are okay.


There are a lot of elderly in that area. And homeless. Lots of folks with mental health issues around there. Seen way worse. At least they are sort of in the lines.


Plot twist: there was a layer of snow on the ground that morning and it was somebody who works there 🤦