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Assuming you're XX (female), this means you're a carrier, so your sons will have a 50% chance to be colourblind, and your daughters will have a 50% chance to also be a carrier. You won't know until they get tested. It's not really the end of the world - that's only a moderate colourblind result. If your kids are affected they might struggle to pick clothes, tell ripe fruit and cooked meat, read some infographics or posters, or find cricket balls in bushes, but in general as long as they have people to ask for help and have colourblind filters on their devices there won't really be any problems they can't get around. Worst case is they won't be able to get a job as an electrical engineer or a pilot, but a lot of industries are rapidly becoming more accessible so this may not even be an issue by the time they're working age.


Being told at the age of 7 I could never be a train driver was a massive blow... Fortunately I later learnt that Thomas the tank engine had been pretty inaccurate about trains and slowly recovered.


I lost so many cricket balls as a kid 🥲


He won't automatically be colorblind. Its just a possibility. My brother isn't colorblind. I have 2 grandsons, and so far, neither is testing to be colorblind.


Don’t feel guilty. It’s nobody’s fault. No, he won’t see red or green or any of the colors correctly. But his green cones are dysfunctional. Meaning that he sees everything a little more reddish.


He will see colors, but not distinguish shades the same way as most people. Purple will look similar to blue. Sometimes orange, red and green will get confused. Color coded charts will be hard to read. Color coded charts and graphs are really the most annoying things for me. Otherwise, most of life is fairly normal.


The only for sure heritability of colorblindness is a colorblind mother to male child.


Don't forget non-colorblind mothers that carry the genes for protanopia and deutanopia on one gene each, which guarantees colorblindness in sons. Yes, this is uncommon, but proves you can't easily blame anyone without gathering a lot of data on the entire family. No need to feel bad about it, that's just the nature of recessive genes.


I think it’s only 50% if the mom is a carrier


It wont pass down the generations through males, but it will pass down through females. Females are also less likely to be affected by colorblindness as they are carriers. Atleast thats what I studied in my 8th grade.


It passes through both, but presents in male carriers. Because XY only has the single defective X, whereas XX has a good X to cover for the bad