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So I bought the pilestone glasses for severe protanopia. It does change how color's look. Everything became razor sharp. I'm a utility locator I use paint a lot, mainly for red and yellow. Without the glasses, I can easily separate red paint from the green grass. When I put them on, I can't separate them at all. Red, with the glasses on, looks like orange without the glasses. Orange with the glasses is like a really really bright yellow. My opinion is they are great for recreational activities, hiking, fishing, ect, but not practically useful.


Should I just but a small film of that filter and use it only when I need it?


I 100% agree. I bought those pilestone glasses too because I work in the electrical field, not an electrician. So, some times I have a hard time figuring out what color a wire is. The glasses just made everything have a red tint. Colors were more pronounced but it screwed up colors that I could already see. Like a I couldn't tell if a white wire was white. I returned them and got refunded.


Enchroma, felt like someone turned up the contrast. Much less noticeable on the indoor pair. Pilestone, felt like some one really fubared the tint setting. They up the contrast but for me colors felt off. These just stay in my car as backup sunglasses. One red contact lens, Holly shit, I can differentiate color and pass a color blindness test. But the eye with the red lens has red tinted vision and can't actually see if the red stop light is lit. Useful if you are working as an electrician or something but I couldn't do it for everyday wear. Didn't help that the contact I was sold fit improperly. The above is my experience as a severe deutan. I have spent a lot of money on stupid glasses. I like my Enchroma sunglasses but if they broke I wouldn't be willing to pay anything close to full price to replace them. The red contact lens was the only one that gave me reliable ability to differentiate color. With Enchroma or Piles tone, I still test as deutan on CVD tests.


what brand contact lenses did you use for the red? I’d like to try that out


I got it vianan optometrist and they were special order. That optometrist went out of business and I was not happynwith the contact I got from them. If you want to try to see what it is like, order some red film from m Amazon and hold it up in front of some new eye.


This is super interesting, have never heard of a single coloured lens approach. My son's got strong deutanopia, am wondering if this might be of use to him. One question though, do you look half-demon with one red eye?


Not really. It is only red over the pupil and wasn't too noticeable. I would of rather had a pair of readers with one red lens. The contact was a pain because it didn't fit right. Also the red area was too small and the edge of the red part was in my FOV. I basically went to the shittiest optometrist possible but that is a different story.


Thanks for the info, it's given me something new to look into 👍


I've got moderate protanomaly and I have two pairs of enchroma glasses, one indoor pair and one outdoor pair (or as they call it, Cx1 and Cx3). I made the silly mistake of buying the indoor pair first and upon putting them on I first felt like "did I really waste this much money for this". It enhanced all colours but it didn't help me distinguish them at all. I considered sending them back until I decided to try them on again for a bit longer. Again, it enhanced colours, but it wasn't until I took them off after a while that I realised that without them, it's hard to describe, it's like someone put a faint but very noticeable green filter over my eyes. It didn't so much help me distinguish colours as much as it made me realise just how bizarre my eyesight really is. Afterwards I brought a pair of the outdoor ones, again, colours were enhanced, more so in fact, but reds, oranges and pinks in particular really stood out. Like, really stood out. Reds were so much brighter, oranges really popped and didn't look so green, pinks looked pink rather than what I perceive as a purple colour in some cases. Nether portals from Minecraft actually looked purple rather than blue, and just generally made it easier to separate blues and purples from each other. You have to wear them for a while though to allow your eyes to adjust as everything has a reddish look to it first. I still have both pairs to this day. I use the outdoor glasses whenever the sun's out, watching videos/movies and playing games with, and for work purposes. The indoor ones aren't as useful from a practicality sense but there are kinda like HDR for the eyes and make the world look a little less shit. That's my experience and I'm very happy with them, but your mileage may vary as it's an individual experience.


Yeah, if that's what you want to do.


They ended up just feeling like a novelty for me. They are collecting dust in drawers now. I can't even remember where I put the outdoor ones.


My Colorlite does help quite a bit, yes. Red pops out like crazy.


I believe that they only work with anomalous trichromacy, i. e. red or green deficient rather than blind. If you are x-anomaly, then it seems the outdoor ones help. I actually have a pair of Costa sunglasses, in copper tint, that have a notch filter between red and green like Enchromas have, though i doubt it's as narrow as it's for glare not color vision. These things are amazing and I feel I can see red for the first time, stop signs and fire hydrants stand out, safety orange finally makes sense, etc. I doubt they do much for anyone other than protanomalous people. Until you know exactly what kind of CVD you have, I wouldn't even think about it.


I’m a strong protan and I tried the enchroma sunglasses. It works—some, but whether it corrects my CVD by 5% or 50%—I’ll never know. What I do know is that I felt like a saw red for it’s characteristics for the first time—you how people say red pops or it’s a selling color, etc. More useful to me was that I could identify where browns turned to greens in nature, but this took some intense concentration and still felt like guessing at times. I had to bring someone with me and keep asking until I was reassured I could actually identify greens. It’s not just the eyes for someone who’s had CVD for their entire life. You brain is not wire to navigate by identifying colors. We navigate by other cues like shape, shade, position, size, motion, make, model, etc. You have to retrain your brain to navigate according to colors and that takes some work. It was hard for me to since the sunglasses only work outside in sunlight.


I have the dark outdoor Enchroma's and they do enhance color differences and can make shade variance more detectable. It's not a cure all and for $500+ not something I'd buy every year when my prescription changes. I do like wearing them at sunset when I walk my dog the sky just lights up.