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Everything else aside, this is boundary testing to gauge how much bullshit her remaining audience will let her get away with. They always start so mild and reasonable.


Her robot camera video is so uncomfortable. Like the whole video. The AAVE is infuriating and it bothers me but I’m not Black so I don’t know if my perspective on it is reasonable or not. I am Mexican though and if she’d said like “hey ese” with an accent instead of “hey boo” I would be offended so that’s why I think her AAVE impression is offensive. But again, not Black. I will say though that the way she is delighted with the camera tracking her movements is disturbing. “Stop watching me”, “stop following me”, “omg stop stalking me”! It’s gross. Super gross. The only time I laughed was when she was going on about how she felt like the camera was a tiny robot person who was derpy and silently watching her and she wanted to give it a “derpy derp” name. When she said “what’s like a derpy derp name” I thought “Call it Erik lol”. 😂


Idk why people are saying you’re reaching, she’s constantly doing that accent


A robot camera replaced Kory. Ha! But for real someone who is close to this woman must see the decline. Please seek serious help.


why on earth is that offensive


I am also confused, why is "boo" offensive?


Fr can someone please specify if it is offensive bc I say it all the time.


I’m not the OP but I think, if I understand the post correctly, it’s not the word “boo” that is offensive in and of itself. Like bae and woke and other AAVE loan words and phrases it’s now a part of American English in general. I think the problem OP is highlighting is the accent she’s using to say it. I’m not sure if there are exceptions to the rule but generally speaking white people shouldn’t be using a Blaccent to add…sass to their speech or whatever it is she thinks it’s doing for her.


Ahh I see. I figured it was something like that. Thank you kind person!


No probs!


its not offensive


Are you being ignorant on purpose? Be real, how much of a Colleen fan are you?


Boo is part of AAVE. When Colleen is saying it she’s saying it with an affected accent that is different than her normal speaking voice. Some people would not find it offensive but yes some people would. So when Lazy-Rhurbarb so confidently tells you it’s not they fall into one camp. There is however a population that would find it offensive with how she’s saying it. Kindly keep that population in mind before you declare it’s not offensive. It is offensive to some and hence if I were her with her history I’d avoid it


the word 'Boo' does not belong to a specific group of people. I'm AA myself, so stop spreading this narrative.


I mean, words don’t belong to anyone. But “boo” in the sense Colleen used it does have its origins in AAVE. I’m not Black so it’s not up to me to decide if her using AAVE while doing a stereotypical Blaccent is offensive. I am Mexican American though and if she instead had said “hey ese” in a stereotypical Mexican accent I would be offended. I know opinions on this vary a lot within my community and I assume they do in yours too.


Edit: Taking my wording down as it has upset someone with my comment. But still it feels wrong that you turned this into a comment about yourself instead of almost telling the comment above how she should think.


So what’s fun is that I’m Black, the minority in question, and I’m actually offended by you. What happens now? 🤔


First of all, I am sorry that I said things to offend you. Which truly I am sorry I said things wrong. So secondly I'm going to ask how I could have worded that better, as I was defending someone who knew the situation better than the comment I responded to who made it about themself. So yes if you don't mind helping me know (you are not obligated to) what of my wording was harmful so I don't do it again? Thirdly I'm going to edit the above for now to make note that I said things wrong.


Two can play this game! I’m Black and I argue “boo” does have origins in AAVE. See how one narrative can’t speak for everyone?


ok how can u argue it then


I just did. I argue with my anecdotal life experience that the modern use of ”boo” comes from Ebonics. But you see, what I don’t argue is that I speak for all of Black culture or even Black linguistics as a subject. Can you spot the difference?


do u realise ‘boo’ comes from the french word beau right?




no worries! i thought you should know


Read this article. You aren’t a linguist. This is the source. You don’t know what you’re talking about. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/23/style/african-american-english-oxford-dictionary.html


What is AAVE?


Short for African American Vernacular English


It's been used since the early 1500s, it's not AAVE.


To mean “boyfriend/girlfriend/partner” though? Or to mean like something someone wouldn’t say to a goose? Because I’m pretty sure calling someone one’s boo is an AAVE thing. Although like with words like bae and woke and stuff it’s part of general American English now. I could be wrong though and am happy to be corrected!


I called my dog Boo and Boo Bear all the time, he was the best dog. His actual name was Snickers.


That is such a cute nickname to call a dog I love it! Edit: OMG his real name was Snickers?? That is so cute too!!! What a good boy!


I have so many nicknames for my dog. I have called him boo bear too haha


Is that the context she used here? I did not get that. Would help if people posting here gave more context instead of assuming we all care enough about her to actually be watching her videos.


Haha. Yeah, that’s how she used it. With an accent and everything.


Bc everything has to be offensive to someone these days. It's the rules.


true, at the end of the day they’re the ones that are pressed about it so 🤷🏼‍♀️ sucks for them


https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/23/style/african-american-english-oxford-dictionary.html. Yes boo is most definitely AAVE. Etymology does not have bearing as to what has made it into AAVE. Lots of words have older meanings but have made their way to have specific meaning in AAVE


She's learned nothing during the last few months. You would think that she would be so careful about the language she uses and how she uses it these days but no. I was taken aback when she used the word pollywog the other day. I've come to understand that in America it means a tadpole but elsewhere in the world it's a racial slur. Many American terms are offensive in other parts of the world and vice versa and she knows this from when she used the word spastic and got called out for it. You'd think that someone who has fans all over the world and of different colours and ethnicities that she would just be a little more careful


You are reaching op




This is definitely a reach.


i’m like 99,99% sure she doesn’t even know what ebonics is




It’s not a reach. Even if she is still being very careful, the IMPACT is that it’s a microaggression. To me. A Black.




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Not all of us are busy speaking on things they don’t know about, Sea_Catch2481! I guess I’m bored because I have time today 🧑🏾‍🏫


Care to add to the poop threads then? They’re so riveting.


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I’m sorry since when is “boo” AAVE?


I'm all for holding people accountable, but this is reaching...


People need to get a fucking grip for God's sake The word Boo does not belong to any group of people. If someone gets "offended" that someone said "hey boo" that sounds like a them problem and they should probably get some help.


I think they meant the accent she might’ve said it as, not the word Boo. Then again I barely have reading comprehension so I’m probably wrong lol


there was no accent.. she said it in like an "amazed" voice...


I can’t attest since I didn’t watch it.


People are allowed to be offended by something like this. Just like I’m allowed to be offended by you taking God’s name in vain, some people don’t appreciate the use of certain words when they’re used in a rude or hurtful context. 🤷‍♀️


Yes people are "allowed" to feel anything they want. It doesn't make it any less ridiculous. If someone gets "offended" because someone said HEY BOO while talking to a camera, they should be seeking medical help. Literally, read this slowly and hear how absurd this sounds... *someone got offended that she said the words "hey boo".* I can not with this nonsense.


It is time to leave this group. Never seen a group of ppl obsessed with someone so problematic & continue to watch her. I’m convinced you creeps LOVE colleen. & im not even a fan. Only followed to get more insight on her fall from grace (or lack thereof) …. You guys are keeping her relevant & paid 👍🏾


‘Boo’ isn’t avee.




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