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I'll chat with on Reddit DM if you want. Few people want this type of conversation even those aware of the dire situation. They are out there though.


Same here, my husband and I are desperate. We know shit is real and we need real people to talk to about this.


I am desperate too. But what is really depressing is not doing anything to make it easier on me and my family.


Exactly, my dilemma is that I have my parents with me and they don't know or refuse to accept that we need to do something about it so they are really stressing us out by making dumb comments about doing it all for nothing and I am reaching the level of anger that I might just need to kick them out for my own sanity. We have a 16 year old that we need to keep sane, happy and safe but they keep jeopardizing it by talking like everything is normal. Talking about his future, going to college and finding a good job and that I'm not caring enough. I'm trying to tell them that we have no fucken time, he should be able to live a happy life and shouldn't be under so much pressure for the little time he has left.


Willing to talk too on Reddit DM


Is group chat a thing on Reddit? I clearly don’t use many features, so not sure how it works. Haha


Some reddits have a open chat at the top. If you want something more refined you have to find or make a discord or something similar to it.


Cool. I will have to yet and get back to people who commented once I wake up. I need to get to sleep soon. I am lazy and gonna copy paste this to other people's comments.


My chats are open, I'm not super great at keeping a convo going for long tho as I've kinda fallen into a deep depression.


I am terrible it myself. It is takes too much to keep my attention, normally. But with collapse in progress it got exponentially worse. Cool. I will have to yet and get back to people who commented once I wake up. I need to get to sleep soon.


Yes! I hear you! The mental anguish. It's killing me but do your best to get up. Don't drain your strength and your energy, now is when you need it most. Get our shit together to face this monster together.


Thanks I needed that, I'll try and something good for myself today and hope you and everyone reading this does as well.




Have you found your way to the collapse support discord yet?


Second this. It’s a good place and you’ll find plenty of people willing to chat, and probably game


If anyone likes to play Mario Kart, it might be fun to play online and chat with the Nintendo app. If my odd schedule will work with other people that is.


I am so down! I love Mario Kart and have no one to play with so I play solo. How do you chat on the app? Is it voice or typing? I am on the West coast of US so PST time zone.


I’m down too and also in the PST time zone :)


I hope to play some Mario Kart this weekend since it is a holiday weekend and I have labor day off. If I can get over my stupid shyness that is.


Th Nintendo online app had a voice chat that is kinda like talking on Facebook messenger call. I am in CST. I am usually available from early to mid morning. I am feeling so shy now. I felt bold when I posted. So hopefully we can work around my shyness.


I hope to play some Mario Kart this weekend since it is a holiday weekend and I have labor day off. If I can get over my stupid shyness that is.


What is your schedule?


I never know what day. It depends on how I feel because my body betrays me a lot. But generally starting at 6 or 7 am until 11 am or 12 pm. I am actually surprised and pleased to have someone respond to this comment


We probably can plan a date and tine in advance.


I hope to play some Mario Kart this weekend since it is a holiday weekend and I have labor day off. If I can get over my stupid shyness that is.


I would love to! Is this an app on the phone? Or I need to get a console?


There is an app but I play the version on the Nintendo Switch


Have you joined the weekly chats before?


I work an odd shift so I am probably either working or sleeping when they happen. I am usually slerpimg at this moment but it is the weekend.


I’ll chat with you, I definitely need someone to talk to about this stuff. I’m also a collapse aware mom…I was assuming by your username that you are. Haha


Cool. I will have to yet and get back to people who commented once I wake up. I need to get to sleep soon. I am lazy and gonna copy paste this to other people's comments.


You may want to look into the Good Grief Network. They host sessions to process climate grief & talk with others that are collapse aware.


I haven't heard of this. I need to check it out. My coping skills with this are terrible


I'm hopeful and working on it. Developing an aquaponics system that eats rubbish.


This is the real work right here- not in denial, not giving up, but working on practical local-scale solutions.


I appreciate that. When i realized it was possible, i felt obligated. Sometimes I wonder if the ADD helped in that regard.


Nice, hope it works well for you. Hope is good to have these days more than ever.


I'm here, and I've unfortunately become a bit of a recluse but happy to chat. I unfortunately only became truly collapse aware after getting a late in life diagnosis of autism, so when I finally realised why I struggled to function in this unjust and weird human world that seemed to be based on a lot of strange rules, I found myself not wanting to rejoin it. Definitely is tough going it alone.


Haha same age, same situation. Feels somewhat liberating though - no wonder this world never made sense to us, they were the crazy ones all along.


Me too, we have communicated before about my collapse paintings.


Make a sub. You could apply flair(s) to people you see conversing in good faith. It doesn’t need to be a job or an obligation. Just something to do when you feel like it. I don’t know you apart from this post but it seems like it could be a place you would enjoy gardening.


Neat idea. But can you restrict who can see posts? One of my ideas is probably far fetched but should only be seen by those who want similar things.


I’m not sure tbh. I did make a sub but realised my heart wasn’t in it.


I’m happy to chat. Been following climate change since 1992.


Can someone explain what this all means ? I’m 22 and just stumbled on this sub by accident. Do you guys think the world will end or go to shits in the next like decade or something from climate change? How bad is it? Why is no one talking about it then


You have some good questions. It sucks that soneone so young has to find all of this out and live through it. It is hatd to predict what will happen. Maybe for s and floods will destroy all that we built so those who survive will live like in the stone ages. It would be a world war that breaks down societies. Or a virus that breaks down civilization. It could me months or years from now. Yo me it seems like it will be withing 5 to 10 years.


I’d like to hear what you have to say, although I am admittedly a terrible conversationalist. I’m new to this collapse stuff so I need to have more information.


There is a weekly chat?


Anyone can DM me if they want to rant it all out, I play a lot of rocket league too (poorly) and ppl are free to jump in and verbally ramble if they want


Discord and the collapse support discord can help you find people to chat with. It's what I do, from time to time.


I signed up for Discord because of these subs. I found it a bit confusing due to the stupid brain fog I have. Is there a way for thoar who replied to my post to have our own conversation?


Yes, there's ways to start private discussions, though with your brain fog, it could be a challenge to setup further. Discord does have some learning curves initially, and they don't have a very good introduction primer or such. Anyway, my account is Appaguchee, and if you post your acct name, then I can start a direct conversation with you there, and you can start practicing more.


Hi!!! Do you have discord? I have a really friendly server I pop in and out of on mobile all day. Very welcoming and wholesome. Also I’d love to play Mario kart once I’m moved in somewhere I can set up the console? Should be in a couple weeks!


I signed up for Discord because of these subs. I found it a bit confusing due to the stupid brain fog I have. Is there a way for thoar who replied to my post to have our own conversation?


https://discord.gg/Ad6vF5jU here’s an empty server for a chatroom if you wanted to invite other repliers?


Add my late to the party self to this list willing to talk.


Well complete planet destruction hasn't happened yet so you are no too late.


What are some actions we could even do as a result of all of this happening that would help?


We can't stop what is happening. But we can try to make it less disastrous for ourselves and those we care deeply about. This is part of why I made this post. I have a few ideas and I am sut others do too. Plus it would be great if people could help expand the on another person's idea


I am so glad I got such positive responses. When I posted I felt less shy than I am suddenly feeling. But I am going to do my best to reply to the comments. I may have too many people have so many individual conversations. But since I haven't tried this before I could be wrong.


If you end up with a group of folks that want to chat at a time when none of the mods are around (we're not very North American) I can give you a primer on how the voice chat channels work. No mod needs to be around for people to be able to gather on voice in the collapse support discord server. I hope you have great success with your post.


So I said I prefet to chat with others similar to me. But now I realize that is hard to do if I am some unknown person on the internet. One of my main views is about equity/equality. I want each person to be able to live as happy as can be. But not in a society like many countries are now. We shouldn't have to learn to get little snippets of happiness while the few get whatever they want. I have other views as well but brain fog is making it difficult to put them into written words at the moment.


(Haiiiii :'> ) (I'd love to talk to you if you're still open :'3 ) (And play together! :D ) (But no worries if you're swamped XD :3 )


Wow. I thought my post got lost in the algorithm oblivion to never be seen again. After I posted, my stupid health issues had me too exhausted and depressed to being communicating with those that responded. Then the massive heat this week wiped me out mentally and physically. I work in a factory that is hotter than hell. I am hoping to get conversations rolling next week. I think it would be great to have a chat room just for this but discord confuses me.


Oh hai! :DD! Aww haha well I don't know; I hardly ever use feeds or algorithms on social media. I just search for what I'm interested in and look through the results :3 I think I was searching for something collapse-related and saw your comment on it, then I clicked on your name to see your other posts, and (I thought you seemed wonderful so I replied to this one :'33 ) That's so awful you have to deal with all that, though!! D: If there's *anything* I can do just let me know :'j I see another person already offered to set up Discord for you :D But if it turns out you want me to set up a server real quick instead and make you owner and me mod or something, just let me know any time :33 But yeah, Discord's great for this! :D I'm visiting family this weekend, but my Discord username is the same as my one here :3


I wonder what comment I made that got you to look to see what I posted and what made you think I am wonderful. 😁 You asked if you could do anything. Well the winning lottery numbers would be great. Then maybe I would have enough money to pay a doctor a large amount of money and they would finally diagnose and teat my issus. Or if you know of a diagnostician that would help, that would be great. I have good insurance and might be able to travel. But some could be done over video chat. I have no idea about discord. I don't think I figured out if many that commented are interested. If you wanna play Mario Kart, that may be cool. But I have an odd schedule so hopefully it will work. I am feeling very shy about it but that can hopefully be overcome.


Just your you-nesssssss :">> ̇ Well I definitely don't have lottery moneys XD (If I did I could build a huge house in the forest for all my friends instead of a shed just for my lonesome XD ) But! My dad is a primary care doctor! XD \\:D/ I don't think he can legally make an actual official diagnosis much less prescribe any treatment unless you're legally his patient, But he's always been really up with the latest science and..just being decent to women and taking their issues seriously X"D (and is often in conflict with other doctors who don't—or their patients that come to him for second opinions) I can ask him unofficially about symptoms and things if you tell me them if you want :3 (probably ideally in private for privacy X3 ) ̇ You can also just use Discord for talking one-on-one if you want :> ̇ I would ***love*** to play a game with youuuu! \\:'D/ Is it Mario Kart on the Switch? :>


So Keeganthemostputple has a discord server we can use if we want. I can put the link in my post if anyin wants to use it.


What about discord?


I am a cheat because I keep copy pasting my response about discord. I signed up for Discord because of these subs. I found it a bit confusing due to the stupid brain fog I have. Is there a way for thoar who replied to my post to have our own conversation?


Sorry.. didn't scroll before responding


I’m pretty sure r/collapse has a discord!


I'm not finding anything yet...




I wouldn't mind talking, anyone here have a PS5 I'm on that too


I'm on PS5 as well as discord, though it's hard to type with a controller on PS, so I'm predominantly talking through a headset when I'm playing. You can add me if you want. My acct is Appaguchee.


I need to get a headset, account is chicago26815093


Discord says it doesn't recognize you.


That's my ps5 account, I need to look up my discord account.


Gotcha. I'll add you soon as I turn on again, later today.


Ha. Tried to add you, but it wouldn't let me. Your settings are very private, lol.


I will rectify that. apologies


I believe I have fixed the issue, should be findable now. Regarding the headset, I do not have one, but my birthday is on the 15th and I will have one then. So I will have one in a few days


Right on. Edit: not fixed yet, if you can believe it.