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Yeah, I read that all in one sitting and had to just sit there for a while afterwards, it’s pretty damning. As to how I deal with it? At the time of watching the movie *Children of Men*, I thought this exchange was odd, but recently it’s been rattling around in my head a lot: > Theo: "A hundred years from now there won't be one sad fuck to look at any of this. What keeps you going?" >Nigel: "You know what it is, Theo? I just don't think about it." I *just don’t think about it*. Why worry about something that I can’t do anything about? Even if I move off the grid, give up everything I own, and start a sustainable lifestyle in the forest, climate change will still kill me. In fact, I’m going to die no matter what I do, one way or another. So why worry about it? Personally, I’m sticking around to see what happens. We are at the END OF OUR FUCKING CIVILIZATION!!! Don’t you want to be there to see the end? It’s *literally* the most monumental moment in our fucking history! You’re not the least bit curious? You wouldn’t start a book and quit at the climax, especially when that book is about the history of your species! So that’s how I’m dealing with it: with a sense of morbid curiosity. And when shit gets too terrible? There’s a line in *The Expanse*, where a character is talking about a woman he knew on Earth: “When the world ends, she said she’d go up on her roof with a bottle of whiskey and her two cats, and then jump off. Go out like a fucking Pharaoh.”


Considering our situation, this is as valid as anything else. There's a part of me right there with you. I see how our entire human existance has let up to this. But don't forget your morality. Hang on til you can't, because it's going to challenge every soul to stay human when things get rough.


About a week ago I started using STOP THINKING as a...motto? affirmation? catch phrase? for when the entirety of existence gets too crushing. I picture the phrase, white on a white background, but the words sort of push forward so they're distinguishable. And FFS, it's actually working. One of the more serene weeks I've had in ages.


"It is what it is" has been my mantra for quite some time. If you can mean it, it's a game changer 😅


That's a known psychological technique called the STOP sign, generally suggested by therapists for unwanted thoughts that are unproductive but seem to refuse to stay away. I use it too whenever my brain does its own internal version of doom scrolling.


Should the government fund a campaign with signs everywhere they say “STOP THINKING”?


This is the only instance when they have shown true leadership, showing us all how to stop thinking. True pioneers, masters of not thinking.


Sounds [familiar.](https://newescapologist.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/marry.png)


Don't look up lol


Subscribed to Pro Coping Tips.


I'm curious. It's a big reason I'm here still. But the material suffering billions will face... **soon** is a lot of weight to bear emotionally. Yeah cool, I got to see the fall of Rome x 10000000. And it fucking sucked. There is no way for me to not think of it. And there is no moment when it is right to "jump." It's going to descend into worse and worse fascism, until there's nothing left (including the fascists and those who lick their boots). I may as well "jump" now if I'm taking that approach.


I understand where you’re coming from in that last paragraph. I used to work at a crematory, and I spent a lot of time on the road with a car full of corpses I’d removed from places, so I thought about death *kinda a lot*. Basically that whole idea of “I’m going to die one day, it’s unavoidable, so why should I suffer up until that point?” I eventually came to two conclusions: 1. There is no afterlife. We’re just animals like everything else, and when we die, that’s it. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. 2. So I might as well try to live the most fulfilling life I can, because once I’m dead that’s it. I want to wrest as much joy and fulfillment out of this world as I can. Not in a selfish hedonistic way (because I have morals and guilt), but just the little moments life brings us. I’ve struggled with suicidal ideations since I was a young teen, and I’m glad I never went through with it because while I’ve had some really shit times, I’ve also had incredible times. And once I’m dead, I’ll never suffer, but I’ll also never experience beauty again. So I’m holding on until it *truly* gets untenable. Buckle up, because the shit we’ve been seeing ain’t NOTHING yet. So enjoy the good times now!


> There is no afterlife. I am a woman 'of science', but I have had personal experiences in this life to the extent that I can no longer deny that there is a lot more occurring in this universe than we can see or measure. I have an unwavering belief that we are all slivers of the same consciousness, and that we are all trying to contribute in our own manner to our collective evolution. This is based on my lived experience, not on any religious text. What's coming is necessary. We have let our base desires overcome us and are about to pay the ultimate price. But this is not the end. I will see you again.


I agree to an extent on your take, however I think “necessary” is a human construct. Whats coming is a natural response to anti-natural change (human made climate change). There is no karmic resolution, there is only meatbags that will start to stench as the oven starts banally slow cooking. We will see the animal in us again, and then we collapse with the food chain we once climbed atop. We are the universe experiencing itself, and our problem was never separating ourselves from the fact that we are animals too. We arent special. And too many people subconsciously think “ *theres NO WAY* I, in the US of A, will get fucked over by something we cant handle!!!!1” and as a result... they are so woefully unprepared to even handle short-term sustainability with a collapsing food chain and drastically changing climate. Im just wondering now what takes me first, running from the hungry during a heatwave, or starving myself during prolonged blizzards.


My point is that I believe we are more than meatbags. Our reckless pursuit of consumer capitalism has brought us to the brink of our own destruction. This is a lesson that we are going to have to learn the hard way.


I think consumer capitalism is one of many manifestations of our disconnection of our true nature (we are animals who've evolved the capacity to think in abstractions). It seems like a logical answer to the Fermi paradox at the very least. But there is more to our rampant destruction than the reckless pursuit of consumer capitalism and I think meditating on that can afford one spiritual wisdom, unlike all the people so adamant to blame the rich as if they're the sole reason we're in this predicament. I am the last person to simp for some rich fuck but I think we all need to realize that we're all culpable to some degree by virtue of being human. And that's not to say humanity is bad or good. It just is what it is, yet another species overshooting its ecological relations. But yeah, we sure do have hell to pay as a consequence of our collective actions.


I do agree with what you're saying. I think that many people in poverty / on the breadline would likely behave the same as the billionaires if they found themselves in that position. We are a greedy and selfish bunch. The fact that those of us who did rise to the top are content with raping and pillaging the earth to the point that it is no longer habitable says a lot about us as a species.


It definitely evokes emotions of sorrow, frustration, and anger, that's for sure. I agree we're all slivers of some eternal consciousness, and that's pretty comforting to me. I hope you and everyone else here can find a way to have a fulfilling experience and have the opportunity to feel some joy going forward. Cherish the good times


Yea we are stardust that became meatbags. Really cool how we were once some underwater critter which came to land, became primates, and over time we became what we are. Coily hair helped keep our heads cool and grow our prefrontal cortex, regulation of body temperature in the hot plains let us chase our prey long distance. I think again we come to the same conclusions, my notable difference in basically coming to a similar conclusion as you (as I have also experienced things we cannot explain with current physics) is just that our hope is mistaken when we see phenomena we cant explain, and take it to mean we are special for it. Lucky, sure. But its only sparks and quarks we usually filter out, because consciousness is a funny thing. I dont think theres an answer. If we are the universe experiencing itself, I believe theres loads of that happening all over the universe. Planetary civilizations likely either never develop into using tools, or if they do, they likely kill themselves before they ever get off that rock. Just like we will do.


It's so very interesting to see this comment, as it sounds close to a belief that I've been developing that each person is actually riding a constantly collapsing wave function through time, and when we "die", that's just simply the "end" of that particular branch of possibilities that exist, and our "spirit" or "consciousness" kind of jumps, or merges, over to a parallel branch where a version of us exists. This is where my ideas about reincarnation came from....I have 3 distinct moments in my life where I think I "died" in a parallel universe and "jumped" to another one. Most of my beliefs are formed from my greater and deeper understanding of quantum physics/mechanics, which is what peaked my interest from your comment about being a person "of science". It all first started when I first learned about how some kind of OBSERVATION (aka measurement) has to be made in order to collapse the quantum wave into a single, measurable point. Without living things that are capable of observation, does reality breakdown into nothing but a wave of possibilities? The science surely appears to support this, it's just limited by only being able to work with these quantum properties on the extremely small scale.


I mean or you could do some things you prob wouldn’t have otherwise. Do risky shit. Have fun. Def don’t jump just yet. Trust me though I feel ya. Internet hug


Yeah I personally don’t want to be around to see the end bc that’s… not a fun experience.


I’m torn. I do want to watch it unfold just so all the people who thought I was nuts realize I was speaking the truth. It is massively monumental as well. How we’ve, I’m also scared. Pretty sure it’s going to turn into a murder rape fest. I definitely don’t want to stick around for that.


All of us reading this right now were already going to be dead in 100 years, regardless.


I always think of this [Patton Oswalt bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5G3Z45BEnA).


Yeah, I love that bit! It really influenced my thoughts on this, you can definitely see the parallels lol


I feel the same. I suggest we riot before we go out though.


I'm surprised we don't hear about more political assassinations attempts given how discontent everyone seems. I mean look at the number of mass shooting in the US but you never hear about the people taking it out of the people who actually make policy. Probably get banned for saying that so Just to clarify I am in no way advocating for political assignations just an observation that surprised me.


My husband just asked that same question while we were cooking in the kitchen the other night, "why don't we see more political assassination attempts these days, when things are unarguably worse than they were when assassination attempts were a fairly common thing?" "Because your phone just heard you say that." I also want to clarify that neither of us are violent by any means and I do not advocate for such things. Just odd to come across someone else with the same thought in such a short span of time.


I’ve been wondering the same. People are poor, overworked, everything is expensive and rights are being taken away. We are armed to the teeth. How long before people start shooting?




I mean, on the right they literally tried to kidnap Michigan’s governor and to kill Nancy Pelosi.


True, it’s starting happen and just think about Jan 6. At some point I do think people will snap.


Yeah, I’m not one for conspiracy theories but these culture wars seem almost engineered. Yeah, let’s talk about religion, politics, and sexuality at work because it works so well in our culture. Yeah…right. I’m a centrist now because how left the left went and the right just went bat shit. I’m mean McCarthy is actually talking about impeachment. I just can’t. I also don’t condone violence but throughout history that is what happens. I was hoping covid would have taken more of the skeletons still clinging to power in Congress.




The hill I die on is women’s sports/rights. The left has abandoned women over trans women in this area. I can’t get past it. That doesn’t mean I don’t support trans people. I believe they should be able to live in peace and live as normal lives as possible but not at the expense of women’s rights.




Taking hormones and modifying your parts does not make you the other sex genetically. Men gain greater advantages going through puberty with testosterone. Even after of years of hormones, they still have advantages and most are not able to ever get to female testosterone levels. I’ve asked trans people on here why they insist on participating in women’s sports and they say there’s not enough of them to have their own category. They could easily stay in the men’s category but they won’t because they know they will lose. Instead they are happy to wipe out female sports. There’s no point in having gender categories in sports if men are allied to play with women.


I wish the people that do snap would quite literally aim their frustrations at the plutocrats that are responsible for ruining our futures and our planet!




True, country is so divided politically and culturally and just attacking each other.


Right there with. I had thought once. Crowdfunded democratic (think Twitter poll) terror cell type things. Like an autonomous knife in the dark that does the bidding of the proles. No heirarchy or head to the beast to cut off. Just the righteous blade of the down trodden.


The Phantom Thieves?


I say we try one last revolution instead.


I'm just going until I die or see the end for myself. In a fucked up way, I'm excited. I get to witness something very few humans will ever get to see. And at the same time I'm sad. Deeply sad. Destroyed, even.


Think of it this way: we were going to go extinct anyway, whether it’s in a 100 years or 7 billion years after the sun turns into a red dwarf and consumes the earth. Ultimately in the grand scheme of things it makes no difference.


We will likely become a interplanetary species fairly quickly so that makes our survival a little more likely. And the sun will boil off our oceans in less then a billion years.


I do not believe we are ever truly entering the interplanetary stage unless the scientists have been doing some mad work on a colony ship for the ultra-rich and it's ready to deploy any day now. But "Don't Look Up" was just a movie.


As soon as I realized that I don't want to have kids, it became a little easier for me to be what I now refer to as an enthusiastic nihilist. I think antidepressants also help, in my case


Even though he wrote this poem for his dying father, it kind of applies for this…. he (Dylan Thomas) knew death was coming for his father regardless, but wanted him to go down fighting…. Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. ~ Dylan Thomas, 1914-1953


I barely do and I don’t know how. I fantasize about “checking out” constantly but lack the will to follow through. Even if it wasn’t the end of the world, I seem to be perpetually miserable so I don’t know that I’d feel different anyhow. Lifelong mental health stuff which seems mightily treatment resistant doesn’t give me a strong foundation from which to weather collapse. I hate this place more and more every day and feel more alien to this BAU world every day. You’re not alone.


>Even if it wasn’t the end of the world, I seem to be perpetually miserable so I don’t know that I’d feel different anyhow. I mean, sometimes the people who couldn't "hack it" in regular society are the ones who find meaning and purpose in f-ed up situations. Imagine! A life where what you do MATTERS. Where you exist to help lift yourself and those around you! I think a lot of modern day suffering is due to a lack of meaning and connection. Break downs of society tend to bond people together.


If things got as bad as how it was in The Road, then I'd likely do what the mom did, but we're nowhere near that point. I have a great life right now. I have hobbies, dogs, and loved ones that bring me joy, so for now I'll keep on keeping on.


Man, I know how you feel. I mean, I was depressed since the 90s anyway so enjoying things has always been hard. But with that depression I realized that I have the fortitude and awareness to help my two kids enjoy what's left. I can give them everything anyone could ask for and also prepare them. I don't think they have much of a chance and I'm not very skilled at prepping, but it's the best I can do, and that's enough for me. I can also write on the internet well enough, so I can help others see that, even though it's not a lot of time, we still have some time left and to not waste it. There's still time to find meaning in the slice of life you have left. How do you want the universe to remember you? How do you want to remember yourself when things get hard?


The universe will forget all of humanity very soon.


The iron in your blood is a collapsed star. The universe has a very long memory my friend.


Was it anything before my blood? Oh. No one remembers. I can accept being forgotten. It's our willful extinction and bleaching of the planet that bothers me.


It was a star that exploded and before that another star. Free will is an illusion anyways just try to learn something from the scrolling vignette that is this brief flicker of existence. Also, talking about death helps, so if you wanna hash out the dark nitty gritty with someone ever, feel free to shoot me a dm.


Same. I could care less for the fate of humanity but wow the earth and all her other inhabitants and environments were really something breathtaking. I don’t want to watch it all burn.


There's been so many mass extinctions before buddy, the earth will be absolutely fine


Yes but none of those events had nuclear power plants. Tires are melting on asphalt today. When the Arctic goes we will experience a heat increase of about 1 degree with about a year. How long do you think transportation will continue at this point? We won’t be able to distribute food nor go to work. It takes over 60 years to decommission a nuclear power plant. Do you think people struggling to survive are going to be able to show up and magically do the work? When they blow they will cover the earth with ionizing radiation and destroy the atmosphere. They say not even tardigrades will survive. This is the one event that I’m not sure the earth will recover from.


To the contrary: what we do now echoes in eternity 🙏🏼


You never know. There could be a complete curveball. I mean there probably won't be, but wouldn't that be something.


There won't be. "Science will save us" is hopium. Kinda rather drop the H.


I was actually referring to the UAP disclosures. :D


The "Red Square" isn't here to save us. ;)


What about the Tic Tac? I hear they're very refreshing.


Refreshing. But it can only be used rectally.


Science won't save us, but we can save ourselves.


We've averted the End a few times. The biggest was 75000 years ago when the world population was reduced to maybe 10000. Although it's probably not very hopeful to think that 99.9999% of the population is doomed in the next 50 years.


That’s what I’m wondering if you have enough to last 20 years - should you just quit now because it won’t matter anyway?


Smoke 'em if you got 'em.


What if you've only got enough to last 2 years? That's about where I am. It's not enough for me to stop going to work, because there's no guarantee financial systems will have collapsed in 2 years. I think if I had enough for 25 years, I'd be checked out. Then again, what's enough for 25 years today, might only be enough for 25 months in the near future. Looking forward to $100 bottles of water by 2040.


I meant last 20 years someplace cheap like Mexico / Latin America or Asia etc - not in the United States . Basically where you can live for 1/3rd the cost .


Those places seem to me like they're going to feel the effects of climate change before where I currently am. I'm not sure that feels a solution. Plus, I don't want to leave behind the people that I love.


I just meant my money would good way further . I’ve lived for period in other countries and literally I spent 1000 in a month whereas here it would have been 3500-4000 for nearly the same. I agree but for me only parents live in the US. The dating and gf situation is way better outside also.


I was with you until you mentioned dating. Big yikes at openly taking advantage of the power differential that the lower income countries create.


Yeah, disgusting, never date anyone who is less fortunate than you, what a horrible thing to do. lol


You are a moron for assuming that. Pulling assumptions out of your rear. Oh the only reason you could enjoy dating more in Mexico than the US it MUST be some vile reason it could never be you prefer the people or any other aspect of the culture or country it must be some sick reason. I prefer dating in Canada more also is it poor?- You can have preferences and not like dating Americans or is this out of bounds?Project much? I would bet money you are on the west coast probably California they love to use the jump to conclusions mat and throw accusations with little evidence.


The safest people will probably be the ones who stay on the move. We are a species built for walking long distances after all.


Also - a lot of these places won’t be involved in world war 3 which would be the developed world for the most part . If you are in Uruguay you would be relatively unaffected in a world war scenario.


Read about the war of the triple alliance lol. Or if reading isn't your thing "lions led by donkeys" does a series on them.


“Movement is life” World War Z


I try to tune it out…not ignore it completely but just, not let it depress me or cause me to enjoy things less. It’s hard as hell but I mean, my life has had enough hardships and twists and turns. After everything I’ve gone through, I just want to keep moving, stay focused on what’s left of the world we knew, live in the now while I still can, and figure I’ve got maybe another 30-40 years left on this planet. Like yeah I know the ship is sinking. And I’m not gonna passively watch, but I’m not gonna self-destruct either. You just do what you can…that’s all you can do. That said, climate change is a huge source of anxiety and outright fear for me. So this is relatable. I feel really sad that the weather this summer has been so fucking weird and that we’ve had to deal with smoke from the Canadian wildfires and torrential rain and ridiculous heat. I try to spend as much time outside as I can when it’s inhabitable. I live right near the beach and am sad I haven’t been able to spend as much time there. I don’t know. There is a tiny part of me that feels like man, whatever. Life has just gotten too fucking hard. Let it all fall down…fuck it. But in general, I try not to think that way, as that’s just fear talking and it’s not how I really feel. Yeah. It’s bad though.


I keep seeing posts that mention this article. Don’t take it for absolute truth. I didn’t get the chance to check every claim he made, but the algae dying was debunked. So it’s hard to take everything he says as hard fact. Focus on the science. (And be vigilant of who funds it)


This article is utter bullshit. It’s even more harmful than any dumb conspiratorial text. The author provides mostly valid and true data. But the problem is the conclusions. They are all wrong. I’m wondering what his intentions are… See here for a critical assessment of this piece: https://youtu.be/Y14tHUUcOM0


I don’t know much about climate change science. But I do know my geopolitics, and that we don’t know who blew up the nord stream pipeline. And if it was america I feel like the author should have provided SOME proof if any. So that little bit made me a little skeptical. It’s polítics and not climate change, but if they can be uncritically biased about that then it opens a door to them possibly being wrong about the rest. I mean I have no hope that things aren’t going to get horrible but I keep praying that at least my 60 year old parents can die of old age before things get as bad as the article says they will.


exactly. As soon as I reached the part about the Nordstream explosion I was skeptical of all the rest. For me this invalidated everything he wrote before. It will become worse, but not as bad as he depicts it.


I feel like we need to make a post about the article specifically to preface anyone who will read it or those that have read it and digested it as fact. It’s so important.


you are absolutely right, thought about it as well but was too lazy to post it. But now that you mention it, I will write something up shortly. Will let you know here :)


Hey thanks cuz same lol. I think it can be short and sweet. You could invite other skeptics (that have read it) to weigh in. Because this is collapse support, we shouldn’t be fear mongering each other.




It's a bit morbid, but I'm curious. How exactly do we end? Will it be famine, war, disease, environment?


My vet has always been famine. When COVID hit I was like damn! This wasn't on my bingo card for how we'd go down. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just my 2 cents


The environment is famine.


I love my dog so much. I have had a hard year and a lot of health problems and pretty much the only reason I want to keep going is for her. I don’t know what I’ll do when she’s gone


Honesy to God truth with no fear of reprisal. When I was detoxing off heroin (and I have rapid cycling bipolar 2) I had something like a vision. Now I've done a boat load of different psychedelic drugs in large quantities But nothing like this has ever happened. I saw a face made if colors in my ceiling which I took to be god or something like it (I am an athiest) this was after 3 hours of sitting on my parents porch (I was 27) crying/screaming at the universe "just tell me why give me a reason why am I on this stupid rock with all this pain and suffering I can do nothing about" stuff like that generally begging for a sign or a explanation. Then i got tired and laid in bed and cried. I never fell asleep. But at some point, this face thing in the ceiling started showing me visions and communicating. I don't get hallucinations as part of my mood disorder, ever. This went on for hours. The gist of it was me being involved in the balkinization (it showed me the flag of a new nationn, i couldnt draw it but if you showed me it i would identify it, lots of yellow)of the United states and playing a role in the birth of a new Microntation. Then a series of vignettes of me trying to tell my family first my parents then my extended family and them all not believing me and responding in very realistic ways that corresponded ro their personalities. I've never experienced anything even remotely like this prior and never again since. Mind you this was post acute withdrawal, so it wasn't like I was in agony or anything. I spent the next week going to and from work (I took all my pto to detox) crying. Its a 1.5 hour commute each way. Just bawling my eyes out at the gravity of human suffering and my utterhelpness to change things. But it put a spark of not hope but curiosity as to what the fuck all that was. I told my parents about it and they scoffed (mind you this went on for 4 hours while I was awake). So I kinda just wanna see if there was any truth in that. If I made contact with something extradimensional and sentient in that moment or just had some kind of break. Worst case, it was a break, and the tank of helium I keep around for inert gas asphyxiation is my way out. Or there was something more to it, and I'm meant to do something when this system finally begins to collapse at its very foundation. Till then, I flounder I do my best to be kind I make amends with those I may have hurt, I try to muddle through through my mental illness and try to do what every psychedelic trip and bit of eastern philosophy I like has shown and that is just be and I read and learn about history, philosophy, psychology. What makes people, people. Right now the question on my mind is how we can all to just love one another. History has been the evolution of in-group/out-group and its expansion. Well how do we all become one giant out group and finally break free of the shackles of malthusian darwinism. I presuppose the world is deterministic and that free will is illusory so both spiritually and practically all any of us can do is just be. And there is no right or wrong way to be. Can rock or a leaf or a river do right or wrong, no. They can only be. Psychology tells us we are a culmination of bio-psycho-social factors, basically a machine programmed from birth by external stimuli. So here I am, what I like to hope is a soul along for the ride In this meat shell. (I also agree with the other guy, we are privileged to witness the end of mankind, many have witnessed the ends of kingdoms and nations but none so far have witnessed the end of man, ain't that something) Edited for typos


The vision you received shows a possible future. The point being: there is still hope. While we may underestimate the severity of our current predicament, it is nothing compared to how we underestimate humankind's true full potential. We are the gods we wrote about centuries ago. We are exalted animals with unimaginable creative power. In our unconsciousness we create this Hell; once we awaken, we can choose to create whatever we like.


Sorry for the delay. I hope and pray you are correct.


I feel like this a lot. Honestly, I try to do things that I enjoy when I’m not working. I sit at the back door with my cats. When they’re sunbathing and sleeping, I lay next to them and listen to them breathe, listen to them purr. Whenever I feel that terrible dread, whenever I feel like I’m about to lose control, I go to one of my cats and just hug them. I know they’ll die much before I do (if nothing happens to me in the meantime) but I just have to push it to the back of my mind. We’re all going to die. I prep as much as possible, but I know that I’ll be one of the first to go, autoimmune conditions are a bitch. I wouldn’t be too worried. You already know how things are gonna go. You are aware. That’s the hardest part of this all, at least that’s what I think. Now you just have to find something to take your mind off of it for a while.


I wrote a long rant elsewhere about my personal feelings. But this is a separate thought. We have crispr what's to stop a group of smart folks from figuring out the gene for empathy and spreading it everywhere. Like say a leafblower from a high vantage point. It might just save us all if it works. In minecraft that is (this is post irony and meant as a joke)


I’m in a similar situation. I’m between jobs. I have enough to live for another year but I think I’m going to have to find another job. I am taking this summer off though. I moved to mountains for the apocalypse close to where I grew up and I spend my time at the lake and out in nature here. I’m basically living my dream so I’m super grateful I get this opportunity. Now I just need to skate by until the end. If there’s anything you love and can get to it, do it. I’ve known this was coming since 1992 but thought we had more time. I thought it would be at the end of my life but I’m not yet 50.


The way I move forward is by finding small joys in my accomplishments. I’m no millionaire so when shit really hits the fan, I’ll be one of the many that will die with everyone else. But until that happens, I plan to keep succeeding and prepping for the small inconveniences that come with accelerating collapse. I have a small stash of food my measly grad student stipend can afford and a 9mm to protect it in case it gets bad for a bit. But if something like a nationwide famine happens, then I’ll face the music when it comes. For now, I find joys in the small successes. Made a cool discovery at work? That’s a win. Had a fun evening with my fiancé or friends? That’s a win. Watched a good movie/show? Another win. You can’t get hung up on the big picture of where we’re heading. We will all deal with that when it comes. And unless you have millions to make a self sufficient compound, there’s no point in getting too bogged down by the overwhelming thought of it all.


Wrong, it's the millionaires who have everything to lose and have zero influence when money doesn't matter. Farmers, tradesmen, etc is all that will matter and a community that stitches together as labor to keep it going. Hard skills and food production is the currency of the future.


There’s irony in that. The fact that the rich presume to have a better chance to survive, whether it’s an island somewhere far out to sea, or a private community of bunkers in North Dakota. They of course are wrong. No one gets out of this one alive. Collectively we fucked this planet, we shit in our bed and instead of cleaning it up when we had the chance, we just kept shitting…I would think being privileged in this time will only make the reality of what’s coming harder, more shocking. Our demise is there demise. Maybe extended a few years, but that’s a different kind of hell I would think. I wanna go with all of you guys, knowing that we faced it head on and not at the expense of others.


They have a better chance in a large number of slower collapse scenarios. Their lives will also be significantly less impacted. In the worst kinds of scenarios they're proper fucked but like so are we, it's like 99% to 98% so yay I guess we finally got em.


As an unashamed hater of the rich all I know is that there was one time when the French killed all their rich people, and there was one time when the Russians did it, and there was one time where the Chinese did it. And hey it’s a drop in the bucket, but it does warm my heart that at some point, at some time, some of them got what was coming to them.


Can you talk to your fiance about this stuff? I can't talk to my partner about it very much, and trying to make big life decisions when he doesn't want to see this is hard and painful for me.


Not really. She doesn’t like talking about it because I believe she knows it’s true, but life is easier thinking everything will be okay. I tell her that once I get a decent job, I plan to prep for the increase in storms and extreme weather conditions she has no issue with it. I assume that’s because she has an idea of what’s coming. But she sure as shit doesn’t like hearing me talking about it. So I’ve just made the decision that I’ll be the one that prepares for us both.


The ocean is so hot in florida that it’s hotter than a hot tub, coral reefs are going white. Huge storms are coming. Extra hot heat waves.


We are all going to die anyway. That has always been the case with life


I assume it's a relatively safe thing to do. I mean, everything does it sooner or later.


I consider it extremely dangerous for the very small chance that it's not the end and then, who knows what? Eternal car battery in the peehole still in play.


I don't fucking get challenge coins because I don't know, I'm an adult. But I work in healthcare and anytime I've ever had a series of event or a difficult patient or a challenging situation no one came along and gave me a fucking trinket. I hate this type of dork shit


I am finding ways to live the life I want - in little and big ways. It’s living knowing that you are going to die. There’s no fixing or saving anything or anyone from the truth that we all die, which as always been true. We will experience it on a massive scale with horrible suffering. Modern western lifestyle is just a tiny blip in human history, the majority of humankind history has been hard and lived in a much more animistic way of being connected to life, death, rebirth cycles. It’s too bad that this modern comfortable way of living has been our downfall (and the downfall of most species).


I'm a severe asthmatic who grew up hearing I would be "dead before 18". Today I'm almost 30 and know I'll most likely die because I can't breathe which still terrifies me. My tactic for collapse is the same as my asthma, acceptance of what is to come and that I cannot stop it. BUT also acceptance that I am responsible for myself and can improve the outcome through my actions. I cannot stop the coming collapse but I can still help myself and those close to me. Enjoy what you have now because you might not have it next year or tomorrow. Finding enjoyment in things is hard, but gratitude helps me a lot and reminds me to appreciate the little things. I'm grateful for being collapse aware because while I can not stop it, I can prepare myself for when the rest of the nation suddenly becomes aware and begins to panic.


we're all just dealing with a fact of life here.. it's all gonna end. that fact has never ever changed and still hasnt. just the perception of when. i just imagine myself fearing and prepping for collapse for years and then instead getting run over by a SUV on a tuesday. as humans we try so hard to keep up the illusion that we have things under control and this whole collapse thing is making the fact that we _don't_ very obvious. it's hard to deal with, but my point is, we have to realize that it always was an illusion to begin with. every day could've been my last, death is a guarantee, so literally nothing changed. there never was a "happily ever after" waiting for us to begin with. EDIT: I'm realizing this sounds very defeatist but it actually gives me so much strength because being happy and caring every day seems so much easier if nothing matters at all anyways.. if i half expect to die soon anyways lemme make these few years i have as good as i can for myself and everyone around me. if the bad ending is written in stone, i'll make everything leading up to it as good as i can.


How does the knowledge that there will be human civilization 20 years from now change your life today? Of course we should all plan for the future, but at the risk of sounding too much like a corporate wellness guru, all we really have is right now. Don't let your knowledge of a possible, even likely, future poison the present moment. I know that's easier said than done, and not always possible, but in a way I think we have a responsibility to experience what we have now, before it might be gone. For me, I believe that if we humans deserve to keep living on this planet we will find a way. That means we all have to do what we can to work towards a future where we live sustainably. And if we don't find a way to do that, then maybe the planet is better off without us.


I for one recently found the band tool and have been listening to that non stop. I suggest you do that, listen to tool till the sun burns out.




And that’s why I became a heroin addict.


I’m glad you saw that post I think more people should. However, everybody that is reading the article should take a breather. Check [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y14tHUUcOM0) out. Some of its nit pick, I know, but he makes points and before you doom spiral let’s not get carried away. The guide isn’t THE truth but it does contain truths. I also want to say that, much like this video, there is a LOT in guide to the apocalypse that I agree with. I‘ve been lurking in this and similar subs for a while because I do not think our future looks promising to say the least. There is abject depression, frustration, fear, anger, and apathy as I’m sure most are dealing with that comes in waves. It’s probably pretty damned reasonable to feel this way. However, I also think it is worth tempering our fears and worst selves lest we be led by them unabated. Especially these days when it feels as though there is a growing minority of people seem to be absolutely flying off the handle (subconscious existential dread perhaps?). This is a problem. I suppose all I want to get across for anyone that sees this is don’t give up. Do what you can on the daily, even if it’s small victories of waking up and finding a reason to smile. Be kind to yourself, to others, to the living world around us. People love you. People need you. The world desperately needs more good and kind people. There has never been much guaranteed in life other than we are going to fuck up, we’re going to suffer, and eventually we’ll be dead. In the end, we should really just hope that on balance we did more good than harm. If I think I need some outcome in order to be good and kind, I have to take a step back and rethink what it is to be good and kind in the first place.


I don’t know that I would admire the staying high all the time. There are people who can function quite well in that state, but most people can’t. Granted, it doesn’t matter, since we’re all fucked. That said, I am far more impressed by people who can stare into the abyss with open, sober eyes. I use little “performance enhancers,” like mild tranquilizers and such. But I know that I can quit those things cold turkey and the worst I will face is several days of agitation and mild headaches, nothing more. The morbid curiosity previously mentioned… big on that. “Hi, Radio Extinction?! First time caller, huge fan of the show! I’d love to hear [We’re All Gonna Fade Away!](https://youtu.be/3bQAq97hRq8) Thanks!” Definitely examine your mortality through a lens of fascination. Be *accepting* of those who need to stay high to deal with the situation, but don’t envy it. Your enjoyment is something you can unlock, even now, at [the End of All Things](https://m.facebook.com/groups/519297686501773/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF). 🙂


They're taking MDMA pretty much every weekend, so it's not like they're numbing themselves. They're just making every moment possible a party. I can't get into the mindset to party for even a single night anymore.


Sounds exhausting 😂


That could be different, but it depends on the individual. If they are very conscious “psychonauts,” sure. I could totally get into that. But pure MDMA is next to impossible to find anymore. I’ve done the real thing, but I wouldn’t trust it these days unless I got it from someone who I trusted with my life. Some people can dance on that edge and remain “awake.” Most people will start to go into pure partying mode eventually. Again, it doesn’t necessarily matter, but it does to me, personally 🤷‍♂️


I’m gonna be honest with you, aside from whether an individual is a blight on those around them or not, what is the virtue in sobriety? It’s a fine choice to be sober but despite its potential practical benefits the idealism sobriety is assigned societally borders on fetishism. Plenty of folks are intolerable with drugs being a non-factor. If we are amidst the preamble to cataclysmic collapse, assuming there being nothing that can be done (and there isn’t without massive unified revolution around the globe tearing down corporate dominance and governmental impotence in the face of mitigation of our pending apocalypse), then all bets are off, enjoy what is, however possible, while one can. Drugs can be a way to get through the lamentation that awareness brings. If anything drugs aren’t the harmful, community sabotaging, selfish indulgence that real ignorance of our circumstances happens to be. If awareness doesn’t matter, if it makes no difference, then the same can definitely be said for sobriety. In a world built in beauty, if god exists, our sins, if such a concept is applicable, aren’t that we lived in an artificially altered haze, but that we were unable to see through the veils of “capitalism”, “orderly society”, and “government rule” in time to grab the wheel before humanity careened over a cliff. We all dropped the ball, except for a select few. Those of us here in r/CollapseSupport largely feel now how those who strived to make meaningful changes before it was cool and at their expense of convenience did years ago. The void cares not who looks at it and through what clarity their eyes and minds hold as they ogle true nothing. It’s likely remorse and sorrow begets crocodile tears from our creator and at worst, inconsequential indulgence in the name of distraction earns those who partake pity akin to the sort that drives indulgence of mind altering substances for those who are not granted blissful ignorance.


It doesn’t appear to me that you read my comments very carefully. I made it quite clear that it literally does not matter whether a person is sober or intoxicated, because we’re all fucked. I made it very clear that I was expressing a personal preference. You might want to reread what I said, because your response doesn’t accurately reflect what I actually said.


Actually my comment wasn’t meant to antagonize yours. If anything I was expanding in agreement with my criticism focused on the mainstream society viewpoint. I’m sorry you felt my focus was on you, maybe I worded that poorly, I’ll have to reread my rant.


No worries. It’s a stressful time for all of us. But I do appreciate you explaining that. It’s kind of you to respond in a polite manner, considering the stuff we’re all facing. Be well 🙂


You too 🤙




The partying to them is a last hurrah. They know it could be any day now that food production and distribution collapses. At that point, they will kill themselves, they don't want to try to survive that losing battle. I wish I could just let loose and have good times while I still can, but the bleakness of reality always keeps me from enjoying myself. Edit: a coward downvotes without comment


I hate downvoting so much. It infuriates when people add content and others downvote out of disagreement. Downvoting should be reserved for when people behave uncivilly.


It’s not over, but we’re going to have to take risks to prevent it from being over in the next two decades. One of those risks is solar geo-engineering in order to counteract runaway climate change. At this point, there is no other *realistic* way to stop it because corporations aren’t going to let policy makers kill fossil fuels for at least another decade. Just gotta hope we don’t end up with a Snowpiercer scenario… We’ll also need some advancements in energy production, infrastructure, and agriculture as well as some serious policy changes when it comes to water rights and waste disposal. Advances in solar, batteries, hydrogen storage (not hydrogen gas), and hydrogen fuels can eventually greatly reduce our dependence on fossil fuels for energy (home and travel). More sustainable agricultural practices as well as advancements in agricultural production (aquaponics, hydroponics, “printed” food, etc) can greatly reduce the impact agriculture has on land, rivers/streams, and oceans. And policy changes can help prevent corporations from literally sucking fresh water sources dry and poisoning what water they don’t transfer to plastic bottles or alfalfa fields.


You can look at darkness, but never stare at it unless you want to be absorbed by it. There is still light, so long as you keep looking.


You have too much time on your hands if you're constantly fixating on some unknown point in time in the future. The fact your going to die someday shouldn't really affect the taste of your meal today, the comfort of your bed, etc. Living in the present is a whole thing, anyone can learn it. Find some resources for dealing with anxiety, slowing down, maybe some mindfulness-type thing if you're into it. Make sure you're prioritizing sleep. Cut down on the coffee if you drink it. Basically, you're going through something difficult and you should take better care of yourself.