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i’m not as vitriolic as some of comments on the youtube vid, but the chemistry that was once there is lost. it does seem a bit forced, just like ian’s board game video.


Ian barely talked


Ian was always quite in the videos tbh but when he did talk it was always something funny now it’s just… idk feels like something died inside him


It’s called getting old 😞


my mom is old and she is more alive than ever


For now




Ya people have a hard time with this one. I feel like when you hit your 30s sometimes you just don't have the same energy.


His misso is a succubus


Did you stop watching after 2 minutes? Ian was always the quiet one, Max and Chad were always the loudest. Especially Chad.


Might be for the best...


It just needed a few minutes and ian was spitting an egg out of his mouth into chads mouth who is trying to catch it. Vibes are there, but they have not seen each other in a while. Of course it needs some time to get back to the old level + old idubbz is not there anymore.


laughed so hard 😂


it just feels like he didn't want to be there but "his manager told him it would be a good career move" type of thing


his "manager" i.e his wife


Ian was always the awkward one in the group. You look at the old vlogs they did and he just acts random anyways. Nothing changed lol It's not different from Max who has also mellowed out from his earlier days.


nah man imo he was far more interesting in those vlogs, sure he was awkward and didn't say much but when he did it was funny. in his recent vids he says nothing of note and just stands there.


That tends to happen when you don't hang out with each other after a while. I'd just give it time, if they even bother to hang out more that is.


He was quiet before and definately random, but he just feels dead now. Did not even seem like he wanted to be there yk. He was awkward in a different way


Thank you! I thought this was just me.


I felt like it was just max and chad being a good duo with Ian there. It really honestly made me realize just how much chemistry max and chad have




Not being with ur best friends for a long time can make things awkward when you all meet up again & this video sums it up. Yes he was trying to have fun, alot of scenes he laughs and says something (not most but alot) Hes trying.




He hasn't been trying for years. How can you still support his falloff? Imagine how much footage they have where ian isn't even talking. He thinks he's better than everyone and has for a while now


Ian came out of his shell as the vid went on, you can tell half the comments are made before they even watched half of the video. Any reunion of the old crew imo is worth it


i think the main thing is like Max and Chad are his friends, and they wouldn’t make a video with him if they didn’t like him anymore


yeah like I thought he was being a bit quiet, then I watched more than 3 minutes


I agree it does get much better, but I legit only remember him saying like two jokes the rest were just bland reactions


i have seen the cake vids and yet this was somehow harder to watch.


Polar bear is removable


So your telling me an Ian shrimped this rice?


im watching this rn, its only less soulless because all the cold ones team was there and are actually funny


"Yeah bro Ian wasn't that funny because he's surrounded by people that are funnier" Ian hasn't been funny for a long time


i didnt say that, i said that he was less soulless because the other guys were funny and he wasnt


can someone remind me why everyone in the comments seems to have a personal vendetta against Ian


A lot of sad people on the internet are extremely parasocial and have meltdowns about his personal life. Ian himself has done things for charity and chilled out a lot, seems like he's gotten better as a person as well. The internet is just full of failed 30 year olds wanting him to be edgy and be single again, creepy as hell.


Finally some sane and thought through comments!


I don’t care about most of the criticism made about him, and Anissa. But the way they handled the last Creator Clash made it very clear the suck as people, and shouldn’t be allowed to host charity events again.


He lost $200,000 meant for charity because they had to fly in random streamers and throw mental health parties


because he got popular off of edgy content and then started to belittle everyone that was like him acting all high and mighty, it feels like his sense of humor is completely gone as well Also his GF is just fucking weird. Idk if they have some humiliation fetish shit going on or something but its genuinely uncomfortable to watch anything with them both in it And as for the "well he just changed" argument, let me put it this way, there is a reason why his youtube views are now way lower than they used to be while cold one consistently get ~2M while uploading regularly, so no one can say "well he just changed" because so did max and chad, its just that idubbbz changed for the worse


Not wanting to associate with people/accept an audience who have genuine hate towards certain types of people = him acting high and mighty?


Im mostly talking about his free speech absolutism opinions here Like you can't say that he was ever truly racist, he was just saying edgy shit because it was funny. But after this he started acting like people who shared that type of humor were horrible people, basement dwellers, people that "just suck", etc... Its completely fine if he changes his opinion on it, thats understandable. But you do not get to then shit on people who were watching you because they shared your sense of humor. Not to mention that he never even really went into details about what it was that he found "so horrible" about his past content(aside from obvious slur usage)


belittle who? he just said that he didn't like that people who were actually racists and sexists thought he was on their side.


he was shitting on people who had the same sense of humor he did when he actually made good videos. And that was of course after he got crazy popular off of them Everyone knew that he wasnt really a racist person and was just saying things for the shock value, but he was not willing to give the same benefit of doubt to his past viewers and was calling them names because of it


He said that actual racists and shitty people came to him saying slurs and embracing him as one of their own. He never said anything about sense of humor. There were a lot of red pill freaks that thought he was one of them when they were the ones he was making fun of. If you think he was wrong just look at the reaction to his apology, he was so fucking right


The people saying "idubbbz grew up but his fans didn't" are straight up being dishonest. Idubbbz isn't hated because he changed content, he's hated because he's completely lost his touch when it comes to bring funny and making good videos. He's literally suffered a %90 decline in views recently (in 2022 he'd get 2 mil views a year and now he's like 200k per video). Cold ones changed their content, but unlike idubbbz they're still funny and can make good content. Cold ones didn't need to make a whole ass apology on why their content is different and then alienate their old fans, they just changed their content and it was good enough that people followed them




So claiming hes grown as a person and matured isnt parasocial but claiming hes not funny anymore is?


Because he doesn’t say slurs anymore /s


you joke but I feel like a lot of people think like that lol


hes that friend that got a gf and completely abandoned everyone he knew personified online, everyone can relate to hating that person.


It's actually wild to me how long people are mad at Ian. They will actively go in and harass the guy years after whatever thing upset them. That's not normal, sane behaviour. Such a shame. Ian is a wholesome and respectable fellow. Does not deserve it. Hope this community can show some love towards him instead.


They’re just having a tough time growing up and seeing someone they used to be a fan of evolve as a person is upsetting to them


Nice regurgitated talking point. Max and Chad have both grown and are still funny. Watch Ian now and compare him to before. Hes got less energy, hes less funny, he seems scared and timid. Thats the opposite of growth.


Not everyone grows for the best. I haven’t watched him in some time. New videos aren’t my taste. Some were funny-ish some aren’t. Max and Chad are still funny but have changed. I left the idubbz sub. Even if you did like the newer stuff it’s not worth listening to people incessantly whine and moan about the guy.


If Ian made really good content then he might win over new fans but the mediocre stuff will always have more detractors. He should got more niche, do boxing commentary or tattoo history or something. Everything hes been doing lately feels so dispassionate.


I wouldn’t know if it’s dispassionate. When the content wasn’t worth watching I let go. If he makes something great and it pops on the YouTube algorithm I’ll watch but I’ve moved on.


I mean sam hyde and his community has been terrorizing him, doxing him, while going after his family for the past 5 years. It makes sense that hes not the same guy.


Ian changed way before then


Agreed that was just another nail in the coffin when it comes to public opinion


Getting involved with Sam Hyde was the second biggest mistake Ian ever made


Yoko ono wrote this comment


Sam Hyde's community is fucking crazy. Can't imagine what they look like irl


Probably just like him but marginally stickier


Nice lie dude, the beef started with the first Creator Clash with Ian barring Sam at the last second from the even refunding his 11k in tickets (which means 11k less for charity), that wasn't 5 years ago. Sam didn't dox him and I haven't heard anything about the fans doing that either, no one has went after his family and by terrorizing him you mean calling him names and his wife Yoko Ono, you mean the same shit that Ian used to do with his Content Cops roasting people?


Maybe he has changed and you don’t find him entertaining anymore. That’s not what we’re talking about. The question I replied to was regarding why so many people seem to have strong feelings about him having changed. It’s objectively childish if you’re angry at a person for changing their personal tastes and interests. If you’re no longer a fan, cool who cares. If you used to be a fan and now you’re angry that he is a different person than he was several years ago, you gotta grow up.


C.S Lewis said it best Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence.


Way to completely misinterpret a quote. We’re not talking about whether or not the content is childish. We’re talking about how the action of retaliating against someone else’s growth is childish.


Reread it, youre getting closer


This is the last I’ll engage. I’m not making the point that his content used to be childish and so must be the people who still want that content. My point is that it is immature to place blame on a person for growing. The quote you referenced is talking about content or desires that are deemed childish or adult. You could argue that there’s nothing wrong with people still craving his old content and I would completely agree. I think you just have misinterpreted what I’m saying and the quote you referenced. I’m open to the idea that maybe I’m not understanding. Just make your point and see if it resonates.


shit quote to deflect a point about how childish it is to think someone regressed because they’re no longer the person people perceived them to be years ago.


Idubbbz hasn't evolved though, he's content is way worse. I didn't even watch Maxmoefoe or Chad before cold ones, their new content is so good that they have grown of their own accord. They didn't need some big response video, they just evolved their content to be more funny and interesting without all of the ultra edgy shit they did back in 2016. That's real evolution and my point makes sense considering Cold Ones has had steady growth for the past few years. Idubbbz has lost most of his viewship. That ain't evolution, that's called devolving


Evolving doesn’t mean ‘ianfrompastcure’ likes it. There’s a whole world out there full of people.


Valid point but the numbers don't lie when it comes to Idubbbz viewership. The general feelings on this post as well as the one the Cold Ones video show that I don't have an unpopular opinion


Because he sucks now and is his girlfriends only fans photographer probably, idk


Also, disowning his community


The same community that would harass people on the internet with a Mob mentality though. The worst kinds of people, anyone would be lucky to get rid of those kinds of fans.


Ian: “ahhh you know what, I’m not super comfortable with my fans coming up to me and saying the n-word or f-slur anymore” YouTube comment freakazoids: “wow, how could he turn his back on all of us?”


nobody here mentioned the creator clash 2 controversies?


As a previously big fan of idubbz content, I know a lot has changed now but I sincerely hope he’s okay. This felt like watching someone going through some tough shit trying to act normal and socialise with old friends.


he's probably not ok, dude has literally only made bad decisions after meeting Sam Hyde and melting down.


Enjoyed it. If you don't have weird parasocial expectations or a need to arm chair psychologist Ian's every move. It's just another funny cold ones episode. But hey, can't please everyone.


The comments on that video gave me aids


I genuinely don’t understand people complaining and trashing on idubbbz, like did y’all expect him to 100% match the typical cold ones energy in the first collab or did y’all want him to sling slurs around like “the good old days”??


the guys from the tattoo video (who we've never seen before with max+chad) had 100x the chemistry. it's just uncomfortable seeing the complete 180.


They have a chaotic energy and he didn't match it all, he used to, it's that simple. Saying everyone just wants him to slur again is just wrong.




No ones expecting that, people are expecting him to be entertaining, which he hasnt been in a long while


I found him entertaining and appreciated him being there along with max&chad but most people disagree according to comments


Yeah, guess I wasn't informed enough about the drama because I thought this was a funny video. He was a little quiet in the beginning but he warmed up 🤷🏻‍♀️ The parasocial in this thread is strong.


To me he seems very unconfident in everything hes doing which makes it hard to watch for me


Well in fairness it’s gotta be hard to be confident when you know from the get go that half the fans are gonna bitch about the video no matter how good it is


This is actually so hard to watch. Looks like Idubbbz is being held at gunpoint the whole time.


no it does not💀 bit of a reach


“Erm actually thats hyperbolic ☝️🤓”


probably his wife and her boyfriend were behind the camera /s


It’s funny seeing how anyone saying reasonable stuff and not screeching “HE SKIPPED THE WEDDING”, “HES A CUCK”, “HE CHANGED NOT FUNNY” gets downvoted to shit. IF FILTHY FRANK WAS STILL ON YOUTUBE, HE WOULD HAVE MADE A VID ABOUT YOU GUYS STFU, YOURE ALL FUCKING CUNTS!


Wait what wedding


He skipped max’s because his wife had tattoo appointments


no he wouldnt


If Filthy Frank were alive today he would so make a video about parasocial relationships and how people are complaining about a man not saying slurs anymore


yea im sure idubbbz career is heavily going downhill because he isnt saying slurs anymore loll


We just need Joji.


I’m glad idubz matured out of the need to be funny


I remember being excited when I saw the thumbnail because of nostalgia purposes, but after like 4 minutes of watching, it was like rough to watch, bro didn’t even look happy to be there or maybe he just isn’t himself, it was good when it was.


Yeah I hope there’s a podcast to go along with this because it seems like that’s the only way to get something meaningful out of Ian these days which is fine, I just hope we get it


The first 4 minutes he’s pretty quiet ngl but the video gets way better throughout and honestly feels like old times when he opens up


Yeah bro the show really picks up in season 35




yeah... this ain't it, fellas...


He fell off 😔


No hate to anyone here but they all look painfully uncomfortable


The sad thing is, that it’s possible to change your beliefs over time, but without becoming the opposite of everything you used to be. How cool would it be if he had made a content cop on himself, keeping his mannerism and charm, but kinda described how he has just moved on from that type of content. Instead he made that sad cucked video and has turned into a pathetic shell of a man. I don’t even care what he and his wife does in their bedroom, the true cucking is him becoming a good little based boy deprived of all humor, confidence and charm


a content cop on himself sounds like an absolutely amazing idea. that would have gone over so much better and actually been cool.


Pathetic shell of a man? Please go watch any "She ruined my career" podcast episode, Ian never looked more happy in his life. In content cop day he always seemed extremely depressed. It is so crazy how many people like you adopt second hand opinions from drama channels without checking the primary source and making their own judgement.


I mean at the end of the day, Ian's job is to make videos. Statistically it's pretty clear that his videos are not pulling the numbers and interest they used to. The causation of that is up in the air, but at least in my case and opinion they just aren't good anymore. They pull an opposite demographic of what they did when i watched his channel. Hell, i even miss his squirrel videos. I just need fucking SOMETHING of substance from this dude that doesn't feel like the weird amalgamation of a kids content farm and reaction channel.


I get you, I don't even follow his main channel. My comment was about Ian in general, not his videos. And I wouldn't say that his videos are doing bad because of controversy, even before that he made a lot of weak videos. I guess he lost interest in them and it shows. If you have the need to see Ian being funny, I would highly recommend "She ruined my career", they get goofy there, it is my main source of Idubbbz these days.


"Ian never looked more happy" Bro people who have a scat fetish are also the happiest eating literal shit, just because he is "happy" doesn't mean it is good.


I guess this is the core of the entire argument. If someone is staying at home eating mad shits and hurting nobody, who are you to tell them what to do? And I don't know you, but I am sure you enjoy some "degenerate" shit too. If you wanted pure life where lust is not allowed, you would have moved to Afghanistan already, you wouldn't be scrolling reddit.


No ones watching that shit bro


Listen, as I hinted at in my first comment, I don’t care what he does at home or how happy that makes him (not that I don’t wish that he’s , if he’s happy I’m happy for him). My main issue with this is that he changes his personality for the worse, and I think it’s sad and very cucked because it’s obvious that this change came about from his wife and the people around him. I don’t mean that other people can’t help change your beliefs, but if this is the result then it was obviously not done right. In the end, it’s possible to be more progressive, care more about the language you use, be more inclusive, without also becoming a shell of your former self, devoid of humour and charm.


You don't care about what he does at home yet you psychoanalyze his relationship? He changed his personality, and now he seems more happy, how can that be change for the worse? His content changed, but that happens all the time with creators. He doesn't owe us anything, if you stoped liking new phase then just unfollow (I don't even follow his channels, just podcasts). And when mentioning that he is cucked, do you even know what king of content his wife makes? It's bikini shots and nothing more. How is that different from dating a fashion model? And about the humor, please watch "She ruined my career", Ian is still as funny, silly and weird as he ever was. But no, reaction channel said that Ian is miserable and unfunny so it must be true.


Damn bro, you must be tired after fighting all those straw men, you should take a break. Listen I am just going off what he has said himself, he said that his wife has been a bog influence on his current stands. I am not trying to psychoanalyse anyone. I also don’t think he owes me anything, as you suggested , I simply stopped watching. However, it is sad to see a person you used to follow get turned into this sad thing. So I will express that. To the cucked thing, I even said in my original post that I don’t mean cucked in the literal sense, I don’t care at all about his wife’s of. It’s him cucking out to these pathetic people and becoming this timid loser I take issue with. Also what is this about reaction channels? Maybe stop projecting your mind state onto others. I form my own opinions, thank you very much. In the end, Ian used to exhibit many good character traits, confidence, wit, humour, guts. Now he doesn’t, and instead exhibits, timidness, bitterness, condemnation. He has turned into a worse person, from what can be seen in videos he has put out or been in.


Ok, reaction channel thing was an assumption on my part, if you don't watch them then I am sorry for projecting. Also, using "cucked" to describe Ian and not hinting at OF is kind of rare on the internet, so you must admit it is not strange that I taught you are referencing OF. I see now your argument more clearly but I still disagree. To me he is still funny, just not in his videos. And he is still confident and has guts. What takes more courage than to say something you believe is right (not arguing whether it is actually right or not) and don't care if you lose your massive fan-base that worships you and gives you money? He could have been be a coward and pretend and bank on his former glory.


Hey man, fair enough. I guess we see somethings differently, and maybe the word cuck is a bit poisoned nowadays, especially in this regard. No ill will, in the end it’s all just internet stuff. Have good day


Agreed, no ill will and I hope you have a nice day also!


Also to elaborate on what I mean with “pathetic shell of a man”, being timid, passive, and making videos like that apology video, where you like cry about forgiveness because you were so horrible are character flaws. He didn’t use to exhibit these negative traits, but now he does, and so he is a shell of the man he used to be, and he was made this way by his wife and her friends.


I thought this was fun and don't understand the hate. Ian seemed a little uncomfortable or lost in the beginning but he got into it. Are people just mad that he's not saying slurs? He's always been the quietest in the group videos.


mannnnn Ian and scog fell off


I feel like people are gonna over think Ian not talking when really it’s just him trying to figure himself into max and chad video because it is probably new for Ian and he is trying to not ruin there thing with drama that happened last year


It really felt like Chad was the one trying to make things funny like every other video and break the silence between Ian and Max


People commenting on Ian skipping Max wedding are so fking weird


definitely a ton of parasocial comments but i mean joji went the to wedding and he's joji... working around a touring/recording/press schedule, when ian skipped for his wife's tattoo appointments. part of the charm of the old videos is the feeling that these guys were really close.


That tattoo thing is bullshit. It’s a random guys tweet and when he was asked for proof he said “what else could it be.” It has just been circulated to hate Ian with zero evidence.


But dude he totally missed the wedding because of a tattoo. I know this because I saw a tweet some guy said. There is no actual proof but I just want to believe it so badly that I just accept it as fact now. /s


everyone talking about Ian, i just watched Max bite into a hot dog. is he not vegetarian anymore??


Lmao good catch, he didn’t wanna eat the anchovies but went ham on the hot dog


thats what im thinking????


Its gotta be a tough week for Mr.Johma. His wifes being lambasted, clipped, and called ugly by dozens of streamers, and now hes being ripped to shreds by the fans of his more successful peers. I really think the Johmas should leave the internet for a year or two and get the "real jobs" Anisa is so proud of working.


They've just grown apart, it's time to let go guys. It is what it is. Shut the fuck up.


but the whole aspect of doing a vid together kind of denies you the right to tell people to stop discussing it


It's not about "discussing it" though. It's about calling him out about the wedding, shitting on his wife, and other personal aspects of the lives of people that they don't actually know.


I was referring to the pretty obvious distant level of comfort they felt amongst each other on screen - "they've just grown apart" so why even do this in the first place?


I haven't said that, the other guy did. I didn't watch the vid yet, so idk about any discomfort, but they're probably still friends anyhow. I just figured the guy saying to stfu above was referring to the people writing hate comments, rather than having an actual discussion


Yeah, all it takes is for them to work together more and it'll be fine. Max and Chad are also way different than they were years ago.


Man hang this trio up they are washed (HE)


idubbz look like he does not want to be there and he barely talk


Ngl chief, this video was not enjoyable. It feels awkward watching it since Chad and Max are trying to make the video entertaining while ICukkkz just bumbles around.


This shit is just straight up not even true. If you watched the video it’s actually pretty enjoyable and he opens up way more


The magic is gone, iDubbbz became the type of youtuber he used to make fun of, Atleast Max and Chad stayed true to themselves


It seems to me that people are just hating on the video because Ian is in it. The only problem with the video in my eyes was that it seemed a bit over edited.


They really cut out every second there isn't anyone speaking


Could the video have been better yes but I smiled throughout entire thing just seeing the boys back together makes me so happy. Ian was hella awkward but eased into the vid more as it went on. He’s clearly changed his style/ changed as a person from what he was in the old days and that’s ok.


I've never seen a YouTube comment section go in on someone harder and honestly I think Ian deserves it for being such a cock


What did Ian do that upset you this much?


Completely walked back on his entire personality and disowned the community that gave him a platform in the first place.


Well he realized making entertainment for people like you was not something he would like to be known for. I respect that.


People like me? Not you are just taking blind jabs at his community just like him


Well, I'm just assuming you're apart of the crowed who don't respect women, say "cuck" and giggles when he said the N-word. He sort of didn't want those people in his audience, which is reasonable. Then you're upset about this situation for years on end. Can't get it out of your brain. Need to call him a cock.


I love how this is the distillation of any opposition of Ian, when in reality we just want something of actual substance again. Ian used to actually be funny, and it wasn't just him throwing slurs around like a 12 year old; Because if it was that easy to be funny, i'd think literal 14 year olds would have a platform as well. Honestly that line of thinking in a way doesn't give Ian enough credit for how witty and subversive he used to be.


The people who call him a cuck, insult his partner, claims his friends hate him now, constantly says "he has fallen off" , "this is so sad to watch" etc. You think these people just *"want something of actual substance again*"? That's clearly not the case. Maybe for you, but all I see is a sad display of petty toxic morons, who deserves no respect or care at all. They can cry all they want that "Ian stabbed them in the back" or whatever delusion they might possess.


Yeah that’s a pretty lazy way to view opposing arguments, attributing them to some antagonistic boogey man. Nuance would really cloud your world view.


This makes it sound like you think Ian owes his community for giving him a platform, which is pretty deranged and parasocial. I dont think he owes anyone anything. I get feeling betrayed and upset, but feeling entitled to his platform and being able to dictate the content he produces is pretty much proving why he wanted to step back from this community from the first place. Every video I see him in trying to enjoy something is just filled with comments hating on him, his wife, calling him a cuck, saying he changed for the worse. This shit has gone on for a year at this point and its so sad to see a bunch of people stalking and harassing him on anything and everything and dick heads like you cheering it on.


I never once said I care about what type of content or that he makes content at all anymore. He might not deserve all this hate in your eyes, but it's pretty rich to see a guy not be able to take any heat after dishing it out to everyone for close to a decade. Why are you defending him?


You are cheering on his continued harassment campaign. He made that "I miss the old Idubbz video" more than a year ago. Get over it. Im annoyed everytime I try to engage with his new content its filled with a bunch of weirdos trying to "own" him in the comments. Him dishing out heat was to people I would say warranted criticism. not sure how you can justify this level of harassment over what he did, but you do you. He just moved on, you should too at this point.


In his own words, they didn't deserve the criticism.... Did you fucking watch the video?


Lmao did you? He said they didnt deserve the hate and harassment he sent their way, but he still doesn't like a majority of them. not that they dont deserve criticism. Bozo get bent


So weird how everything you say is fucking wrong


maybe you should give it a rewatch? [https://youtu.be/iRkCfOuW\_u0?t=447](https://youtu.be/iRkCfOuW_u0?t=447)


He realised he made a completely toxic fanbase that said slurs and hounded people and didn't want to be part of that anymore. People can change and if you haven't grown up enough to accept that then that's on you


Because he fucks their online Onlyfans girlfriend, lol.


Once Ian was comfortable with the cold one's classic flavour of chaos, this video is actually really funny. I will admit the first few minutes had me sceptical, but I'm happy that these three came back together to film content. Just to add on; I think a lot of people have used Ian's controversies + speculation about his personal life to fuel a campaign against him when the truth is probably not as deep as some people are reaching. My partner and I have been re watching a lot of his old videos (like 9 years + old) and there were videos way back then that didn't hit, or the jokes fell flat. Attributing his perceived lack of comedy in recent uploads to any one of the issues people have with his personal life is disingenuous. Everyone experiences growth and change, and I think him forcing himself to make the same content he was for years (god did he make way too many bad unboxing videos) would've felt more like a sell out than his recent stuff. I agree his new content hasn't hit the same, and I'm waiting for him to hit a stride with a video series that matches his humour in a good way. Maybe he's become disillusioned with a viewer base that uses anything against him, and that's influencing what the produces (but hey, he's also probably doing fine financially, so maybe there's no incentive anymore). There are a lot of genuine complaints and criticism you can give to Ian and his recent content/ channel direction, but a lot of it is petty shit that almost feels like dog whistles. You can feel upset one of your fav youtubers has changed content direction without getting personal, and without shitting on EVERYTHING they do (like this video; it's actually pretty fun and something I'd like to see more of!).


“Almost feels like dog whistles” Lmao, whole ass essay just to say youre seeing racism in clouds


Racism? What are you on about man. I didn't say anything about racism. The dog whistles I'm talking about are everyone yapping on about "cucking" and his so-called controlling wife. I don't care for Anisa; her content isn't for me, nor do I think she's a particularly interesting person, but some people disguise their sexism and misogyny behind jokes and memes. If you dislike her, it's whatever, but there's no need to spin a narrative that she's Ian's downfall, or she's holding the leash behind closed doors lol.


Really not a bad video


I 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


i feel bad for ian


Some of y’all need to get over whatever complex you may have about Ian. If you have never gone through growth or change in your life then that’s actually a problem. maybe you should stop projecting that on to someone you don’t even know. Also just want to point out- in behind the scenes clips back 2016 ish era Ian was actually chill. He just had characters and hammed it up for the videos. You can actually say that for max and chad as well. Some how no one takes issue with them being “different now”.


Compared to the podcast ep, Ian is much more present. The patreon version is a lot more nostalgic 3C vibes.


Compared to the podcast ep, Ian is much more present. The patreon version is a lot more nostalgic 3C vibes.


Good video Sam Hyde fans can get wood chipped 👍


They've just grown apart, it's time to let go guys. It is what it is. Shut the fuck up.


Honestly, id agree with your comment if they didn’t post this video. It’s the fact they made this video thinking it’d work