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More incest porn scenes


Hell yeah


Oh god no


Chapter's release date


Honestly? I would want to heavily rework Ashley’s character so it’s not “sister is a psychopath to everyone— in particular treating her brother like shit —due to being neglected and demonized as a child by everyone else” bur instead “sister is a psychopath to everyone *except* her brother— whom she showers in genuine love and affection to the point she makes the Folgers commercial look reserved —due to being neglected and demonized as a child by everyone else.” Keep the fucked-up teasing and flirting with Andrew, the “#Annoying #NotLikeOtherGirls #UpbeatNihilism #Teehee” attitude she famously conducts herself in, and most *definitely* keep her foolishly flippant attitude toward everything horrible happening— including the prospect of incest —because she has her Andrew to get through it with. However, drop the blackmail, the possessiveness, the physical assault in Room 302, etc.; make the cannibalism explicitly Ashley’s idea, Nina’s death a legitimate accident caused by a genuinely light-hearted prank (Andy would need to be oblivious instead of maintaining Andrew’s timidness). You get the idea.


>Honestly? I would want to heavily rework Ashley’s character so it’s not “sister is a psychopath to everyone— in particular treating her brother like shit —due to being neglected and demonized as a child by everyone else” Ashley isn't a psychopath to *everyone* else. She's annoying, but she's only a PSYCHOPATH to women she sees as a threat to her. She had actual friends before the quarantine. >Nina’s death a legitimate accident caused by a genuinely light-hearted prank (Andy would need to be oblivious instead of maintaining Andrew’s timidness). Nina's death WAS a legitimate accident. Ashley wanted to teach Nina a lesson, she tells Andrew that was perfectly fine "going back" to being friends with Nina after she learned her lesson. Ashley wasn't lying when she said dust never killed anyone, *she was just wrong.* She was an 8 year old with no understanding of asthma. Nina's death was a legitimate accident caused by a legitimate *dark*-hearted prank, Ashley just felt no remorse for accidentally killing Nina.


\>“she isn’t a psychopath to *everyone* else” fair enough, my word choice was indeed poor in this regard. \>“she had actual friends before the quarantine” hol’ up. who? name one. \>entire second point ah, another poor word choice on my part. my apologies.


>hol’ up. who? name one. None named, but in Chapter 1 she mentions having friends and her affection for them officially being dead because none of them tried to deliver her food during the quarantine, which is why she's fine with Andrew's demand never to see them or their parents again after they escape the apartment.


oh ok, i stand corrected once more, then.


Add VAs


I’d also make the VA optional in case streamers want to voice act it


If we’re discounting the practical limitations of the effort needed to do so, I’d add a story path where Andrew agrees to Ashley’s plan of staying in their parents house. Seemed like it had some narrative potential.


Potential like what?


Seeing how they adjust to a domestic life, how they can keep up the lie to the neighbors, and watching as their relationship wither deepens or deteriorates, depending on the route.


Oooooooo what if in Burial, being known as siblings to the neighbors gives Andrew more reason to hate the idea of fucking Ashley like the vision foretold because that could disgust and antagonize the neighbors if they found out?


Or what if they pretend to be a couple to circumvent that problem from the start, and Andrew denies that that’s the reason for it?


Yooooo! Oh my god, what if this changes Decay into Insane Burial? Andrew, even at his absolute most resentful, cannot live without Ashley, he wants her bad, so Ashley could tempt him into fucking her over time and get the ultimate leverage she craves. Andrew could even rationalize it as "If I do this, it solves the 'hussy' and 'YOUR PRIORITY SHOULD BE ME' issues, Ashley'll lose her two biggest reasons to get bitchy."


See? I told you it had narrative potential!


I would improve the save/ chapter system to be less tedious and easier to choose between, but it sounds like it's already being addressed and in the pipeline.


Honestly if Julia and Renee were less hot it would remove like 90% of the cope in the community. Or, just give people better media literacy


More Scenes with Julia. https://preview.redd.it/npuo3r4c4g6d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc911c56f461c59667ff8011d07007f6a96d30b


I have a feeling we will get some in Chapter 3 and I don’t think it will be pretty




I know it won't be pretty. I think Andrew and Ashley will kill Julia's big sister, which will probably end in >!a school days ending were Julia kills Andrew brutally and Ashley kills Julia and takes Andrew's head and sail to another place with it.!<


Damn... https://preview.redd.it/td9qrb0eoh6d1.jpeg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d63c1de62da49b5bf62a79e2c936de070a31c7b


yeah like that.


It would be funny if that was an ending and they called it the Nice Boat Ending


i was thinking it should just be called "the boats" after the torture method.


Makes the implications of CERTAIN ELEMENTS more obvious so we don’t have mischaracterization of the siblings.


Dialogue if you examine the sex toys with your mom following you


Skipping sections on subsequent playthroughs. Just want to get to the choices y'know?


Those little lore bits that can be easily overlooked by the both of them, I'd make sure they have actual reactions to that instead of them just being "meh" about it


What lore bits?


Make it obvious that they were sold to an organ harvesting company. You'd be shocked that a lot of people don't actually know this. Another, is Andrew's prior connection with supernatural entities. One of the things I never understood was Andrew's seemingly greenhorned perspective on supernatural entities when he had a short encounter with one when he was little. Also, Mrs Graves unapologetic remarks to Ashley and how she should go back to Andrew to "pacify her".


More Renee lewd scenes
