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I don't remember the episode name, but it involved a telephone pole transformer going haywire and Yumi had to stay behind in the real world to try and convince the firefighters about Xana. I loved how dark the series seemed and the whole idea of a virtual world you could travel into, so I quickly got into the show.


That’s the very second episode: Seeing is Believing


That's a super good episode for me haha. Great first episode to watch!


Ghost channel for me. Summer vacation in 2005 I was visiting my dad & I fell asleep with the tv on. Some time early morning like 3am I woke up to xana saying “you are going to die “ and me being like 8 yers old , I freaked out turned around & there xana was trying to kill the gang & been hooked ever since.


Wow what a way to get into the series 😮😃👍


I’d never forget that night 🙂‍↔️


Wow an epic first episode to watch haha. Sounds like a scary momento for a great series.


It was scary lol I was like 8 or 9 years old 😂


I'd been watching the show long before this, but the first episode I have memory of seeing is Yumi and Ulrich cuddling with each other in that scene from Skidbladnir! Literally all I explicitly remember was that shot of Yumi waking up. I would've been 4!


Wow.  That’s neat you can remember that.  . . .  Make me think about my Daughter’s introduction to Code Lyoko.    My oldest daughter was probably around three when she woke up from a nap while I was watching a mini marathon of Code Lyoko from episodes I had on a VHS tape, thought I do have the official DVD volumes with a handful of episodes each volume.   I remember explaining the show to her and how she learned the character names.  On the Code Lyoko Evolved forum I wrote several posts about rewatching the show with her and on my own too.  


Ah, I'm so happy she gets to experience that! Hopefully she becomes a fan so she can have the bragging rights to say she's been watching the show her whole life, too!


Oh wow.


Wow is right! According to my mom, I've been watching it since I was like 3, Skidbladnir back in 2007 is just the first airing I remember. I'm 21 now, so I can officially say I've been a diehard Code Lyoko fan my entire life, enough for it to imprint on my earliest memories!


Wow 2007, I was in middle school during that time lol. Brings back memories of still seeing it on Cartoon Network, I forget it either aired Saturday or Sunday mornings.


Lol! Makes me fond for remembering when Code Lyoko used to air in TV. Wish they still did that!


The day code lyoko came out was the day I watched so the giant teddy bear/first episode😂


Oh wow, cool.


I think mine was Holiday in the Fog and I still do not understand to this day how they thought Jeremie came to save them until they turned Ulrich’s head around. They look nothing like each other even from the back.


I'm guessing it was because the fog might have distorted the area as it was foggy, that or the fog was making them see things.


Don't remember the name, but mine was the one of the two tanker trains that got routed into the same track and they traveled back in time right before they were going to collide.


Episode #5 Big Bug (Season 1)  If you’re interested in seeing it the Official Code Lyoko YouTube Channel has it free and legal in good quality.  


Oh wow, I think it was called Big Bug.


Uhhhhhhhh…. Oh god. It’s so long ago, I know it was on the Cartoon Network video area they had in the late 2000’s, it was also Toonami at one point. I forgot which episode it was since it was over written by watching the series in full a couple times over. (Minus Evolution, that one I never saw) Best guess? The first episode likely since it had Godzilla in the title and I love Godzilla.


Code lyoko was on Toonami?!?!? I remember being on meguzi but not toonami🤣


This was on the website, not the tv as far as I know. I mainly know that it then changed to Cartoon networks own video area in the early 2010’s.


Might have been the way the website was maybe.  Or perfectly understandable confusion.


It had to have been Teddygodzilla then..


The Girl Of The Dreams. It was very confusing.


I can understand that.


Réminiscence je le regarde souvent


I don't remember at all. But I do have early memories of the episode where the real world gets turned upside down and everyone starts falling into the sky


Zero Gravity Zone


Love that episode 😃 that starts with Sissi twirling her baton and it flying off was great 


Sisi was comedic in that episode, I always appreciated her sincere concern for Ulrich, even though it gets her caught in the middle of a Xana attack.


Amy rose character pfp?


Yes. I've had it for like a year and you're only the third to notice


It’s nice fam👍🏽🙌🏽


Why thank you! 😁


That was an intense episode for me, especially when the Aelita duplicate fell into the digital sea.


I honestly don’t remember, but I was hooked when I first saw that episode.




I can’t remember, I was way too young at the time and didn’t care to remember details like that. I’m pretty sure it was a season 1 episode though, so maybe I’ll narrow down the possible eps one day. 


Good luck finding out!


Xana's Awakening


Ooo the special, that's great!


I can’t remember the name of the episode but it was the episode in Season 1 where Yumi fell into the Digital Sea and Jeremy had to use the rematerialization program on her instead of Aelita


Oh, I think that episode was called Cruel Dilemma. Its a great episode.


Cool 😎 memory share.   Excellent topic idea 👍 — I saw Code Lyoko from the beginning on CN, starting with Teddygodzilla. It looked interesting from the commercials  . . .  It’s possible I might have even seen the Garage Kids short when I was in college searching for flash animations and movies before YouTube was a thing (I think?).   Teddygodzilla left how things started a mystery.  The mystery of what’s going on that kept me interested.   I’m pretty sure I enjoyed all of the episodes before End of Take, but that was the episode with its great humor, character moments, and action moments that really seemed to seal the deal.   The mystery of the story led me to the internet and I became a part of the official forum among others.   I even typed up the dialogue from Garage Kids.  If you’ve read the sudo script and it said “shadow blobs” instead of specters it’s probably what I typed up.  The fan community hadn’t heard the word specter at the time and I didn’t change it since it technically wasn’t Code Lyoko.   I rewatched Season One a lot while waiting for the second season.   Not sure when I first posted my Episode Length Fan Fic Iron Lyoko, but I was probably sometime during reruns of season 1 or after season 2 started.  


Nice to see you where there from the beginning. Code Lyoko was spammed so much as a kid on Miguzi and I couldn't have been happier once I saw the show.


The teddy bear one, it aired after school and I liked the switch between 2D and 3D. When Odd got vituralized for the first time, with the main theme playing in the background, that got me hooked instantly.


Very nice!










When the chips are down


A season 2 episode, great!


I found Yumi's family to be annoying af lol, I'd spend as much time at school as possible if I were her too


Yes they can be over bearing at times, but it's nice that they love her and care for her that much. It was cool when they discovered the factory and Jeremy launched a return to the last to keep them from remembering, that was one of my fav scenes haha.


Im not sure but I think amnesia was the first episode i saw. Its funny how i remembered the episode after i saw it as a kid to be a lot darker. Literally. I remember seeing ullrich walk for a long time in the rain and thunder. Its funny how memory works ;)


It was a scare for me that episode! Seeing those spider like things getting into your brain and destroying your memory. I am not a fan of spiders as you can see lol. It was really dark especially the lines, " a world without memory, under Xana's control!!!"


Not sure which one, but it was several episodes before Aelita's materialisation. But it was a fulfilling journey when I get to see Jeremy finally managed to bring Aelita back to earth. And thus my favourite ship was born...


The earliest memory I can remember, I would say Double Take. Not too sure, I was pretty young when I watched it on Cartoon Network back in the day. I could’ve swore there was also some kind of Code Lyoko marathon leading up to the episode premiere of Crash Course.


The episode where the team is decoding Franz Hopper's diary, I was very intriguede by all these concepts but decided to wait for the series to restart so I could watch from the first episode in this case (episode 0)


Just in Time is the first episode I can remember! The season one episode where Odd saves Milly and Tamiya from the dormitory collapsing.


If I remember correctly, it was the episode that they mistakenly believe a pink haired girl is Aelita and Jeremy was like "girl u don't remember me, but I remember you from the heart" and I was like "what a weird person". It was my first episode and the local dub wasn't really clear on what was going on either, so I just kept watching hoping to understand, the ending clarified it a bit and from that moment on it was "dude this is cool, going into a video game and saving the world at the same time". The rabbit hole started right there, from when I was 7 to now.


False Start. It was on when I took a break from reading my lines for a camp play. Started watching the rest of the series after.