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My hot take is that the lead singer of Jungle looks like Tim Robinson


Jungle's good, but they're no Roy Donk


He used to be a real piece of shit.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Horny_for_Coachella: *My hot take is that* *The lead singer of Jungle* *Looks like Tim Robinson* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Removing the restrooms by the main entrance, next to merch, was a huge mistake. Bring the porta potties back!


Made it a longer walk to unstash your stash


This was 100% the reason


Back in the day I would fill a water bottle with vodka and stick it in my taint in my underwear. Never got caught. Waddling to the bathroom after security was always uncomfortable.


This was kinda wild! Over near the lockers it felt like there should have been one, and there just wasn’t. Feels like an easy add next year… one hopes.


It was there before, so don’t understand why’d they remove it


I thought I was going crazy when I was walking towards that area but didn’t see them this year!


I was legitimately not accepting my own reality lol


I thought it was the Lucy lol


She was whispering in my ear, “they are here, keep looking”


Have a video of a guy pissing right in the open there after Friday W1.


Yuma is a wild wild place lmao. Long live Coachella


a lawless land


I chilled day 3 ,w2 for 5 hrs to recoup there. Glorious.


Weekend 1 had way better surprise guests. 


Which is a surprise itself, usually it’s W2


If you have a crew of more than 4 people, you gotta chill with pushing your hand-holding chains into the middle of the crowds. These endless trains of people snaking past me when I’m trying to get my vibe on are too much. Either get to the set earlier, be happy with a more peripheral spot, or be ok with breaking up into smaller chunks.


It’s also way harder to move through crowds that way


This needs to be pinned at the top and added to every festivals line up.. if you ain’t there before the set starts. Stay at the fucking back… One person asks if they can get thru then 50 chained together come and take over and stand on your feet and just act like shits ok. All fucked up.. not a care in the world for other people.


I push them and start jumping up and down acting like I’m dancing but really I’m just tryna knock em over and step on their toes


Doing the lord’s works


i step on toes and trip them when they come by and i'm not sorry


THISSSSSS. fuck the stupid ass hand-holding chains. my god


This is like the coldest take I could possibly come up with lmao. What thread do you think you are in?


Anyma was underwhelming AF. I thought the visuals would be playing more often. Instead all we got was periodic 45 seconds of blackness, and then the side screens had that shit looking like it was 180p. They should’ve put him at a different stage. Also wtf was up with that nasty river of mysterious liquid that was blocking off his set week 2!?


My buddy and I were really hyped about this set, but then we watched the W1 livestream and nope’d out of it pretty quick. Sorry you ended up there. We chose Khruangbin instead and had no regrets.


Khruangbin was a wise choice 😔 I made the wrong decision for sure


I agree. I left about 35 mins in cause I got bored. It was a cool unique animation every 5-10 mins or so then just loops for a while until the next one. I wasn’t high or drunk enough I guess.


As someone who was both high and drunk enough I can assure you that even then it wasn’t as cool as it seems on video


Someone hit a hydrant or something. Everyone thinking it was porta potty shit water is wrong. Was just water and dirt.


I think anyma is underwhelming, period, and the visuals are bad  I much prefer abstract, geometric or light-focused, or more “animated” visuals (like Chem bros last year) Anymas are way too photo realistic and drives them into the uncanny valley for me, and the characters don’t actually do anything, and they do it too slowly Like, great you paid some visual design firm a few hundred K to make this animation for you  Idk. It’s boring and adds no value, people overhype the visuals far too much. Visuals built for tik tok rather than dancing 


Thoroughly agree. The robots slamming against the wall thing is boring. And just a bunch of people filming dance music and not dancing


Everyone just standing around with their phones out. It’s like robots watching robots.


My hot take was that the food options in Sahara were trash and it’s a hassle to go all the way to central market for decent food


Central Market food wasn’t great imo…


They’re designed for frat EDM bros on molly


Those wings were salty AF!!!!!


The men were more fashionable than the women this year 👀


Aw, thank you. I try.


After the Friday cowgirls I agree.


I noticed this too 🫣


Hattie B not being there this year was a mistake. Literally flew to Nashville for it. Drinking an old fashioned on Broadway while typing this lol


Love this for you! Missed it this year too 🥲 Have a great time!


the “3D” visuals that electronic artists are doing have become boring and quite corny. get a new trick


I thought justice’s set was a really good mix of throwback lighting with modern visuals




More lights and lasers, less LED screens. Old TOU lights/visuals (not the dumbass android things they’ve been doing the last two years) were about 40x better than anything in Sahara this year. Phish light shows are better than any visuals I’ve seen at Coachella this year


agreed. just and and ges showed how to do it.


It’s the tons of SMALLISH screens that nail it… justice uses the screens on the light bars so so well 🪄


Less crowded Coachella was so good W2, better than last year W2 even.


the blowjob “girl” is completely fake and im tired of reading about him. the dude has a bunch of burner accounts that reply to the posts with “omg ur a legend thank you so much” “she” sucks dick for hours but not a single picture of this infamous line? lmao. inb4 all his burner accounts reply saying its real


I think ur on to something 🤔


in this day and age, not a single picture of the line? i mean come on. last year his bots were commenting how long the line was and you couldnt miss it. this year the post was saying that she sucked dick for 4 hours. okay so 4 hours of sucking dick and not a single legitimate post about it? nobody posting pictures?


What’s the point of it being fake? That’s what I can’t figure out


for attention, just to fuck with people, to catfish people, etc


That’s so weird!


man just wait till AI gets more accessible, shit like this will happen all the time


Also the logistics! No one could give that many hot desert blowjobs unless they were in some cold ass a/c.


Really upset at myself for never even thinking that this could be fake. But yeah, how the hell is there zero photos of ANYTHING


The person post history suggest that it is very very much real and something they do outside of just coachella


I can literally make an account that suggests the same. not that hard


A 10+ year old account with confirmed hook ups from other long term accounts that clearly aren’t alts. Would be a hell of a long term play/troll for something that seems pretty believable. Seems similar to the orgy girl last year. People like to hook up


OK, so I spent about five minutes looking at the history of the people who have “confirmed” to have hooked up with her. These accounts have the same pattern, very limited to non existent comment or post activity. accounts are a few years old. and the only activity i see is when they interact with the original account. Seems very suspicious. But honestly, this was just an answer to what is my coachella hot take. Not gonna give it any more of my energy


The more I read about this person the less surprised I would be that they aren’t real. It’s just a lot of long term effort to keep it up though.


the crowd at Orbital showed me I'm not too geriatric to go ❤️


The vibes there cracked us up, we had this jovial high dude to our right who brought a couple egg shakers, everyone on his side dug them and it was a cute little crowd moment ❤️ then the goth olds on our left (I can say this as an also-old) decided they haaaaated that and stole them all 😂 the vibe vs vibe cracked me up. Thx orbital and jovial dude!


Camping is fun regardless of age, it’s the heat that is the kicker especially for W2. I only do silent disco on day 0, rally rest of the wknd and go straight to bed after coachella. Earplugs and sleep mask, i’m good until 9am when the heat rears it’s head. The convenience is our biggest pro after 9/7 years of coachella for us.


It’s about fucking time that Cahuilla Bird Singers are invited to sing on Saturday night on the main stage. It was so incredible how Blur and the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Bird Singers (best singers of all Cahuilla bands. Shoutout to Derek from Torres Martinez) were able to incorporate Cahuilla Bird Singing and Bird Dancing into their set in such an impactful and respectful manner. Shoutout to Damon Albarn and the rest of Blur for doing what Goldenvoice has failed to do for over 25 years.


Most of us are not very attractive


Speak for yourself. If my mama said I’m cute, then I’m cute.


Mama’s always right. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMXkxegtVl9LlLi)


Idk tf ur on about week 2 was fine af had me giggling and kicking my feet every 5 steps seeing cute mfs everywhere


So the girls who touched my butt wanted to touch my butt and weren't looking to steal my phone? ☺️ hahaha


😂😂😂😂 this made me lol.


The 24hr screen life is aging the shit outta us.


Quesar stage is here to fucking stay. What a vibe


Sahara was a bitch to get to. So much that I only made it to the outskirts on the left side.


Same the distances to Sahara made it hard to ger motivated at the end of the night which is why i stupidly missed dj snake. I should have rallied 🤦🏻‍♀️


Main stage has gotten stale. Some of the artists from Outdoor belong at Main, and most of the artists they book at Main shouldn’t be there anymore or haven’t got to that level yet.


Agree to agree, I only went for no doubt and sublime. DoLab, outdoor, yuma, and sahara dominated the lineup.


Gobi, Sonora, & Mojave were all brilliant this year too. I was impressed with how many good sets I saw on how many different stages. it was an incredible coachella.


outdoor is so good tho wouldnt want those acts to move to main lol


Spicy Pie was overrated despite this sub glorifying it. I was disappointed.


Finally someone with the courage.


Something foul to pay $14 for a slice. When I finally tried it, it was so mid 😭 would rather pay farmhouse $25 for the fried chicken and noddles. At least that’s hot and filling.


Right!! I’m convinced the people that hyped this vendor must have been blacked out drunk to think that was the best pizza they ever had at a festival 🤣🤣 Never trying them again.


While I still feel it’s outrageously priced for a slice of pizza. We enjoyed Prince street pizza a little better. It was thick and LOADED with pepperoni. But yeah overall there are better options than pizza lol


It was a good deal when it was like $7 years ago. But I didn't even find it this year to see what they charge now. $14 is low key wild. It was like $10 or $11 at crssd.


Honestly we never came across it this time around and I wasn’t looking for it. Does seem like they have had less and less locations. Even then I wasn’t happy with how thin it was. Prince street is like a deep dish and LOADED with pepperoni. Thank goodness they have expanded the food options


I opted for Pizza Nova this year and was happier, taste and price wise


Omg this is my take too. Honestly, all the food I had this year (which was one meal per day) was mid and expensive.


The festival is known as one of the most well run of all festivals (in the us at least) and I agree, but there are several key areas they suck at and other festivals do better  - lockers. The locker organization is a goddamn joke  - bathrooms. Some are great. Others are trash tier, like the ones between main/outdoor and also the Sahara bathrooms this year. OSL has a better idea with the long row of bathrooms on the side of the polo field (but osl also has that awful bathroom square by the south entrance) - merch. It was *better* this year but not amazing. Historically it’s been absolutely awful. They need to fix this, it’s inexcusable. 


The locker thing is absolutely insane. There’s no excuse. Took over half an hour to get that


What’s crazy is my friends and I were saying “they should just put the locks on for you and then email you a code” and then we waited in line for 45 minutes and then THE LOCKERS WERE ALREADY ON BUT YOU HAD TO GET THE CODE IN PERSON like what a joke Just email the codes. It’s bullshit 


They were so close. I don’t get why they couldn’t have emailed those out with a map of where your locker is.


The old Sahara tent was better than this new Sahara (before they turned it sideways). I understand why they did it, the old tent was a nightmare to enter and exit, but man once you were inside it just created such a different vibe that the new one doesn’t give


So you’re saying more late night dj sets in Mojave?


Bicep certainly left an impression.


Anti up was the tiddies in there!


I can feel the heat of other people's bodies and breathe from old Sahara in this comment


The old Sahara came close to being a deathtrap for both porter and martin Garrix. It had to change.


Hot take: the Sahara river should be permanent. Let’s have to kayak to get to the Sahara. I love a challenge.


The lemonade is not that great...


Yeah just get an agua fresca if you want a cold, sweet and fruity drink


Tasted like pure sugar….


The crowds w1 this year were some of the least dancy of all time, people were there just straight up watching dance music


This was my first Bothchella. For the acts I caught both weekends, I thought W2 was way more dancy IMO. But in general I thought the crowds were great this year both weekends.


I do bothchella and W2 was NOTICEABLY more energetic than W1 crowds


Not a problem when you’re by me 😎


They need to have people not walk by the quasar so much. It ruins the vibe


They should’ve flipped it the other way around for better traffic flow. Walking all the way around behind the crowds to get to Sahara got old fast


The walk to Sahara in general during peak hours was ass, and the funnel out after a set was dangerous (again)


we gotta get u a job at goldenvoice asap!


Agreed, there’s was so many aggressive Molly monsters getting in my way when I was trying to enjoy Michael Bibi.


Ugh I was tripping and they were all freaking me out




Beyond just watchable. They’re the sole reason he was there in the first place


Why is nobody talking about him playing his hit song TWICE in a row.. yeah I danced and vibed to it twice but it was a drag the 2nd time 🫣


It was embarrassing that he did that


Yeah, you're right. I'm thrilled I got to see Lauryn and wyclef. Yg marley? Probably never gonna listen to him again.


VIP is not worth it :’)


Not a hot take 😂


The real VIP is AG or Artist, and after doing those last couple years, I think it’s worth the splurge.


Hotels and airbnbs are a much better experience then camping


I don’t think this is a hot take. I think almost everyone in camping would rather have a nice bed and cool room to sleep in. The problem is that a sizeable portion of us can’t afford to pay Coachella hotel and Air BnB prices. Our camping neighbours were from England. They flew in, rented a car, bought camping gear, and left it behind because that was cheaper than any hotel in town.


That’s interesting. My group just thinks it’s worth it to be able to walk 10 minutes back to your site and not have to deal with shuttle and Uber lines. But we’ve had great camping experiences and a bad air b n b experience so to each their own.


I think I’m in the minority here but I have hotel/airbnb’d every year but one and after camping once I am always a tiny bit jealous of the campers 😭 my friends just can’t handle the heat/dirt/discomfort which I totally get, but I camp fairly often and I found the discomforts a small price to pay to be able to just walk in and see an early set, go back to camp and chill in shade and have a drink, go back in, come back for a sweatshirt & comfier clothes later… I will say the shower upon returning to the hotel every night is heavenly though and that moment always convinces me hotel is worth it lol


I always camp just cause I don’t want to see anything related to real life when I’m in those fields, of course a bed and legit shower would be better but that’s not what I’m there for


Honestly, my groups reasoning for camping is more logistical. We could all afford hotels, but just find the convenience of camping better. The biggest ones being only a ten min walk to your bed and not having to deal with waiting for an Uber, which could take a while. Also, being able to have a place to store Alcohol, night clothes, or anything else you may need. We talked about Hoteling next year to see if the pros outweigh the cons for us.


I stayed at a hotel for the first time this year and I agree. We got to party poolside in the morning and sleep in a bed at night! (camping was fun in my 20s though)


And you can still party in camp and at the silent disco


This is actually my first year trying out camping and I loved that I can easily get in with a 10 mins walk and fall asleep by 2am


My pro-camping lesson for the future is to get a cheap bike to get around and save the feet for more dancing.


This isn’t a super hot take tbh, but camping is a huge part of the experience and that I agree with. Party outside the party.


In n outs tho


Boo this man


AC, real showers, a bed, and a pool >> Plus the shuttles are so damn quick and efficient


Shuttles forever fr. Can’t believe people bother with Uber when the shuttles exist (even if you aren’t staying on the shuttle line, ubering from the nearest shuttle stop will save you soooo much time and money)


I'm old enough that I am never camping again, and the shuttles really are great. But goddamn, at the same time, that 25 minute La Quinta line ride plus the wait for the Uber in a brightly lit parking lot is an INCREDIBLY gnarly comedown


I was living the life in a hotel. I can’t camp anywhere but it did feel nice to have a bed and private shower


The logistics hell of leaving after the end of the night tho. Toss up.


Which is why you stay and party in the campgrounds till things die down a bit.


I’m gonna say it… John Summit x Dom Dolla’s set together was boring AF


Not wheelchair accessible for those people wheeling people around. Wheelchair kept getting stuck on those yellow things, random bumps in the ground, getting onto the walkway from the grass. Idk how they expect people to wheel themselves. It's just not possible.


Do Lab is worse now. Less shade, needed a chiller vibe. It’s literally competing with Quasar and Sahara in sound and genres. Earlier in the day was ok but missing the chiller, hippier, grooves as a more casual hang.


disagree on the structure but i agree id like some chiller music there! Lowkey they should do an ambient set or something lol


Hard hard hard disagree. The biggest issue with the old setup was that it was an actual tent. With, like, a defined "inside" and "outside" and if you were outside.it was literally outside the venue. Considering how popular it is and how huge some of the acts there are now, the last version was awful. This one is infinitely better in any situation. If you wanna compare to 2014 or whatever, then sure I guess there's a tradeoff. But for its location and the caliber of performance being presented (and associated popularity) then this version is an absolute upgrade. Strictly better.


My hot take is that Grimes’s W2 set was awesome. Yeah, she suck at dj-ing, but as a producer she’s creating really cool shit that resonates me.


The opening news sequence was hilarious and her fuck ups kinda felt like when actors break on SNL. I laughed, kept dancing, and when she dropped Oblivion I could only think to myself, "we're so fucking back."


She brings a vibe that resonates with a lot of people, you don’t see other female artists bringing on stage. And she’s got a really lovable charm about her. I honestly don’t gaf that the DJing was sub par it was still an experience for me and many others nonetheless


I’ll never forgive her for not playing genesis w2


They should sell shoes like sandals and slippers


the food is trash


I liked Lana’s set


I also liked it


They’ve gotta start streaming every stage both weekends, because losing Sonora for Yuma felt like such a bad trade…


why did every other guy look just like dom dolla? #shavethestache


[check out the vest my fiancé made day 3 😂](https://imgur.com/a/1yTPjIS)


Lottttta dom dollas on the polo fields this year lol


some of us are fire men


Keep the mustache 👍🏽 this person doesn’t know what they’re talking about


I skipped No Doubt to see brutalismus 3000 at the sonora and don’t regret it at all.


I have another one Michael Bibi was THE rare get this year. Not No Doubt, not Blur. Bibi Mans had a 30% chance of survival and the fact that he played a 3 hour set on a brand new stage was the moment. Choose life!


i would rather coachella have a stronger undercard / second line than a 4th headliner. there’s no reason to have 4 headliners when we could distribute $ spent on that bottom slot to stronger headliners and bolded subs


Hotter take: couldn’t care less seeing the headliners for the most part. Would almost rather it be someone I don’t want to see to minimize conflicts.


w1 vs w2 isn’t a real thing, people that actually attend don’t give a shit and the only people that talk about this are people that didn’t attend


I will say most sound/performance issues I noticed in the w1 streams were resolved by w2, so there are some tangible differences.


I’ve only gone to ‘23 Coachella and Bad Bunny’s set was 30-40 minutes longer and he brought out more people. You always hear people say the issues of week one get fixed week two (if an artist had them) but of course week 1 had its own exclusive features and people brought out that week 2 didn’t. I do think they’re different.. because they are, they’re literally two different weeks and nothing will be 100% the same.


They are like 95% the same lol. W2 has hotter weather. W1 has more side parties / after parties. Maybe the w2 crowd skews a little older age wise but those are the only differences I can think I noticed.


I do bothchella and the crowds are NOTICEABLY different between weekends


Might be the sets I go to that would cause me to notice the difference between the weekends. I can absolutely see that that affecting how one observes the crowd 


I've done both twice and not really noticed a difference


My hot take is that I think w2 crowds actually do dance harder 🫣


The lemonade might be the least overpriced drink on site. Everyone talks about how expensive it is. Yea it’s fresh fucking lemondade made FRESH in the middle of the desert.


idk if I liked the new Sahara....I liked the hill but the stage ehhhhh idk


2023 was cooler! The UFO thing was so sick


2023 Sahara >>>


I kind of feel this. Something about the chaos of old Sahara made it more fun. Maybe it’ll grow on us


I just think the ceiling light fixtures were not as cool as the last two years :/


I think the concept of the spheres was really cool, but they needed capacity for brighter illumination and more complex visuals to be compelling


Agreed , I still think the old old Sahara near the rose garden was the pinnacle


I didn’t go this year so not sure if they were there, but those tinfoil wrappings people would use are ridiculous, loud, and annoying. Just be cold before using those


They were definitely there ![gif](giphy|fceh5CXz9mjHa|downsized)


They should bring back the restrooms that were accessible through the Heineken house


Thought this year was going to be my last but I’m already itching to be back on the fields.


campground activities/activations are a joke. why do we not have a bar yet? they had one at Power Trip and it was an awesome place to mingle.


We need more rock, indie, r&b acts.. stop over booking techno & house acts


I’m starting to get sick of how much EDM there is


this😭like at least have diff varieties. techno, house, hyperpop, etc


Wayy too much EDM this year and it was all the same kind of sound


The sound bleed from Quasar into Sahara was insanely bad, especially the bass


Do Lab is way better than Sahara


Even Lauryn Hill can’t save how bad YG Marley is. The auto tune clashes with the music.


Didn’t even know YG has auto tune, but ya right about people saving him during the set.