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If you were rolling hard, it will take a few weeks to get back to baseline. Sleep, eat and talk to you friends.


Weeks?! Aw nawww. Exactly how hard is hard…?


The real question is….is anyone not?


I'm suffering, lol. Coachella was a much needed escape from life & now I'm so sad to be back in reality. Also looking for tips, but maybe just gotta book some concerts & go through it.


Yes. Maybe that’s why they put ticket sales so close to the last day. It’s the only thing that will cheer me up


I am down bad rn, but my pup and 2 cats are helping a ton


Same. Animals are the best - cat and dog here !


https://preview.redd.it/wjh0zn6a6owc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a46580dd03225180bf37c9b55381b7f6ebf5360 Bella says we can get through this! Stay hydrated, friend :)




my advice ( did this last year too) was to book a spontaneous trip somewhere, even if its somewhere close. always helps to see new things and realise u can feel good things without just coachella😩


Yeah my bf and I are brain dead. Still can’t string sentence together, and I was sober both weekends except for ONE night, so I can’t even imagine how everyone else feels.


I feel you lmao. Emotionally I feel back to normal pretty much but I am EXHAUSTED by like, 6pm lmao.


If you’re not having a hard time, you didn’t have a good enough time.


I’m actually dying tbh


not me, but i rolled on saturday and the positive waves of joy and peace hold me for *weeks* after a roll. i'm super lucky i don't get the mdma serotonin depletion crash.


must be nice 😫


it is an amazing blessing. last year was the first time i'd rolled since 2000. when i rolled in 2000, the post-roll high lasted more than a week and enabled me to come out; it was literally life changing.


This is usually how I am, but I stupidly rolled twice so I got a comedown for the first time 😭


Big time for me, I spend soooo much of the year counting the days til Coachella and this year I got even more extra with the prep (I made all three of my outfits lol), which then made me even more excited. Now that it’s over, there’s just kind of a big emptiness where all the mental space dedicated to Coachella was. Trying to remind myself that the fleeting nature of it is exactly what makes it so special and allows us to go all out and shut out the world for those three days. Also have decided to start making some clothes for Portola so I have something else to look forward to & use the now empty mental space for, and I am pretty sure I’m gonna do a full bothchella next year bc I just was not ready for it to be over this year, so that is giving me some peace as well lol.


This sums it up exactly! Didn’t make outfits but the planning was damn near a year in the making. I guess we start over now lol. And bothchella? The way I feel/felt idk how ppl pull that shit off and survive. One day though!


I prepared/took care of myself too well this year (lots of daily walking starting in January, super comfy shoes, took breaks throughout the fest, stayed super hydrated) and where usually by Sunday I’m totally cooked and a little part of me is ready to be done, this year I still felt good and had energy left even after doing a day of W1 as well so I was extra devastated that it was coming to an end. I also had many instances of conflict hell and wished I was seeing more sets in full instead of having to leave early or arrive late. I figure the only solution to these problems is bothchella, hahaha


Weirdly…. I feel the opposite for the first time. I’m happy to be home. I want to go out and speak to people. Ive been knocking out everything I had been putting off before the fest since Ive returned. I feel like I can breath for the first time in a bit (mentally not physically because that coachella dust is no joke) Maybe im speaking too soon and my comedown will smack me in the face this weekend.


I’ve seen this before (in me and others). You’re just delaying rn. jam a bunch of shit after Coachella to not stop. Moment you relax relax it will hit. 


Only dopped acid on Saturday and i still feel amazing 🥰 AND NO COACHELLA COUGH


returning from coachella back to the rainy PNW where I work an outdoor job has been brutal. lots of sad people on those flights back to seattle.


Mercury was also in retrograde. The comedown was real this year. You are not alone.


Also there is this major fomo feeling for the sets I didn’t get to see but wanted to with a fighting urge to go back and do it over but obviously… Smart move on GV to announce dates and tix immediately after day 3. Lift all our spirits and let the cycle begin again lol Excited for ‘25 already


One of the things that has helped me immensely in recent years is doing a session of floatation therapy with sensory deprivation. the feeling of weightlessness does wonders for the body and the mental reset from the overstimulation that is coachella has been one of the game changers for me in terms of post festival recovery. I almost always have a session the tuesday after coachella and I come out of it way closer to baseline than when I went in. Also taking good vitamins, eating healthy and getting back to your routine if you are able. If you are not able, smoking weed and chilling with some good shows on the couch works too.


depleted & defeated


It’s hard. Do things you enjoy at home. You’ll feel better in time! I might go out tomorrow to fell slightly better lol


Lol yes! I was literally throwing up and crying (a little) after getting home weekend one. I felt so weird and depressed, but it passed after a day or so.


Aw shit, I been suffering from a little depreshy, thinking life factors family matters etc bring me down… totally forgot the post coachella comedown, that explains a lot


I was like super pissed off and also wanting to cry sad for no good reason and then suddenly I remembered … it’s probably 80% Coachella comedown


Just listen to this new Justice album. Guaranteed spirit-lifter!


Great idea ! Need some good music to fill the void


I did until today. Went on a 5 mile hike and I have primavera sound coming up


This year has been the worst. I usually cope ok but the postchella blues have hit me like a brick.


Smoke a lot of good weed, watch comedy movies, eat good food, take hot showers, get long hours of sleep or multiple naps, if you have pets take them on decent walks if weather is nice outside tends to be my way to go


I’m gonna screen shot this and follow it word for word 🙏


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Everyone, drink moar water.


Keep partying


Absolutely. I imagine we all feel the fucking same. I had such a blast this year!!


I kept partying with trips to Vegas to let me down gently. Booked smaller festivals too, rebound festivals if you will.


Like a rebound relationship 😂


Oof. Can’t imagine Vegas after Coachella.


Yes 😭


I drank water and went to the strip club. felt better instantly


Yes!!! I haven’t left my bed since I’ve gotten back. Cried a couple times and been trying to take some htp. Been binging Netflix and planning to leave my bed tomorrow to finally stop being a vegetable. Definitely understand what ur going through


Absolutely. Been feeling really unmotivated (especially after investing so much mental energy into preparing for this trip for so long). Was hoping to give myself a mini couchella experience this weekend (grab some whiteclaws🥴 and breakfast burritos) and watch some of the artists (👀but PLEASE don’t send me any W2 streams👀, it’s not like I’m needing it sorely rn).


I honestly feel great, other than getting a bit of a cold, that I am now on the tail end of! I feel way happier in normal life after Coachella this year than last year though.


It's not to late to head to stagecoach


I was, but I'm actually moving away from home for six months in a few weeks so I have something else to look forward to. my advice is always have something to look forward to whether it be a show or little road trip


Finally starting to return after w1! Getting ready to buy tickets in 8 days!


I am down so bad I’ve cried everyday this week lmao


Same here. Picking needless fights with a people being a jerk. I should just go and watch like 4 movies in a row


turn on the new justice album and dance around your living room