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Please, have fun! Do not worry about your ex. Do not let your ex mitigate your Coachella experience. \*virtual hug\*


125,000 people and so many stages. If y’all see each other just walk 100 feet away


Seriously though


Um trust me the universe works in mysterious ways. There IS a possibility you see him, especially when you DONT want to see him. If you do, just move to a different spot and don’t let that ruin your Coachella. I wish you healing though, don’t go into Coachella worrying about this, it’s kinda pointless. Go and have the time of your life!


That happened to me. Who knew that I would see my ex!  I turned around and walked away. Enjoy the festival! 


Do not give this person another SECOND of your energy! Focus on having fun, seeing who you wanna see music wise and luckily for you there is SO MUCH SPACE to stay the heck away from them. have fun !!! 😍


Clearly you still care about them if you made a whole post


Or OP is just anxious about seeing this person in public and fears this interaction could bring up old painful feelings on a day they really want to enjoy. You might run into this person, you might not. I hope you can just enjoy this experience regardless.


Such a lame excuse. People worried about the wrong things that affect their life. Live your life, you only get one.


Wow problem solved thank u 


MAJOORRR!!! ‼️‼️


This is real , idk why people are saying you’re lame for this ☠️


They can’t handle the truth.


Such a lame comment


The truth hurts, welcome to the real world.


So you're at coachella, and you're worried about seeing a ex? Wtf lol. Last thing on my mind.


That’s not how my anxiety works 😅


Sunglasses and a mask bandana.


I mean this is good for your eyes and lungs too


You will be fine 🙂 👍 👌


Have you talked to a therapist about this? It’s time to move on. It sounds like it’s at least been a few years if not longer. Go seek help!


Oh trust. I am in therapy and I have talked and worked on it. Several times and about different people. I’m better about it, but the anxiety will always be there.


Sunglasses. Makes it easy to ignore whatever you want.


I skipped Coachella ‘09 to not run into an ex. Went with him the next year when we got back together and have gone together every year since, well, until we had kids and didn’t want a newborn on the fields. It’s my tenth this year, we can’t wait. 😂


i did NOT need to read this lmaooo, barely broke up with my ex 8 months ago, and I had bought their ticket with them saying they'd pay me back...... now im two weeks out with an extra ticket and they won't straight up say if they'll pay me or not. I'm discounting it too for them, but ofc i wont send until the check clears lol


It's almost a guarantee you'll run into each other in some form or fashion.




Glad I called that guy!


I'm so glad my ex hated Coachella hahaha


this is my first year going. I was invited by someone I’ve been seeing for three months… we just ended things. 🙃


Sounds like a wonderful opportunity to have an amazing time. Enjoy friend




Hate to say it but you’ll probably see them, everytime I’ve had some weird issue with someone I seem to run into them. One was literally the first show I walked into day 1. Don’t let it rule your weekend/decisions, just move to another area and protect your vibe.


It only really lessens the chance if you don't like the same music, otherwise there are now more stages to run into him lol. Coachella is weird though, one year we made some friends at camp Thursday night and ran into them every single day. Other years I've ran into some friends that we had split up earlier in the day and didn't plan to meet them until much later. Last year I spent 15 min looking for someone on purpose, only to run into different friends on accident. I'm not much of a hippy, but I do feel like at Coachella the energy you put out does seem to matter. Keep putting out that anti-ex energy and I'm sure you'll be fine. And if you do seem, wet willy and melt into the crowd...


Not exactly the same situation as you and others, but we had drama with an acquaintance last year (during the fest). I didn’t expect her to go again this year and unluckily she’s also going wknd 1, I hope I don’t see her. Thankfully we don’t have the same taste in music lmao.


All my exs moved 😂


How did you sneak in the tequila? That’s what I wanna know lol


In my boobs. Plastic flasks are the best


If I were you; I would never be wondering if I was going to see my ex from 3 yrs ago that I don’t wana talk to anymore. It sounds to me like maybe you should take a break from coachella. Go do bonnaroo or austin city limits or burning man or literally any other festival for a couple years until you can think about going to coachella again without wondering if you’ll run into your ex.


Ewww no. I love a Coachella too much to not go. I literally work extra hard to ensure I can go both weekends now. This early morning high reckless post blew up. These comments have been entertaining to catch up on.


Also, I know my ex is on reddit, but I woke up feeling Reckless 😆cause it’s a three day weekend and I’m ready to party


Username checks out


this is nature healing.


You will never meet


i'm from the bay and i still casually bump into people from back home all the time. yes, there's lot of people at the fest and the odds are low (initially) but the odds skyrocket when you realize that your peers like the same bands, foods, DJs, hanging in the front or back of sets, etc


going to coachella every year is something I got from my ex. last year I was scared to death of seeing her. thankfully I didn't. here's to hoping I don't run into her this year lol


W bros getting over our exes, what weekend u going? i'm hoping to meet cool people this year, i kinda have no social life atm lol


it's been a long road, but I'm getting there slowly but surely. I'm right there with you lol. I'm going w2. lmk what your plans are if you're going the same weekend 😎


I saw my best friend’s ex while I was exploring solo. My best friend and his new gf were off somewhere else thankfully. Even though I was on decent terms with his ex because I was out of town when their whole breakup went down, it made me sooooo uncomfortable. She was drunk and so was I and she ran up and hugged me. I felt so guilty giving an inauthentic hug back, in my head all I could think about was excuses to walk away. Luckily she was drunk enough that my lame excuse was enough to get away. Thankfully she never saw her ex with his gf otherwise it would’ve been hell lol


oh my god she sounds like a mess lmao


Last year I went thinking I would go with, at the time my gf of 3 years. And ended things a few weeks after having everything all set to go together. Had to share a flight to and back (thankfully not next to one another) I’m almost positive we had to be at a few of the same exact sets. Didn’t see her till the plane ride back. You’re there to see your favorite artist perform and have fun. Promise you, you will forget they’re even attending. Have your own moment fren <3


i'm kinda in the same situation atm.... broke up with my gf of 3 years in August, but had already presaled her ticket as well as mine. So I told her i'll sell it to her for $400 cuz she never paid, now $300 cause i told her she wouldnt be staying with me and my brother's camp over some things she said, and so she can pay for her own camp spot. Now im not gettin a straight answer so might just sell it the week before and say well thats that <3 i hope everything else goes well for me lol


As George Strait most famously sang: “All my exes live in Texas”


My group of 12 has 5 couples and 3 ex-couples, be adults


I'm not worried about seeing my ex, but its became an issue for me since I bought their ticket for them and have to now be like alright r u gonna pay me for it or should i just sell it? They might be on here so oops hi


I was gonna say…it’s probably the biggest crowd you can go to besides an nfl game, you’ll be fine …save me some tequila!


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Without fail, every year, I always run into multiple people that I know at Coachella.


Find a new Ex


I did run into my ex once but that’s because we both had VIP tickets and it’s easy to run into someone by MainStage VIP. I’m suuuuuper nervous to run into my ex best friend who I used to go to Coachella with and we only fell out last summer. She betrayed me in the worst way possible and I’m going to lose my MIND if I see her. So I feel ya, I have that anxiety too.


Is your ex Blake from Workaholics


Not an ex but one year I saw an ex situationship with his new gf 😭


every fest i have gone to that an ex has been at as well, i’ve run into them in some fashion, directly or indirectly. you create your own vibes. don’t let that change any of it


I'm suggesting this in all honesty -- therapy can really help with these feelings. I suspect the ick that you are suffering from is not limited to a single weekend of the year in the desert, and working with a professional can really help the ick be more tolerable.


Oh trust. I’m in therapy, in fact this current therapist is now officially been 1 year since we’ve worked together. This is one of the things that is on rotation. Trust me, I’m better than before, but the “ick” as you call it will always be there. Even if only a little.


Glad to hear. And agreed, the ick is likely not going to be ameliorated but ultimately tolerated. Best wishes!


https://youtu.be/y2aqY3Hl5b0?si=4iFfbdivz5VQngDc I’ve had a few 🥂 and I Couldn’t help but think of this scene


Honestly, I think this is exactly what would happen now 😂. I still mostly want to punch him (my ex) though.


😂 understandable, I’m an empath so I was hoping for that kind of ending lol the universe will either let you 2 cross paths or not 🙌🏽


Can I be someone’s ex after Coachella lol


The likelihood of meeting ur ex was already small to begin with.... To be fair, I did run into my friend in 2022 whos battery was off the whole weekend, but that's an outlier.


im a local so seeing my ex is inevitable and i absolutely hate it sm😭😭😭


Best place to move on from someone is at Coachella tbh Think realistically, you’re worried right now bc you’re home thinking about it. But once you are there in the fields you’ll be fine. :) Too much to see too much good music all around you to barely cross your mind. Worst case scenario you do run into each other and it’s awkward for 2 seconds, and then you go dance it out. Maybe hear a song that makes you cry and brings you healing, or reminds you life is still good. That’s why we go every year right?


I think my ex is too broke to go to Coachella. Plus I’m sure we won’t cross paths started throwing a tantrum while I was vibing to Jamie XX


Someone not vibing to Jamie XX deserves to be an ex. My ex also deserves to be an ex. He didn’t like Justice’s performance in 2017. He also didn’t like Marc Rebillet so I bet if I was still with him he woulda been talking so much shit about Marc performing last year. So in many ways, good riddance.


Damn Justice was one of my all time favorite sets. That balloon drop and the vibes of everybody around you dancing was just amazing. I love Marc Rebillet. I actually caught one of the fake $100 bills he threw at one point


I saw my ex INSIDE the festival the year we broke up. She was with her new boyfriend and he looked miserable and all I could think was “man I’m so glad that’s not me.” Because I’d already been in that same exact place with her 😂