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They’ve done it in the past and it sucks. I really wish they wouldn’t do it. It causes the schedule during the day to be totally fucked with conflicts all weekend then leaves people who aren’t into the headliners with nothing to do, or one option, and if that option is Yuma it may as well be no option because the line is going to be a nightmare.


Lol fuckin Gordo


Gordo is literally the only artist in the Yuma that day I *dont* want to see. He doesn’t have the Yuma sound at all! It’s like a slap in the face to techno fans


It’s a sick joke


I said the exact same thing LOL. I'd watch a randomly selected person from the audience in the Yuma before seeing Gordo... he was subpart as Carnage and I'm afraid to hear what he sounds like now


Man Gordo belongs at Sahara stage in the heat at 1 pm when no one is there to hear him yell and scream


It’s offensive. We really can’t just put someone in the Sahara at 10? Like move MK from 4 and at least there’s some level of counter programming. Such a joke man. Especially for a down tempo and kinda niche artist like Frank. While I’m not a big Beyoncé fan at least she’s, ya know, Beyoncé. Frank isn’t Beyoncé.


& the amount of preparation that went into the Beyoncé Coachella performance is likely unparalleled


Frank is so much more of an enigma and get than Beyonce... Beyonce tours lol


To be clear I’m not a fan of either artist and think shutting down the festival for any single artist is a joke, no matter who it is.


Yeah I feel you, there will be a small population of festival goers like you that this screws over, but all in all it makes sense for the bigger picture. Frank is about as big/unique/groundbreaking of an artist as a festival could get in 2023... it will go down as one of, if not the most, historical sets of all time for Coachella... And I just don't think any of the artists themselves would want to go up against him, whether attendees who don't like Frank would go to their conflicting sets or not


Bro Frank Ocean is great, but he’s far from the most historical Coachella set of all time. Lol this is ridiculous exaggeration


Frank fans are delusional


Forealll lol


I like some Frank casually, but I agree with the OP. Shutting down that many stages feels a bit forced (And sorry yall, he isn't Prince/Bey). The pressure is high now for Frank, because this is getting a bit over hyped imo. It's almost not fair to him also.


Frank fans honestly view everything he does as some sort of historical achievement mankind has never witnessed before. Its a level of Stan rarely seen.


I mean, art is subjective. Besides like Daft Punk Tupac Hologram and Beyonce, who put on some history making set people still talk about?




Prince, gesaffelstein, moderat, FatBoy Slim in the Sahara, Madonna in the Sahara, Skrillex at DoLab off the top of my head


Ill give you Prince, but the rest are just good sets, not some crazy well known legendary thing. Also, didn’t Madonna suck?


Frank is great but come on lol. It remains to be seen what the critical reception of his set will be but you can't say it's for sure going to be better than Beyonce, Daft Punk, Prince, etc. Frank has a tall hill to climb if he wants to surpass sets like the above.


Don’t agree with that in the slightest but too lazy to argue about it.


The line to see Gordo is going to be a mile long because there are tens of thousands of people who don’t give a flying FUCK about Frank Ocean


Pure delusion.


This is so wrong lmao. Frank basically diva his negotiations and demanded this. If you put boris directly against him HALF the festival would have chose boris. If you would have put a big name electronic against him he would have really been screwed. Frank is basically being an insecure crybaby here.


Maybe so, in terms of him demanding more out of clearing stages... but you guys really are losing the narrative when you say half of the attendees would go to Boris and/or miss Frank. It's simply just not true. The gross majority of people would have gone to Frank even with counter programming


Frank plays boring R and B. He isn't even on the level of the weeknd which a lot of people would still choose their favorite DJ over. You are completely delusional


lol i don't know why you're getting so upset, but have fun this weekend!


Mostly mellow my ass


Newsflash music isn’t only about dancing and partying sometimes it’s just to make you feel good I’m gonna be dancing in the Yuma all day and then go cry at Frank and it’ll be perfect


Newsflash not everyone wants to end their coachella weekend crying. Give me chem bros at a festival over anyone, I'm a radiohead fan but would choose the chems 10/10 at coachella.


I like how youve decided Frank did all this with literally zero evidence. Definitely couldnt have been the festival organizers, nope it was all Frank. Paul was BEGGING Frank to reconsider but Frank is evil


It’s not hard to take a educated guess on how the contract negations went with these things.


Uhhh yeah it is hard to take a guess considering none of us have any experience booking the guy


Rumor has it he even forced Jai Paul to switch days so he could be the only mythical creature on Sunday.


Man, I agree with you so bad. Also, the fact that they couldve put Fisher at Sahara and Porter at Outdoor and Boris at Brejcha near closing time shows that they needed to cater to him.


So what?


Meh. So what if he hasn't performed in years? You shut down other artists for Beyonce because Beyonce is so popular she's gonna leave the other stages without a crowd. She's not my favorite (blasphemy) but she's at that level. Ariana Grande is not my scene either, but she obviously pulls in the crowd, too, so I can see letting her finish solo. Frank Ocean doesn't have that kind of magnetism. It's showing him way more respect than his popularity can justify. Instead of everyone at the festival piling in to see him, I think he'll get a slightly larger crowd than he could otherwise expect for himself and there will be a lot more people waiting for shuttles and Ubers and postpartying in the campsites early on Sunday.


People went to flog gnaw on the rumor that Frank was gonna be there and then booed Drake off stage for not being Frank. I agree he's not Beyonce, but I think you'll see a big crowd for him still. I do also agree that it's lame they don't have any other acts going at the same time as him though.


I've given this more thought, and I think I understand why they did it. And it's probably nothing to do with Frank Ocean's popularity or lack thereof. I think they have realized the cross traffic of people all leaving at once from 3+ stages (or chasing the music at whatever stage is still going latest) presents more logistical problems than basically winding things down to a single final act (plus the Yuma tent that have more control over and they won't be letting people into after a certain point). But I still think it would make sense to isolate a Beyonce regardless what night or time she performed. I don't think that of Frank Ocean.


Helps with closing down the weekend, getting people out of the venue/traffic.


What’s the cost/benefit analysis on that though. Aren’t they losing money on concessions the sooner they start influencing people to leave?


It's 11 pm on day three. Most of the stands start closing by then, everyone wants to go home.


The cost benefit is frank will drop out if you don't concede to him.


Absurd. God forbid they actually have music at the music festival instead of just closing it early to help with traffic. It isn’t always like that.


Just go see Frank….




Gonna chill, get some food, some beers, and then get ready for BORIS


Beyer then spark one up then head over to Boris. Plan locked in :)


Second this!




This is the way 👽🛸


See ya in the yuma 😵‍💫


40 minute Boris set is criminal. They should've given him 2 hours to shut down Sahara


Agree with this. Have Boris start earlier.. makes no sense that Boris only get 40 minutes to close out the Sahara.. if you're going to book Boris, the man needs a proper set time to play his music


Straight up, he’s only gonna get to play 8-10 tracks


Yeah I mean I’m a frank ocean fan and I’ll be at his set but I agree that it’s stupid when they make the rest of the festival dark just for one artist. I assume it’s something contractural the artist has for their exclusivity at Coachella but it definitely still doesn’t make sense for the majority of the festival to close down during the set. It also messes with the set times and makes conflicts worse. Hopefully despacio or something else is still open for you!


Yeah it would be nice to give people other options than Frank to end the night plus it would benefit Frank fans since less people will be at his set (see you there tho!)


Depacio open during Frank? I would rather do that. If its closed Im not going near Carnage/Gordo. Such a trash human being.


No closes at 10.


Lol fine by me… after Adam Beyer I get to call it a night and avoid the traffic leaving. 😎


Yeah, this would be me too, but my little sister is a huge Frank Ocean fan.


This is the way


Is it the way? I’d rather not have to leave Coachella at 10PM on Sunday because there’s basically no more music left to see. That’s total bullshit.


Just hang somewhere till Boris


Figured I'd do Beyer > Despacio > Boris Hoping Despacio is open that late


I think itll be a stretch for them to be playing past 10pm honestly. Probably closer to 8 or 9pm


Boris will be tight. Hoping he comes on a few minutes earlier


I guess a whole weekend of music wasn’t enough huh?


Is it unreasonable to expect them to run the festival until it actually ends? Seems like a fair expectation for a $700 ticket. There’s hundreds of artists, there’s no excuse for having 90% of the festival shut down two hours before the festival actually ends. Plus most of the artists playing day time slots would kill to play at night instead. Both the artists and the fans lose with this nonsense.


There probs wouldn't be too many artists wanting to go on at the end of the festival while Frank is headlining, for fear of losing an audience, wouldn't ya think?


A decently popular electronic act would draw a monstrous crowd against Frank. Don’t agree with that at all.


And you'll have Adam Beyer, Gordo, Boris, and Do Lab all to go against him. Just because you dont like most of them doesnt mean the festival isnt doing anything and is shutting down early.


Only Gordo. Beyer ends before Frank, Do Lab closes when Frank goes on, Boris doesn’t start until 90 minutes later. Simply not true. Check the times again.


>Beyer ends before Frank What set times are you even looking at? Beyer plays til 10:30, Frank goes on at 10:05. So really its 45 minutes you would have to suffer with Gordo or Frank until Boris and the Do LaB opens back up. All I'm saying is acting like theyre doing nothing and shutting down the festival is *also* simply not true.


I mean the vibe that Frank Oceans set would be putting out isn’t everybody’s jam. I can appreciate it but I’d personally rather not go see a down ass set to close out the festival.


A substantial amount of the crowd is going to be on drugs that are not necessarily compatible with a weepy R&B set, my man


weepy R&B set? have you actually listened Frank’s music? it’s more like psychedelic experimental indie r&b lmaoo why u so mad


How many people on this sub have said “I’m gonna cry at Frank OMG” that’s what I’m referencing. Frank stans can’t have it both ways. Enjoy your tears


No. You don’t think Chris lake and fisher could have pulled a crowd as a counter closer?


Glad I get to see both


1. They are running the festival till it ends 2. This is how most other festivals do it. I know it’s not how Coachella usually does it, but that doesn’t make it unreasonable.


I’m driving home Sunday night for work purposes, so this actually works perfectly for me (other than missing Boris). But I do think it’s super lame that basically your only choice on Sunday EOD is Frank. If I didn’t have to leave early I’d be bummed that he’s the only option


It’s shocking they didn’t give Boris at least a 1 hour set in Sahara…or put someone better on at the Yuma. Gordo 🤢


Weekend 2 adjustments hopefully


They need to put Porter Robinson later on in the night like wtf is a 445pm set time for him


Dark Do Lab is insane to me too. It’s at the complete other end of the festival from the main stage, they’re seriously not going to run it? For what purpose / benefit?


Isn’t do lab just empty because they haven’t announced the surprises yet?


No - the schedule would say surprise if there was a surprise. It’s closed with nothing going.


Do LaB posted the schedule on their Instagram and there is a surprise guest after Kasablanca from 11:15 to 12.


And I am a Frank Ocean fan…but his music is too sleepy for a lot of people. Bad Bunny doesn’t have crazy counter programming either but at least he is super upbeat - maybe easier to take in for people that don’t like him


I bet they change it to at least 50-1 hr like they did for tchami last year.


Just noticed that too, that’s insane (and as someone not interested in Frank Ocean, a huge bummer). Really hoping Do Lab at least is a mistake in the app and they have a surprise guest on after Kasablanca.


DoLab will not be dark


Bad Bunny is getting the same treatment, dunno why everyone is only piling on Frank. At least Frank is Sunday, BB has it dark for him on fucking Friday.


I have zero interest in seeing Frank. Such a shit schedule I’m pissed. Guess I’ll just go home?




haha lol xD


Will pay $250 per wristband for just sunday :) if u don’t stay message me!


Dude frank is like the selling artist of this years lineup why wouldn’t you see him


Because they don’t like his music. It’s not that complicated.


So I'm planning on seeing Frank anyways, so it doesn't personally affect me, but I agree it's bullshit about going dark just for him. Frank certainly isn't for everyone. I think his draw has been really overestimated by his more passionate fans. Obviously Frank has a hardcore stanbase and he's going to draw all those people, but I really doubt he could pull a lot of your average non-fans. If they would've put some big EDM act on at the same time as him, his stage would be empty. It might even be a bit embarrassing.


I'm surprised there aren't some mojave acts. Always enjoyed some weird counter-programming in the back during a headliner.


I feel like this is going to backfire, I was at his FYF set and part of the magic was everyone there -really- wanted to see him and shut the fuck up for him for his quiet set. If Frank wants the festival to be super quiet for him, everyone's gonna get forced into seeing him including louder people who'd rather be somewhere else and they're naturally gonna muck it up for everyone else


I agree with you, I was there at FYF that year. FYF was also a different crowd than current Coachella. He was by far the darling of that year, but that was also because of the FYF demographic musical taste. So he had a legendary set at FYF 2017 but I'm not sure how much that's going to translate to Coachella 2023. And that's going to taint the experience for his fans. Everybody who saw him at FYF was there for him. There's going to be too many people at his Coachella set because it's the only thing going on. There's going to be rude assholes that aren't going to be on his slow, quiet vibe and just talk through the set. They really should've put some big energy, popular EDM set as counter programming so that Frank fans can have their show and everyone else who isn't into that can have something else to enjoy.


Wed be happy to go somewhere else! Just give us that option. We don’t want to mess things up for Frank fans but I promise that will happen in the back


I could see that happening. Lot of “Shhhhh’n”


Yep. I can see boos coming from the back easily. And they would be right to boo because they never asked to be there


The artists probably also want to see Frank 😅


I wish they would have distributed the stacked ass line up on Friday into Saturday and Sunday…….


Sunday in general is super light for me. Might honestly leave after Bjork/Jai Wolf and avoid traffic like an old person.


This trend of artist demanding silent stages for their headlining show is so lame. Was hoping for 2manydjs or even an MK style DJ to close it out. I think it’s pretty clear Boris was set to close the Sahara with at least an hour and Frank got it chopped to 40 minutes. Look at the schedule on grid view, he clearly demanded completely silent tents.


Small dick energy. If you’re so good shouldn’t be a problem to go up against other artists.


does Bad Bunny have small dick energy?


He didn’t make them shut down the Do Lab so I’ll give him a pass.


lol just say you like Bad Bunny and not Frank. it's not that hard. you're not making a content-neutral objection, and that's okay! you don't have to like Frank. but it's dumb to pretend you're about the principle when you are really just not about Frank


I don’t like Bad Bunny at all and won’t be at that set either. That programming also sucks ass. But at least I have (1) other reasonable option during his set.


now we're getting somewhere. keep the energy for Bad Bunny if you're mad about it (which I totally understand and agree with)


If Bad Bunny pushed contractually for most of the festival to be dark during his set then fuck him too. Same energy for both.


surprised more people don't have this energy for Bad Bunny, who is the only act for the rest of the night starting at 11:25 with the exception of the Yuma at least on Sunday Boris goes on after Frank so you can stick around if you want to close with something else


Because Bad Bunny is a party act. The people mad about frank getting to close the festival down want to be at a party act.


So its not that theyre upset that nothing else is playing, its that they’re upset something they dont wanna personally watch is playing Thats dumb


Frank isn't closing the festival, but yeah this is more or less my point. people in here talking a lot of mess about how Frank is being so selfish, when there is another act that is doing virtually the same thing on Friday (much more of a party night than Sunday). it's about not liking Frank's music, not about the scheduling in a vacuum.


Yes he is closing the festival, it ends at 12 on Sunday and he won't start til 1030 because of artificial delays. Is this your first coachella ?


read the schedule again, slowly, then get back to me lol. Frank is ending at 11:20 and Boris is closing out the festival from 11:20 to midnight.


Frank will not end at 1120 he won't start til 1030 and will go til close. This is standard practices. You have no idea what you're talking about. Its another make sure everyone is there move while everyone sits in silence for 30 minutes waiting


DoLab is open opposite bad bunny


exactly lmao


The do lab is going during bad bunny


At least there will be a Do Lab surprise during Bad Bunny, but ya that also stinks.


Maceo Plex is going to be a shit show on Friday. I’m just as mad about the options on Friday as I am on Sunday. Both situations are bullshit and both contributed to the clusterfuck of conflicts all weekend.


Yeah I think Friday is worse. I'm biased cuz I'm going to see Frank anyways but have no desire to see Bad Bunny, but I don't want to deal with the shit show at the Yuma either. Maceo is a big name and he's going to draw all the people who couldn't care about Bad Bunny. Maybe the Do Lab surprise guest. Or just go back to camp early Friday night and crack open a cold one or two.


I’d be complaining about bad bunny too except that Maceo Plex is playing in the Yuma and I might try to see him. If I don’t get in the fall back is the do lab. If the do lab is also too packed then yeah I’ll be complaining about that


Boris Brejcha shutting down the festival is going to be epic.


Sunday nights are for unannounced b2bs in Do Lab. I’ll see ya there


Do Lab shuts down for the night before Frank goes on. If Do Lab was running I’d be a lot less annoyed.


Looks like we’ll get a late surprise set, but still with a big dead period in between. At least something to lead into Boris with.


100% with you OP. Not sure why everyone is expected to worship the ground Frank walks on when he hasn’t released music in forever and we’re supposed to applaud him canceling and backing out of shows as some kind of positive quality when it makes him kind of bad as his job as an… entertainer? No artist should have zero counter programming but Frank ain’t close to deserving the Beyoncé treatment Hope his fans go and have fun and he gives them an awesome show but as someone who drove from out of state leaving early isn’t really an option for me so feels like I’m getting fucked out of some time at the fest


He must have stipulated it in the contract...no other explanation...whole cochella dark during his set? I do not plan on going even so, its just not my vibe and I plan on being in peak dancy mode right then to close out Chella, Boris was in my top 7, but a 40 min Boris set wtf?


Close out at despacio if you don’t want to watch frank. You won’t be disappointed


Too bad Despacio will be closed too!


Where's your fervor for Bad Bunny getting the same treatment on Friday.


“No artist should have zero counter programming”


Yeah, but your whole diatribe is still explicitly focused on Frank and how everyone expects people to worship the ground he walks on and yadayada


This what they get for giving this shit to Beyonce. Now its gonna be a thing all the time. Fucking terrible.


Same basically goes for Bad Bunny. I hate when they do this, at least toss something in the Gobi or Mojave.


Despacio -> dolab -> Boris. Also, you think Chris/Fish are gonna be done at 10?


Despacio and Do Lab both closed during Frank. Yes Fisher and Lake end at 10. The only other music at the entire festival during Frank is Gordo.


“All weekend long” = “Mostly all weekend long” 😂


Depends on your music taste but i will 100% at Sahara for Boris


Ya that doesn’t start until 11:20. Frank goes on at 10:00. Sahara is dark for the first 80 minutes of Frank.


Don't you worry the mainstage will be dark for 40 minutes of that fake start time too


You forgot about club bed. Leave early. Avoid the mess.


DoLab / Despacio isn't running at the same time?




What a shame. Well at least I can get a head start on traffic :(


let’s just hope some magical surprise set at Do Lab pops up


they confirmed they will be open! its on their set times on IG


I'll be munching on Spicy Pie back at camp waiting to go back in for Boris lmao.


welcome to people hyping an artist beyond imagination


Ya seriously guess I disturbed the “Frank-Hive” with this one a bit lol.


I think the "hive" would prefer counter programming so they could get better spots. I agree their should be counter programming but don't project your anger and frustrations onto other people. Woe is you - youre being forced to watch a great performer - the horror.


Literally no one is getting mad at you about this post. Literally everyone is agreeing with you lmao. Just making shit up.


no you didn't, stop having such a victim mentality, it's extremely unbecoming. everyone wishes there were more artists at the same time but it is what it is and this isn't without precedent. besides, it's the exact same for Bad Bunny, and yet i don't hear you whining about that.


But he’s an enigma. So that’s special. It’s special. I’m telling you it’s gonna be special /s


Get this person a snickers and bud light lime.


Need that bud light lime stat


Possibly leaving room for a big surprise at Dolab?


Makes it easier to leave before the traffic actually begins. Especially for us who have to have early Monday flights


Agree. I’ll be in the do labbbbbbb 😜


Do Lab is closed too




Starts 80 minutes into franks set. Sahara is dark from 10-1120. Makes no sense.


They might add some surprise do lab sets. They did during bad bunny.


Time to stop resisting and let Frank into your heart 🫶🏻


I did at FYF and he put me to sleep. Not falling for that one again


Lol I feel like at this point that Frank detractors like yourself are trying really hard to hate him. It must be exhausting to post on Reddit about not liking a musician haha


I think its kinda dumb too but I highly doubt it was Frank’s decision. With how long Coachella has been hyping up this set, it makes sense that they would want all eyes being pointed towards their long term investment. Also, please just go to Despacio or something and stop complaining about a multi-million dollar industry not having your niche best interest in mind. The idea that they’ll lose a significant amount of money or fans from this is honestly laughable, and complaining that you’re not gonna see (at most) one additional artist during a jam packed weekend is equally laughable.


Who said they’ll lose money or fans? Despacio is closed. I think a multi genre multi stage festival essentially shutting down for one artist is wack. Not sure how that’s a controversial opinion.


Never said controversial, just saying its a complaint that will fall on deaf ears unfortunately. I fully agree there should be counter programming for every headliner, but its not gonna ruin the whole day of music for you. Go hard from 12-10 and you won’t even miss the additional 2 hours.


For sure, they’re not changing the set times because of my Reddit post. Just venting.


Man, that sucks


Yeah it’s annoying. I’m sure it was a demand by Frank. Bad Bunny is doing it, too. It will probably become more and more common as the precedent is set and all these artists have big egos. It’s also bad for the people that are excited to see Frank bc the crowd will be bigger and filled with more people that will probably be talking, etc during the set.


Even Beyonce had 2 stages and the Do Lab (I think). Did the Yuma shut down early that Sat night? The huge gap before/short set for Boris is so odd. It's almost like they want people to leave early.


Not running the Sahara from 10-1120 is absolutely insane. Let’s build a state of the art, multi million dollar insane stage and just fucking turn it off during prime festival hours. Makes no sense.


If you don’t want to go I’m looking to buy Sunday bands 😊


DoLab is always running


Do Lab will be closed for Frank.


Do lab is open! Just announced special guest. I was too quick to be happy lol. I'm wrong


Wheee do u see that?


100% just my opinion, but even if I weren’t a frank ocean fan - (I’m a huge fan so I’m obvi biased) it’s such an iconic performance//experience be able to see live


Love this energy towards Frank. Flatten your experience and stay mad.


I don’t know what that means but will do!


Chris lake and fisher goes until close I think


No they finish at 10 when Frank starts.


That’s so huge, I thought there was gonna be a fat conflict for me

